Southern Strategy

Racist bucky because you label people negatively in a racist context.

Racist bucky because you post racist videos.

That is why the mainstream is taking the party back from you weirdos.
What racist videos?????
Second Jake you use the term racist and dont know what it means.

Labeling a group based on the majority of the people doesnt make you racist...FOR example. you say all southern democrats were that true?
bucky, you are posting racist material.

You admitted you are a racist, while you lie when I said "all southern democrats were racist". You can't find anything to suggest that, while almost all of your posts reek of racism.

And the great thing is your kind die of more and more every year.
"my kind" ?

you're hilarious....I'll make a new thread this is for the southern strategy....something you got an ass whooping on....and we'll have one for racism.....another topic I'll kick your ass.
"my kind" ?

you're hilarious....I'll make a new thread this is for the southern strategy....something you got an ass whooping on....and we'll have one for racism.....another topic I'll kick your ass.

You got your ass whipped here on the southern strategy.

I have several quotes of yours that are clearly racist.
"my kind" ?

you're hilarious....I'll make a new thread this is for the southern strategy....something you got an ass whooping on....and we'll have one for racism.....another topic I'll kick your ass.

You got your ass whipped here on the southern strategy.

I have several quotes of yours that are clearly racist.

OMG I said ****** on a message, I'm now a klan member /sarcasm....hahaha, I dont run away from my statements like you do

but Im still in this thread, but lets keep on topic dumbfuck, you cant handle this topic....because you're full of turned it into me being racist, because you have nothing I have a racism thread just for you.....and you can post evidence on the southern strategy anytime, but we havent seen any......just a quote here or one here...that's all you got...

you never talk about what democrat switched over, because there was only one of tons....

you talke about electoral votes, even though most were won in landslides, and 8 years after this strategy supposedly began, a southern DEMOCRAT dominated the south in a CLOSE election

you never talk about state legislature or statewide politicians elected with this strategy because you dont have any.

You talked about TN, but you have no clue as to the dynamic of dont know, because you dont live there and you simply dont know.......

And why do you consistanly lie about what party you are? If you hate all the ideas of modern republicans, why arent you a democrat?

and when we're done kicking you ass in both this thread (please keep posting here) and in the racism thread, we'll talk about conservatives and progressives....I cant wait for that....oh and you'll be suprised that the liberal academic of that is incorrect as well.
Don't involve me in your delusions. I have no idea what you're talking about.
Your prejudice is clearly based on racism and libertarianism, neither belief desirable in modern America.

Page 4

Post 134 "If a black is denied service because of his skin color he can choose another place of business."

Postt 143 "Businesses are privately owned and stands on private property. The owners should be allowed to decide who they wish to cater to. // Perhaps the Civil Rights Act needs to be amended."

Post 145 " I'm advocating changing the law to give business owners freedom to choose who they wish to cater to. // In other words, a person should have the right to be racist if that's what he or she wants and we have the right not to patronize their businesses."

Post #155 "Yea I said the Civil Rights Act was a bad thing. "
buckeye admits, "I said ****** on a message"

buckeye never was able to refute electoral voting or Lee Atwater's statements or other matters.

He simply deflects, which always collapses like a deck of cards.
buckeye admits, "I said ****** on a message"

buckeye never was able to refute electoral voting or Lee Atwater's statements or other matters.

He simply deflects, which always collapses like a deck of cards.

Nope I still have nothing from but calling me names...that's all you have

and why arent a democrat, we'll all dying to know??????
buckeye admits, "I said ****** on a message"

buckeye never was able to refute electoral voting or Lee Atwater's statements or other matters.

He simply deflects, which always collapses like a deck of cards.
Nope I still have nothing from but calling me names...

Yes, you are a racist, and you have admitted it.

no I haven, I'm honest, I've used the word....I'm sure you never're a phoney......

but you still are addressing racism, and avoiding the southern strategy....oh wait you have nothing to do but post a quote from lee atwater...nice!
Lester Maddox - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On September 25, 1977, Maddox suffered a heart attack but recovered and attended a number of appreciation dinners from Georgia Democrats that reduced his debts.[citation needed] In an attempt to raise further money

Another segregationist that didnt switch, man other than Strom, do you even have one?

And lets face it, old strom had more
awards from the NAACP than Starkey
awards from the ACLU than starkey
slept with more black chicks
and had more black kids.....

so the one switcher had a interesting career, while the rest and far worse racists, didnt switch.....hmmmmmmmm
no I haven, I'm honest, I've used the word....I'm sure you never're a phoney......
No, I never have used the word. It's abhorrent, and, no, you don't get to define how to use it. And you still use it here.

