Southerners are incest

There is a precedence.
FDR was a New Yorker, and he married his ugly cousin.

Bbbbbbbuuuuutttttt southerners like to screw their family members
A New Yorker who wants to marry their own adult offspring is suing to overturn laws barring the incestuous practice, calling it a matter of "individual autonomy."

The pining parent seeks to remain anonymous because their request is "an action that a large segment of society views as morally, socially and biologically repugnant," according to court papers.
Thats because it IS, edna :rolleyes:
They're everywhere. It runs in families.
Right? People need to get out more.
Bbbbbbbuuuuutttttt southerners like to screw their family members
A New Yorker who wants to marry their own adult offspring is suing to overturn laws barring the incestuous practice, calling it a matter of "individual autonomy."

The pining parent seeks to remain anonymous because their request is "an action that a large segment of society views as morally, socially and biologically repugnant," according to court papers.
Thats because it IS, edna :rolleyes:

Cousin marriage is rare these days, but historically Christians, Muslims and Jews married cousins.
Muslims are inbred to an extent that eclipses Jews and Christians.

You sure are hateful. Muslims basically stopped cousin marriage 30 years ago and have changed the way marriages are arranged.
Muslims like to marry and fuck children.
I wouldn't bother defending them on this.

Pedophiles get the death penalty in Arabia.
They stop caring about KIDS when they bleed.
They will marry them off, and as soon as they bleed, they are shipped off.
Please. Stop.

Marriage age was 15 seventy years ago.. 30 years ago it was 17.. now its 22-23. That's because of educational opportunities for women (since 1959) and improved healthcare.
Bbbbbbbuuuuutttttt southerners like to screw their family members
A New Yorker who wants to marry their own adult offspring is suing to overturn laws barring the incestuous practice, calling it a matter of "individual autonomy."

The pining parent seeks to remain anonymous because their request is "an action that a large segment of society views as morally, socially and biologically repugnant," according to court papers.
Thats because it IS, edna :rolleyes:
They're everywhere. It runs in families.
Right? People need to get out more.
No kidding.
Bbbbbbbuuuuutttttt southerners like to screw their family members
A New Yorker who wants to marry their own adult offspring is suing to overturn laws barring the incestuous practice, calling it a matter of "individual autonomy."

The pining parent seeks to remain anonymous because their request is "an action that a large segment of society views as morally, socially and biologically repugnant," according to court papers.
Thats because it IS, edna :rolleyes:

Cousin marriage is rare these days, but historically Christians, Muslims and Jews married cousins.
Muslims are inbred to an extent that eclipses Jews and Christians.

You sure are hateful. Muslims basically stopped cousin marriage 30 years ago and have changed the way marriages are arranged.
Facts are not hateful. Islam is.

Well, she ignorant and hateful. Pretty ugly character traits.

I don't see the problem.

If gays can marry any marriage between mature consenting adults should be allowed.

I want to marry all of my children under platonic prenuptial agreements.

1. Then my government healthcare plan Tricare has to take care of them.
2. They'd all be able to get dependent ID cards from the military.
3. They'd still be able to shop at the exchange on base.
4. There would be no inheritance taxes since the government can't tax spouses for inheritance.
5. I'm sure there's lots more things they can take advantage of that they normally couldn't.

So yeah. Why should I be denied the right to marry any mature adult that I choose to especially if it benefits me and them?


Bbbbbbbuuuuutttttt southerners like to screw their family members
A New Yorker who wants to marry their own adult offspring is suing to overturn laws barring the incestuous practice, calling it a matter of "individual autonomy."

The pining parent seeks to remain anonymous because their request is "an action that a large segment of society views as morally, socially and biologically repugnant," according to court papers.
Thats because it IS, edna :rolleyes:

Cousin marriage is rare these days, but historically Christians, Muslims and Jews married cousins.
Muslims are inbred to an extent that eclipses Jews and Christians.

You sure are hateful. Muslims basically stopped cousin marriage 30 years ago and have changed the way marriages are arranged.
Muslims like to marry and fuck children.
I wouldn't bother defending them on this.

Pedophiles get the death penalty in Arabia.
They stop caring about KIDS when they bleed.
They will marry them off, and as soon as they bleed, they are shipped off.
Please. Stop.

Marriage age was 15 seventy years ago.. 30 years ago it was 17.. now its 22-23. That's because of educational opportunities for women (since 1959) and improved healthcare.
That isn't everywhere, if its true.
I'm talking about Muslims. Not one country out of 30
Bbbbbbbuuuuutttttt southerners like to screw their family members
A New Yorker who wants to marry their own adult offspring is suing to overturn laws barring the incestuous practice, calling it a matter of "individual autonomy."

