Southern Strategy

bucky has trouble that on the other thread I gave plenty of evidence.

bucky's problem is that flopper kicked bucky's ass.

Once the Repubs realized the white southerners were pissed with the Dem coalition that was giving blacks power in the South, they began the Southern Strategy.

bucky lost this thread and was fail on the other.

Can't be any other way, because the SS was a very successful Repub strategy.

People like Bucky are no longer wanted in the Republican politics: take your racism away, Bucky, no real Republican wants you.

you gave me an Atwater interview...and you still haven't given me your synopsis of it.....still waiting.......

Go play a republican on another forum...

We don't want homophobic, sexist, racist reactionaries in the GOP.
Damn thought my other ones posted first

So when did blacks switch and why????? I say it was during the Great Depression.....not the late 60s....and it was because of government programs, NOT civil rights......

well all be damned : Blacks and the Democratic Party

The election of Roosevelt in 1932 marked the beginning of a change. He got 71 percent of the black vote for president in 1936 and did nearly that well in the next two elections, according to historical figures kept by the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies. But even then, the number of blacks identifying themselves as Republicans was about the same as the number who thought of themselves as Democrats

Even after that, Republican nominees continued to get a large slice of the black vote for several elections. Dwight D. Eisenhower got 39 percent in 1956, and Richard Nixon got 32 percent in his narrow loss to John F. Kennedy in 1960

They love that government was government money and not civil rights...well shit, this isnt taught in was all the southern strategey.......oooops it wasnt

From the Civil War to the Great Depression, blacks voted Republican because it was the party of Lincoln. When the Depression hit, blacks like whites blamed the Republicans and voted Democrat. Both blacks and whites voted Democrat by a wide margin. Democrats were able to convince voters that the Republicans caused the Depression and Democrats had the programs to put America back to work.

The Black vote in first half of the 20th century was insignificant in national elections. In the Southern states, turnout was typically less than 1%. Only about 3% were registered to vote. Turnout was higher in northern states but was very low compared to today. Most black voters were businessmen and community leaders.

In American politics, the Southern strategy refers to the Republican Party strategy of gaining political support or winning elections in the Southern section of the country by appealing to racism against African Americans. It was about getting white votes in the South not black votes.

Southern strategy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Political scientists Richard Johnston (University of Pennsylvania) and Byron Shafer (University of Wisconsin) have argued that this phenomenon had more to do with the economics than it had to do with race. In The End of Southern Exceptionalism, Johnston and Shafer wrote that the Republicans' gains in the South corresponded to the growth of the upper middle class in that region. They suggested that such individuals believed their economic interests were better served by the Republicans than the Democrats. According to Johnston and Shafer, working-class white voters in the South continued to vote for Democrats for national office until the 1990s. In summary, Shafer told The New York Times, "[whites] voted by their economic preferences, not racial preferences".[11]

which explains alot better the pattern of voting...than a racist policy....because the republicans didnt win any state or local elections....or very very few of them...AND they didnt win many electoral votes..until the late 80s.....when the economies of the states had improved...and attracted northern republicans down south....

After reconstruction, Republicans in the South didn't win elections to local and state offices until integration started. In most places winning a Democratic primary was equivalent to being elected until the mid 20th century.

In the 1960's Republicans started making progress in winning elections in the South. However, Republicans were not near as successful at winning state and local elections as they were national elections in the South because Southerns didn't hold southern democrats responsible for integration. Characters like Governor Wallace, Governor Barnett, and many other southern Democrats became local heroes for standing up against the federal government.

You say Republicans didn't win many electoral votes in the South until the 1980's??? I beg to differ. Republican presidential candidates carried the deep south in most of the presidential election beginning in the mid 60's with the exception of southern democrats, Cartier and Clinton.

Reagan's declaration of war on big government, found eager support among southern segregationist who already hated the federal government. Federal programs were helping register blacks to vote in the South, providing more social services for blacks, blocking attempts to segregate, and providing more job opportunities for blacks. In effect, the federal government was destroying the Old South.
From the Civil War to the Great Depression, blacks voted Republican because it was the party of Lincoln. When the Depression hit, blacks like whites blamed the Republicans and voted Democrat. Both blacks and whites voted Democrat by a wide margin. Democrats were able to convince voters that the Republicans caused the Depression and Democrats had the programs to put America back to work.

