Southern Strategy

oh and Flopper, you might want to research your other statements you made as well.
The older Byrd fought racial integration, particularly in schools, and hated the Democratic Party for moving to a liberal position on race in public.

Russell led the Conservative Coalition for decades in order to block liberalism in race relations. He, too, hated the Democrats who became leaders of the liberal movement.

Byrd hated it so much he remained a Democrat. Right.

You do realize that through the Democratically controlled House and Senate, that Russell was elected President pro tempore of the United States Senate and carried that title until his death in 1971, right? He was selected to take over as President of the US by the Dem Senate if anything were to happen to the President and Vice President.
Your comments are full of crap, with distorted facts and meaning. You have fail.

It proves that whites were overwhelmingly Democrats before the Southern Strategy.

When the Democratic Party took charge of the Civil Rights program and politically empowered blacks in the South, the Republican Party brilliantly powered the Southern Strategy to move whites into the Republican Party. Lee Atwater was correct in stating that when race was involved in elections, southern whites two to one would vote pub from 1968 on.

[ame=]Liar, Liar Pants On Fire - YouTube[/ame]
yet only 61% of the Dems supported the Civil Rights Act vs. 80% of the Reps. in the Senate and 69% Dems vs 82% Reps in the House.
Those are the telling numbers.
Who led the filibuster? None other than Robert Byrd
Who also added the word "sex" to the Bill hoping that would bring about its demise?
None other than Rep. Howard Smith of VA (D). Unexpectedly it passed even with the word "sex" in it, pushed on by committee members Representative Martha Griffiths (D) and Senator Margaret Chase Smith (R) insisted it remain.
SMITH, Howard Worth - Biographical Information
Prologue: Pieces of History » Sex?and the Civil Rights Bill

Who led the final arguments in opposition? Georgia Democrat Richard Russell

Who spoke for the proponents? Minority Leader Everett Dirksen from IL (R) who had enlisted the Republican votes that made cloture a realistic option. His words?
"Stronger than all the armies is an idea whose time has come." He continued, "The time has come for equality of opportunity in sharing in government, in education, and in employment. It will not be stayed or denied. It is here!"
Yes, they are telling numbers. 15 Southern Democrat senators along with 6 Republicans split with their party over desegregation voting against civil rights legislation. Harry Byrd left the Democratic Party to become an independent. Richard Russell became leader of the Conservative Collision along with the other Senators who filibustered, boycotted the 1968 Democratic Convention. The Collision fought liberal causes in the South and eventually melded away into the Republican Party.

boy, you have fallen for it hook, line and sinker, haven't you?

Harry Byrd never left the Democratic party. That is hogwash and when he retired in '65 his son was appointed to take his place who was also a Democrat until 1970 when he became an Independent Democrat.

Richard Russell? A Democrat until his death in 1971. He also believed in white supremacy, and a separate but equal society.

The Congressional Quarterly of June 26, 1964 (p. 1323) recorded that, in the Senate, only 69% of Democrats (46 for, 21 against) voted for the Civil Rights Act as compared to 82% of Republicans (27 for, 6 against). All southern Democratic senators voted against the Act.

In the House of Representatives, 61% of Democrats (152 for, 96 against) voted for the Civil Rights Act; 92 of the 103 southern Democrats voted against it. Among Republicans, 80% (138 for, 34 against) voted for it.

And the world and Democrats haven't been frozen in the 1960's, since then the republicans courted the most racist elements of the southern democratic party and are now republicans. Strange how African Americans and other minorities (soon to be the majority aren't joining the cracker chister party of jesusland:eusa_whistle:
freewill and depotoo are having trouble with the facts. So

(1) southern whites were mostly Democrats before 1968, and southern states normally went Dem.

(2) southern whites became mostly Republicans after 1968, and the deep southern states from that year through 1988 voted 54 to 12 electorally for the GOP; exclude 1976, and the southern states voted 54 to 1 for the GOP.

(3) the reason southern states began going GOP was the Southern Strategy.

[ame=]Exclusive: Lee Atwater's Infamous 1981 Interview on the Southern Strategy - YouTube[/ame]
If bucktooth, depotoo, freewill, and the others tried this nonsense in a high school or college class, they would fail. :D
Yes, they are telling numbers. 15 Southern Democrat senators along with 6 Republicans split with their party over desegregation voting against civil rights legislation. Harry Byrd left the Democratic Party to become an independent. Richard Russell became leader of the Conservative Collision along with the other Senators who filibustered, boycotted the 1968 Democratic Convention. The Collision fought liberal causes in the South and eventually melded away into the Republican Party.

boy, you have fallen for it hook, line and sinker, haven't you?

Harry Byrd never left the Democratic party. That is hogwash and when he retired in '65 his son was appointed to take his place who was also a Democrat until 1970 when he became an Independent Democrat.

Richard Russell? A Democrat until his death in 1971. He also believed in white supremacy, and a separate but equal society.

The Congressional Quarterly of June 26, 1964 (p. 1323) recorded that, in the Senate, only 69% of Democrats (46 for, 21 against) voted for the Civil Rights Act as compared to 82% of Republicans (27 for, 6 against). All southern Democratic senators voted against the Act.

In the House of Representatives, 61% of Democrats (152 for, 96 against) voted for the Civil Rights Act; 92 of the 103 southern Democrats voted against it. Among Republicans, 80% (138 for, 34 against) voted for it.

