Soy is making kids 'gay'

Actually I wasn't thinking of the gun, I just visualize a marraige ceremony performed by a man. Probably my Catholic point of view more than sexist (although I am staunchly both!).
See? You didn't say priest, you said man. Priest would have been the Catholic upbringing, man is the sexiest. There are many that request a male officiant. It's like choosing a male doctor over a female one. Geez, just how good of a doctor could a woman be???

And I am certaintly not disappointed by my current visual of a 5'4, greeneyed, redhead! :kiss2:
Ah yes, imagination can be wonderful. Again I'm sorry to disappoint you. I've never been a beauty by any stretch of the imagination, but here I am performing a ceremony this past Halloween at the WEBN Haunted House.
What I'm getting at is, that even tho' that may be true, soy has not dwarfed me nor have I been lesbianized.


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Actually, I disagree with your assessment. Homosexuality can be both a choice AND mental disorder. Mental disorders are not confined to genetics.

There IS something wrong (a disorder) with people who are sexually attracted to persons of the same gender. It defies nature. If the choice itself is the disorder/the disorder leads to the choice, then the argument is valid.

Most psychological disorders, as a matter of fact, in the end require a choice. It is the action that = the choice, regardless the motivation.

I think it's fair to argue that a mental disorder can lead to a choice, but it is totally illogical to argue that a mental disorder IS a choice.
I eat soy stuff all the time... if you eat Chinese food on a regular basis you've eaten soy on a regular basis... I don't see myself batting for the other side anytime in the near or distant future.

That's another thing.... if soy makes you gay, then all of Eastern Asia should have a over powering urge to take up interior decorating or hairdressing...

P.S. My grocery store has a lot of soy products, like tofurkey, a soy cheese... frankly, I can't get too excited about some of them. Tofu, on the other hand, is a good alternative to meat if you're on a budget. Soy protein is supposed to be a very good substitute for animal protein and it's cheap. I like chopping up tofu and putting it in chicken soup, or putting it in salads.

Ah yes, imagination can be wonderful. Again I'm sorry to disappoint you. I've never been a beauty by any stretch of the imagination, but here I am performing a ceremony this past Halloween at the WEBN Haunted House......

I think you're a fine specimen! :) Can't have too much black eyeshade!
I think it's fair to argue that a mental disorder can lead to a choice, but it is totally illogical to argue that a mental disorder IS a choice.

I've never really cared nor thought about whether or not homosexuality is a mental disorder. Upon further review .... it clearly is, and should be defined as such.

I do not see that as conflicting with choice. Two different pieces to the same puzzle.
I've never really cared nor thought about whether or not homosexuality is a mental disorder. Upon further review .... it clearly is, and should be defined as such.

I do not see that as conflicting with choice. Two different pieces to the same puzzle.
When you have dependable psychologists and psychiatrists who have done enough research back what you say, it might be considered.
I've never really cared nor thought about whether or not homosexuality is a mental disorder. Upon further review .... it clearly is, and should be defined as such.

I do not see that as conflicting with choice. Two different pieces to the same puzzle.

Name any other illness or disorder that anyone with any sense would argue is a choice.
Name any other illness or disorder that anyone with any sense would argue is a choice.

Did you bother to read what I posted? I'm not arguing that a disorder is a choice.

If you have a mental disorder, you have nothing BUT a choice: to carry out the impulse to act in a manner befitting the mental disorder; or, not exhibiting the behavior associated with the disorder.

Choosing the former is pretty self-explanatory ... the disorder led to the choice to exhibit the behavior.

Choosing the latter is equally self-explanatory ... the disorder let to the choice to NOT exhibit the behavior.

Either way, one is contingent on the other.
What are you talking about? It's not obvious as you think or claim. Empirical evidence and research is needed.

You think? Obviously you aren't doing so well at it right now.

Obvious: Homosexuality is aberrant behavior. Aberrant behavior cause by what? The brain putting the body into action to carry out the behavior. Mental pertains to the brain and disorder the aberrant behavior.

It couldn't get much simpler.
Did you bother to read what I posted? I'm not arguing that a disorder is a choice.

If you have a mental disorder, you have nothing BUT a choice: to carry out the impulse to act in a manner befitting the mental disorder; or, not exhibiting the behavior associated with the disorder.

Choosing the former is pretty self-explanatory ... the disorder led to the choice to exhibit the behavior.

Choosing the latter is equally self-explanatory ... the disorder let to the choice to NOT exhibit the behavior.

Either way, one is contingent on the other.

So, homosexuality is not a choice?
You think? Obviously you aren't doing so well at it right now.

Obvious: Homosexuality is an aberrant behavior. Aberrant behavior caused by what? The brain putting the body into action to carry out the behavior. Mental pertains to the brain and disorder the aberrant behavior.

It couldn't get much simpler.
But that's YOUR interpretations of homosexuality. That doesn't make it any more right than mine.

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