Southern Strategy

bucktooth and lonestar are admitted reactionary racist, so we know what their words are not worth.

Almost all of his evidence supports the Southern Strategy.

And he does not even understand TN reconstruction history much less that which followed.

This is too easy. They are merely the final generation's dying wail of far right racism in America.

Haha. Starkey has zero again....blowout wins is as ll he names and no supporting evidence from other state and local elections
The deep southern states voted exactly as I said. 54 votes for the Republicans or conservative candidates. What is wrong with that analysis? Nothing! The only anomaly, which was Carter's election, overwhelmingly economically driven, not racial.

You will fail if you try your nonsense in a college class.

Not only did the southern states vote Republicans so did the majority of the Northern states. Oh but that would fuck up your flawed theory.

You are about as dishonest as TM.
The deep southern states voted exactly as I said. 54 votes for the Republicans or conservative candidates. What is wrong with that analysis? Nothing! The only anomaly, which was Carter's election, overwhelmingly economically driven, not racial.

You will fail if you try your nonsense in a college class.

Not only did the southern states vote Republicans so did the majority of the Northern states. Oh but that would fuck up your flawed theory.

You are about as dishonest as TM.

But the senate and congressional vote on civil rights and voting rights showed the north and the west were far less racist than the south, meaning that race did not dominate the north and west like the south.

"dishonesty" as a characteristic defines an admitted racist like you, lonestar. You of all people do not want to discuss lack of character.
Only a racist would insist that white racists left the Democratic Party in the south after 1965 because they would have to share power with blacks. The racists felt betrayed by the Dem Party.
bucktooth and lonestar are admitted reactionary racist, so we know what their words are not worth.

Almost all of his evidence supports the Southern Strategy.

And he does not even understand TN reconstruction history much less that which followed.

This is too easy. They are merely the final generation's dying wail of far right racism in America.

Haha. Starkey has zero again....blowout wins is as ll he names and no supporting evidence from other state and local elections
You, in other words, merely reaffirm Lee Atwater's premise: on economic matters, southerners split fairly well between the parties, but when it comes to race, white southerners (this is 1981) go Repub by 2 to 1. By 1988, the Southern Strategy is so in place, that exluding the anomaly of Carter in 1976, that deep southern states had gone Republican 54 to 1 since 1968.

A racist is a racist is a racist. Simply put: they are so easy to spot. And the great thing is they are dying out rapidly. By 2024, their influence will be nil not only on national races but at least 90% of congressional races.

Did you even look at the Electoral College map in the link?

It blows your whole theory out of the water!!

You liberals will never admit when you're wrong.

Jake, unfortunately seems to see his prof's as all knowing rather than pick up older history books on his own. The sad part is I can understand that college students don't want to believe they would be mislead by their prof's, etc. Unfortunately, it is what is happening in a great many colleges and universities today, though.
You, in other words, merely reaffirm Lee Atwater's premise: on economic matters, southerners split fairly well between the parties, but when it comes to race, white southerners (this is 1981) go Repub by 2 to 1. By 1988, the Southern Strategy is so in place, that exluding the anomaly of Carter in 1976, that deep southern states had gone Republican 54 to 1 since 1968.

A racist is a racist is a racist. Simply put: they are so easy to spot. And the great thing is they are dying out rapidly. By 2024, their influence will be nil not only on national races but at least 90% of congressional races.

Did you even look at the Electoral College map in the link?

It blows your whole theory out of the water!!

You liberals will never admit when you're wrong.

Jake, unfortunately seems to see his prof's as all knowing rather than pick up older history books on his own. The sad part is I can understand that college students don't want to believe they would be mislead by their prof's, etc. Unfortunately, it is what is happening in a great many colleges and universities today, though.

Jake will never admit defeat, even after I whipped him on this very thread. He would argue with a brick wall if it pleased him. Take his silence as an affirmation of victory.
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Only a racist would insist that white racists left the Democratic Party in the south after 1965 because they would have to share power with blacks. The racists felt betrayed by the Dem Party.

