Soy is making kids 'gay'

And absent or abusive fathers.

So I'd say food isn't the reason but lack off or too much human contact with reguards to family or exteneded family would be more of the root cause on an opinion basis.
So I'd say food isn't the reason but lack off or too much human contact with reguards to family or exteneded family would be more of the root cause on an opinion basis.
But that doesn't jive with the gay agenda: it's "natural".:confused:
But that doesn't jive with the gay agenda: it's "natural".:confused:

That is what I've heard, but you see I ain't gay I did have an option and I chose females, I was molested as a child so I don't agree with agendas. The people this effects have feelings and are living souls who can be great friends and companions as long as those agendas don't tread on me. You could say I get a wee touchy on agendas. That may have been TMI:embarassed:
That is what I've heard, but you see I ain't gay I did have an option and I chose females, ....

To me it's obvious why boys turn gay:

- they can't find girls who are as horny as they are;
- society tells them that it's normal, natural;
- they are defiant towards their parents and traditional values.
To me it's obvious why boys turn gay:

- they can't find girls who are as horny as they are;
- society tells them that it's normal, natural;
- they are defiant towards their parents and traditional values.

Yeah but one other link her is gay women, I believe the mind is altered because of an event(s) that took place. Yes possibly it is society saying it is ok to be or act gay, I mean look at the media and all the hype lately. I really don't see it. I know a few gay men that are very nice and very funny, but we understand our boundaries. What gets me are those butch women. I don't like them much, no use for them at all. And there agenda is straight up hate.

I hadnt heard of this debate regarding soy... I'll get back to you on which article is wrong. I plan to ask my Pediatrician next week. My 9 month old daughter has been on Soy Formula since she was about 1 month old because she cant tolerate the Milk based Similac. Even the suggestion that it "may" cause problems later in life raises a pretty large red flag for me.
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I have been a vegetarian for 25 years. Not a vegan, but a lacto-ovo meaning I do eat dairy products. I raised both of my sons that way as well. I breast fed them both but they did eat meat-substitute products.
Both are quite manly, over 6' tall, had ample packages and neither are gay.
I hadnt heard of this debate regarding soy... I'll get back to you on which article is wrong. I plan to ask my Pediatrician next week. My 9 month old daughter has been on Soy Formula since she was about 1 month old because she cant tolerate the Milk based Similac. Even the suggestion that it "may" cause problems later in life raises a pretty large red flag for me.

Whazzup, country gal! Long time no speak! Anyway, I'd love to see the peer review on this particular study...
I hadnt heard of this debate regarding soy... I'll get back to you on which article is wrong. I plan to ask my Pediatrician next week. My 9 month old daughter has been on Soy Formula since she was about 1 month old because she cant tolerate the Milk based Similac. Even the suggestion that it "may" cause problems later in life raises a pretty large red flag for me.

HOLY LORD it's a GHOST!!! :D
Boo :shade:

I've been a chronic lurker... just fell into suburbia and havent had the time to post lately.

On a lighter note regarding the soy story.. One thing I DO know for sure is that it does make for reeeeally stinky craps. :D
dang it - Mary bet me $20 that I would NOT see 'stinky craps' online today...I didn't take her up on the offer :(
Yeah but one other link her is gay women, I believe the mind is altered because of an event(s) that took place. Yes possibly it is society saying it is ok to be or act gay, I mean look at the media and all the hype lately. I really don't see it. I know a few gay men that are very nice and very funny, but we understand our boundaries. What gets me are those butch women. I don't like them much, no use for them at all. And there agenda is straight up hate.

To me it's obvious why girls turn butch:

- they can't find boys who like them;
- society tells them that it's normal, natural;
- they are defiant towards their parents and traditional values.
I love bacon, cheese, pepperoni, prosciutto, percorino romano cheese... I grew up in an Italian household and those were all available in abundance. However, take my advice, wean yourself away from eating that stuff on a regular basis... it's not good for your cholesterol... at 19, I'm sure you don't care, but you will care in about 10 years or so.... plus it all makes you overweight... and it's easier to put on the pounds than lose them...
I've gone through the overweight thing. I don't miss it. I definitely don't eat this stuff everyday or even once a week.
To me it's obvious why girls turn butch:

- they can't find boys who like them;
- society tells them that it's normal, natural;
- they are defiant towards their parents and traditional values.

...their fathers failed them...
To me it's obvious why girls turn butch:

- they can't find boys who like them;
- society tells them that it's normal, natural;
- they are defiant towards their parents and traditional values.

it's actually the soy that did it!
The fallacy to this thread/argument/soy thing is this:

Nobody is MADE Gay. People CHOOSE homosexuality like people choose lots of destructive behaviours. (shrug).
The fallacy to this thread/argument/soy thing is this:

Nobody is MADE Gay. People CHOOSE homosexuality like people choose lots of destructive behaviours. (shrug).

Yeah my point exactly.
The fallacy to this thread/argument/soy thing is this:

Nobody is MADE Gay. People CHOOSE homosexuality like people choose lots of destructive behaviours. (shrug).

Right... because you say so and for whatever reason you need to believe that. :clap2:

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