Southern Strategy is a conspiracy theory.


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2015
Assertion: The Southern Strategy is a massive conspiracy theory.

THe contention made is that for over 50 years, the republicans have been speaking in the open, using secrete\ "code" or "Dog whistles" that only the massive white racist population, which seems to be at least tens of millions of people, know is actually the political candidates letting the racist voters know that the candidates are racist too, and will... govern racistly in favor of white people.

Now, for 50 years, the republicans have never actually done that, or delivered on those secret promises, but the theory just ignores that.

It is nothing but a massive smear campaign against good people, people who are sick and tired of being called names, by race baiting a-holes.
Assertion: The Southern Strategy is a massive conspiracy theory.

THe contention made is that for over 50 years, the republicans have been speaking in the open, using secrete\ "code" or "Dog whistles" that only the massive white racist population, which seems to be at least tens of millions of people, know is actually the political candidates letting the racist voters know that the candidates are racist too, and will... govern racistly in favor of white people.

Now, for 50 years, the republicans have never actually done that, or delivered on those secret promises, but the theory just ignores that.

It is nothing but a massive smear campaign against good people, people who are sick and tired of being called names, by race baiting a-holes.
Did your nose grow when you posted that , pinnochio?
Assertion: The Southern Strategy is a massive conspiracy theory.

THe contention made is that for over 50 years, the republicans have been speaking in the open, using secrete\ "code" or "Dog whistles" that only the massive white racist population, which seems to be at least tens of millions of people, know is actually the political candidates letting the racist voters know that the candidates are racist too, and will... govern racistly in favor of white people.

Now, for 50 years, the republicans have never actually done that, or delivered on those secret promises, but the theory just ignores that.

It is nothing but a massive smear campaign against good people, people who are sick and tired of being called names, by race baiting a-holes.
Did your nose grow when you posted that , pinnochio?

The Theory is that the republicans have been pandering to the racist whites, since the dems flipped on segregation back in the 60s.

Your side always says that.

If challenged, you normally get very evasive, but it grilled you finally can be forced to admit that all you have to support your vile accusations,

if one interview, years after the fact with lee atwater, and the smoke and mirrors of "dog whistles".

It is utter bullshit. You've got nothing.
Assertion: The Southern Strategy is a massive conspiracy theory.

THe contention made is that for over 50 years, the republicans have been speaking in the open, using secrete\ "code" or "Dog whistles" that only the massive white racist population, which seems to be at least tens of millions of people, know is actually the political candidates letting the racist voters know that the candidates are racist too, and will... govern racistly in favor of white people.

Now, for 50 years, the republicans have never actually done that, or delivered on those secret promises, but the theory just ignores that.

It is nothing but a massive smear campaign against good people, people who are sick and tired of being called names, by race baiting a-holes.
In right wing fantasy, every Thing you believe is True.
Southern strategy - Wikipedia

In American politics, the Southern strategy was a Republican Party electoral strategy to increase political support among white voters in the South by appealing to racism against African Americans. As the civil rights movement and dismantling of Jim Crow laws in the 1950s and 1960s visibly deepened existing racial tensions in much of the Southern United States, Republican politicians such as presidential candidate Richard Nixon and Senator Barry Goldwater developed strategies that successfully contributed to the political realignment of many white, conservative voters in the South who had traditionally supported the Democratic Party rather than the Republican Party.


In American politics, the “southern strategy” refers to efforts by the Republican Party and its candidates to win presidential elections since 1964 by appealing to conservative whites (especially white southerners) disaffected with the Democratic Party by its strong embrace of civil rights laws in the 1960s and its racially egalitarian policies since.
Assertion: The Southern Strategy is a massive conspiracy theory.

THe contention made is that for over 50 years, the republicans have been speaking in the open, using secrete\ "code" or "Dog whistles" that only the massive white racist population, which seems to be at least tens of millions of people, know is actually the political candidates letting the racist voters know that the candidates are racist too, and will... govern racistly in favor of white people.

Now, for 50 years, the republicans have never actually done that, or delivered on those secret promises, but the theory just ignores that.

