Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi Starts Off 2021 By Continuing To Facilitate CCP Espionage

Taking money and aid from the CCP to win elections, F*ing a CCP spy, and Hiring another for his inner office staff...Hiding all of this AFTER Congress was briefed the CCP was trying to recruit traitors like him, Hiding all of this, especially from Pelosi who appointed him a member of the House Intel Committee...

Considering your ignorance on the matter, that you volunteered, we should not see any more comments from you on the matter until you have educated yourself enough to speak intelligently on the subject...

well, the thing is, all of this is secret, so we only have how the GOP is trying to portray it.

Let's get all the files on Ms. Fang out in the open. She's already fled back to China, so it's not like she can do any more harm.
Since you are not a member of Congress and were not briefed on Swalwell's treason, like the rest of us, you won't ever know. Your narcissistic belief that you should be included in such Intel is humorous, snowflake.

Until I see the evidence, I really don't believe anything the GOP has to say on the matter.

Put up or shut up.
Taking money and aid from the CCP to win elections, F*ing a CCP spy, and Hiring another for his inner office staff...Hiding all of this AFTER Congress was briefed the CCP was trying to recruit traitors like him, Hiding all of this, especially from Pelosi who appointed him a member of the House Intel Committee...

Considering your ignorance on the matter, that you volunteered, we should not see any more comments from you on the matter until you have educated yourself enough to speak intelligently on the subject...

well, the thing is, all of this is secret, so we only have how the GOP is trying to portray it.

Let's get all the files on Ms. Fang out in the open. She's already fled back to China, so it's not like she can do any more harm.
After DEMOCRAT Diane Feinstein was caught facilitating CCP Espionage for DECADES the Democrats allowed her CCP Spy flee back to China, protected her from any investigation, and allowed her to remain in Congress without any punishment...just like they are doing again with Swalwell.

Let's face it, in light of how so many Democrats are bought and paid for by the CCP - to include the Biden's, the Democrats are the CCP's treasonous little bitches.
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Since you are not a member of Congress and were not briefed on Swalwell's treason, like the rest of us, you won't ever know. Your narcissistic belief that you should be included in such Intel is humorous, snowflake.

Until I see the evidence, I really don't believe anything the GOP has to say on the matter.

Put up or shut up.
The evidence has already been 'put up', little CCP bitch. Even Pelosi has admitted Swalwell facilitated CCP espionage, followed by her attempt to save her own ass for putting him on the House Intel Committee by saying she did so BEFORE Swalwell's treason was exposed.

Her continuing to keep the Manchurian Candidate on the House Intel Committee since then demonstrates Pelosi is just another CCP bought and paid for treasonous Democrat.

And who gives a shit what you choose to believe or not?! The evidence of Swalwell's treason - like Pelosi's - is irrefutable. Reality is not dependent on your willingness to accept it or not, snowflake. Again, your narcissism is humorous.
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After DEMOCRAT Diane Feinstein was caught facilitating CCP Espionage for DECADES the Democrats allowed her CCP Spy flee back to China, protected her from any investigation, and allowed her to remain in Congress without any punishment...just like they are doing again with Swalwell.


It is difficult to address the merits of this kind of argument based on what is publicly known about the case. The FBI has not commented on it, and according to Feinstein, no risk of the staff member in question’s transferring sensitive material ever existed, as no one on the senator’s California staff possessed security clearances necessary to have access to that kind of information in the first place.

While the reporting on this topic vaguely suggested that the staff member “reported back to China about local politics,” it is uncertain whether this staff member ever provided the Chinese anything of value, or even whether efforts to recruit this individual were even successful:

The FBI apparently concluded the driver hadn’t revealed anything of substance.
“They interviewed him, and Dianne forced him to retire, and that was the end of it,” says our source.

Let's face it, in light of how so many Democrats are bought and paid for by the CCP - to include the Biden's, the Democrats are the CCP's treasonous little bitches.