Then why did those senators.....wait for it........stay democrats....for life?
Each of the following pledges is practical and within realistic reach of accomplishment. They are serious—not cynical—pledge
1. Voting.
We pledge:
Continued vigorous enforcement of the civil rights laws to guarantee the right to vote to all citizens in all areas of the country.

2. Public Schools.
We pledge:
The Department of Justice will continue its vigorous support of court orders for school desegregation. Desegregation suits now pending involve at least 39 school districts. Those suits and others already concluded will affect most major cities in which school segregation is being practiced.

3. Employment.
We pledge:
Continued support for legislation to establish a Commission on Equal Job Opportunity to make permanent and to expand with legislative backing the excellent work being performed by the President's Committee on Government Contracts.

4. Housing.
We pledge:
Action to prohibit discrimination in housing constructed with the aid of federal subsidies.

5. Public Facilities and Services.
We pledge:
Removal of any vestige of discrimination in the operation of federal facilities or procedures which may at any time be found.

6. Legislative Procedure.
We pledge:
Our best efforts to change present Rule 22 of the Senate and other appropriate Congressional procedures that often make unattainable proper legislative implementation of constitutional guarantees.
The Republicans pledged; the Democrats acted.

  • It was Truman in 1948 that order the military to desegregate.
  • It was Truman in 1948, who made it illegal to discriminate against persons applying for civil service positions based on race.
  • It was Truman who made it illegal for defense contractors to discriminate based on race.
  • It was a liberal Warren Court that desegregated public schools in 1954.
  • It was Kennedy who mobilized the National Guard and sent federal troops to the University of Mississippi campus to enforce court ordered intergration.
  • It was a Democratic Congress that passed the 1965 Voter's Rights Act that outlawed discriminatory voting practices.
  • It was Johnson who ordered the military and the FBI to investigate the 1965 KKK murders in Mississippi.
  • It was Johnson who went on television to announce the arrest of four Ku Klux Klansmen implicated in the death of a young female civil rights worker. He angrily denounced the Klan as a "hooded society of bigots,"
  • It was Johnson who overcame southern resistance and convinced the Democratic-Controlled Congress to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
  • It was Johnson who was the first President to arrest and prosecute members of the Klan since Ulysses S. Grant.

The Democrats acted and they paid a heavy price for their stand on civil rights. The solid democratic south was broken forever and it paved the way for Republican victories that continue to this day.

I can match that list with republicans too, ever heard of the little rock nine?

oh and heres the vote count for the 1965 voting rights act:rolleyes:

Vote count
Rights Act on August 6, 1965.

The two numbers in each line of this list refer to the number of representatives voting in favor and against the act, respectively.

Senate: 77–19

Democrats: 47–17 (73%-27%)
Republicans: 30–2 (94%-6%)

House: 333–85

Democrats: 221–61 (78%-22%)
Republicans: 112–24 (82%-18%)

Conference Report:

Senate: 79–18

Democrats: 49–17 (four Southern Democrats voted in favor: Albert Gore, Sr., Ross Bass, George Smathers and Ralph Yarborough).
Republicans: 30–1 (the lone nay was Strom Thurmond; John Tower who did not vote was paired as a nay vote with Eugene McCarthy who would have voted in favor.)

House: 328–74

Democrats: 217–54
Republicans: 111–20

so now what? you can try and diminish/disparage the gop all you want, what does this have to do the southern strategy anyway?

Oh and it was a woodrow wilson in 1913 who ordered the federal workforce to be segregated etc.....see how that works?
Did you even look at the Electoral College map in the link?

It blows your whole theory out of the water!!

You liberals will never admit when you're wrong.

Jake, unfortunately seems to see his prof's as all knowing rather than pick up older history books on his own. The sad part is I can understand that college students don't want to believe they would be mislead by their prof's, etc. Unfortunately, it is what is happening in a great many colleges and universities today, though.

