Sparta Prague Czech soccer midfielder Jakub Jankto, who is on loan from Spanish club Getafe, has come out as gay

the homophobes are out in strength tonight! get a room, you two!
There is no such thing as "homophobe". Phobias are irrational fears. Nobody is afraid of LGBTs. They just see them for what they are. Abnormal folks with psychological ailment. Simple as that.

Also, to use a word like homophobe, does injustice to people who deal everyday with real phobias. I have agarophobia - the most common of all phobias. I have learned to adapt, and no longer have panic attacks, although I must avoid driving over large bridges.

I also have a friend who has claustrophobia. When she comes to visit me, she cannot take the elevator to my 3rd floor apartment, and instead walks up the stairs, which are more open. We see people using the word homophobe, as just ridiculous.
There is no such thing as "homophobe". Phobias are irrational fears. Nobody is afraid of LGBTs. They just see them for what they are. Abnormal folks with psychological ailment. Simple as that.

Also, to use a word like homophobe, does injustice to people who deal everyday with real phobias. I have agarophobia - the most common of all phobias. I have learned to adapt, and no longer have panic attacks, although I must avoid driving over large bridges.

I also have a friend who has claustrophobia. When she comes to visit me, she cannot take the elevator to my 3rd floor apartment, and instead walks up the stairs, which are more open. We see people using the word homophobe, as just ridiculous.
you're the abnormal one. it's abnormal to have so much hatred in your heart just because someone is different than you. different doesn't mean deficient. we're just different like flakes of snow
you're the abnormal one. it's abnormal to have so much hatred in your heart just because someone is different than you. different doesn't mean deficient. we're just different like flakes of snow
Those who support the abnormality of LGBT, weaponize the word "hate" to attempt to portray guilt to people who simply state the obvious. That LGBT people are mentally ill. It's a pretty weak ruse, that only the most feeble minded would fall for.

And no, LGBTs are not different like flakes of snow. Flakes of snow don't think. They are just what nature designed. But LGBTs CHOOSE to be what they are, which is contrary to the design of nature > heterosexuality.
Those who support the abnormality of LGBT, weaponize the word "hate" to attempt to portray guilt to people who simply state the obvious. That LGBT people are mentally ill. It's a pretty weak ruse, that only the most feeble minded would fall for.

And no, LGBTs are not different like flakes of snow. Flakes of snow don't think. They are just what nature designed. But LGBTs CHOOSE to be what they are, which is contrary to the design of nature > heterosexuality.
how do we know you are not a closet homosexual? you probably are!

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