Yawn... There's a Chinse person hiding under your bed. Tonight she's going to sneak out and give you a "Happy Ending".

The evidence has already been 'put up', little CCP bitch. Even Pelosi has admitted Swalwell facilitated CCP espionage, followed by her attempt to save her own ass for putting him on the House Intel Committee by saying she did so BEFORE Swalwell's treason was exposed.

Yes, Chinese agents have figured out how to extract secret info through their vaginas.. How devious.

And who gives a shit what you choose to believe or not?! The evidence of Swalwell's treason - like Pelosi's - is irrefutable. Reality is not dependent on your willingness to accept it or not, snowflake. Again, your narcissism is humorous.

Let me know when he is actually charged with something.

The Republicans will talk shit, he'll stay on the committee, and you'll keep whining about the "Chinese".
After DEMOCRAT Diane Feinstein was caught facilitating CCP Espionage for DECADES the Democrats allowed her CCP Spy flee back to China, protected her from any investigation, and allowed her to remain in Congress without any punishment...just like they are doing again with Swalwell.


It is difficult to address the merits of this kind of argument based on what is publicly known about the case. The FBI has not commented on it, and according to Feinstein, no risk of the staff member in question’s transferring sensitive material ever existed, as no one on the senator’s California staff possessed security clearances necessary to have access to that kind of information in the first place.

While the reporting on this topic vaguely suggested that the staff member “reported back to China about local politics,” it is uncertain whether this staff member ever provided the Chinese anything of value, or even whether efforts to recruit this individual were even successful:

The FBI apparently concluded the driver hadn’t revealed anything of substance.
“They interviewed him, and Dianne forced him to retire, and that was the end of it,” says our source.

Let's face it, in light of how so many Democrats are bought and paid for by the CCP - to include the Biden's, the Democrats are the CCP's treasonous little bitches.

Yawn... There's a Chinse person hiding under your bed. Tonight she's going to sneak out and give you a "Happy Ending".

The evidence has already been 'put up', little CCP bitch. Even Pelosi has admitted Swalwell facilitated CCP espionage, followed by her attempt to save her own ass for putting him on the House Intel Committee by saying she did so BEFORE Swalwell's treason was exposed.

Yes, Chinese agents have figured out how to extract secret info through their vaginas.. How devious.

And who gives a shit what you choose to believe or not?! The evidence of Swalwell's treason - like Pelosi's - is irrefutable. Reality is not dependent on your willingness to accept it or not, snowflake. Again, your narcissism is humorous.

Let me know when he is actually charged with something.

The Republicans will talk shit, he'll stay on the committee, and you'll keep whining about the "Chinese".

So Democrat facilitation of CCP Espionage is ok as long as the spies don't get critical Intel...


You little CCP Den-Apologist bitches are pathetic...
So Democrat facilitation of CCP Espionage is ok as long as the spies don't get critical Intel...


You little CCP Den-Apologist bitches are pathetic...

You're the one who thinks there's a Chinese hiding under your bed.

I don't really give a fuck.

They spy on us, we spy on them.

You guys didn't even prove Fang Squared slept with Slawell, much less she got anything useful for letting him get his way with her.
Despite admitting she knows D-Eric Swalwell is a compromised agent of the CCP and has known for 4 years while Swalwell has been in the House Intel Committee, Pelosi refuses to remove Swalwell from the committee...


2021 and Easy is still lying about the Chinese.

Swalwell was hanging out with a Chinese spy. The FBI told him she was a Chinese spy, and Swalwell cut off all contact with her.

The FBI warned the Trump campaign about Russian spies, and Trump Campaign members continued to hang out with Russian spies. Rudy Guiliani has been warned about Russian spies in the Ukraine and he's still hanging out with them. Should they have all been removed from their jobs for hanging out with Russian spies?

