Sowell: Taking In Refugees ‘Fits’ With Obama’s Desire to ‘Redistribute’ US’ ‘Wealth and Power’ ^ | September 12, 2015 | Ian Hanchett
Columnist and author of “Wealth, Poverty and Politics: An International Perspective,” Thomas Sowell argued that allowing refugees from the Middle East and Africa into the US “fits in wonderfully” with President Obama’s desire to “to redistribute that [America’s] wealth and power” on Friday’s “Sean Hannity Show.” Sowell stated, “I guess for the president, I think it’s a fairly simple thing, this is a man who acts as a citizen of the world, and who has expressed, on numerous occasions, a belief that the United States has too much wealth, power, etc. And that the answer is to redistribute that wealth...

Sometimes I wonder why Obama does things that play so easily into the far-right xenophobes talking points and world view.

Then I realize that doing the right thing is often times unpopular. ^ | September 12, 2015 | Ian Hanchett
Columnist and author of “Wealth, Poverty and Politics: An International Perspective,” Thomas Sowell argued that allowing refugees from the Middle East and Africa into the US “fits in wonderfully” with President Obama’s desire to “to redistribute that [America’s] wealth and power” on Friday’s “Sean Hannity Show.” Sowell stated, “I guess for the president, I think it’s a fairly simple thing, this is a man who acts as a citizen of the world, and who has expressed, on numerous occasions, a belief that the United States has too much wealth, power, etc. And that the answer is to redistribute that wealth...

Sometimes I wonder why Obama does things that play so easily into the far-right xenophobes talking points and world view.

Then I realize that doing the right thing is often times unpopular.

Hazel, beside being a queer muslim, as demonstrated by your avatar, are you also black, so that you can FULLY commiserate with the Mulatto, Manchurian muslim?

Syrian.jpg ^ | September 12, 2015 | Ian Hanchett
Columnist and author of “Wealth, Poverty and Politics: An International Perspective,” Thomas Sowell argued that allowing refugees from the Middle East and Africa into the US “fits in wonderfully” with President Obama’s desire to “to redistribute that [America’s] wealth and power” on Friday’s “Sean Hannity Show.” Sowell stated, “I guess for the president, I think it’s a fairly simple thing, this is a man who acts as a citizen of the world, and who has expressed, on numerous occasions, a belief that the United States has too much wealth, power, etc. And that the answer is to redistribute that wealth...

White Supremacists like Sowell?

Oh, how the worm turns

Early life and education
Sowell was born into an African-American family in Gastonia, North Carolina, near the border with South Carolina. His father died shortly before he was born, and his mother, a housemaid, already had four children. A great-aunt and her two grown daughters adopted Sowell and raised him.[4] In his autobiography, A Personal Odyssey, Sowell wrote that his childhood encounters with white people were so limited that he did not know that blond was a hair color.[5] When Sowell was nine, his family moved from Charlotte, North Carolina to Harlem, New York City as part of the Great Migration of African Americans from the South to the North for greater opportunities. He qualified for Stuyvesant High School, a prestigious academic high school in New York City; he was the first in his family to study beyond the sixth grade. However, he was forced to drop out at age 17 because of financial difficulties and problems in his home.[4]

Sowell held a number of positions, including one at a machine shop and another as a delivery man for Western Union,[6] and he tried out for the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1948.[7] He was drafted into the military in 1951, during the Korean War, and was assigned to the United States Marine Corps. Because of his experience in photography, Sowell became a Marine Corps photographer; he also trained Marines in .45 pistol proficiency.[4] - Wikipedia

Just making Charles Barkley's quote ....TRUER!



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