Speaker McCarthy announced marriage to Pelosi


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

After Speaker McCarthy just agreed to the DNC spending plan, with zero concessions to conservatives, he also announced his plans to marry Nancy Pelosi. "We just can't hide it anymore," announced McCarthy, "We are getting married tomorrow." A reported questioned McCarthy about the marriage saying, "Isn't this against the law since you are both already married"? "Law, what is that", questioned McCarthy, "Oh, you mean those things we used to lock up protesters on January 6th for 50 years or more?" "Yes", said the reporter, "Those things".

Nancy Pelosi interrupted, "Well, I would not really call him my husband, as he is more of a cuckold so like Hunter on his crack pipe while Joe and his family are receiving millions from communist China, no laws are being broken I can assure you". "It involves whips and chains and him running around on all fours barking like a dog." "Bow wow!" interjected McCarthy. "Not hear you idiot or I will beat you!" shouted Pelosi, "I bet that is what you really want isn't it, you want beat to a pulp like my last husband begged me to do, well it was fun when we did it but we really can't afford the bad press anymore, M'mkay?" "Sicko!"
Democracy won out over partisan politics

An overwhelming majority of Senators and Congressmen voted to keep the Government open.

A small number of representatives intent on harming the country should not be pandered to
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After Speaker McCarthy just agreed to the DNC spending plan, with zero concessions to conservatives, he also announced his plans to marry Nancy Pelosi. "We just can't hide it anymore," announced McCarthy, "We are getting married tomorrow." A reported questioned McCarthy about the marriage saying, "Isn't this against the law since you are both already married"? "Law, what is that", questioned McCarthy, "Oh, you mean those things we used to lock up protesters on January 6th for 50 years or more?" "Yes", said the reporter, "Those things".

Nancy Pelosi interrupted, "Well, I would not really call him my husband, as he is more of a cuckold so like Hunter on his crack pipe while Joe and his family are receiving millions from communist China, no laws are being broken I can assure you". "It involves whips and chains and him running around on all fours barking like a dog." "Bow wow!" interjected McCarthy. "Not hear you idiot or I will beat you!" shouted Pelosi, "I bet that is what you really want isn't it, you want beat to a pulp like my last husband begged me to do, well it was fun when we did it but we really can't afford the bad press anymore, M'mkay?" "Sicko!"
Oh no! Trump will be so disappointed. He was hoping that once he got back in the White House, he could woo her and the two of them would have a hot and passionate love affair.
Democracy won out over partisan politics

An overwhelming majority of Senators and Congressmen voted to keep the Government open.

A small number of representatives intent on harming the country should not be pandered to
Yes, your precious democracy is working so well to the tune of $35 trillion in debt and counting with soul crushing inflation because of all the spending.

I know, let's spend more!! Just one more spending bill, just one more hit and they promised to finally stop!


Apparently democracy = massive debt and inflation and open borders with no end in sight.

Who knew?
Yes, your precious democracy is working so well to the tune of $35 trillion in debt and counting with soul crushing inflation because of all the spending.

I know, let's spend more!! Just one more spending bill, just one more hit and they promised to finally stop!

View attachment 836752

Apparently democracy = massive debt and inflation and open borders with no end in sight.

Who knew?
Rightwinger worked for the federal government. He has no understanding of profit and loss, covering expenditures, or budgeting that is required of normal organizations.
Rightwinger worked for the federal government. He has no understanding of profit and loss, covering expenditures, or budgeting that is required of normal organizations.
He probably thinks that printing money out of thin air does not even make inflation go up.

But for a democracy to continue like it is, they need to keep voters like him as ignorant as possible, which they are doing thanks to public education and the media.

They really think Trump and Putin are to blame for inflation

What kills me is that Biden even admitted his own inflation bill did nothing to fight inflation, it only spent more on climate crap. But the cult still follows cuz cultists have to cult.
Yes, your precious democracy is working so well to the tune of $35 trillion in debt and counting with soul crushing inflation because of all the spending.

I know, let's spend more!! Just one more spending bill, just one more hit and they promised to finally stop!

View attachment 836752

Apparently democracy = massive debt and inflation and open borders with no end in sight.

Who knew?

If you can answer why Republicans only care about debt when a Democrat is President, I will take your concerns seriously

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