Southern Strategy

So if SS was a Republican sellout, why are Liberals like you defending it?
What typical comment by a reactionary above. The liberals are not "defending" the SS, they are explaining why so many southern whites left the Repubs for the Dems in 1968 and after. jtpr312, longestar, bucky, etc., are all the descendants of those who move because of racism.

Jakey they DID NOT've been owned on's a fable.......

WHO left to become a republican? STrom Thurmond did in 1964....and ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????

I mean jake is making an arugement that because the south went republican in the 90s, a ull generation AFTER the supposed southern strategy (and LOTS of nothern immigration) that somehow it was a racist idea that got them to switch...but those yellow dog democrats didnt switch......hence why Obama lost almost have the DEMOCRAT vote in Arkansas.....ALMOST HALF
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Harry Byrd. A mass exodus it was. Two in two decades. Byrd was in the 70's I think, so it might be a slight exaggeration to say that it was a mass exodus.

By the way, did either of you read Johnsons take on the Great Society? Simply amazing.
Damn thought my other ones posted first

So when did blacks switch and why????? I say it was during the Great Depression.....not the late 60s....and it was because of government programs, NOT civil rights......

well all be damned : Blacks and the Democratic Party

The election of Roosevelt in 1932 marked the beginning of a change. He got 71 percent of the black vote for president in 1936 and did nearly that well in the next two elections, according to historical figures kept by the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies. But even then, the number of blacks identifying themselves as Republicans was about the same as the number who thought of themselves as Democrats

Even after that, Republican nominees continued to get a large slice of the black vote for several elections. Dwight D. Eisenhower got 39 percent in 1956, and Richard Nixon got 32 percent in his narrow loss to John F. Kennedy in 1960

They love that government was government money and not civil rights...well shit, this isnt taught in was all the southern strategey.......oooops it wasnt

From the Civil War to the Great Depression, blacks voted Republican because it was the party of Lincoln. When the Depression hit, blacks like whites blamed the Republicans and voted Democrat. Both blacks and whites voted Democrat by a wide margin. Democrats were able to convince voters that the Republicans caused the Depression and Democrats had the programs to put America back to work.

The Black vote in first half of the 20th century was insignificant in national elections. In the Southern states, turnout was typically less than 1%. Only about 3% were registered to vote. Turnout was higher in northern states but was very low compared to today. Most black voters were businessmen and community leaders.

In American politics, the Southern strategy refers to the Republican Party strategy of gaining political support or winning elections in the Southern section of the country by appealing to racism against African Americans. It was about getting white votes in the South not black votes.

Southern strategy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Political scientists Richard Johnston (University of Pennsylvania) and Byron Shafer (University of Wisconsin) have argued that this phenomenon had more to do with the economics than it had to do with race. In The End of Southern Exceptionalism, Johnston and Shafer wrote that the Republicans' gains in the South corresponded to the growth of the upper middle class in that region. They suggested that such individuals believed their economic interests were better served by the Republicans than the Democrats. According to Johnston and Shafer, working-class white voters in the South continued to vote for Democrats for national office until the 1990s. In summary, Shafer told The New York Times, "[whites] voted by their economic preferences, not racial preferences".[11]

which explains alot better the pattern of voting...than a racist policy....because the republicans didnt win any state or local elections....or very very few of them...AND they didnt win many electoral votes..until the late 80s.....when the economies of the states had improved...and attracted northern republicans down south....
E. H. Crump - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

more interesting stuff

Starting in the 1910s, Crump began to build a political machine which came to have statewide influence. He was particularly adept in his use of what were at the time two politically weak minority groups in Tennessee: blacks and Republicans. Unlike most Southern Democrats of his era, Crump was not opposed to blacks voting as Memphis blacks were reliable Crump machine voters for the most part. One of Crump's lieutenants in the black community was funeral director N. J. Ford, whose family (in the persons of sons Harold Sr. and John Ford, daughter Ophelia and grandson Harold, Jr.) is still influential in Memphis politics today
Damn thought my other ones posted first

So when did blacks switch and why????? I say it was during the Great Depression.....not the late 60s....and it was because of government programs, NOT civil rights......

well all be damned : Blacks and the Democratic Party

The election of Roosevelt in 1932 marked the beginning of a change. He got 71 percent of the black vote for president in 1936 and did nearly that well in the next two elections, according to historical figures kept by the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies. But even then, the number of blacks identifying themselves as Republicans was about the same as the number who thought of themselves as Democrats

Even after that, Republican nominees continued to get a large slice of the black vote for several elections. Dwight D. Eisenhower got 39 percent in 1956, and Richard Nixon got 32 percent in his narrow loss to John F. Kennedy in 1960

They love that government was government money and not civil rights...well shit, this isnt taught in was all the southern strategey.......oooops it wasnt

From the Civil War to the Great Depression, blacks voted Republican because it was the party of Lincoln. When the Depression hit, blacks like whites blamed the Republicans and voted Democrat. Both blacks and whites voted Democrat by a wide margin. Democrats were able to convince voters that the Republicans caused the Depression and Democrats had the programs to put America back to work.

