Soviets killed over 20 million in the 1930's, the West did nothing.

Between the Holodomor, the Kulak Operation, the Polish Operation of the NKVD 1937 - 1938, Vinnytsia Massacre, the Great Purges, the National Operations, Kharbin Operation of the NKVD, German Operation of the NKVD,
mass killing's by the Gulag system / Mass deportations,etc. etc.
FDR fell madly in love with Uncle Joe
as far as i know not him, but his wife and the many his closest advisers , am i wrong ?
Between the Holodomor, the Kulak Operation, the Polish Operation of the NKVD 1937 - 1938, Vinnytsia Massacre, the Great Purges, the National Operations, Kharbin Operation of the NKVD, German Operation of the NKVD,
mass killing's by the Gulag system / Mass deportations,etc. etc.
What was the USA supposed to do at the time? We were not the biggest military in the world at that time. We were a young nation thousands of miles away. Also ask your self why hitler and napoleon failed invading russia. The west could do nothing to stop it! That is why they did nothing!
PS. We had our own problems at the time!
Neither did Europe ....doh!!!

So, the West now doesn't include Europe, huh?

Not to me. You asshats are on your own, I'm sick of you bashing the USA...until you get in a spot then it's "HELP US!!!!"

The U.S.A actually gave into Soviet demands in WW2, with Lend-lease, and in Tehran Conference, Yalta Conference, and Potsdam Conference etc.

It's useless to lick an American asshole, moron ...
They blew you off.
It will always be with traitors
Neither did Europe ....doh!!!

So, the West now doesn't include Europe, huh?

Not to me. You asshats are on your own, I'm sick of you bashing the USA...until you get in a spot then it's "HELP US!!!!"

The U.S.A actually gave into Soviet demands in WW2, with Lend-lease, and in Tehran Conference, Yalta Conference, and Potsdam Conference etc.

It's useless to lick an American asshole, moron ...
They blew you off.
It will always be with traitors

Only Intermarium Nations of Whites is tolerable, the rest of the White race is complete brutish, volatile, thoughtless, servant garbage.
Between the Holodomor, the Kulak Operation, the Polish Operation of the NKVD 1937 - 1938, Vinnytsia Massacre, the Great Purges, the National Operations, Kharbin Operation of the NKVD, German Operation of the NKVD,
mass killing's by the Gulag system / Mass deportations,etc. etc.
Meh those folks had been slaughtering each other for all time. They sorted it out eventually.

In fact, to understand these wars, there are several opinions. Each of these opinions must be proven or refuted.

I know the sources, where does this "crocked Pole" take the figures ...

It's strange for me.
This section is called History.
Why is there a masturbation of this Pole?

You blame Poland for 1934 non-Aggression pact with Nazis, even though Poland signed a non-Aggression pact with Soviets in 1932.

The actual beginning of World War II

Furthermore, you ignore that in 1934 there was a Holodomor, and in 1937 there was the Polish Operation of the NKVD, over 160,000 Poles killed between the 2 events.

But, oh well Nazis who killed almost no one before 1939 must've been the sole problem, right.

Blame Poland, but don't blame Soviet Communism.
i know much more than anyone here about all crimes " second polish republic " and i have to agree with you , its crimes very little compere TO soviet crimes ...just read what COMMIES did to Belarusians, Kazakhs, Crimean Tatars , "SOVIET" PEASANTS , etc.
Neither did Europe ....doh!!!

So, the West now doesn't include Europe, huh?

depends on one's perspective. ------we in the USA, generally consider "DA WEST" as the USA ----and sometimes England. When I "studied" DA HISTORY OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION-----it started in MESOPOTAMIA (and even Poland was part of DA WEST) Now----some schmucks consider EGYPT "east" ----a MAJOR VICTIM OF WESTERN IMPERIALISM

Now the Pole will tell you about the heroic army of Anders and the army of Kraiova ...
These scumbags were supported by the so-called "government of the Polish in exile"
Stalin armed the army of Anders, but they are too cowardly and fled to Iran.

In fact, the liberation of Poland is a matter for the Red Army of the Soviet Union, which lost 600,000 people, the Voisko Polskoe, and the Ludova of the Polish partisans.
Now, Polish scum demolish monuments to these heroes, and this shit still dares to write on the forum. And, this insect lives in America, but not in Poland.