And the world and Democrats haven't been frozen in the 1960's, since then the republicans courted the most racist elements of the southern democratic party and are now republicans. Strange how African Americans and other minorities (soon to be the majority aren't joining the cracker chister party of jesusland:eusa_whistle:

You are so wrong. You see? There has been an unfortunately winning, yet false, narrative that has been spread by the Dems for many decades now. This I have to hand to them, they have got to be the greatest purveyors of lies I have ever seen. And the saddest part of all of that is the real identity of many within their party would just as well spit on you as to look at you behind closed doors.
depotoo is one of those are "the greatest purveyor of lies" about the Southern Strategy.

Try depotoo's nonsense in school, and guarantee a failing grade.
When Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act in 1964 he stated that, because of this the
Democratic Party would lose the south for 50 years

I remember that time in history because I was 15 and we had followed the civil rights movement in school. I also remember that we had speakers come to our school who were part of the freedom riders in the Civil rights movement.

Now we see the racist cracker spawn from the south trying to re write history
Doesn't matter what "the racist cracker spawn from the south" does, because the schools and colleges are teaching the truth.

And the younger generation (40 and under) overwhelmingly despise the teachings of the southern "racist cracker spawn."

What we are hearing is nothing more than their death wails.
By the way, were you aware that Dirksen, of whom got the Civil Rights Bill passed, was at that time a key leader of the Conservative Coalition? Now how in the world did that happen since he helped write the Civil Rights Act and pushed it through? It happened because they believed it was right.

As history shows Republicans were always for civil rights that kept dignity.

Those southern Democrats that had been part of the Coalition broke with the Coalition and voted against it.
If bucktooth, depotoo, freewill, and the others tried this nonsense in a high school or college class, they would fail. :D

where the hell did you go to school?

Its the history dude.

You must have learned history from a racist liar
By the way, were you aware that Dirksen, of whom got the Civil Rights Bill passed, was at that time a key leader of the Conservative Coalition? Now how in the world did that happen since he helped write the Civil Rights Act and pushed it through? It happened because they believed it was right.

As history shows Republicans were always for civil rights that kept dignity.

Those southern Democrats that had been part of the Coalition broke with the Coalition and voted against it.

Fla. Republican: We wanted to suppress black votes:eusa_whistle:

In the deposition, released to the press yesterday, Greer mentioned a December 2009 meeting with party officials. “I was upset because the political consultants and staff were talking about voter suppression and keeping blacks from voting,” he said, according to the Tampa Bay Times. He also said party officials discussed how “minority outreach programs were not fit for the Republican Party,” according to the AP.

Fla. Republican: We wanted to suppress black votes -
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How many falsehoods have I corrected here?

You see, you young guys did not live through it and you have only what you have been fed. I don't blame you.

I blame those that teach such that wish to destroy the character of not only this country but her inhabitants as well.
"and the new voter IDs that will allow robmoney to win the state in the election"

remember the republican smuck who siad that one
“Southern Strategy” refers to the GOP’s efforts during the 70s to incorporate social conservatives, Christian fundamentalists, and others on the radical right into the Party to take over the solid democratic – but socially conservative – South:

Uncovered at Last: Lee Atwater's Infamous 'Southern Strategy' Colloquy | Crooks and Liars

Unfortunately this resulted in the marginalization of republicans of good faith interested in responsible governance, much to the detriment of our Nation.

The Southern Strategy allowed the radical right and other fringe political elements access to a major political party with disastrous results, such as the credit rating downgrade and the current sequester.

these are facts folks
By the way, were you aware that Dirksen, of whom got the Civil Rights Bill passed, was at that time a key leader of the Conservative Coalition? Now how in the world did that happen since he helped write the Civil Rights Act and pushed it through? It happened because they believed it was right.

As history shows Republicans were always for civil rights that kept dignity.

Those southern Democrats that had been part of the Coalition broke with the Coalition and voted against it.

Fla. Republican: We wanted to suppress black votes:eusa_whistle:

In the deposition, released to the press yesterday, Greer mentioned a December 2009 meeting with party officials. “I was upset because the political consultants and staff were talking about voter suppression and keeping blacks from voting,” he said, according to the Tampa Bay Times. He also said party officials discussed how “minority outreach programs were not fit for the Republican Party,” according to the AP.

Fla. Republican: We wanted to suppress black votes -

The ex-Republican that was brought up on felony charges for fraud he perpetrated within the Party. Jim Greer. Now he didn't have a bone to pick, did he?
Jim Greer Arrested: Former Florida GOP Chairman Charged With Attempting To Defraud State Party
Doesn't matter what "the racist cracker spawn from the south" does, because the schools and colleges are teaching the truth.

And the younger generation (40 and under) overwhelmingly despise the teachings of the southern "racist cracker spawn."

What we are hearing is nothing more than their death wails.

Oh my mistake buddy.

I thought you were supporting the other side.
“Southern Strategy” refers to the GOP’s efforts during the 70s to incorporate social conservatives, Christian fundamentalists, and others on the radical right into the Party to take over the solid democratic – but socially conservative – South:

Uncovered at Last: Lee Atwater's Infamous 'Southern Strategy' Colloquy | Crooks and Liars

Unfortunately this resulted in the marginalization of republicans of good faith interested in responsible governance, much to the detriment of our Nation.

The Southern Strategy allowed the radical right and other fringe political elements access to a major political party with disastrous results, such as the credit rating downgrade and the current sequester.

these are facts folks

yeah, there were idiots out there. Was he representative of the whole? Hell no.

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