Southwest Airlines Faces Boycott Threats After Pilot's Reported Use of 'Let's Go Brandon'

Southwest should fire him. An airline cockpit is no place to be spouting off about politics.

I don’t fly SWA very often anymore. They aren’t the class operation they once were & they cut many of their nonstops that I used most frequently.

Alaska has a better frequent flyer program anyway.

Apparently, its OK to say whatever you want about Trump, but not Biden - right?
So really, whats the outrage here?

Does the pilot have the right to offend you by cheering Brandon, on? Absolutely.
Did the pilot violate some airline policy? Dunno. Maybe. If so, that's up to the airline to take care of.
Can you decide to boycott an airline because one of its employees said something you don't like? Sure. Good luck.
Do you belive the fact you took offense at his opinion justifies this polit losing his job? Really? You're THAT petty?

Who knew the left could be so easily triggered? Oh wait - we all did.
Woo hoo! Let's go Brandon!
Southwest should fire him. An airline cockpit is no place to be spouting off about politics.

I don’t fly SWA very often anymore. They aren’t the class operation they once were & they cut many of their nonstops that I used most frequently.

Alaska has a better frequent flyer program anyway.

^^^BlueAnon kook post.
No, if you’re vaccinated you won’t be hospitalized or die. That doesn’t mean you’re safe. And if you’re asymptotic, it could also kill your Trump loving Granny.
Never a post that isn't full of that danged old ORANGE MAN BAD! I love knowing that you will never again be able to get the man out of your head. I heard Pfizer is researching a drug for that. Should be really big.

Note to self -- call broker and put in an order to buy more Pfizer.
Never a post that isn't full of that danged old ORANGE MAN BAD! I love knowing that you will never again be able to get the man out of your head. I heard Pfizer is researching a drug for that. Should be really big.

Note to self -- call broker and put in an order to buy more Pfizer.
Orange Man IS bad. Worst of the worst actually. Happy to hear that you finally figured that out!
Apparently, its OK to say whatever you want about Trump, but not Biden - right?

Snowflakes are such delicate people! They can dish it out but they sure cannot take it!

"I don't also need MAGA pilots mocking the passengers and stirring up hate in the cabin."

Aren't these turds so full of it? There is absolutely no proof the pilot is a "MAGA," if he is, then so are the stadiums full of young people all chanting it! Nor were any passengers "mocked." There was no hate "stirred up" anywhere except in the hearts of those people who would actually boycott an airline for a passing humorous comment on a speaker. I don't actually fly, but if I did, I might be inclined TO take Southwest now for the actions of this pilot! It shows that the people in general are FAR LESS enthusiast over Joe Biden in office and that 81 million votes is looking ever the more like the bullshit it really was.

Apparently, its OK to say whatever you want about Trump, but not Biden - right?
So really, whats the outrage here?

Does the pilot have the right to offend you by cheering Brandon, on? Absolutely.
Did the pilot violate some airline policy? Dunno. Maybe. If so, that's up to the airline to take care of.
Can you decide to boycott an airline because one of its employees said something you don't like? Sure. Good luck.
Do you belive the fact you took offense at his opinion justifies this polit losing his job? Really? You're THAT petty?

Who knew the left could be so easily triggered? Oh wait - we all did.
This is a lie.

As already correctly noted: there is no evidence of a ‘double standard.’

The notion that it’s acceptable to be critical of Trump but not Biden is an example of how dishonest conservatives truly are.

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