Speaker Johnson on Thin Ice

Nope. The border is too important a political issue for you guys to want to fix or let anyone else fix.
We have told you 100 times, a bill that legalizes millions of illegals flooding across our border and funds it ISN'T A BORDER SECURITY BILL THAT SECURES THE BORDER.
The only thing ''The People'' will get from this is the bill for it, while they continue to struggle to decide whether to put food on the table for their families or to put gas in their cars to get to work.
The people wouldn't get relief for those things whether this aid was passed or not, is more the reality imho.I

And my position with Ukrainian aid now vs. later ....the cost required to defend NATO countries later with additional Russian aggression.... is much more costly, with money and American lives.... when boots would be required on the ground.

Walking away from the Ukrainians now, after supporting them, would be a shameful disgrace and weaken our strength and security and standing and power, worldwide imo....

I know you strongly think differently! We will just have to simply disagree on this one!
The people wouldn't get relief for those things whether this aid was passed or not, is more the reality imho.I

And my position with Ukrainian aid now vs. later ....the cost required to defend NATO countries later with additional Russian aggression.... is much more costly, with money and American lives.... when boots would be required on the ground.

Walking away from the Ukrainians now, after supporting them, would be a shameful disgrace and weaken our strength and security and standing and power, worldwide imo....

I know you strongly think differently! We will just have to simply disagree on this one!
The 1950s called....They want their Domino Theory back.
Johnson betrayed the southern border in favor of foreign aid. The Rinos and Democrats are rejoicing.

Are you coming to terms that Trump will not save America?

Maga Mike.jpg
The people wouldn't get relief for those things whether this aid was passed or not, is more the reality imho.I

And my position with Ukrainian aid now vs. later ....the cost required to defend NATO countries later with additional Russian aggression.... is much more costly, with money and American lives.... when boots would be required on the ground.

Walking away from the Ukrainians now, after supporting them, would be a shameful disgrace and weaken our strength and security and standing and power, worldwide imo....

I know you strongly think differently! We will just have to simply disagree on this one!

I don't think I feel very strongly about anything political/geopolitical anymore, C4All. It's getting to be that I really just don't care any more. I'll offer my perspective on here once in a while now. If I feel like it. But I don't even really feel like doing that any more.

I've accepted that both theoretical sides of the party-of-one are destroying the prosperity and fabric of our country. And I don't accept that the electorate itself, collectively speaking, is even qualified to understand that this is happening, much less getting into the why and how. Now, yes, that may well sound elitist or prideful, but it's not really. It's just how I see the whole of the situation.

I got my lawn cut today. Walks and street curb edged nicely. Cars are washed. Fed the birds. Sealed the main driveway. And walked around the classic car show for about a half hour. Those are meaningful things.

Tomorrow I'm going to powerwash my siding.

But I'm not sure if my neighbors are allowed to kill me if they catch me working on a Sunday. I think I read something about that in ''the good book'' some place a long time ago.
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In any other point in the cycle, I'd be 101% behind it....But this smells like spook shit at this particular point in time.

Alsoplustoo, MisterBeale has his usual interesting angle on Massie.
. . . mmm .. . maybe you are thinking of someone else?

I trust Massie. I particularly liked his reason for opposing that immigration bill. It had not a damn thing to do with Trump, but for the same reason the liberal, civil liberty's organiztion, the EFF doesn't like what the Deep State is doing on immigration & the border. It wants us all bio-metrically tagged, and I am not sure Trump gives a shit, or is smaht enough to worry about that one bit.

But then. . . I forgets lots of things, and remember arcane things. So who knows?

All of the Congress critters will do what they are told, unless they have super integrity, nothing bad in their past, and few have had that, and are up to opposing the Deep State's willingness to bribe, extort or blackmail them out of their seats.

They had done it to Ron Paul, Kucinich and McKinney that I am aware of, when they didn't do what they were told.

Anyone that doesn't play ball, they will use nasty tactics, i.e. redistricting, primarying, wrapupsmears, etc.

Is he being threatened?
They are all being threatened to do what the oligarchs want them to.

Dianne Feinstein told us that before she became too feeble. I sometimes imagine that is why she kept her position so long. . . she probably knew some shit on someone important . . .