The Black vote in first half of the 20th century was insignificant in national elections. In the Southern states, turnout was typically less than 1%. Only about 3% were registered to vote. Turnout was higher in northern states but was very low compared to today. Most black voters were businessmen and community leaders.

In American politics, the Southern strategy refers to the Republican Party strategy of gaining political support or winning elections in the Southern section of the country by appealing to racism against African Americans. It was about getting white votes in the South not black votes.

Southern strategy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


answering his posts with a throw away wiki statement doesn't quite do it. does it?

and in the end as we have discussed before and as you nave refused to answer- what exactly did those votes gained by the gop, ala the rednecks ( I am using your outlook) get them? Aside from the electoral map which does not favor your southern strategy BS anyway....

evidence please?

every pres. does what he has to to court, shame or cajole votes, Truman is one of my top 3 favorite presidents BUT- the election campaign he ran in 48 was one of the most egregiously dishonest ( next to obamas last one) ever recorded ( does "do nothing congress" ring a bell?:rolleyes). .

and aside from that lets take on one very small of the larger pie of snippets ala democrats garnering votes by use of racist ideology- like oh, Jimmy Carter who won 127 of the 147 electoral votes up for grabs in the south?

AND Carter didn't win ONE state, not one west of Texas.....

You know who Carter associated with sptted and ENDORSED for the Georgia Gov.'s election of 66?

Lester Maddox; vocal and virulent life long segregationist , a guy who would not serve blacks in his own restaurant...... Maddox ran against BO Calloway, a guy who served in congress and had voted FOR the civil rights act in 65.....nice huh?

Should I go on?
Damn thought my other ones posted first

So when did blacks switch and why????? I say it was during the Great Depression.....not the late 60s....and it was because of government programs, NOT civil rights......

well all be damned : Blacks and the Democratic Party

The election of Roosevelt in 1932 marked the beginning of a change. He got 71 percent of the black vote for president in 1936 and did nearly that well in the next two elections, according to historical figures kept by the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies. But even then, the number of blacks identifying themselves as Republicans was about the same as the number who thought of themselves as Democrats

Even after that, Republican nominees continued to get a large slice of the black vote for several elections. Dwight D. Eisenhower got 39 percent in 1956, and Richard Nixon got 32 percent in his narrow loss to John F. Kennedy in 1960

They love that government was government money and not civil rights...well shit, this isnt taught in was all the southern strategey.......oooops it wasnt

From the Civil War to the Great Depression, blacks voted Republican because it was the party of Lincoln. When the Depression hit, blacks like whites blamed the Republicans and voted Democrat. Both blacks and whites voted Democrat by a wide margin. Democrats were able to convince voters that the Republicans caused the Depression and Democrats had the programs to put America back to work.

The Black vote in first half of the 20th century was insignificant in national elections. In the Southern states, turnout was typically less than 1%. Only about 3% were registered to vote. Turnout was higher in northern states but was very low compared to today. Most black voters were businessmen and community leaders.

In American politics, the Southern strategy refers to the Republican Party strategy of gaining political support or winning elections in the Southern section of the country by appealing to racism against African Americans. It was about getting white votes in the South not black votes.

Southern strategy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


answering his posts with a throw away wiki statement doesn't quite do it. does it?

and in the end as we have discussed before and as you nave refused to answer- what exactly did those votes gained by the gop, ala the rednecks ( I am using your outlook) get them? Aside from the electoral map which does not favor your southern strategy BS anyway....

evidence please?

every pres. does what he has to to court, shame or cajole votes, Truman is one of my top 3 favorite presidents BUT- the election campaign he ran in 48 was one of the most egregiously dishonest ( next to obamas last one) ever recorded ( does "do nothing congress" ring a bell?:rolleyes). .

and aside from that lets take on one very small of the larger pie of snippets ala democrats garnering votes by use of racist ideology- like oh, Jimmy Carter who won 127 of the 147 electoral votes up for grabs in the south?

AND Carter didn't win ONE state, not one west of Texas.....

You know who Carter associated with sptted and ENDORSED for the Georgia Gov.'s election of 66?

Lester Maddox; vocal and virulent life long segregationist , a guy who would not serve blacks in his own restaurant...... Maddox ran against BO Calloway, a guy who served in congress and had voted FOR the civil rights act in 65.....nice huh?

Should I go on?

