Southern Strategy

I want to thank you guys for your continued counter arguments rather than discussing the facts I have presented to you as it just gives more opportunity to publicly dispel even more falsehoods.
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Black pols stymied in Obama era - Jonathan Martin -

The situation is particularly embarrassing for Democrats, to whom black voters give the vast majority of their support. Until Sen. Mo Cowan (D-Mass.) was appointed in February, the only African-American in the Senate was a Republican — Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina And it’s not lost on high-profile Democrats that the GOP now enjoys more ethnic diversity among its statewide leaders than the party whose president is both an illustration and a beneficiary of America’s changing face.
Notice that bucktooth said zero dems voted against the civil rights act of 1964, when I wrote earlier that it was zero Repubs that voted against the act.

He deliberately took out of context what I wrote. He is now lying. Simply go back and read the thread above in #93.

Bucktooth is a cowlardly reactionary. I own him.

no I'm not keep changing the story said zero republicans voted against the act, is that correct?
From 1992 through 2012, the GOP strangehold on the South is slipping as the Dems have made serious inroads. Clinton and Obama have shown just how vulnerable the South can be for Republicans.

The nice thing is that white racism in the South is declining, as the bad old racists are dying out and many of their descendants are saying "screw you, dad" when it comes to race and election.

yeah and those racists never switched parties...explaining West Virginia and Arkansas massive vote against Obama, in the DEMOCRAT PRIMARY

Starkey the fact is the republicans won blow outs in most of those elections......big time blowouts.....they didnt NEED The south, and the south voted for democrats at every level.......EVERY ONE.....
Liberal democrats controlled congress and the presidency in 60's. They are the ones that enforced desegregation ordered by a liberal Supreme Court and the Voting Rights Act. They are ones that got the Voting Rights Act passed and the Civil Rights Act passed. Of course the media focused on them. They were in the drivers seat and republicans were along for the ride. The media was liberal in 60's because America was liberal in the 60's.

yet only 61% of the Dems supported the Civil Rights Act vs. 80% of the Reps. in the Senate and 69% Dems vs 82% Reps in the House.
Those are the telling numbers.
Who led the filibuster? None other than Robert Byrd
Who also added the word "sex" to the Bill hoping that would bring about its demise?
None other than Rep. Howard Smith of VA (D). Unexpectedly it passed even with the word "sex" in it, pushed on by committee members Representative Martha Griffiths (D) and Senator Margaret Chase Smith (R) insisted it remain.
SMITH, Howard Worth - Biographical Information
Prologue: Pieces of History » Sex?and the Civil Rights Bill

Who led the final arguments in opposition? Georgia Democrat Richard Russell

Who spoke for the proponents? Minority Leader Everett Dirksen from IL (R) who had enlisted the Republican votes that made cloture a realistic option. His words?
"Stronger than all the armies is an idea whose time has come." He continued, "The time has come for equality of opportunity in sharing in government, in education, and in employment. It will not be stayed or denied. It is here!"
Yes, they are telling numbers. 15 Southern Democrat senators along with 6 Republicans split with their party over desegregation voting against civil rights legislation. Harry Byrd left the Democratic Party to become an independent. Richard Russell became leader of the Conservative Collision along with the other Senators who filibustered, boycotted the 1968 Democratic Convention. The Collision fought liberal causes in the South and eventually melded away into the Republican Party.

Wrong Flopper, Russell was always a democrat and never became a republican........sorry man, you lose....again

And again, Goldwater always voted for cirvil rights, except in this case, where he voted against some of the concepts in it.....but if you think it was racial, you're insane
From 1992 through 2012, the GOP strangehold on the South is slipping as the Dems have made serious inroads. Clinton and Obama have shown just how vulnerable the South can be for Republicans.

The nice thing is that white racism in the South is declining, as the bad old racists are dying out and many of their descendants are saying "screw you, dad" when it comes to race and election.

