Speaker John Boehner has never sponsored an earmark in his congressional career !


Free Breast Exam
Oct 10, 2009
In your head
The Washington Times
Mr. Boehner, who never has sponsored an earmark in his congressional career, earlier this year convinced his fellow House Republicans to refrain from inserting them into legislation until end of the year. But pet projects remain popular with senior lawmakers of both parties, so it's uncertain if he can shepherd through a permanent ban.

There is hope yet. Go Mr. Speaker ! Between this & Ron Paul Chairing the Monetary Policy Subcommittee, it is going to be a complete shock to the corrupt Washington System. :cool:
Do you EVER tire of looking like an ass?

The top earmarkers in both the House and Senate are Republicans, even after the GOP has spent much of the past year making fiscal restraint and runaway government spending the centerpiece of its political message.

Rep. Bill Young (R-Fla.) and Sen. Thad Cochran (R-Miss.) — both atop defense spending panels — led their respective bodies in securing earmarks, according to an analysis by the nonprofit Taxpayers for Common Sense.

Republicans lead earmark list - Jake Sherman - POLITICO.com
As the November congressional elections draw ever nearer, taxpayer calls for budgetary prudence and deficit reduction are increasing in intensity. Traditional budget hawk Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) stated earlier this year, “I don’t think any agency of the federal government should be exempt from rooting out wasteful spending or unnecessary spending. And I, frankly, I would agree with it at the Pentagon. There’s got to be wasteful spending there, unnecessary spending there. It all ought to be eliminated.” But his continuing parochial support for the needlessly duplicative F136 extra engine puts him at odds with his own political philosophy and a potential tidal wave of voter anger that might propel him to the speaker’s podium.

F135 JSF Engine Blog: Good News from Washington, Even Better from Beyond

Now, I happen to actually like the new speaker, however to say that he has been somehow above the fray when it comes to pork is a bit of a stretch. The JSF Alt. Engine is a second Engine that congress approved which John Boehner voted yes on is not needed and is nothing but pork spending and jobs program for G.E. who is the prime contractor for the Alt. Engine in Ohio. Theres a word for that "bringing home the bacon" , now if someone be they Democrat or Republican really wants to cut this kind of nonsense out then they would start right at home, just a thought.
The Washington Times
Mr. Boehner, who never has sponsored an earmark in his congressional career, earlier this year convinced his fellow House Republicans to refrain from inserting them into legislation until end of the year. But pet projects remain popular with senior lawmakers of both parties, so it's uncertain if he can shepherd through a permanent ban.

There is hope yet. Go Mr. Speaker ! Between this & Ron Paul Chairing the Monetary Policy Subcommittee, it is going to be a complete shock to the corrupt Washington System. :cool:

When U.S. House Minority Leader John Boehner told a newscaster Sunday that not a single stimulus-funded road contract in his home state of Ohio had been let, he was wrong.

The Ohio Department of Transportation has OK'd 52 stimulus-funded road and bridge projects at a cost of nearly $84 million.

Republican John Boehner Backpedaling On Stimulus Lies | Crooks and Liars

When someone from the GOP says, "I have never......", I just assume they are lying. So far, I've been right every time.
No comment from the porkulus tax & spend democrats?

Verb 1. earmark - give or assign a resource to a particular person or cause; "I will earmark this money for your research"

earmarks - definition of earmarks by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

The problem is those on the right don't understand how things work. They are not real bright. It's their kind that gave us two Republican administrations who ran this country into the ground.

A "perfect" example. I know Republicans will laugh at this because they don't understand how things work.

Remember when John McCain laughed at "earmarks" being spent studying honeybees? To him, as well as most Republicans, honeybees are terrible insects that sting. They don't understand that nearly our entire agricultural economy depends on "honeybees" and scientists don't understand why they are dying, and by dying, threatening America's entire food supply.

OK, let the jokes begin. Go ahead Republicans. Show us how stupid you really are.

On your earmark:

Get set:

The Washington Times
Mr. Boehner, who never has sponsored an earmark in his congressional career, earlier this year convinced his fellow House Republicans to refrain from inserting them into legislation until end of the year. But pet projects remain popular with senior lawmakers of both parties, so it's uncertain if he can shepherd through a permanent ban.

There is hope yet. Go Mr. Speaker ! Between this & Ron Paul Chairing the Monetary Policy Subcommittee, it is going to be a complete shock to the corrupt Washington System. :cool:

Corrupt Washington system? Like handing out checks from the tobacco lobby on the house floor? How about enjoying plane rides on lobbyist private jets?
No comment from the porkulus tax & spend democrats?