The Black vote in first half of the 20th century was insignificant in national elections. In the Southern states, turnout was typically less than 1%. Only about 3% were registered to vote. Turnout was higher in northern states but was very low compared to today. Most black voters were businessmen and community leaders.

In American politics, the Southern strategy refers to the Republican Party strategy of gaining political support or winning elections in the Southern section of the country by appealing to racism against African Americans. It was about getting white votes in the South not black votes.

Southern strategy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Political scientists Richard Johnston (University of Pennsylvania) and Byron Shafer (University of Wisconsin) have argued that this phenomenon had more to do with the economics than it had to do with race. In The End of Southern Exceptionalism, Johnston and Shafer wrote that the Republicans' gains in the South corresponded to the growth of the upper middle class in that region. They suggested that such individuals believed their economic interests were better served by the Republicans than the Democrats. According to Johnston and Shafer, working-class white voters in the South continued to vote for Democrats for national office until the 1990s. In summary, Shafer told The New York Times, "[whites] voted by their economic preferences, not racial preferences".[11]

which explains alot better the pattern of voting...than a racist policy....because the republicans didnt win any state or local elections....or very very few of them...AND they didnt win many electoral votes..until the late 80s.....when the economies of the states had improved...and attracted northern republicans down south....

After reconstruction, Republicans in the South didn't win elections to local and state offices until integration started. In most places winning a Democratic primary was equivalent to being elected until the mid 20th century.

In the 1960's Republicans started making progress in winning elections in the South. However, Republicans were not near as successful at winning state and local elections as they were national elections in the South because Southerns didn't hold southern democrats responsible for integration. Characters like Governor Wallace, Governor Barnett, and many other southern Democrats became local heroes for standing up against the federal government.

You say Republicans didn't win many electoral votes in the South until the 1980's??? I beg to differ. Republican presidential candidates carried the deep south in most of the presidential election beginning in the mid 60's with the exception of southern democrats, Cartier and Clinton.

Reagan's declaration of war on big government, found eager support among southern segregationist who already hated the federal government. Federal programs were helping register blacks to vote in the South, providing more social services for blacks, blocking attempts to segregate, and providing more job opportunities for blacks. In effect, the federal government was destroying the Old South.

Read the first post......
Nixon didn't cary them in 68.....LIFELONG DEMOCRAT Wallce did..
In 72 Nixon won everything......except MA
in 76 Carter Won them
In 80 Carter won them
in 84 Reagan won every state (except MN)
in 88 Dukakis got crushed, mainly because he wouldn't defend his wife.....

[ame=""]Dukakis-Bush debate: death penalty - YouTube[/ame]

That destroyed him....and it was asked by a black man.....DAMMMM ironies everywhere!

in 92 Clinton carried them
in 96 Clinton carried them
In 00 Bush
in 04 Bush
in 08 McCain/Obama

So where was the benefit again?

And all these republicans kept voting for DEMOCRAT state and local politicians....WHY???? Were the democrats like Al Gore racist at the local level, but suddenly became black champions on the national scene????? This is the bs you would HAVE to's insane

Oh and how many 64 civil rights no democrats became republicans......1 out of .........wait for it......wait for it......21..........1 of's a HUGE percentage

you have some republicans that grew up TAUGHT this.....and therefore they apologize......just cuz.......but I never see any details from them...just a general.....I'm sorry if this happened kinda thing
Last edited:
“Southern Strategy” refers to the GOP’s efforts during the 70s to incorporate social conservatives, Christian fundamentalists, and others on the radical right into the Party to take over the solid democratic – but socially conservative – South:

Uncovered at Last: Lee Atwater's Infamous 'Southern Strategy' Colloquy | Crooks and Liars

Unfortunately this resulted in the marginalization of republicans of good faith interested in responsible governance, much to the detriment of our Nation.

The Southern Strategy allowed the radical right and other fringe political elements access to a major political party with disastrous results, such as the credit rating downgrade and the current sequester.

As usual with you, a myth is as good as a mile.