The younger generation all over the country are rejecting the old bitter crackers world views. Every day more and more bitter old bible thumping crackers are dying off primarily in the souf' , good riddance to white trash!

Growing up and living in NYC is great, always been multicultural , the old bitter crackers in Jesusland are the ones going to have a hard time adjusting in America now!!!

Demographic shift in US: Whites a minority by 2043 -

Oh you're one of those tough New Yawkers, that's so tough and scarey you love the homos....awesome

Wow you dont like christians....we get it.....I probably know alot more people of different cultures than you fact know them real well.......and I dont live in that craphole of NYC.
freewill and depotoo are having trouble with the facts. So

(1) southern whites were mostly Democrats before 1968, and southern states normally went Dem.

(2) southern whites became mostly Republicans after 1968, and the deep southern states from that year through 1988 voted 54 to 12 electorally for the GOP; exclude 1976, and the southern states voted 54 to 1 for the GOP.

(3) the reason southern states began going GOP was the Southern Strategy.

Exclusive: Lee Atwater's Infamous 1981 Interview on the Southern Strategy - YouTube

No that's how you explain it......the fact is that IF that happened then they would have voted for republicans over Wallace, over Carter, and over Clinton...but didnt....Look everyone voted for Reagan and Nixon in again that doesnt mean shit.....

And they would have voted for republicans in the senate, governor, house, state legislature, state senate, and local offices.....but they didnt......

Whats funny is I bet the liberals like Starkey dont even know the political history of dont do you?????
This one has graphics for all you liberals out there!

[ame=]Bill Whittle - Racism - Democrats and Republicans switch sides? - YouTube[/ame]
How many times do I have to destroy the southern strategy myth before you idiot liberals shut the fuck up?

Dixiecrat – Senators
•(D)VA Harry F. Byrd, 1933-1965
•(D)VA A. Willis Robertson, 1946-1966
•(D)WV Robert C. Byrd, 1959-Present
•(D)MS John C. Stennis, 1947-1989
•(D)MS James O. Eastland, 1941-1941,1943-1978
•(D)LA Allen J. Ellender, 1937-1972
•(D)LA Russell B. Long, 1948-1987
•(D)NC Sam Ervin, 1954-1974
•(D)NC Everett Jordan, 1958-1973
•(R)NC Jesse Helms, 1973-2003
•(D)OK Thomas Pryor Gore, 1906-1921,1931-1937
•(D)AL J. Lister Hill, 1938-1969
•(D)AL John J. Sparkman, 1946-1979
•(D)FL Spessard Holland, 1946-1971
•(D)FL George Smathers, 1951-1969
•(D)SC Olin D. Johnston, 1945-1965
•(D,R)SC Strom Thurmond, 1954-1956,1956-2003
•(D)AR John McClellan, 1943-1977
•(D)GA Richard B. Russell, Jr., 1933-1971
•(D)GA Herman E. Talmadge, 1957-1981
•(D)TN Herbert S. Walters, 1963-1964

Dixiecrat – State governors
•Benjamin Travis Laney, Arkansas Governor
•Fielding Wright, Mississippi Governor
•Frank M. Dixon, Former Alabama Governor
•William H. Murray, Former Oklahoma Governor
•Mills E. Godwin Jr. governor of Virginia

Only one switched parties – Strom Thurman AFTER the 1964 Civil Rights Act and 1965 Voting Rights Act were passed. Ask yourself why would Strom Thurmond move to a party that pushed for civil and votings rights if he was so much of a hard line racist? Can you tell me why then do the Democratic/Liberal voters/historians never point to this. For convenience, they look over this with dark blinders on and it’s nauseating.
Archived-Articles: I Am a Lincoln Republican

I find this funny too...this is how liberals whitewash history

While interviewing people on the streets of L.A. and N.Y. for our documentary about the legacy of the Civil War, we came to the staggering realization of how many allegedly well-educated people assumed that Abraham Lincoln was a Democrat fighting slave-owning Republicans in the South
Here is Starkey, he says trust academics...this guy is a commie and bullshit artist...using the Voter ID is racist line...