It is nothing but a massive smear campaign against good people, people who are sick and tired of being called names, by race baiting a-holes.
In right wing fantasy, every Thing you believe is True.

Said another lib that can't support provide any evidence.
Southern strategy - Wikipedia

In American politics, the Southern strategy was a Republican Party electoral strategy to increase political support among white voters in the South by appealing to racism against African Americans. As the civil rights movement and dismantling of Jim Crow laws in the 1950s and 1960s visibly deepened existing racial tensions in much of the Southern United States, Republican politicians such as presidential candidate Richard Nixon and Senator Barry Goldwater developed strategies that successfully contributed to the political realignment of many white, conservative voters in the South who had traditionally supported the Democratic Party rather than the Republican Party.


In American politics, the “southern strategy” refers to efforts by the Republican Party and its candidates to win presidential elections since 1964 by appealing to conservative whites (especially white southerners) disaffected with the Democratic Party by its strong embrace of civil rights laws in the 1960s and its racially egalitarian policies since.

Yes.. I covered that.

So, how did they "appeal to wacism"?

DId they fight against desegregation? DId they fight against equal rights for blacks?

All you did there, was re-assert the Theory, which we all know about and which I covered in the op.

This is where you post Lee's one interview, years after the fact and start talking about secret code words, that only wacist can understand.
Southern strategy - Wikipedia

In American politics, the Southern strategy was a Republican Party electoral strategy to increase political support among white voters in the South by appealing to racism against African Americans. As the civil rights movement and dismantling of Jim Crow laws in the 1950s and 1960s visibly deepened existing racial tensions in much of the Southern United States, Republican politicians such as presidential candidate Richard Nixon and Senator Barry Goldwater developed strategies that successfully contributed to the political realignment of many white, conservative voters in the South who had traditionally supported the Democratic Party rather than the Republican Party.


In American politics, the “southern strategy” refers to efforts by the Republican Party and its candidates to win presidential elections since 1964 by appealing to conservative whites (especially white southerners) disaffected with the Democratic Party by its strong embrace of civil rights laws in the 1960s and its racially egalitarian policies since.

Democrats did slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow, segregation, lynching, there was no need for another party to appeal to racism, you had it well covered. Still do today. Try being black and leaving the Democrat party. You'll learn how free you are. Or as Biden said, you ain't black
Assertion: The Southern Strategy is a massive conspiracy theory.

THe contention made is that for over 50 years, the republicans have been speaking in the open, using secrete\ "code" or "Dog whistles" that only the massive white racist population, which seems to be at least tens of millions of people, know is actually the political candidates letting the racist voters know that the candidates are racist too, and will... govern racistly in favor of white people.

Now, for 50 years, the republicans have never actually done that, or delivered on those secret promises, but the theory just ignores that.

It is nothing but a massive smear campaign against good people, people who are sick and tired of being called names, by race baiting a-holes.

It was always my understanding that the Republicans Southern Strategy was to appeal to southern social conservatives and religious people (i.e the 'Bible Belt'). The fact that these people were overwhelmingly anti-civil rights made it a defacto racist strategy. Racism was never stated but it was just assumed by everyone.

After all this is the homeland of the KKK.
Assertion: The Southern Strategy is a massive conspiracy theory.

THe contention made is that for over 50 years, the republicans have been speaking in the open, using secrete\ "code" or "Dog whistles" that only the massive white racist population, which seems to be at least tens of millions of people, know is actually the political candidates letting the racist voters know that the candidates are racist too, and will... govern racistly in favor of white people.

Now, for 50 years, the republicans have never actually done that, or delivered on those secret promises, but the theory just ignores that.

It is nothing but a massive smear campaign against good people, people who are sick and tired of being called names, by race baiting a-holes.

It was always my understanding that the Republicans Southern Strategy was to appeal to southern social conservatives and religious people (i.e the 'Bible Belt'). The fact that these people were overwhelmingly anti-civil rights made it a defacto racist strategy. Racism was never stated but it was just assumed by everyone.