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The people wouldn't get relief for those things whether this aid was passed or not, is more the reality imho.I

And my position with Ukrainian aid now vs. later ....the cost required to defend NATO countries later with additional Russian aggression.... is much more costly, with money and American lives.... when boots would be required on the ground.

Walking away from the Ukrainians now, after supporting them, would be a shameful disgrace and weaken our strength and security and standing and power, worldwide imo....

I know you strongly think differently! We will just have to simply disagree on this one!
Agree. We did it to the Kurds. Twice. Our reputation isn’t the best.
We have told you 100 times, a bill that legalizes millions of illegals flooding across our border and funds it ISN'T A BORDER SECURITY BILL THAT SECURES THE BORDER.
You lot were for it….

until Trump said not.


Do your master’s bidding.
It isn’t and has never been about the southern border, otherwise they would have passed the bill that gave them almost everything they wanted on the border.
That bill was about much, MUCH more than just immigration. Did you look into it? Did you read it?

The civil liberties, left leaning group, the EFF was warning about the provisions in it, well before it was even written.

Do you want to be bio-metrically and electrically tagged and tracked like cattle? Do you believe new comers should be?

Whose property is your DNA, yours, or Big Brother's?

In any other point in the cycle, I'd be 101% behind it....But this smells like spook shit at this particular point in time.

Alsoplustoo, MisterBeale has his usual interesting angle on Massie.

I read a lot of foreign media. And I try to read a good variety of reporting from platforms all over the world. I probably reserve about an hour or so to flip through stuff. Depends on if anything interests me.

Anyway. They sometimes do clever things.

Like in this Russian State sponsored report...

Russia launches terrorism probe into US and NATO officials

I took more interest in the fact that they chose to display this particular image in the article...


It's an image of St. George slaying the serpent with a spear. It's illustrated on a shield on top of the old Romanov double-headed imperial eagle.

The image placement is, of course, deliberate and the headline it was deliberately placed into context with is of relevance.

That ''read between the lines'' type is the kind of stuff that intrigues me. But nobody ever really pays attention to the messaging that is actually being relayed by whomever it is that might do clever stuff like this.

I have some thoughts on what this particular messaging means in relation to the transcript of the artcle itself.. But that's for a different thread. Which will probably never come anyway.
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That bill was about much, MUCH more than just immigration. Did you look into it? Did you read it?

Of course it was. It was the bill that gave the Republicans almost all of what they wanted and Dems considerably less than they wanted.…funding for Ukraine, Israel and Pacific rim allies and a huge give on border policy essentially rewriting the asylum system. Trump (and the the Republicans) essentially said he doesn’t want to fix the border until after the election.

There are also a lot misinformation about what is and is not in it.

The $118 billion bill, called the Emergency National Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, sought significant changes in border policy. It included money to build more border barriers, to greatly expand detention facilities, and to hire more Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Border Patrol agents, asylum officers and immigration judges to reduce the years-long backlog in cases to determine asylum eligibility. It sought to expedite the asylum process, essentially ending — in most cases — the so-called “catch and release” policy whereby migrants are released into the U.S. pending asylum hearings. And it would have increased the standard of evidence needed to win asylum status.

The bill also would have supplied more funding to interdict fentanyl and human trafficking, and it included $60 billion in aid for Ukraine and $14 billion for Israel.
“It doesn’t have everything in it I wanted, it doesn’t have everything it it my Democratic colleagues wanted,” one of the architects of the bill, Republican Sen. James Lankford, said from the Senate floor before the vote was taken. “But it definitely makes a difference.”
In the lead-up to the vote, Lankford accused his Republican colleagues of opposing the bill on political, rather than policy, grounds.

“It is interesting: Republicans, four months ago, would not give funding for Ukraine, for Israel and for our southern border because we demanded changes in policy,” Lankford said on CNN. “And now, it’s interesting, a few months later, when we’re finally getting to the end, they’re like, ‘Oh, just kidding, I actually don’t want a change in law because it’s a presidential election year.’”

The civil liberties, left leaning group, the EFF was warning about the provisions in it, well before it was even written.
What provisions?

Do you want to be bio-metrically and electrically tagged and tracked like cattle? Do you believe new comers should be?

Where in the bill is that?

Whose property is your DNA, yours, or Big Brother's?

These days? Who the hell knows….probably Ancestry.com’s.

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