1. The South kept voting for Democrats for decades after that 1964 act. And, btw, Democrats continued to win a plurality of votes in southern congressional elections for the next 30 years…right up to 1994.
"GOP Poised to Reap Redistricting Rewards" by Michael Barone on - A Syndicate Of Talent

a. Between ’48 and ’88, Republicans never won a majority of the Dixiecrat states, outside of two 49-state landslides. Any loses in the South are directly attributable to their championing abortion, gays in the military, Christian-bashing, springing criminals, attacks on guns, dovish foreign policy, ‘save the whales/kill the humans environmentalism….certainly not race!

b. Rather than the Republicans winning the Dixiecrat vote, the Dixiecrats simply died out. By contrast, Democrats kept winning the alleged “segregationist” states into the ‘90’s. If states were voting for Goldwater out of racism, what of Carter’s 1976 sweep of all the Goldwater states?
"Mugged," Coulter

You weren't even in this country back then :eek:

Oh, my....more simian gabble…

I find that illiterate folks like you, porky, actually believe that to be intuitive.

Now get this: some folks even read about periods of history and events that took place before they were born!

Imagine that?
bucky is lying about the numbers. Anybody can look them up. From 1968 on the GOP won the great majority of the eleven deep Southern states.
Damn thought my other ones posted first

So when did blacks switch and why????? I say it was during the Great Depression.....not the late 60s....and it was because of government programs, NOT civil rights......

well all be damned : Blacks and the Democratic Party

The election of Roosevelt in 1932 marked the beginning of a change. He got 71 percent of the black vote for president in 1936 and did nearly that well in the next two elections, according to historical figures kept by the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies. But even then, the number of blacks identifying themselves as Republicans was about the same as the number who thought of themselves as Democrats

Even after that, Republican nominees continued to get a large slice of the black vote for several elections. Dwight D. Eisenhower got 39 percent in 1956, and Richard Nixon got 32 percent in his narrow loss to John F. Kennedy in 1960

They love that government was government money and not civil rights...well shit, this isnt taught in was all the southern strategey.......oooops it wasnt

Watching conservatives try to convince themselves that they're not racist is amusing.

The hostile GOP rank & file is the reason blacks and hispanics vote for Democrats. You hate them, and they know it.
“Southern Strategy” refers to the GOP’s efforts during the 70s to incorporate social conservatives, Christian fundamentalists, and others on the radical right into the Party to take over the solid democratic – but socially conservative – South:

Uncovered at Last: Lee Atwater's Infamous 'Southern Strategy' Colloquy | Crooks and Liars

Unfortunately this resulted in the marginalization of republicans of good faith interested in responsible governance, much to the detriment of our Nation.

The Southern Strategy allowed the radical right and other fringe political elements access to a major political party with disastrous results, such as the credit rating downgrade and the current sequester.

As usual with you, a myth is as good as a mile.

1. The South kept voting for Democrats for decades after that 1964 act. And, btw, Democrats continued to win a plurality of votes in southern congressional elections for the next 30 years…right up to 1994.
"GOP Poised to Reap Redistricting Rewards" by Michael Barone on - A Syndicate Of Talent

a. Between ’48 and ’88, Republicans never won a majority of the Dixiecrat states, outside of two 49-state landslides. Any loses in the South are directly attributable to their championing abortion, gays in the military, Christian-bashing, springing criminals, attacks on guns, dovish foreign policy, ‘save the whales/kill the humans environmentalism….certainly not race!

b. Rather than the Republicans winning the Dixiecrat vote, the Dixiecrats simply died out. By contrast, Democrats kept winning the alleged “segregationist” states into the ‘90’s. If states were voting for Goldwater out of racism, what of Carter’s 1976 sweep of all the Goldwater states?
"Mugged," Coulter
Southerns did not hold Southern Democrats responsible for integration. They had fought the good fight and lost to federal government. In many respects they were local heroes. Southern Democrats had little problem being elected to state and local offices despite the fact that the Republican Party had gained strength in the South. However, when it came to presidential elections, they were not about to support the party that had brought integration to the South.
Political scientists Richard Johnston (University of Pennsylvania) and Byron Shafer (University of Wisconsin) have argued that this phenomenon had more to do with the economics than it had to do with race. In The End of Southern Exceptionalism, Johnston and Shafer wrote that the Republicans' gains in the South corresponded to the growth of the upper middle class in that region. They suggested that such individuals believed their economic interests were better served by the Republicans than the Democrats. According to Johnston and Shafer, working-class white voters in the South continued to vote for Democrats for national office until the 1990s. In summary, Shafer told The New York Times, "[whites] voted by their economic preferences, not racial preferences".[11]

which explains alot better the pattern of voting...than a racist policy....because the republicans didnt win any state or local elections....or very very few of them...AND they didnt win many electoral votes..until the late 80s.....when the economies of the states had improved...and attracted northern republicans down south....