After all this is the homeland of the KKK.

Yep, and the Democrat Party is the party of the KKK
Assertion: The Southern Strategy is a massive conspiracy theory.

THe contention made is that for over 50 years, the republicans have been speaking in the open, using secrete\ "code" or "Dog whistles" that only the massive white racist population, which seems to be at least tens of millions of people, know is actually the political candidates letting the racist voters know that the candidates are racist too, and will... govern racistly in favor of white people.

Now, for 50 years, the republicans have never actually done that, or delivered on those secret promises, but the theory just ignores that.

It is nothing but a massive smear campaign against good people, people who are sick and tired of being called names, by race baiting a-holes.

It was always my understanding that the Republicans Southern Strategy was to appeal to southern social conservatives and religious people (i.e the 'Bible Belt'). The fact that these people were overwhelmingly anti-civil rights made it a defacto racist strategy. Racism was never stated but it was just assumed by everyone.

After all this is the homeland of the KKK.

1.. That is not what the standard presentation of the Southern Strategy is. THe Southern Strategy states, as verified by Care4all, was that the gop " by appealing to racism ", not appealed to people on other issues, who happened to be racist.

2. even IF your assumptions were true, which is not supported, appealing to someone on religious grounds, for one example, is in no way, "racist".

3. the kkk was moot by this time. Their hey day was before most of the voters of even that time period in the late 60s, were born.
Why, yes it is! (Wink wink)

More deflection. As per the op, eventually you will get around to the Atwater interview and magic "code words".

It is bullshit supporting a massive lie. It is the nation's biggest Conspiracy Theory, so well pushed, that it has become the Conventional Wisdom, accepted as the Truth, even though there is no evidence to support it.
Why, yes it is! (Wink wink)

More deflection. As per the op, eventually you will get around to the Atwater interview and magic "code words".

It is bullshit supporting a massive lie. It is the nation's biggest Conspiracy Theory, so well pushed, that it has become the Conventional Wisdom, accepted as the Truth, even though there is no evidence to support it.

That's funny. It's not like the Southern Democrats gave up their power in 64, or that the Republicans in the South didn't have to work hard to act like the old Dixiecrats to win control. Massive conspiracy? Nope, just politics. Taking over the southern states sounds like a worthy political objective. All politics is local. Their candidates played to the local voters and gathered their base. They out organized the Democrats at the local levels. And it worked. They should be proud of what they accomplished in a generation.
Assertion: The Southern Strategy is a massive conspiracy theory.

THe contention made is that for over 50 years, the republicans have been speaking in the open, using secrete\ "code" or "Dog whistles" that only the massive white racist population, which seems to be at least tens of millions of people, know is actually the political candidates letting the racist voters know that the candidates are racist too, and will... govern racistly in favor of white people.

Now, for 50 years, the republicans have never actually done that, or delivered on those secret promises, but the theory just ignores that.

It is nothing but a massive smear campaign against good people, people who are sick and tired of being called names, by race baiting a-holes.
Did your nose grow when you posted that , pinnochio?

The Theory is that the republicans have been pandering to the racist whites, since the dems flipped on segregation back in the 60s.

Your side always says that.

If challenged, you normally get very evasive, but it grilled you finally can be forced to admit that all you have to support your vile accusations,

if one interview, years after the fact with lee atwater, and the smoke and mirrors of "dog whistles".

It is utter bullshit. You've got nothing.

A higher percentage of Republicans voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act than Democrats. Both a larger number of Democrats voted for it and against it because Democrats had a significant majority in Congress in the time. However, Republicans voted for it by a higher percentage.

80% of Republicans in the House and 82% in the Senate voted for it.
69% of Democrats in the House and 63% in the Senate voted for it.