Verb 1. earmark - give or assign a resource to a particular person or cause; "I will earmark this money for your research"

earmarks - definition of earmarks by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

The problem is those on the right don't understand how things work. They are not real bright. It's their kind that gave us two Republican administrations who ran this country into the ground.

A "perfect" example. I know Republicans will laugh at this because they don't understand how things work.

Remember when John McCain laughed at "earmarks" being spent studying honeybees? To him, as well as most Republicans, honeybees are terrible insects that sting. They don't understand that nearly our entire agricultural economy depends on "honeybees" and scientists don't understand why they are dying, and by dying, threatening America's entire food supply.

OK, let the jokes begin. Go ahead Republicans. Show us how stupid you really are.

On your earmark:

Get set:


Not going to joke with you, however as a Republican I cannot speak for Sen. McCain but will say most that I know of understand the relationship between honeybee's and agriculture. However like me some tend to believe that research into these things should be sponsored by the agriculture sector and not the American taxpayer or for that matter grants given through private industry or individuals. When the Govt. is more solvent then money can be allocated for such things as honeybee research and a whole host of other of what I am sure worthy research programs.
Do you EVER tire of looking like an ass?

The top earmarkers in both the House and Senate are Republicans, even after the GOP has spent much of the past year making fiscal restraint and runaway government spending the centerpiece of its political message.

Rep. Bill Young (R-Fla.) and Sen. Thad Cochran (R-Miss.) — both atop defense spending panels — led their respective bodies in securing earmarks, according to an analysis by the nonprofit Taxpayers for Common Sense.

Republicans lead earmark list - Jake Sherman - POLITICO.com

Was that question addressed to yourself? Obviously the answer is NO, because you keep posting stupidity. The article cited didnt mention Boehner once.
No comment from the porkulus tax & spend democrats?

Verb 1. earmark - give or assign a resource to a particular person or cause; "I will earmark this money for your research"

earmarks - definition of earmarks by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

The problem is those on the right don't understand how things work. They are not real bright. It's their kind that gave us two Republican administrations who ran this country into the ground.

A "perfect" example. I know Republicans will laugh at this because they don't understand how things work.

Remember when John McCain laughed at "earmarks" being spent studying honeybees? To him, as well as most Republicans, honeybees are terrible insects that sting. They don't understand that nearly our entire agricultural economy depends on "honeybees" and scientists don't understand why they are dying, and by dying, threatening America's entire food supply.

OK, let the jokes begin. Go ahead Republicans. Show us how stupid you really are.

On your earmark:

Get set:


Not going to joke with you, however as a Republican I cannot speak for Sen. McCain but will say most that I know of understand the relationship between honeybee's and agriculture. However like me some tend to believe that research into these things should be sponsored by the agriculture sector and not the American taxpayer or for that matter grants given through private industry or individuals. When the Govt. is more solvent then money can be allocated for such things as honeybee research and a whole host of other of what I am sure worthy research programs.

Yea, because farmers have so much money for doing scientific research. Who knew?
The Washington Times
Mr. Boehner, who never has sponsored an earmark in his congressional career, earlier this year convinced his fellow House Republicans to refrain from inserting them into legislation until end of the year. But pet projects remain popular with senior lawmakers of both parties, so it's uncertain if he can shepherd through a permanent ban.

There is hope yet. Go Mr. Speaker ! Between this & Ron Paul Chairing the Monetary Policy Subcommittee, it is going to be a complete shock to the corrupt Washington System. :cool:
I was aware of that, and have always been impressed. It's a good reason he will become speaker; he practices what he preaches.
Umm boner did not have to sponsor them just vote for them..

According to data from Taxpayers for Common Sense, Sen. Brown sponsored 74 earmarks worth $475,644,530 for Fiscal Year 2008. His earmarks are listed below, grouped by the bill containing the earmark.

CongressDB Sen. Sherrod Brown [D, OH] Earmarks

I am certain he voted against all of those earmarks....
And others in previous years.
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They're not "earmarks" if they money is for something you want, eh, rding?

And I even put down the definition of earmark and still someone doesn't know what they are......Well, I tried.
Ron Paul does not vote for earmarks even though he sponsors them.

Do any of you have proof that John Boehner voted for earmarks?

So far you idiots can't show John Boehner sponsors earmarks.
It's been 24 hours.

So how many earmarks did Speaker John Boehner sponsor or vote for in his congressional career?

How many did Ron Paul vote for in the past 10 years?

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