Jake will never admit defeat, even after I whipped him on this very thread. He would argue with a brick wall if it pleased him. Take his silence as an affirmation of victory.

I know sll he had are talking points.....he points to a liberal source and cant debate hard facts....a few state as voted republicans in landslides....and they voted for a southern democrat...sounds like it didnt change a whole lot
Hmmm. . . Bucky and Freewill must have missed the below, so here it is again.

Dems in the Deep South in presidential elections

1968: Texas of eleven states (1-10)
1972: zero of eleven states (1-21)
1976: ten of eleven states (11-22)
1980: one of eleven states (12-32)
1984: zero of eleven states (12-43)
1988: zero of eleven states (12-54)

So in the first six elections of the Southern Strategy, the Republicans won 54 of 66 states.

Lee Atwater was absolutely correct in stating in economic matters, the southern white voting fairly evenly between Repub and Dem, but when in race entered in to it, two of three whites went Republican.

Atwater is right, the reactionary revisionists are wrong. Period.

counting landslides is a cheap and dishonest way of trying to make your numbers work.....:rolleyes:
so now what? you can try and diminish/disparage the gop all you want, what does this have to do the southern strategy anyway?

Who is denigrating the GOP? No one at all. The north and the west dems and pubs did great, the southern pub and dems were stinkers.


The Dems had problems with white southern racists forever! Then the white southern racists scurried over to the Pubs in 1968 after. Lee Atwater and all the evidence demonstrate that when race was an issue that southern whites would vote GOP.

The issue is not party, guys: the racists are the problem, and for whites, they have been hiding (and dying more and more rapidly the last few years) in the Republican Party.

Trajan, when you have acknowledge racists like Lonestar and Buckeye (PM and ask them) telling me what I watched for more than 30 years was not so, I will kick it up their butts.

We worked for a lot of years to minimize the impact of those bad boys and girls.

And we have done great! The buckeyes and the lonestars will soon be one in ten thousand, and this great country will be even greater
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Damn thought my other ones posted first

So when did blacks switch and why????? I say it was during the Great Depression.....not the late 60s....and it was because of government programs, NOT civil rights......

well all be damned : Blacks and the Democratic Party

The election of Roosevelt in 1932 marked the beginning of a change. He got 71 percent of the black vote for president in 1936 and did nearly that well in the next two elections, according to historical figures kept by the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies. But even then, the number of blacks identifying themselves as Republicans was about the same as the number who thought of themselves as Democrats

Even after that, Republican nominees continued to get a large slice of the black vote for several elections. Dwight D. Eisenhower got 39 percent in 1956, and Richard Nixon got 32 percent in his narrow loss to John F. Kennedy in 1960

They love that government was government money and not civil rights...well shit, this isnt taught in was all the southern strategey.......oooops it wasnt

From the Civil War to the Great Depression, blacks voted Republican because it was the party of Lincoln. When the Depression hit, blacks like whites blamed the Republicans and voted Democrat. Both blacks and whites voted Democrat by a wide margin. Democrats were able to convince voters that the Republicans caused the Depression and Democrats had the programs to put America back to work.

The Black vote in first half of the 20th century was insignificant in national elections. In the Southern states, turnout was typically less than 1%. Only about 3% were registered to vote. Turnout was higher in northern states but was very low compared to today. Most black voters were businessmen and community leaders.

In American politics, the Southern strategy refers to the Republican Party strategy of gaining political support or winning elections in the Southern section of the country by appealing to racism against African Americans. It was about getting white votes in the South not black votes.

Southern strategy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


answering his posts with a throw away wiki statement doesn't quite do it. does it?

and in the end as we have discussed before and as you nave refused to answer- what exactly did those votes gained by the gop, ala the rednecks ( I am using your outlook) get them? Aside from the electoral map which does not favor your southern strategy BS anyway....

evidence please?

every pres. does what he has to to court, shame or cajole votes, Truman is one of my top 3 favorite presidents BUT- the election campaign he ran in 48 was one of the most egregiously dishonest ( next to obamas last one) ever recorded ( does "do nothing congress" ring a bell?:rolleyes). .

and aside from that lets take on one very small of the larger pie of snippets ala democrats garnering votes by use of racist ideology- like oh, Jimmy Carter who won 127 of the 147 electoral votes up for grabs in the south?