Damn, I didnt know old Jimmy Carter was budy budy with Lester Maddox....that's hilarious....I bet none of these libtards were taught that in textbooks.....hahaha
When fundamentalist Christians and people who believe in strict adherence to the Constitution are branded as extremists, there's something very, very wrong with this country.
When fundamentalist Christians and people who believe in strict adherence to the Constitution are branded as extremists, there's something very, very wrong with this country.

yep, liberals just make up strategies and of course they're drones dont ever question it.......they just assume it's true.....
So if SS was a Republican sellout, why are Liberals like you defending it?
What typical comment by a reactionary above. The liberals are not "defending" the SS, they are explaining why so many southern whites left the Repubs for the Dems in 1968 and after. jtpr312, longestar, bucky, etc., are all the descendants of those who move because of racism.

Jakey they DID NOT've been owned on's a fable.......

Lee Atwater called your bluff long time ago.
So when did blacks switch and why????? I say it was during the Great Depression.....not the late 60s....and it was because of government programs, NOT civil rights......

Atwater pointed out that if it were an economic issue, southern whites voted equally between Repub and Dem.

But when a race issues was involved, southern whites voted 2 to 1 for Repub over Dem.

The Southern Strategy is about Republicans luring, successfully, white Democrats into their party from 1968 on.
Damn thought my other ones posted first

So when did blacks switch and why????? I say it was during the Great Depression.....not the late 60s....and it was because of government programs, NOT civil rights......

well all be damned : Blacks and the Democratic Party

The election of Roosevelt in 1932 marked the beginning of a change. He got 71 percent of the black vote for president in 1936 and did nearly that well in the next two elections, according to historical figures kept by the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies. But even then, the number of blacks identifying themselves as Republicans was about the same as the number who thought of themselves as Democrats

Even after that, Republican nominees continued to get a large slice of the black vote for several elections. Dwight D. Eisenhower got 39 percent in 1956, and Richard Nixon got 32 percent in his narrow loss to John F. Kennedy in 1960

They love that government was government money and not civil rights...well shit, this isnt taught in was all the southern strategey.......oooops it wasnt

From the Civil War to the Great Depression, blacks voted Republican because it was the party of Lincoln. When the Depression hit, blacks like whites blamed the Republicans and voted Democrat. Both blacks and whites voted Democrat by a wide margin. Democrats were able to convince voters that the Republicans caused the Depression and Democrats had the programs to put America back to work.

The Black vote in first half of the 20th century was insignificant in national elections. In the Southern states, turnout was typically less than 1%. Only about 3% were registered to vote. Turnout was higher in northern states but was very low compared to today. Most black voters were businessmen and community leaders.

In American politics, the Southern strategy refers to the Republican Party strategy of gaining political support or winning elections in the Southern section of the country by appealing to racism against African Americans. It was about getting white votes in the South not black votes.

Southern strategy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ooh, it is on Wiki, it must be true.
Flopper's evidence is far more accurate than the reactionay postings are on this thread.
Damn thought my other ones posted first

So when did blacks switch and why????? I say it was during the Great Depression.....not the late 60s....and it was because of government programs, NOT civil rights......

well all be damned : Blacks and the Democratic Party

The election of Roosevelt in 1932 marked the beginning of a change. He got 71 percent of the black vote for president in 1936 and did nearly that well in the next two elections, according to historical figures kept by the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies. But even then, the number of blacks identifying themselves as Republicans was about the same as the number who thought of themselves as Democrats

Even after that, Republican nominees continued to get a large slice of the black vote for several elections. Dwight D. Eisenhower got 39 percent in 1956, and Richard Nixon got 32 percent in his narrow loss to John F. Kennedy in 1960

They love that government was government money and not civil rights...well shit, this isnt taught in was all the southern strategey.......oooops it wasnt

From the Civil War to the Great Depression, blacks voted Republican because it was the party of Lincoln. When the Depression hit, blacks like whites blamed the Republicans and voted Democrat. Both blacks and whites voted Democrat by a wide margin. Democrats were able to convince voters that the Republicans caused the Depression and Democrats had the programs to put America back to work.

The Black vote in first half of the 20th century was insignificant in national elections. In the Southern states, turnout was typically less than 1%. Only about 3% were registered to vote. Turnout was higher in northern states but was very low compared to today. Most black voters were businessmen and community leaders.

In American politics, the Southern strategy refers to the Republican Party strategy of gaining political support or winning elections in the Southern section of the country by appealing to racism against African Americans. It was about getting white votes in the South not black votes.

Southern strategy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What racism did they approve of??? Again tax cuts are not racist........Liberals......yep...

In the 1968 election, Richard Nixon saw the cracks in the Solid South as an opportunity to tap into a group of voters who had historically been beyond the reach of the Republican Party.