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freewill and depotoo are having trouble with the facts. So

(1) southern whites were mostly Democrats before 1968, and southern states normally went Dem.

(2) southern whites became mostly Republicans after 1968, and the deep southern states from that year through 1988 voted 54 to 12 electorally for the GOP; exclude 1976, and the southern states voted 54 to 1 for the GOP.

(3) the reason southern states began going GOP was the Southern Strategy.

Exclusive: Lee Atwater's Infamous 1981 Interview on the Southern Strategy - YouTube

No that's how you explain it......the fact is that IF that happened then they would have voted for republicans over Wallace, over Carter, and over Clinton...but didnt....Look everyone voted for Reagan and Nixon in again that doesnt mean shit.....

And they would have voted for republicans in the senate, governor, house, state legislature, state senate, and local offices.....but they didnt......

Whats funny is I bet the liberals like Starkey dont even know the political history of dont do you?????

bucktooth is so, so lost. :D From 1968 to 1988 -- "southern whites became mostly Republicans after 1968, and the deep southern states from that year through 1988 voted 54 to 12 electorally for the GOP; exclude 1976, and the southern states voted 54 to 1 for the GOP."

54 to 1 GOP over Dem. Sure sounds like liberal voting to me (sarcasm).

bucktooth is so butt hurt lost. :lol:
bucktooth and lonestar are admitted reactionary racist, so we know what their words are not worth.

Almost all of his evidence supports the Southern Strategy.

And he does not even understand TN reconstruction history much less that which followed.

This is too easy. They are merely the final generation's dying wail of far right racism in America.
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freewill and depotoo are having trouble with the facts. So

(1) southern whites were mostly Democrats before 1968, and southern states normally went Dem.

(2) southern whites became mostly Republicans after 1968, and the deep southern states from that year through 1988 voted 54 to 12 electorally for the GOP; exclude 1976, and the southern states voted 54 to 1 for the GOP.

(3) the reason southern states began going GOP was the Southern Strategy.

Exclusive: Lee Atwater's Infamous 1981 Interview on the Southern Strategy - YouTube

No that's how you explain it......the fact is that IF that happened then they would have voted for republicans over Wallace, over Carter, and over Clinton...but didnt....Look everyone voted for Reagan and Nixon in again that doesnt mean shit.....

And they would have voted for republicans in the senate, governor, house, state legislature, state senate, and local offices.....but they didnt......

Whats funny is I bet the liberals like Starkey dont even know the political history of dont do you?????

bucktooth is so, so lost. :D From 1968 to 1988 -- "southern whites became mostly Republicans after 1968, and the deep southern states from that year through 1988 voted 54 to 12 electorally for the GOP; exclude 1976, and the southern states voted 54 to 1 for the GOP."

54 to 1 GOP over Dem. Sure sounds like liberal voting to me (sarcasm).

bucktooth is so butt hurt lost. :lol:

Misleading....we got the northeast and california too....again which segregationists switched parties....I love smacking starkey
No that's how you explain it......the fact is that IF that happened then they would have voted for republicans over Wallace, over Carter, and over Clinton...but didnt....Look everyone voted for Reagan and Nixon in again that doesnt mean shit.....

And they would have voted for republicans in the senate, governor, house, state legislature, state senate, and local offices.....but they didnt......

Whats funny is I bet the liberals like Starkey dont even know the political history of dont do you?????

bucktooth is so, so lost. :D From 1968 to 1988 -- "southern whites became mostly Republicans after 1968, and the deep southern states from that year through 1988 voted 54 to 12 electorally for the GOP; exclude 1976, and the southern states voted 54 to 1 for the GOP."