After reconstruction, Republicans in the South didn't win elections to local and state offices until integration started. In most places winning a Democratic primary was equivalent to being elected until the mid 20th century.

In the 1960's Republicans started making progress in winning elections in the South. However, Republicans were not near as successful at winning state and local elections as they were national elections in the South because Southerns didn't hold southern democrats responsible for integration. Characters like Governor Wallace, Governor Barnett, and many other southern Democrats became local heroes for standing up against the federal government.

You say Republicans didn't win many electoral votes in the South until the 1980's??? I beg to differ. Republican presidential candidates carried the deep south in most of the presidential election beginning in the mid 60's with the exception of southern democrats, Cartier and Clinton.

Reagan's declaration of war on big government, found eager support among southern segregationist who already hated the federal government. Federal programs were helping register blacks to vote in the South, providing more social services for blacks, blocking attempts to segregate, and providing more job opportunities for blacks. In effect, the federal government was destroying the Old South.

Read the first post......
Nixon didn't cary them in 68.....LIFELONG DEMOCRAT Wallce did..
In 72 Nixon won everything......except MA
in 76 Carter Won them
In 80 Carter won them
in 84 Reagan won every state (except MN)
in 88 Dukakis got crushed, mainly because he wouldn't defend his wife.....

[ame=""]Dukakis-Bush debate: death penalty - YouTube[/ame]

That destroyed him....and it was asked by a black man.....DAMMMM ironies everywhere!

in 92 Clinton carried them
in 96 Clinton carried them
In 00 Bush
in 04 Bush
in 08 McCain/Obama

So where was the benefit again?

And all these republicans kept voting for DEMOCRAT state and local politicians....WHY???? Were the democrats like Al Gore racist at the local level, but suddenly became black champions on the national scene????? This is the bs you would HAVE to's insane

Oh and how many 64 civil rights no democrats became republicans......1 out of .........wait for it......wait for it......21..........1 of's a HUGE percentage

you have some republicans that grew up TAUGHT this.....and therefore they apologize......just cuz.......but I never see any details from them...just a general.....I'm sorry if this happened kinda thing
Of course Cartier and Clinton won. They were Southerns. Wallace was a Southern and ran as an independent, not a Democrat. He was a hero of southern segregationist.
Last edited:
Damn thought my other ones posted first

So when did blacks switch and why????? I say it was during the Great Depression.....not the late 60s....and it was because of government programs, NOT civil rights......

well all be damned : Blacks and the Democratic Party

The election of Roosevelt in 1932 marked the beginning of a change. He got 71 percent of the black vote for president in 1936 and did nearly that well in the next two elections, according to historical figures kept by the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies. But even then, the number of blacks identifying themselves as Republicans was about the same as the number who thought of themselves as Democrats

Even after that, Republican nominees continued to get a large slice of the black vote for several elections. Dwight D. Eisenhower got 39 percent in 1956, and Richard Nixon got 32 percent in his narrow loss to John F. Kennedy in 1960

They love that government was government money and not civil rights...well shit, this isnt taught in was all the southern strategey.......oooops it wasnt

Watching conservatives try to convince themselves that they're not racist is amusing.

The hostile GOP rank & file is the reason blacks and hispanics vote for Democrats. You hate them, and they know it.

