Southern Strategy

so tell me simple survey question- why did jimmy carter win 127 of 147 electoral votes of the 'southern' states? :eusa_eh:

The one anomaly among elections from 1968 to 1988.

Why? Just like Atwater said: when the issue was economics, whites in the south voted the same as everyone else. And 1976 was all about economics, innit?

:lol: what anomalies are that?

either the southern strategy worked or it didn't.....

and no 76 really wasn't just about economics it was about trust and constitutionality, the ERA etc etc ...
Your comments are full of crap, with distorted facts and meaning. You have fail.

It proves that whites were overwhelmingly Democrats before the Southern Strategy.

When the Democratic Party took charge of the Civil Rights program and politically empowered blacks in the South, the Republican Party brilliantly powered the Southern Strategy to move whites into the Republican Party. Lee Atwater was correct in stating that when race was involved in elections, southern whites two to one would vote pub from 1968 on.

[ame=]Liar, Liar Pants On Fire - YouTube[/ame]

so tell me simple survey question- why did jimmy carter win 127 of 147 electoral votes of the 'southern' states? :eusa_eh:

The one anomaly among elections from 1968 to 1988.

Why? Just like Atwater said: when the issue was economics, whites in the south voted the same as everyone else. And 1976 was all about economics, innit?

:lol: what anomalies are that?

either the southern strategy worked or it didn't.....

and no 76 really wasn't just about economics it was about trust and constitutionality, the ERA etc etc ...

A scumbag like Altwater who liberals hated and said he was a lying dirtbag has now become their beacon of truth, why? Because he said what they want to hear and if he didn't they will just make it up.
so tell me simple survey question- why did jimmy carter win 127 of 147 electoral votes of the 'southern' states? :eusa_eh:

The one anomaly among elections from 1968 to 1988.

Why? Just like Atwater said: when the issue was economics, whites in the south voted the same as everyone else. And 1976 was all about economics, innit?

An anomaly? You mean like 3 lanslides?
so now what? you can try and diminish/disparage the gop all you want, what does this have to do the southern strategy anyway?

Who is denigrating the GOP? No one at all. The north and the west dems and pubs did great, the southern pub and dems were stinkers.


The Dems had problems with white southern racists forever! Then the white southern racists scurried over to the Pubs in 1968 after. Lee Atwater and all the evidence demonstrate that when race was an issue that southern whites would vote GOP.

The issue is not party, guys: the racists are the problem, and for whites, they have been hiding (and dying more and more rapidly the last few years) in the Republican Party.

Trajan, when you have acknowledge racists like Lonestar and Buckeye (PM and ask them) telling me what I watched for more than 30 years was not so, I will kick it up their butts.

We worked for a lot of years to minimize the impact of those bad boys and girls.

And we have done great! The buckeyes and the lonestars will soon be one in ten thousand, and this great country will be even greater

what makes lonestar and buckeye 'racists':eusa_eh:

and maybe you are late to the party, but the 'southern strategy' is the big lie that the left has lived off of for decades, and it always denotes- this is why , or this is how, or this is when the gop started or has hated or denigrated black people, I mean seriously I have to explain this?

you yourself have bought the big lie too, "when race is an issue", ok when was it an issue? and when did the gop pose racist legislation and when did they pass it?

and last I checked robert bryd died as a democrat, why does he get redemption and others don't?

what party was Fulbright in when he died? or Al Gore sr.? or James Eastland?

Trajan, if you have swallowed the kool aid, well, there you are.

Both buckeye and lonestar have said they are racists and have little use for blacks: I believe them.

Lee Atwater made the comments about race and economics: I believe him. And, yes, he knows better than you about it.

If you want to believe the big lie that I and others watched and endured in the South, as the racists came into our party, so be it. I won't argue with you.
Your comments are full of crap, with distorted facts and meaning. You have fail.

It proves that whites were overwhelmingly Democrats before the Southern Strategy.

When the Democratic Party took charge of the Civil Rights program and politically empowered blacks in the South, the Republican Party brilliantly powered the Southern Strategy to move whites into the Republican Party. Lee Atwater was correct in stating that when race was involved in elections, southern whites two to one would vote pub from 1968 on.

[ame=]Liar, Liar Pants On Fire - YouTube[/ame]

The one anomaly among elections from 1968 to 1988.

Why? Just like Atwater said: when the issue was economics, whites in the south voted the same as everyone else. And 1976 was all about economics, innit?

:lol: what anomalies are that?

either the southern strategy worked or it didn't.....

and no 76 really wasn't just about economics it was about trust and constitutionality, the ERA etc etc ...

A scumbag like Altwater who liberals hated and said he was a lying dirtbag has now become their beacon of truth, why? Because he said what they want to hear and if he didn't they will just make it up.

