Southern Italian town had enough of invaders

Thank goodness odium's rampage is over.
EH! Wrong just some butt hurt fag whining. Nothing new really. Revenge will be sweet. Hell maybe Trump will shut this forum down THAT will be funny!
Southern Italy is where the Yugoslav communists deported all their Italian citizens in 1946. Are you surprised?
Southern Italy is where the Yugoslav communists deported all their Italian citizens in 1946. Are you surprised?
What's Yugoslav communists have to do with Nationalistic Italians getting rid of invaders from Africa?
Southern Italy is where the Yugoslav communists deported all their Italian citizens in 1946. Are you surprised?
What's Yugoslav communists have to do with Nationalistic Italians getting rid of invaders from Africa?
Communism wins always when it is national interest. For example look at syria's neighbor, south Cyprus. The south Italians don't want another national interest to deport them again, be it Yugoslavians or Syrians.

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