I wouldn't say it's all or most (I know you didn't say such) republicans/conservatives but when one reads the posts and sees the "narratives" that not a few Republicans/conservatives present it's not hard to come to the conclusion that there is a good size base there, that has racial animosity. I will also add that there are more numbers in representation (Congressmen, judges, etc.) for minorities in the Democrat party. I would think that the above fact may be another reason they vote Democrat by large numbers.
One can see how the OP and some of his cohorts tend to focus on "the Blacks' when it comes to voting as a majority for the Democrat party. They tend to leave out the fact that 70+ percent of Jewish people, Hispanics, and Asians voted for President Obama and probably vote Democrat as well.
Damn thought my other ones posted first

So when did blacks switch and why????? I say it was during the Great Depression.....not the late 60s....and it was because of government programs, NOT civil rights......

well all be damned : Blacks and the Democratic Party

The election of Roosevelt in 1932 marked the beginning of a change. He got 71 percent of the black vote for president in 1936 and did nearly that well in the next two elections, according to historical figures kept by the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies. But even then, the number of blacks identifying themselves as Republicans was about the same as the number who thought of themselves as Democrats

Even after that, Republican nominees continued to get a large slice of the black vote for several elections. Dwight D. Eisenhower got 39 percent in 1956, and Richard Nixon got 32 percent in his narrow loss to John F. Kennedy in 1960

They love that government was government money and not civil rights...well shit, this isnt taught in was all the southern strategey.......oooops it wasnt

Watching conservatives try to convince themselves that they're not racist is amusing.

The hostile GOP rank & file is the reason blacks and hispanics vote for Democrats. You hate them, and they know it.

The GOP isn't trying to convince themselves they are trying to convince the liars which are in the DNC. The dems are still the party of "they'll put you all back in chains" racists.

The GOP has not done one thing to hurt the black man matter of fact all good has come out of the GOP. Unlike the democrats that write off all of the south as white rednecks which if they had to brain cells they would realize how racist they are being in trying to make that case. I really have to wonder about those who think just because it is the south they must be racists. It is more logical to think that if they are in the south and democrats they are racists. Could be there are just fewer 19th century democrat racists left in the south.
Damn thought my other ones posted first

So when did blacks switch and why????? I say it was during the Great Depression.....not the late 60s....and it was because of government programs, NOT civil rights......

well all be damned : Blacks and the Democratic Party

The election of Roosevelt in 1932 marked the beginning of a change. He got 71 percent of the black vote for president in 1936 and did nearly that well in the next two elections, according to historical figures kept by the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies. But even then, the number of blacks identifying themselves as Republicans was about the same as the number who thought of themselves as Democrats

Even after that, Republican nominees continued to get a large slice of the black vote for several elections. Dwight D. Eisenhower got 39 percent in 1956, and Richard Nixon got 32 percent in his narrow loss to John F. Kennedy in 1960

They love that government was government money and not civil rights...well shit, this isnt taught in was all the southern strategey.......oooops it wasnt

Watching conservatives try to convince themselves that they're not racist is amusing.

The hostile GOP rank & file is the reason blacks and hispanics vote for Democrats. You hate them, and they know it.

If true..why did blacks back roosevelt.... t hose racist whites did too....hmmmmm
Dems in the Deep South in presidential elections

1968: Texas of eleven states (1-10)
1972: zero of eleven states (1-21)
1976: ten of eleven states (11-22)
1980: one of eleven states (12-32)
1984: zero of eleven states (12-43)
1988: zero of eleven states (12-54)

So in the first six elections of the Southern Strategy, the Republicans won 54 of 66 states.

Lee Atwater was absolutely correct in stating in economic matters, the southern white voting fairly evenly between Repub and Dem, but when in race entered in to it, two of three whites went Republican.

Atwater is right, the reactionary revisionists are wrong. Period.
If true..why did blacks back roosevelt.... t hose racist whites did too....hmmmmm

Because southern whites controlled their states in the Democratic Party until Civil Rights.

Perceiving the Democratic Party had betrayed their racists interests, southern racist whites moved into the GOP.
After reconstruction, Republicans in the South didn't win elections to local and state offices until integration started. In most places winning a Democratic primary was equivalent to being elected until the mid 20th century.

In the 1960's Republicans started making progress in winning elections in the South. However, Republicans were not near as successful at winning state and local elections as they were national elections in the South because Southerns didn't hold southern democrats responsible for integration. Characters like Governor Wallace, Governor Barnett, and many other southern Democrats became local heroes for standing up against the federal government.

You say Republicans didn't win many electoral votes in the South until the 1980's??? I beg to differ. Republican presidential candidates carried the deep south in most of the presidential election beginning in the mid 60's with the exception of southern democrats, Cartier and Clinton.