54 to 1 GOP over Dem. Sure sounds like liberal voting to me (sarcasm).

bucktooth is so butt hurt lost. :lol:

Misleading....we got the northeast and california too....again which segregationists switched parties....I love smacking starkey

Yes, you are misleading, bucktooth. Southern Strategy happened just as we have detailed it here.

You can whine and pine all you want.

You are the past and receding further every day.
bucktooth and lonestar are admitted reactionary racist, so we know what their words are not worth.

Almost all of his evidence supports the Southern Strategy.

And he does not even understand TN reconstruction history much less that which followed.

This is too easy. They are merely the final generation's dying wail of far right racism in America.

No the evidence doesn't support your so-called facts.

Firstly, if we take the election of 1972 as the commencement of this so called "strategy" the time frame is 40 years. The time frame for Republican commitment to Blacks-including the ending of slavery, if we accept it ended in 1972 (which it didn't), ran from 1854 to 1972 that is 118 years or nearly three times as long as the purported reversal.

If the Electoral College map from 1972 to 2012 is considered without bias, and with logic, it will be seen that there is no "Southern Strategy' based on a prejudicial attitude to the Black community. For this exercise the 11 states of the Confederacy, plus the two states claimed by it, are reviewed for their collective voting history.

1972 To talk of a victorious "Southern Strategy" when the entire country rejected McGovern's radicalism and incompetence is ludicrous.

1976."No evidence of a "Southern Strategy as Democrat Carter sweeps the entire south bar Virginia

1980.Ludicrous to refer to a Southern Strategy in GOP's triumph as the nationwide reality was rejection of Carter

1984 Almost the entire country showed confidence in Reagan. Southern Strategy concept is meaningless in this scenario

1988 An all sector landslide against the incompetent Democrat Dukakis

1992 The South splits 7 states GOP 6 states Dem. If there were a Southern Strategy it failed.

1996 7 to 6 split again-another Southern Strategy failure as Clinton increases Electoral College support in the South over 1992

2000 An election more to do with a general revulsion against moral turpitude than any specific "Southern Strategy"

2004 A "holding pattern" election strongly influenced by the terrorism factor and confirmation of a commitment to conservative social values.

2008 Southern Strategy deceased as Blacks turnout in massive numbers for historical reasons with Obama almost at Clinton's Electoral College levels

2012 Black voting trend remained in force with Florida detached from the South for the third time out of five elections and Virginia twice in a row. 'Southern Strategy" of Black voter suppression and of pandering to supposed White Prejudice doesn't exist except in the minds, or rather strategic analysis planning, of leftists and other propagandists.
You, in other words, merely reaffirm Lee Atwater's premise: on economic matters, southerners split fairly well between the parties, but when it comes to race, white southerners (this is 1981) go Repub by 2 to 1. By 1988, the Southern Strategy is so in place, that exluding the anomaly of Carter in 1976, that deep southern states had gone Republican or non-Dem 54 to 1 since 1968.

A racist is a racist is a racist. Simply put: they are so easy to spot. And the great thing is they are dying out rapidly. By 2024, their influence will be nil not only on national races but at least 90% of congressional races.
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You, in other words, merely reaffirm Lee Atwater's premise: on economic matters, southerners split fairly well between the parties, but when it comes to race, white southerners (this is 1981) go Repub by 2 to 1. By 1988, the Southern Strategy is so in place, that exluding the anomaly of Carter in 1976, that deep southern states had gone Republican 54 to 1 since 1968.

A racist is a racist is a racist. Simply put: they are so easy to spot. And the great thing is they are dying out rapidly. By 2024, their influence will be nil not only on national races but at least 90% of congressional races.

Did you even look at the Electoral College map in the link?

It blows your whole theory out of the water!!

You liberals will never admit when you're wrong.
The deep southern states voted exactly as I said. 54 votes for the Republicans or conservative candidates. What is wrong with that analysis? Nothing! The only anomaly, which was Carter's election, overwhelmingly economically driven, not racial.

You will fail if you try your nonsense in a college class.

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