AND Carter didn't win ONE state, not one west of Texas.....

You know who Carter associated with sptted and ENDORSED for the Georgia Gov.'s election of 66?

Lester Maddox; vocal and virulent life long segregationist , a guy who would not serve blacks in his own restaurant...... Maddox ran against BO Calloway, a guy who served in congress and had voted FOR the civil rights act in 65.....nice huh?

Should I go on?

I notice that my post didn't get no luv..:doubt: :lol:

flopper? jake?

so tell me, simple survey question- why did jimmy carter win 127 of 147 electoral votes of the 'southern' states? :eusa_eh:
#172 above, Trajan, discusses the issue you have about party.

Now, if anybody wants to make an argument for racism in the new Democratic Party, I will be glad to discuss it.
so tell me simple survey question- why did jimmy carter win 127 of 147 electoral votes of the 'southern' states? :eusa_eh:

The one anomaly among elections from 1968 to 1988.

Why? Just like Atwater said: when the issue was economics, whites in the south voted the same as everyone else. And 1976 was all about economics, innit?
I see the revisionists are now trying to rewrite recent history to deny the "Southern Strategy" was a successful GOP strategy to lure Dixicrats into the GOP.

The lunacy knows no bounds. :lol:

As one who witnessed it firsthand when I entered politics at a young age, I find this insanity to be nothing less than amazing to behold.
I did as well. Never, ever listen to southern racists about the Southern Strategy: they lie through their teeth.

And the simple-minded TK forgot what Lee Atwater said: when the issue was economics, southern whites voted like everyone else. Of course the South voted for Ronnie. Times were hard, real hard in the eighties in East Texas and on to West Florida.
so now what? you can try and diminish/disparage the gop all you want, what does this have to do the southern strategy anyway?

Who is denigrating the GOP? No one at all. The north and the west dems and pubs did great, the southern pub and dems were stinkers.


The Dems had problems with white southern racists forever! Then the white southern racists scurried over to the Pubs in 1968 after. Lee Atwater and all the evidence demonstrate that when race was an issue that southern whites would vote GOP.

The issue is not party, guys: the racists are the problem, and for whites, they have been hiding (and dying more and more rapidly the last few years) in the Republican Party.

Trajan, when you have acknowledge racists like Lonestar and Buckeye (PM and ask them) telling me what I watched for more than 30 years was not so, I will kick it up their butts.

We worked for a lot of years to minimize the impact of those bad boys and girls.

And we have done great! The buckeyes and the lonestars will soon be one in ten thousand, and this great country will be even greater

what makes lonestar and buckeye 'racists':eusa_eh:

and maybe you are late to the party, but the 'southern strategy' is the big lie that the left has lived off of for decades, and it always denotes- this is why , or this is how, or this is when the gop started or has hated or denigrated black people, I mean seriously I have to explain this?

you yourself have bought the big lie too, "when race is an issue", ok when was it an issue? and when did the gop pose racist legislation and when did they pass it?

and last I checked robert bryd died as a democrat, why does he get redemption and others don't?

what party was Fulbright in when he died? or Al Gore sr.? or James Eastland?
I see the revisionists are now trying to rewrite recent history to deny the "Southern Strategy" was a successful GOP strategy to lure Dixicrats into the GOP.

The lunacy knows no bounds. :lol:

As one who witnessed it firsthand when I entered politics at a young age, I find this insanity to be nothing less than amazing to behold.

no one has said ( at least I haven't) they didn't try and influence them to vote republican.....

and btw, you know nixon only won one strom thurmond state....right?

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