From 1948 to 1984 the Southern states, traditionally a stronghold for the Democrats

Progressives accused Nixon of pandering to Southern whites, especially with regard to his "states' rights" and "law and order" there it be.......PROGRESSIVES accused Nixon of pandering? hmmmmmmm

so it took 16 years, almost a generation to get republican votes in presidential elections, and 1984 doesnt really count since EVERYONE voted for Reagan.....
sorry man, dosent add up....liberals say because we didnt support liberal policies like affirmative action and quotas, we're racist....well aint that a bitch....quotas ARE a racist policy
I did not say there was approval of the Southern Strategy. I simply gave a definition of it. What happened during the Roosevelt administration had nothing to do with the Southern Strategy. It was adopted by Nixon and Goldwater in the 1960’s and was successful in many regards. It contributed to the electoral realignment of Southern states to the Republican Party, but at the expense of losing more than 90 percent of black voters to the Democratic Party.

In my opinion, the GOP simply took advance of the split in the Democratic Party over segregation. It really got started with Harry Truman’s desegregation of the military and the drive to end discrimination in federal employment. Southern Democrats rebelled by forming the short-lived Dixiecrat Party in 1948. Then in 1954, the liberal Warrant Court struck down segregation in public schools. The Kennedy and Johnson administrations provided the final nails in the coffin of the solid Democratic South with their backing of black voter registration in the South and the Civil Rights bill.

With or without the Southern Strategy, southern Democrats would have deserted the party over segregation. Johnson said it best in a comment to his aid, Bill Moyers on passage of the Civil Rights bill, "I think we just delivered the South to the Republican Party for a long time to come.". You need only look at the voting records in the deep south in national elections to see he was correct. The shift began in the early 60's. Southern states that had never voted for a Republican, were voting not only for Republican presidential candidates but sending Republicans to congress.

The idea that southern Democrats in the 60's deserted the party over taxes or federal government programs is absurd. Oh, they hated the federal government alright but it was not because of taxes or government programs; it was because the federal government was cramming integration down their throat and in their minds destroying their way of life.

List of United States presidential election results by state - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Racial segregation in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Solid South - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Damn thought my other ones posted first

So when did blacks switch and why????? I say it was during the Great Depression.....not the late 60s....and it was because of government programs, NOT civil rights......

well all be damned : Blacks and the Democratic Party

The election of Roosevelt in 1932 marked the beginning of a change. He got 71 percent of the black vote for president in 1936 and did nearly that well in the next two elections, according to historical figures kept by the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies. But even then, the number of blacks identifying themselves as Republicans was about the same as the number who thought of themselves as Democrats

Even after that, Republican nominees continued to get a large slice of the black vote for several elections. Dwight D. Eisenhower got 39 percent in 1956, and Richard Nixon got 32 percent in his narrow loss to John F. Kennedy in 1960

They love that government was government money and not civil rights...well shit, this isnt taught in was all the southern strategey.......oooops it wasnt

From the Civil War to the Great Depression, blacks voted Republican because it was the party of Lincoln. When the Depression hit, blacks like whites blamed the Republicans and voted Democrat. Both blacks and whites voted Democrat by a wide margin. Democrats were able to convince voters that the Republicans caused the Depression and Democrats had the programs to put America back to work.

The Black vote in first half of the 20th century was insignificant in national elections. In the Southern states, turnout was typically less than 1%. Only about 3% were registered to vote. Turnout was higher in northern states but was very low compared to today. Most black voters were businessmen and community leaders.

In American politics, the Southern strategy refers to the Republican Party strategy of gaining political support or winning elections in the Southern section of the country by appealing to racism against African Americans. It was about getting white votes in the South not black votes.

Southern strategy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ooh, it is on Wiki, it must be true.

blacks vote at 70% clip for Roosevelt in 1936....guess who else voted for Roosevelt......RACIST dam!!!!!!!!!!!
I guess that government money is worth more than civil rights, right?
Flopper's evidence is far more accurate than the reactionay postings are on this thread.

what evidence? Jake uses one Atwater interview....that's all he has.....
and of course he would side with the commies.....what's new????

Go pretend to be a republican on another board...if you cant be honest about your party affiliation, then you certainly wont be honest about this debate....and you have nothing!!!!!!!!
bucky has trouble that on the other thread I gave plenty of evidence.

bucky's problem is that flopper kicked bucky's ass.

Once the Repubs realized the white southerners were pissed with the Dem coalition that was giving blacks power in the South, they began the Southern Strategy.

bucky lost this thread and was fail on the other.

Can't be any other way, because the SS was a very successful Repub strategy.

People like Bucky are no longer wanted in the Republican politics: take your racism away, Bucky, no real Republican wants you.

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