Reagan's declaration of war on big government, found eager support among southern segregationist who already hated the federal government. Federal programs were helping register blacks to vote in the South, providing more social services for blacks, blocking attempts to segregate, and providing more job opportunities for blacks. In effect, the federal government was destroying the Old South.

Read the first post......
Nixon didn't cary them in 68.....LIFELONG DEMOCRAT Wallce did..
In 72 Nixon won everything......except MA
in 76 Carter Won them
In 80 Carter won them
in 84 Reagan won every state (except MN)
in 88 Dukakis got crushed, mainly because he wouldn't defend his wife.....

[ame=""]Dukakis-Bush debate: death penalty - YouTube[/ame]

That destroyed him....and it was asked by a black man.....DAMMMM ironies everywhere!

in 92 Clinton carried them
in 96 Clinton carried them
In 00 Bush
in 04 Bush
in 08 McCain/Obama

So where was the benefit again?

And all these republicans kept voting for DEMOCRAT state and local politicians....WHY???? Were the democrats like Al Gore racist at the local level, but suddenly became black champions on the national scene????? This is the bs you would HAVE to's insane

Oh and how many 64 civil rights no democrats became republicans......1 out of .........wait for it......wait for it......21..........1 of's a HUGE percentage

you have some republicans that grew up TAUGHT this.....and therefore they apologize......just cuz.......but I never see any details from them...just a general.....I'm sorry if this happened kinda thing
Of course Cartier and Clinton won. They were Southerns. Wallace was a Southern and ran as an independent, not a Democrat. He was a hero of southern segregationist.

Gosh flopper you ought to look things up before you make such statements. He ran 4 times, once as a independent three as a democrat.
Damn thought my other ones posted first

So when did blacks switch and why????? I say it was during the Great Depression.....not the late 60s....and it was because of government programs, NOT civil rights......

well all be damned : Blacks and the Democratic Party

The election of Roosevelt in 1932 marked the beginning of a change. He got 71 percent of the black vote for president in 1936 and did nearly that well in the next two elections, according to historical figures kept by the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies. But even then, the number of blacks identifying themselves as Republicans was about the same as the number who thought of themselves as Democrats

Even after that, Republican nominees continued to get a large slice of the black vote for several elections. Dwight D. Eisenhower got 39 percent in 1956, and Richard Nixon got 32 percent in his narrow loss to John F. Kennedy in 1960

They love that government was government money and not civil rights...well shit, this isnt taught in was all the southern strategey.......oooops it wasnt

Watching conservatives try to convince themselves that they're not racist is amusing.

The hostile GOP rank & file is the reason blacks and hispanics vote for Democrats. You hate them, and they know it.

The GOP isn't trying to convince themselves they are trying to convince the liars which are in the DNC. The dems are still the party of "they'll put you all back in chains" racists.

The GOP has not done one thing to hurt the black man matter of fact all good has come out of the GOP. Unlike the democrats that write off all of the south as white rednecks which if they had to brain cells they would realize how racist they are being in trying to make that case. I really have to wonder about those who think just because it is the south they must be racists. It is more logical to think that if they are in the south and democrats they are racists. Could be there are just fewer 19th century democrat racists left in the south.

The idea that blacks vote for Democrats despite Democrats being all racist, is laughable.

The GOP's hostility to welfare programs and public schools is race-driven. The GOP's hostility to the presence of Hispanics is race-driven. The ridiculous nostalgia that southern whites feel for their treasonous and traitorous past is race-driven.
Damn thought my other ones posted first

So when did blacks switch and why????? I say it was during the Great Depression.....not the late 60s....and it was because of government programs, NOT civil rights......

well all be damned : Blacks and the Democratic Party

The election of Roosevelt in 1932 marked the beginning of a change. He got 71 percent of the black vote for president in 1936 and did nearly that well in the next two elections, according to historical figures kept by the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies. But even then, the number of blacks identifying themselves as Republicans was about the same as the number who thought of themselves as Democrats

Even after that, Republican nominees continued to get a large slice of the black vote for several elections. Dwight D. Eisenhower got 39 percent in 1956, and Richard Nixon got 32 percent in his narrow loss to John F. Kennedy in 1960

They love that government was government money and not civil rights...well shit, this isnt taught in was all the southern strategey.......oooops it wasnt

Watching conservatives try to convince themselves that they're not racist is amusing.