And this bastard still dares yap at the forum. wash his ass, Polish emigrant

Armia Krajowa might not have been particularly powerful, but it had one of, if not the best agenda in Europe at the time, being both anti-Nazi, and anti-Soviet.
Between the Holodomor, the Kulak Operation, the Polish Operation of the NKVD 1937 - 1938, Vinnytsia Massacre, the Great Purges, the National Operations, Kharbin Operation of the NKVD, German Operation of the NKVD,
mass killing's by the Gulag system / Mass deportations,etc. etc.
What was the USA supposed to do at the time? We were not the biggest military in the world at that time. We were a young nation thousands of miles away. Also ask your self why hitler and napoleon failed invading russia. The west could do nothing to stop it! That is why they did nothing!
PS. We had our own problems at the time!

The U.S.A got involved late in WW2, but on the Soviet side!

Not that I'm pro-Nazi, because I'm also anti-Nazi.

But, as for Britain, and France, they didn't declare war on also Soviets for also invading Poland, and then went onto appease them.

Ultimately when a 1930's genocide akin to the size of the Holocaust went on, the World did nothing.

Personally, I think Britain especially, and to a lesser extent France were setting up Poland, and Germany to get steam-rolled by Soviets.

I think the agenda of WW2 for Britain, and France wasn't so much about helping Poland, as more about stopping the Nazi ideals, and considering they did nothing during the 1930's Soviet regime, it seems it's not so much about genocide being a problem, as it was about stopping the Nazi idealogy.
Between the Holodomor, the Kulak Operation, the Polish Operation of the NKVD 1937 - 1938, Vinnytsia Massacre, the Great Purges, the National Operations, Kharbin Operation of the NKVD, German Operation of the NKVD,
mass killing's by the Gulag system / Mass deportations,etc. etc.
What was the USA supposed to do at the time? We were not the biggest military in the world at that time. We were a young nation thousands of miles away. Also ask your self why hitler and napoleon failed invading russia. The west could do nothing to stop it! That is why they did nothing!
PS. We had our own problems at the time!

The U.S.A got involved late in WW2, but on the Soviet side!

Not that I'm pro-Nazi, because I'm also anti-Nazi.

But, as for Britain, and France, they didn't declare war on also Soviets for also invading Poland, and then went onto appease them.

Ultimately when a 1930's genocide akin to the size of the Holocaust went on, the World did nothing.

Personally, I think Britain especially, and to a lesser extent France were setting up Poland, and Germany to get steam-rolled by Soviets.

I think the agenda of WW2 for Britain, and France wasn't so much about helping Poland, as more about stopping the Nazi ideals, and considering they did nothing during the 1930's Soviet regime, it seems it's not so much about genocide being a problem, as it was about stopping the Nazi idealogy.
There simply was not the military might to impose upon both hitler and stalin at the time. the west would have loved to do so but was not able. To this day to invite a war of the west against the soviets is a war that leaves no man standing. This is true with a fight against china. This is not about peoples wants on this subject it is about being able to obtain what we want. We just can't obtain that particular wish!
Neither did Europe ....doh!!!

So, the West now doesn't include Europe, huh?

Not to me. You asshats are on your own, I'm sick of you bashing the USA...until you get in a spot then it's "HELP US!!!!"

What has the U.S.A done for Polish people, anyways?

Polish people did more for the U.S.A, than vice versa.

Kosciuszko, Pulaski, Krzyżanowski, Gabby Gabreski, Matt Urban, Ryszard Kuklinski, Frank Piasecki, have all been important for the U.S.A military.

Can't think of much the U.S.A has done for Polish people, except selling them out to Soviets in Tehran, Yalta, and Potsdam Conferences, or making dumb Polak jokes, or blaming Poland for the Holocaust.
(Although most of that has all been Democrats, however, I'll admit)
Between the Holodomor, the Kulak Operation, the Polish Operation of the NKVD 1937 - 1938, Vinnytsia Massacre, the Great Purges, the National Operations, Kharbin Operation of the NKVD, German Operation of the NKVD,
mass killing's by the Gulag system / Mass deportations,etc. etc.
Meh those folks had been slaughtering each other for all time. They sorted it out eventually.