When are you going to defend the southern strategy effectively?
no I haven, I'm honest, I've used the word....I'm sure you never're a phoney......
No, I never have used the word. It's abhorrent, and, no, you don't get to define how to use it. And you still use it here.

When are you going to defend the southern strategy effectively?

Oh please, you're so full of shit.......evidenced also by you claiming to be a republican..
so why arent you a democrat, what about them do you not like?

I and others in this thread have done that, I still dont see any names, I keep looking up the racists and dont see party switching......maybe you can find me some, after all you claim they did.
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no i haven, i'm honest, i've used the word....i'm sure you never're a phoney......
no, i never have used the word. It's abhorrent, and, no, you don't get to define how to use it. And you still use it here.

When are you going to defend the southern strategy effectively?

I am waiting for commentary that is not deflective in nature. You have admitted that you are racist. One step to go, and that is for you to admit the Southern Strategy was successful.
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no i haven, i'm honest, i've used the word....i'm sure you never're a phoney......
no, i never have used the word. It's abhorrent, and, no, you don't get to define how to use it. And you still use it here.

When are you going to defend the southern strategy effectively?

I am waiting for commentary that is not deflective in nature. You have admitted that you are racist. One step to go, and that is for you to admit the Southern Strategy was successful.

nope you're the one that went off topic by calling me racist..and you still have no answers.....none.....
so again

who switched??????????? names would be nice....we'd all like to know....
tell me when states elected republican senators and state legislatures?

I'm curious to know, you said the southern strategy was real....

I said no, I proved it by the electoral college

and by the fact that there was no sudden republican victory in state offices. legislatures, local officials

And to prove your theory you've given no evidence but lee talk about getting your ass did.....bigtime....
what makes lonestar and buckeye 'racists':eusa_eh:

and maybe you are late to the party, but the 'southern strategy' is the big lie that the left has lived off of for decades, and it always denotes- this is why , or this is how, or this is when the gop started or has hated or denigrated black people, I mean seriously I have to explain this?

you yourself have bought the big lie too, "when race is an issue", ok when was it an issue? and when did the gop pose racist legislation and when did they pass it?

and last I checked robert bryd died as a democrat, why does he get redemption and others don't?

what party was Fulbright in when he died? or Al Gore sr.? or James Eastland?

Trajan, if you have swallowed the kool aid, well, there you are.

Both buckeye and lonestar have said they are racists and have little use for blacks: I believe them.

Lee Atwater made the comments about race and economics: I believe him. And, yes, he knows better than you about it.

If you want to believe the big lie that I and others watched and endured in the South, as the racists came into our party, so be it. I won't argue with you.

Oh for god sakes, so I'll ask you the same questions I asked flopper and the rest, what exactly did this influx of rednecks ( who continued to elect a plurality of congressman from the south btw until 94) do exactly?

if the SS is a truism show me proof, a list of legislated bills would be a good start......

and as I said the electoral maps don't line up with this SS crap, atwater may have tried and I am sure he did whatever he felt he had to do and said whatever he felt he needed to to get votes etc. but at the end of the day it was a big bust and btw- what happened BEFORE atwater anyway? Zip, bollocks bust...

still waiting on this what racist legislation did republicans provide after the southern strategy?
Don't involve me in your delusions. I have no idea what you're talking about.
Your prejudice is clearly based on racism and libertarianism, neither belief desirable in modern America.

Page 4

Post 134 "If a black is denied service because of his skin color he can choose another place of business."

Postt 143 "Businesses are privately owned and stands on private property. The owners should be allowed to decide who they wish to cater to. // Perhaps the Civil Rights Act needs to be amended."

Post 145 " I'm advocating changing the law to give business owners freedom to choose who they wish to cater to. // In other words, a person should have the right to be racist if that's what he or she wants and we have the right not to patronize their businesses."

Post #155 "Yea I said the Civil Rights Act was a bad thing. "

My beliefs are based on freedom. Freedom to associate with whomever you choose, freedom to provide or deny service to whomever you choose for whatever reason you choose.

And next time you use my quotes, use them in context.

For example post #155 I said, "Yea I said the Civil Rights Act was a bad thing. Any more lies you wish to tell?"

And that was in response to your lie, " It's not humorous to view the comments of a bigot who views the Civil Rights Act as a bad thing."

You are as dishonest as TM and just as stupid.
I'm curious to know, you said the southern strategy was real.....

Thank you for admitting you are a racist.

Southern Strategy, bucky? Lee Atwater and the electoral voting prove it.

This is over. You have fail. :D

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