The pining parent seeks to remain anonymous because their request is "an action that a large segment of society views as morally, socially and biologically repugnant," according to court papers.
Thats because it IS, edna :rolleyes:

Cousin marriage is rare these days, but historically Christians, Muslims and Jews married cousins.
Muslims are inbred to an extent that eclipses Jews and Christians.

You sure are hateful. Muslims basically stopped cousin marriage 30 years ago and have changed the way marriages are arranged.
Muslims like to marry and fuck children.
I wouldn't bother defending them on this.

Pedophiles get the death penalty in Arabia.
They stop caring about KIDS when they bleed.
They will marry them off, and as soon as they bleed, they are shipped off.
Please. Stop.

Marriage age was 15 seventy years ago.. 30 years ago it was 17.. now its 22-23. That's because of educational opportunities for women (since 1959) and improved healthcare.
That isn't everywhere, if its true.
I'm talking about Muslims. Not one country out of 30

In impoverished areas like rural Pakistan and rural Afghanistan that would be more likely.
Who gives a shit who people hook up with?
I don’t recall the poster’s name but he had the best idea ever....get government out of the marriage business (except for age) and just have nothing but civil unions for legal purposes. The officiant can pronounce you married but not the State of Arizona or South Carolina or whatever.
I knew a family of inbreds about 50 years ago in Alabama. Three siblings who seemed proud that their parents had been brother and sister. It was exactly how you imagine. Google "Hapsburg jaw".

And I did Google it.
Who gives a shit who people hook up with?
Society will have to deal with the off spring. I have personal knowledge of a similar case and the 4 off spring will need care there whole lives. There good kids and have talents but will need social services to be independent as possible.
The British Royal Family is a great argument against relatives having children.
Bbbbbbbuuuuutttttt southerners like to screw their family members
A New Yorker who wants to marry their own adult offspring is suing to overturn laws barring the incestuous practice, calling it a matter of "individual autonomy."

The pining parent seeks to remain anonymous because their request is "an action that a large segment of society views as morally, socially and biologically repugnant," according to court papers.
Thats because it IS, edna :rolleyes:

Probably emigrated from the South.
Bbbbbbbuuuuutttttt southerners like to screw their family members
A New Yorker who wants to marry their own adult offspring is suing to overturn laws barring the incestuous practice, calling it a matter of "individual autonomy."

The pining parent seeks to remain anonymous because their request is "an action that a large segment of society views as morally, socially and biologically repugnant," according to court papers.
Thats because it IS, edna :rolleyes:

Cousin marriage is rare these days, but historically Christians, Muslims and Jews married cousins.
Corn bread and muffins, got drunk and fucked my cousin. Ho dee doo day day.
Greatest song ever written, based on a true story.I forgot to have it published.
Bbbbbbbuuuuutttttt southerners like to screw their family members
A New Yorker who wants to marry their own adult offspring is suing to overturn laws barring the incestuous practice, calling it a matter of "individual autonomy."

The pining parent seeks to remain anonymous because their request is "an action that a large segment of society views as morally, socially and biologically repugnant," according to court papers.
Thats because it IS, edna :rolleyes:

Cousin marriage is rare these days, but historically Christians, Muslims and Jews married cousins.
Corn bread and muffins, got drunk and fucked my cousin. Ho dee doo day day.
Greatest song ever written, based on a true story.I forgot to have it published.
Big deal. We all took a shot at your cousin.
Bbbbbbbuuuuutttttt southerners like to screw their family members
A New Yorker who wants to marry their own adult offspring is suing to overturn laws barring the incestuous practice, calling it a matter of "individual autonomy."

The pining parent seeks to remain anonymous because their request is "an action that a large segment of society views as morally, socially and biologically repugnant," according to court papers.
Thats because it IS, edna :rolleyes:

Cousin marriage is rare these days, but historically Christians, Muslims and Jews married cousins.
Muslims still do.
Bbbbbbbuuuuutttttt southerners like to screw their family members
A New Yorker who wants to marry their own adult offspring is suing to overturn laws barring the incestuous practice, calling it a matter of "individual autonomy."

The pining parent seeks to remain anonymous because their request is "an action that a large segment of society views as morally, socially and biologically repugnant," according to court papers.
Thats because it IS, edna :rolleyes:

Cousin marriage is rare these days, but historically Christians, Muslims and Jews married cousins.
I have seen Jews marry relatives in the religious community
Bbbbbbbuuuuutttttt southerners like to screw their family members
A New Yorker who wants to marry their own adult offspring is suing to overturn laws barring the incestuous practice, calling it a matter of "individual autonomy."

The pining parent seeks to remain anonymous because their request is "an action that a large segment of society views as morally, socially and biologically repugnant," according to court papers.
Thats because it IS, edna :rolleyes:
Southern men are the last men in the USA to still want to be alpha males and macho
I see these NYC snd LA men with their girly cloths and jewelry

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