Because you don't like the truth does not make it false. Step off.
The fact is this: Atwater is right, and Trajan and the rest are wrong.

And those who lived through it have given our comments on it.

If someone does not like the truth of it, well, they are here for grins and chuckles: only.
Who is denigrating the GOP? No one at all. The north and the west dems and pubs did great, the southern pub and dems were stinkers.


The Dems had problems with white southern racists forever! Then the white southern racists scurried over to the Pubs in 1968 after. Lee Atwater and all the evidence demonstrate that when race was an issue that southern whites would vote GOP.

The issue is not party!, guys: the racists are the problem, and for whites, they have been hiding (and dying more and more rapidly the last few years) in the Republican Party.

Trajan, when you have acknowledge racists like Lonestar and Buckeye (PM and ask them) telling me what I watched for more than 30 years was not so, I will kick it up their butts.

We worked for a lot of years to minimize the impact of those bad boys and girls.

And we have done great! The buckeyes and the lonestars will soon be one in ten thousand, and this great country will be even greater

what makes lonestar and buckeye 'racists':eusa_eh:

and maybe you are late to the party, but the 'southern strategy' is the big lie that the left has lived off of for decades, and it always denotes- this is why , or this is how, or this is when the gop started or has hated or denigrated black people, I mean seriously I have to explain this?

you yourself have bought the big lie too, "when race is an issue", ok when was it an issue? and when did the gop pose racist legislation and when did they pass it?

and last I checked robert bryd died as a democrat, why does he get redemption and others don't?

what party was Fulbright in when he died? or Al Gore sr.? or James Eastland?

Trajan, if you have swallowed the kool aid, well, there you are.

Both buckeye and lonestar have said they are racists and have little use for blacks: I believe them.

Lee Atwater made the comments about race and economics: I believe him. And, yes, he knows better than you about it.

If you want to believe the big lie that I and others watched and endured in the South, as the racists came into our party, so be it. I won't argue with you.
When did we say that?

Youre full of shit. You said youre a republican... as lie....ive never been racist or said I was
So fuck cant refute anything said and are now just calling us names..the sign of someone that is losing
buckeye wrote @
So I try and get my drivers liscense and
car tags after moving to Denver. Just went today and did not get them. I moved to Denver a little while ago and love it. The people are great, I can understand the black folks, my fast food orders are correct and I dont have attitude if I ask someone at a store for help, because she wants to text her friend Shaniqua all day instead of help customers. I get along with all the Uncle Toms here in the Mile High City. So Denver has been great, but one thing is always constant....shitty service at the DMV.

I'm from TN and I went to the DMV, I told the lady I needed a drivers lisecne and car tags. Pretty simple, but people who dont care tend to do the bare minimum and less if they can (for those of you on the attitude thread, this is why these dumbasses stay in their jobs and why the govt needs unions because these people are worthless). So She tells me that I cant get a drivers liscense there, but I can get car tags, and she asks me if I have a vin check and an inspection done. No I say, so she says I need one of each and there is a 4 folder shelf on the table and she points to it (God forbid she grabs the right paper and makes me have to get it). Now I ask about the drivers liscense, well I'm in Broomfield and I have to go to Longmont, 45-60 min away....huh??? I cant get a drivers liscense at the DMV, seriously????? Ok, now I go to the inspection place, she didnt tell there would be a charge and I have to pay cash, so I'm now pissed....and now I've ruined a entire day and got nothing done, sounds like liberal government to me.

PS I work, so having helpful people work at these places would be nice, not all of us are welfare queens that have all day, every day to do this shit.

And this is why I dont want the govt anywhere near healthcare or guns or anything else.....

Nothing worse being served by a black union worker, huy, jackass?
Ask lonestar about the black guy he would serve because he was black and had an obama sticker
Who is denigrating the GOP? No one at all. The north and the west dems and pubs did great, the southern pub and dems were stinkers.


The Dems had problems with white southern racists forever! Then the white southern racists scurried over to the Pubs in 1968 after. Lee Atwater and all the evidence demonstrate that when race was an issue that southern whites would vote GOP.

The issue is not party, guys: the racists are the problem, and for whites, they have been hiding (and dying more and more rapidly the last few years) in the Republican Party.

Trajan, when you have acknowledge racists like Lonestar and Buckeye (PM and ask them) telling me what I watched for more than 30 years was not so, I will kick it up their butts.

We worked for a lot of years to minimize the impact of those bad boys and girls.

And we have done great! The buckeyes and the lonestars will soon be one in ten thousand, and this great country will be even greater

what makes lonestar and buckeye 'racists':eusa_eh:

and maybe you are late to the party, but the 'southern strategy' is the big lie that the left has lived off of for decades, and it always denotes- this is why , or this is how, or this is when the gop started or has hated or denigrated black people, I mean seriously I have to explain this?

you yourself have bought the big lie too, "when race is an issue", ok when was it an issue? and when did the gop pose racist legislation and when did they pass it?

and last I checked robert bryd died as a democrat, why does he get redemption and others don't?

what party was Fulbright in when he died? or Al Gore sr.? or James Eastland?

