Southern Strategy

What about the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871? Who got that passed and signed it into law?
Most prominent in counties where the races were relatively balanced, the KKK engaged in terrorist raids against African-Americans and white Republicans at night, employing intimidation, destruction of property, assault, and murder to achieve its aims and influence upcoming elections. In a few Southern states, Republicans organized militia units to break up the Klan. In 1871, passage of the Ku Klux Act led to nine South Carolina counties being placed under martial law and thousands of arrests.

Unfortunately, a few years later it was found to be unconstitutional by the Supreme COurt.
Doesn't matter, bucktooth: no GOP senator or rep from the south voted for the Civil Rights and Voting acts, while a small minority of dem southerners did vote for it.

Once again, bucktooth fails, but the good thing to know now is his virulent hatred for blacks is in the open, just like that of jtpr312 and lonestar.

Sorry, sorry reactionaries.
Lol. Fakey, facts dont matter....just a libtard narrative.....of lies and assumptions....pepetrsted by liberal academia and media. 1 republican equals tons according to fakey....what a sample

Which is far more than ZERO dems, hmmm? The fake narratives of the reactionaries simply cannot handle the facts and the real evidence.

Bucktooth rides and fails again. :D

zero dems? Are you serious....starkey just said zero dems voted against the vcivil rights act of 1964......he's of course wrong, I can name of which is LIBERAL .......Al Gore SR......LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
The media is the clue. The liberal media was always in the back pocket of democrat administrations and the entire freaking media available to the public on radio, newspapers and TV was liberal in those days. Black people were taught to accept the democrat new plantation called "the great society" because the media allowed segregationist democrats to turn on a dime and finance poverty pimps disguised as Ministers and "community activists" to preach LBJ's new-new deal.
Liberal democrats controlled congress and the presidency in 60's. They are the ones that enforced desegregation ordered by a liberal Supreme Court and the Voting Rights Act. They are ones that got the Voting Rights Act passed and the Civil Rights Act passed. Of course the media focused on them. They were in the drivers seat and republicans were along for the ride. The media was liberal in 60's because America was liberal in the 60's.

REpublicans did it in the 50s, big fuckin deal....but we didnt have segragationists.....EVER.....
Lol. Fakey, facts dont matter....just a libtard narrative.....of lies and assumptions....pepetrsted by liberal academia and media. 1 republican equals tons according to fakey....what a sample

Which is far more than ZERO dems, hmmm? The fake narratives of the reactionaries simply cannot handle the facts and the real evidence.

Bucktooth rides and fails again. :D

You must have missed where Robert Byrd filibustered the bill for 14 hours, unsuccessfully. For 57 days Democrats filibustered, and eventually failed. Yeah, facts, which ironically do not reside with you.

U.S. Senate: Art & History Home > Senate Stories > 1964-Present > Civil Rights Filibuster Ended

In the early 1940s, a politically ambitious butcher from West Virginia named Bob Byrd recruited 150 of his friends and associates to form a chapter of the Ku Klux Klan. After Byrd had collected the $10 joining fee and $3 charge for a robe and hood from every applicant, the "Grand Dragon" for the mid-Atlantic states came down to tiny Crab Orchard, W.Va., to officially organize the chapter.

As Byrd recalls now, the Klan official, Joel L. Baskin of Arlington, Va., was so impressed with the young Byrd's organizational skills that he urged him to go into politics. "The country needs young men like you in the leadership of the nation," Baskin said.

The young Klan leader went on to become one of the most powerful and enduring figures in modern Senate history.

A Senator's Shame

Here is a bit more, Jake:

On June 10, 1964, Everett Dirksen (R-IL), the Republican Leader in the U.S. Senate, condemned the Democrats’ 57-day filibuster against the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Leading the Democrats in their opposition to civil rights for African-Americans was Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV). Byrd, who got into politics as a recruiter for the Ku Klux Klan, spoke against the bill for fourteen straight hours. Democrats still call Robert Byrd “the conscience of the Senate.”

In his speech, Senator Dirksen called on the Democrats to end their filibuster and accept racial equality.

Everett Dirksen and the 1964 Civil Rights Act

Next, we can go even further back in history to 1866, where a Democratic campaign poster such as this one was circulated:


So yeah, Republicans get the credit here. They advocated Civil Rights, while Democrats did not. You're finished here Jake. Move along.

another post owning starkey...all he has is liberal talking points.....that's it....and please jake keep posting......;)
[ame=""]White Democrat VS Black Republican! - YouTube[/ame]

Love this check out about 7 min mark.....AWESOME

Go get some welfare and foodstamps......

This black guy kicks his ass!

The liberal only has government programs.

He knows black people....hilarious!!!!!!
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FDR again......BAM!!!!!!!!! not hts 60s, but the 30s......yessir!

Notice that bucktooth said zero dems voted against the civil rights act of 1964, when I wrote earlier that it was zero Repubs that voted against the act.

He deliberately took out of context what I wrote. He is now lying. Simply go back and read the thread above in #93.