1964 Congress:
Senate: 68 Democrats and 32 Republicans
House: 253 Democrats and 177 Republicans

Original Housed version:
  • Democratic Party: 152–96 (61–39%)
  • Republican Party: 138–34 (80–20%)
Cloture in the Senate:
  • Democratic Party: 44–23 (66–34%)
  • Republican Party: 27–6 (82–18%)
The Senate version:
  • Democratic Party: 46–21 (69–31%)
  • Republican Party: 27–6 (82–18%)
The Senate version, voted on by the House:
  • Democratic Party: 153–91 (63–37%)
  • Republican Party: 136–35 (80–20%)
Is that like the Northern Strategy where NYS offered welfare to Blacks to turn NYS from R to D?
Assertion: The Southern Strategy is a massive conspiracy theory.

THe contention made is that for over 50 years, the republicans have been speaking in the open, using secrete\ "code" or "Dog whistles" that only the massive white racist population, which seems to be at least tens of millions of people, know is actually the political candidates letting the racist voters know that the candidates are racist too, and will... govern racistly in favor of white people.

Now, for 50 years, the republicans have never actually done that, or delivered on those secret promises, but the theory just ignores that.

It is nothing but a massive smear campaign against good people, people who are sick and tired of being called names, by race baiting a-holes.
Did your nose grow when you posted that , pinnochio?

The Theory is that the republicans have been pandering to the racist whites, since the dems flipped on segregation back in the 60s.

Your side always says that.

If challenged, you normally get very evasive, but it grilled you finally can be forced to admit that all you have to support your vile accusations,

if one interview, years after the fact with lee atwater, and the smoke and mirrors of "dog whistles".

It is utter bullshit. You've got nothing.

A higher percentage of Republicans voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act than Democrats. Both a larger number of Democrats voted for it and against it because Democrats had a significant majority in Congress in the time. However, Republicans voted for it by a higher percentage.

80% of Republicans in the House and 82% in the Senate voted for it.
69% of Democrats in the House and 63% in the Senate voted for it.

1964 Congress:
Senate: 68 Democrats and 32 Republicans
House: 253 Democrats and 177 Republicans

Original Housed version:
  • Democratic Party: 152–96 (61–39%)
  • Republican Party: 138–34 (80–20%)
Cloture in the Senate:
  • Democratic Party: 44–23 (66–34%)
  • Republican Party: 27–6 (82–18%)
The Senate version:
  • Democratic Party: 46–21 (69–31%)
  • Republican Party: 27–6 (82–18%)
The Senate version, voted on by the House:
  • Democratic Party: 153–91 (63–37%)
  • Republican Party: 136–35 (80–20%)

A telling break down is between the Southern delegation and the Northern one.

The House of Representatives:[26]
  • Northern: 281–32 (90–10%)
  • Southern: 8–94 (8–92%)
The Senate:[26]
  • Northern: 72–6 (92–8%)
  • Southern: 1–21 (5–95%) (Ralph Yarborough of Texas was the only southerner to vote in favor in the Senate)
By party and region[edit]
The House of Representatives:[26]
  • Southern Democrats: 8–87 (7–93%) (four Representatives from Texas, two from Tennessee, Claude Pepper of Florida and Charles L. Weltner of Georgia voted in favor)
  • Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0–100%)
  • Northern Democrats: 145–9 (94–6%)
  • Northern Republicans: 138–24 (85–15%)
The Senate:[26]
Given the much bally-whoood "new enhancements", shouldn't the moderators move this bullsh!t thread to the "Conspiracy Theory" board?
Last edited:
Assertion: The Southern Strategy is a massive conspiracy theory.

THe contention made is that for over 50 years, the republicans have been speaking in the open, using secrete\ "code" or "Dog whistles" that only the massive white racist population, which seems to be at least tens of millions of people, know is actually the political candidates letting the racist voters know that the candidates are racist too, and will... govern racistly in favor of white people.

Now, for 50 years, the republicans have never actually done that, or delivered on those secret promises, but the theory just ignores that.

It is nothing but a massive smear campaign against good people, people who are sick and tired of being called names, by race baiting a-holes.
Did your nose grow when you posted that , pinnochio?

Clear, concise, funny and oh so true ^^^
The right vs. left bickering is amusing to me. You guys have been thoroughly played. I used to be there though too.

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