The hostile GOP rank & file is the reason blacks and hispanics vote for Democrats. You hate them, and they know it.

I wouldn't say it's all or most (I know you didn't say such) republicans/conservatives but when one reads the posts and sees the "narratives" that not a few Republicans/conservatives present it's not hard to come to the conclusion that there is a good size base there, that has racial animosity. I will also add that there are more numbers in representation (Congressmen, judges, etc.) for minorities in the Democrat party. I would think that the above fact may be another reason they vote Democrat by large numbers.
One can see how the OP and some of his cohorts tend to focus on "the Blacks' when it comes to voting as a majority for the Democrat party. They tend to leave out the fact that 70+ percent of Jewish people, Hispanics, and Asians voted for President Obama and probably vote Democrat as well.
What do jews asians muslims hindus and a anyone have for that matter....start your own thread if you want to talk about that...
Watching conservatives try to convince themselves that they're not racist is amusing.

The hostile GOP rank & file is the reason blacks and hispanics vote for Democrats. You hate them, and they know it.

The GOP isn't trying to convince themselves they are trying to convince the liars which are in the DNC. The dems are still the party of "they'll put you all back in chains" racists.

The GOP has not done one thing to hurt the black man matter of fact all good has come out of the GOP. Unlike the democrats that write off all of the south as white rednecks which if they had to brain cells they would realize how racist they are being in trying to make that case. I really have to wonder about those who think just because it is the south they must be racists. It is more logical to think that if they are in the south and democrats they are racists. Could be there are just fewer 19th century democrat racists left in the south.

The idea that blacks vote for Democrats despite Democrats being all racist, is laughable.

The GOP's hostility to welfare programs and public schools is race-driven. The GOP's hostility to the presence of Hispanics is race-driven. The ridiculous nostalgia that southern whites feel for their treasonous and traitorous past is race-driven.

I am a Republican, a life long Republican. I am not a "mainstream" Republican as some on this board like to describe themselves. I have never voted for a democrat President.

What I say about what you ascribe to me is that you are a big fat liar, just like all democrats that want to cover their racist past. Assuming Welfare is just a black issue exposes the liberal for what they are racist through and through. There ain't a subject that comes up that democrats don't inject their new brand of racism.
Watching conservatives try to convince themselves that they're not racist is amusing.

The hostile GOP rank & file is the reason blacks and hispanics vote for Democrats. You hate them, and they know it.

The GOP isn't trying to convince themselves they are trying to convince the liars which are in the DNC. The dems are still the party of "they'll put you all back in chains" racists.

The GOP has not done one thing to hurt the black man matter of fact all good has come out of the GOP. Unlike the democrats that write off all of the south as white rednecks which if they had to brain cells they would realize how racist they are being in trying to make that case. I really have to wonder about those who think just because it is the south they must be racists. It is more logical to think that if they are in the south and democrats they are racists. Could be there are just fewer 19th century democrat racists left in the south.

The idea that blacks vote for Democrats despite Democrats being all racist, is laughable.

The GOP's hostility to welfare programs and public schools is race-driven. The GOP's hostility to the presence of Hispanics is race-driven. The ridiculous nostalgia that southern whites feel for their treasonous and traitorous past is race-driven.

How naive are you?

Did southern whites vote for wilson, roosevelt, truman, stephenson. Kennedy, and johnson?

Other than maybe wilson, blacks voted for those guys in large numbers. .........WHY?
Hmmm. . . Bucky and Freewill must have missed the below, so here it is again.

Dems in the Deep South in presidential elections

1968: Texas of eleven states (1-10)
1972: zero of eleven states (1-21)
1976: ten of eleven states (11-22)
1980: one of eleven states (12-32)
1984: zero of eleven states (12-43)
1988: zero of eleven states (12-54)

So in the first six elections of the Southern Strategy, the Republicans won 54 of 66 states.

Lee Atwater was absolutely correct in stating in economic matters, the southern white voting fairly evenly between Repub and Dem, but when in race entered in to it, two of three whites went Republican.

Atwater is right, the reactionary revisionists are wrong. Period.

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