Bucktooth is a cowlardly reactionary. I own him.
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Your comments are full of crap, with distorted facts and meaning. You have fail.

It proves that whites were overwhelmingly Democrats before the Southern Strategy.

When the Democratic Party took charge of the Civil Rights program and politically empowered blacks in the South, the Republican Party brilliantly powered the Southern Strategy to move whites into the Republican Party. Lee Atwater was correct in stating that when race was involved in elections, southern whites two to one would vote pub from 1968 on.

In the deep eleven states from 1968 through 1988, 54 of 66 states voted Republican. The rank and file dems became pubs in the South.

The numbers show up your lies, bucktooth.
Notice that bucktooth said zero dems voted against the civil rights act of 1964, when I wrote earlier that it was zero Repubs that voted against the act.

He deliberately took out of context what I wrote. He is now lying. Simply go back and read the thread above in #93.

Bucktooth is a cowlardly reactionary. I own him.

Rage on, Jake. You got whipped. Badly.

How is it when you lose an argument, your words are suddenly "taken out of context"?

No, you were trying to pin Republicans as the main opponents to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. We will not go down this road again, Jake. Your self flagellation ends here.

You are a cowardly debater. And a sore loser.
Doesn't matter, bucktooth: no GOP senator or rep from the south voted for the Civil Rights and Voting acts, while a small minority of dem southerners did vote for it.

Once again, bucktooth fails, but the good thing to know now is his virulent hatred for blacks is in the open, just like that of jtpr312 and lonestar.

Sorry, sorry reactionaries.

This post for example, Jake. Do not try to pull the wool over my eyes. The GOP fought hard to end racism in the United States, even harder than they now do today.

Read this:

PolitiFact | Steele says GOP fought hard for civil rights bills in 1960s

You have zero argument, nowhere to hide.
Everyone applauds the Civil Rights movement, or at least should.

The Dems took the lead in the 1960s and the Repubs, in the minority, certainly helped them. Interestingly, the vote was geographically based not politically. Northern and western Dems and Pubs voted for the civil rights and voting acts. All of the southern pubs and almost all of the southern dems voted against the acts.

Many of the southern dems felt betrayed, and the GOP skillfully moved many of them in to the GOP in and after 1968. Lee Atwater pointed out in 1981 that when race was involved southern whites voted two to one for the pubs. The eleven deep south states vote 54 GOP to 12 Dem (exclude 1976: 55 to 1) in presidential elections from 1968 through 1988.

Good info and background are


PolitiFact | Steele says GOP fought hard for civil rights bills in 1960s
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From 1992 through 2012, the GOP strangehold on the South is slipping as the Dems have made serious inroads. Clinton and Obama have shown just how vulnerable the South can be for Republicans.

The nice thing is that white racism in the South is declining, as the bad old racists are dying out and many of their descendants are saying "screw you, dad" when it comes to race and election.
From 1992 through 2012, the GOP strangehold on the South is slipping as the Dems have made serious inroads. Clinton and Obama have shown just how vulnerable the South can be for Republicans.

The nice thing is that white racism in the South is declining, as the bad old racists are dying out and many of their descendants are saying "screw you, dad" when it comes to race and election.

The younger generation all over the country are rejecting the old bitter crackers world views. Every day more and more bitter old bible thumping crackers are dying off primarily in the souf' , good riddance to white trash!

Growing up and living in NYC is great, always been multicultural , the old bitter crackers in Jesusland are the ones going to have a hard time adjusting in America now!!!

Demographic shift in US: Whites a minority by 2043 -
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who was it that sponsored American Community Renewal Act of 1998?
sponsored by Reps. Jim Talent (R-MO) and J.C. Watts (R-OK) in the 105th Congress
A “cool” GOP still won’t win young voters
Posted by Jamelle Bouie on March 18, 2013 at 11:33 am
In response to its poor performance in last year’s elections, the Republican National Committee commissioned a massive effort to uncover failings and identify problems. Called the “Growth & Opportunity Project,” it released its final report this morning, a one hundred page tome drawn from thousands of contacts with voters, officials, and consultants.
A good chunk of the report is devoted to reconfiguring the GOP message to meet the concerns of various “demographic partners,” including young people. To wit, in its look at what went wrong with young voters in the last two election cycles, the Growth & Opportunity Project focused most on perceptions:
Young voters need to be attracted to the Republican Party by both the message and the candidate. Obama was seen as “cool” in 2008, and his popularity spread like wildfire among young voters. Obama and his “Change we can believe in” slogan was a trend in 2008 to which many young Americans were attracted. In 2008 and again in 2012, the Obama campaign used young supporters as precinct captains and boots on the ground. They were enthusiastic voices bringing their friends and neighbors into the campaign. The RNC and Republican candidates need to establish the same network of committed young voters who will help spread our message.