In fact, to understand these wars, there are several opinions. Each of these opinions must be proven or refuted.

I know the sources, where does this "crocked Pole" take the figures ...

It's strange for me.
This section is called History.
Why is there a masturbation of this Pole?

It's estimated that under Stalin 20 - 40 million were killed, of course most of those were in the 1930's.
Between the Holodomor, the Kulak Operation, the Polish Operation of the NKVD 1937 - 1938, Vinnytsia Massacre, the Great Purges, the National Operations, Kharbin Operation of the NKVD, German Operation of the NKVD,
mass killing's by the Gulag system / Mass deportations,etc. etc.
Meh those folks had been slaughtering each other for all time. They sorted it out eventually.

In fact, to understand these wars, there are several opinions. Each of these opinions must be proven or refuted.

I know the sources, where does this "crocked Pole" take the figures ...

It's strange for me.
This section is called History.
Why is there a masturbation of this Pole?

You blame Poland for 1934 non-Aggression pact with Nazis, even though Poland signed a non-Aggression pact with Soviets in 1932.

The actual beginning of World War II

Furthermore, you ignore that in 1934 there was a Holodomor, and in 1937 there was the Polish Operation of the NKVD, over 160,000 Poles killed between the 2 events.

But, oh well Nazis who killed almost no one before 1939 must've been the sole problem, right.

Blame Poland, but don't blame Soviet Communism.
i know much more than anyone here about all crimes " second polish republic " and i have to agree with you , its crimes very little compere TO soviet crimes ...just read what COMMIES did to Belarusians, Kazakhs, Crimean Tatars , "SOVIET" PEASANTS , etc.

Poles in Pilsudski's biggest war killed perhaps 20,000 Soviet soldiers in the Polish - Soviet War in 1919 - 1920, in the otter Polish wars of the era far less were killed.

Besides, I don't care very much about dead Commie-pigs, although I do care perhaps a bit about soldiers forced into the ordeal by Lenin - Trotsky (Zydokomuna)

Ultimately, Poland didn't kill anything on the scale of Soviets, or Nazis, or even the U.S.A for that matter.
Between the Holodomor, the Kulak Operation, the Polish Operation of the NKVD 1937 - 1938, Vinnytsia Massacre, the Great Purges, the National Operations, Kharbin Operation of the NKVD, German Operation of the NKVD,
mass killing's by the Gulag system / Mass deportations,etc. etc.
Meh those folks had been slaughtering each other for all time. They sorted it out eventually.

In fact, to understand these wars, there are several opinions. Each of these opinions must be proven or refuted.

I know the sources, where does this "crocked Pole" take the figures ...

It's strange for me.
This section is called History.
Why is there a masturbation of this Pole?

You blame Poland for 1934 non-Aggression pact with Nazis, even though Poland signed a non-Aggression pact with Soviets in 1932.

The actual beginning of World War II

Furthermore, you ignore that in 1934 there was a Holodomor, and in 1937 there was the Polish Operation of the NKVD, over 160,000 Poles killed between the 2 events.

But, oh well Nazis who killed almost no one before 1939 must've been the sole problem, right.

Blame Poland, but don't blame Soviet Communism.
i know much more than anyone here about all crimes " second polish republic " and i have to agree with you , its crimes very little compere TO soviet crimes ...just read what COMMIES did to Belarusians, Kazakhs, Crimean Tatars , "SOVIET" PEASANTS , etc.

Poles in Pilsudski's biggest war killed perhaps 20,000 Soviet soldiers in the Polish - Soviet War in 1919 - 1920, in the otter Polish wars of the era far less were killed.

Besides, I don't care very much about dead Commie-pigs, although I do care perhaps a bit about soldiers forced into the ordeal by Lenin - Trotsky (Zydokomuna)

Ultimately, Poland didn't kill anything on the scale of Soviets, or Nazis, or even the U.S.A for that matter.
I couldn´t care less about killed sovok solders, the Poles could kill all satanists , i don't care. i talk about character of apartheid semi - fascist "second Polish republic". where the Belarusians and Ukrainians, ( + Jews) ended up in their own homes the second class citizens .

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