Trajan, if you have swallowed the kool aid, well, there you are.

Both buckeye and lonestar have said they are racists and have little use for blacks: I believe them.

Lee Atwater made the comments about race and economics: I believe him. And, yes, he knows better than you about it.

If you want to believe the big lie that I and others watched and endured in the South, as the racists came into our party, so be it. I won't argue with you.

Oh for god sakes, so I'll ask you the same questions I asked flopper and the rest, what exactly did this influx of rednecks ( who continued to elect a plurality of congressman from the south btw until 94) do exactly?

if the SS is a truism show me proof, a list of legislated bills would be a good start......

and as I said the electoral maps don't line up with this SS crap, atwater may have tried and I am sure he did whatever he felt he had to do and said whatever he felt he needed to to get votes etc. but at the end of the day it was a big bust and btw- what happened BEFORE atwater anyway? Zip, bollocks bust...
The electoral maps? At least you are trying, I hope. Go back and check the electoral vote totals for 1968 through 1988.

What I find amazing is that you believe the rank and file racist dems all stayed in the party with newly enfranchised blacks. Yup, that's a twister, ain't it?

There are people besides me on this board who lived through it. If you don't believe us, then that's your puppy to breed,not mine.
buckeye wrote @
So I try and get my drivers liscense and
car tags after moving to Denver. Just went today and did not get them. I moved to Denver a little while ago and love it. The people are great, I can understand the black folks, my fast food orders are correct and I dont have attitude if I ask someone at a store for help, because she wants to text her friend Shaniqua all day instead of help customers. I get along with all the Uncle Toms here in the Mile High City. So Denver has been great, but one thing is always constant....shitty service at the DMV.

I'm from TN and I went to the DMV, I told the lady I needed a drivers lisecne and car tags. Pretty simple, but people who dont care tend to do the bare minimum and less if they can (for those of you on the attitude thread, this is why these dumbasses stay in their jobs and why the govt needs unions because these people are worthless). So She tells me that I cant get a drivers liscense there, but I can get car tags, and she asks me if I have a vin check and an inspection done. No I say, so she says I need one of each and there is a 4 folder shelf on the table and she points to it (God forbid she grabs the right paper and makes me have to get it). Now I ask about the drivers liscense, well I'm in Broomfield and I have to go to Longmont, 45-60 min away....huh??? I cant get a drivers liscense at the DMV, seriously????? Ok, now I go to the inspection place, she didnt tell there would be a charge and I have to pay cash, so I'm now pissed....and now I've ruined a entire day and got nothing done, sounds like liberal government to me.

PS I work, so having helpful people work at these places would be nice, not all of us are welfare queens that have all day, every day to do this shit.

And this is why I dont want the govt anywhere near healthcare or guns or anything else.....

Nothing worse being served by a black union worker, huy, jackass?
Wow....did you post my comments on blacks in denver?????

Whsts funny I add shaniqua is a known term...that blacks use when embarrssed by a moron..I posted link to urban dictionary......I didnt make it up. But of course I could call one an uncle tom and be a good liberal
What is not funny is that you a racist bigot, buckeye. Step off.

Racist because I dont agree with liberalism...thats what liberals do....every racr has sha dc the bitch I was blasting was white....broomfield doesnt hsve a lot of blacks...not that you know read the whole thread.....oh wait why do that when you can post liberal talking points

You got nadda
But nice deflection, jake cant win an arguement...pulled out the race card as defined racist by his criteria
I did as well. Never, ever listen to southern racists about the Southern Strategy: they lie through their teeth.

And the simple-minded TK forgot what Lee Atwater said: when the issue was economics, southern whites voted like everyone else. Of course the South voted for Ronnie. Times were hard, real hard in the eighties in East Texas and on to West Florida.

I thought Liberals hated Atwater back in the 70's? Why are you bringing him up now?
Starkey is a progressive racist......he keeps the black folk down.....with the government cash.....
Notice everythin atwater said was code, was a government if you're against government programs, you're racist.......that's what starkey means when he calls people racist.....that guy has no clue.....I lived in Memphis and working for republicans, especially black ones, you'll see some racism...and guess's by democrats......whell holy shit!
[ame=]ZoNation with Alfonzo Rachel: The Democratic Party's Long History of Racism - YouTube[/ame]
Woodrow Wilson????
[ame=]Why Am I A Democrat - Part Two - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Black History Month Is Just Another Form of Segregation - YouTube[/ame]

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