A ?cool? GOP still won?t win young voters

Sen. Lindsey Graham: Not Enough 'Angry White Guys' to Sustain GOP
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The media is the clue. The liberal media was always in the back pocket of democrat administrations and the entire freaking media available to the public on radio, newspapers and TV was liberal in those days. Black people were taught to accept the democrat new plantation called "the great society" because the media allowed segregationist democrats to turn on a dime and finance poverty pimps disguised as Ministers and "community activists" to preach LBJ's new-new deal.
Liberal democrats controlled congress and the presidency in 60's. They are the ones that enforced desegregation ordered by a liberal Supreme Court and the Voting Rights Act. They are ones that got the Voting Rights Act passed and the Civil Rights Act passed. Of course the media focused on them. They were in the drivers seat and republicans were along for the ride. The media was liberal in 60's because America was liberal in the 60's.

yet only 61% of the Dems supported the Civil Rights Act vs. 80% of the Reps. in the Senate and 69% Dems vs 82% Reps in the House.
Those are the telling numbers.
Who led the filibuster? None other than Robert Byrd
Who also added the word "sex" to the Bill hoping that would bring about its demise?
None other than Rep. Howard Smith of VA (D). Unexpectedly it passed even with the word "sex" in it, pushed on by committee members Representative Martha Griffiths (D) and Senator Margaret Chase Smith (R) insisted it remain.
SMITH, Howard Worth - Biographical Information
Prologue: Pieces of History » Sex?and the Civil Rights Bill

Who led the final arguments in opposition? Georgia Democrat Richard Russell

Who spoke for the proponents? Minority Leader Everett Dirksen from IL (R) who had enlisted the Republican votes that made cloture a realistic option. His words?
"Stronger than all the armies is an idea whose time has come." He continued, "The time has come for equality of opportunity in sharing in government, in education, and in employment. It will not be stayed or denied. It is here!"
Yes, they are telling numbers. 15 Southern Democrat senators along with 6 Republicans split with their party over desegregation voting against civil rights legislation. Harry Byrd left the Democratic Party to become an independent. Richard Russell became leader of the Conservative Collision along with the other Senators who filibustered, boycotted the 1968 Democratic Convention. The Collision fought liberal causes in the South and eventually melded away into the Republican Party.
Liberal democrats controlled congress and the presidency in 60's. They are the ones that enforced desegregation ordered by a liberal Supreme Court and the Voting Rights Act. They are ones that got the Voting Rights Act passed and the Civil Rights Act passed. Of course the media focused on them. They were in the drivers seat and republicans were along for the ride. The media was liberal in 60's because America was liberal in the 60's.

yet only 61% of the Dems supported the Civil Rights Act vs. 80% of the Reps. in the Senate and 69% Dems vs 82% Reps in the House.
Those are the telling numbers.
Who led the filibuster? None other than Robert Byrd
Who also added the word "sex" to the Bill hoping that would bring about its demise?
None other than Rep. Howard Smith of VA (D). Unexpectedly it passed even with the word "sex" in it, pushed on by committee members Representative Martha Griffiths (D) and Senator Margaret Chase Smith (R) insisted it remain.
SMITH, Howard Worth - Biographical Information
Prologue: Pieces of History » Sex?and the Civil Rights Bill

Who led the final arguments in opposition? Georgia Democrat Richard Russell

Who spoke for the proponents? Minority Leader Everett Dirksen from IL (R) who had enlisted the Republican votes that made cloture a realistic option. His words?
"Stronger than all the armies is an idea whose time has come." He continued, "The time has come for equality of opportunity in sharing in government, in education, and in employment. It will not be stayed or denied. It is here!"
Yes, they are telling numbers. 15 Southern Democrat senators along with 6 Republicans split with their party over desegregation voting against civil rights legislation. Harry Byrd left the Democratic Party to become an independent. Richard Russell became leader of the Conservative Collision along with the other Senators who filibustered, boycotted the 1968 Democratic Convention. The Collision fought liberal causes in the South and eventually melded away into the Republican Party.

boy, you have fallen for it hook, line and sinker, haven't you?

Harry Byrd never left the Democratic party. That is hogwash and when he retired in '65 his son was appointed to take his place who was also a Democrat until 1970 when he became an Independent Democrat.

Richard Russell? A Democrat until his death in 1971. He also believed in white supremacy, and a separate but equal society.

The Congressional Quarterly of June 26, 1964 (p. 1323) recorded that, in the Senate, only 69% of Democrats (46 for, 21 against) voted for the Civil Rights Act as compared to 82% of Republicans (27 for, 6 against). All southern Democratic senators voted against the Act.

In the House of Representatives, 61% of Democrats (152 for, 96 against) voted for the Civil Rights Act; 92 of the 103 southern Democrats voted against it. Among Republicans, 80% (138 for, 34 against) voted for it.
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The older Byrd fought racial integration, particularly in schools, and hated the Democratic Party for moving to a liberal position on race in public.

Russell led the Conservative Coalition for decades in order to block liberalism in race relations. He, too, hated the Democrats who became leaders of the liberal movement.

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