Why is it OK from Trump and his people to hang around with foreign spies, and not lose their jobs, but Swalwell quits hanging out with spies, and needs to be fired?
Another day and Pelosi continues to facilitate confirmed CCP Espionage by keeping Swalwell on the House Intel Committee ...

Meanwhile ignorant, traitor-defending fu@ks like Joe continue to defend the CCP, defend proven traitots like the Biden's, Feinstein, Swalwell, and Pelosi, and minimize the exposed serious problem Democrats have with selling out America.

CCP Espionage is ok to idiots like Joe because - only according to him - they haven't gotten much damaging Intel from their American Traitors. I mean, how much Intel could the CCP get from a member of the House Intel Committee, one of the most senior ranking Senate Democrats, a former VP, and now a soon-to-be President, one who has been proven to have taken $1.5 BILLION from the CCP?!

As Joe and Biden say, the CCP are 'really good people', they aren't our competition, and as Joe says, we can overlook a little spying...

Good Grief....
CCP Espionage is ok to idiots like Joe because - only according to him - they haven't gotten much damaging Intel from their American Traitors. I mean, how much Intel could the CCP get from a member of the House Intel Committee, one of the most senior ranking Senate Democrats, a former VP, and now a soon-to-be President, one who has been proven to have taken $1.5 BILLION from the CCP?!

Okay, tell me, what could have the CCP possibly have gotten from Swalwell I should be worried about.

Name one thing that Fang Squared could have possibly gotten that should worry me or have ANY EFFECT on my life.

Like it or not, China is a fact of life. The biggest traitor are the guys who ran up Trillions of Dollars in debt the Chinese own... If anything, the Chinese really wanted to fuck us, they'd just have to call in the money we owe them.
Since you are not a member of Congress and were not briefed on Swalwell's treason, like the rest of us, you won't ever know. Your narcissistic belief that you should be included in such Intel is humorous, snowflake.

Until I see the evidence, I really don't believe anything the GOP has to say on the matter.

Put up or shut up.
Hilarious coming from a RUSSIA..........RUSSIA...............RUSSIA moron.
Despite admitting she knows D-Eric Swalwell is a compromised agent of the CCP and has known for 4 years while Swalwell has been in the House Intel Committee, Pelosi refuses to remove Swalwell from the committee...


2021 and Easy is still lying about the Chinese.

Swalwell was hanging out with a Chinese spy. The FBI told him she was a Chinese spy, and Swalwell cut off all contact with her.

The FBI warned the Trump campaign about Russian spies, and Trump Campaign members continued to hang out with Russian spies. Rudy Guiliani has been warned about Russian spies in the Ukraine and he's still hanging out with them. Should they have all been removed from their jobs for hanging out with Russian spies?

Why is it OK from Trump and his people to hang around with foreign spies, and not lose their jobs, but Swalwell quits hanging out with spies, and needs to be fired?
The FBI warned the Trump campaign about Russian spies,

Your lies are too easy to expose, you lying sack of shit.

Despite admitting she knows D-Eric Swalwell is a compromised agent of the CCP and has known for 4 years while Swalwell has been in the House Intel Committee, Pelosi refuses to remove Swalwell from the committee...


2021 and Easy is still lying about the Chinese.

Swalwell was hanging out with a Chinese spy. The FBI told him she was a Chinese spy, and Swalwell cut off all contact with her.

The FBI warned the Trump campaign about Russian spies, and Trump Campaign members continued to hang out with Russian spies. Rudy Guiliani has been warned about Russian spies in the Ukraine and he's still hanging out with them. Should they have all been removed from their jobs for hanging out with Russian spies?

Why is it OK from Trump and his people to hang around with foreign spies, and not lose their jobs, but Swalwell quits hanging out with spies, and needs to be fired?

So, you're in favor of a full blown SP to investigate Chineese influence over the 2020 elections?
Despite admitting she knows D-Eric Swalwell is a compromised agent of the CCP and has known for 4 years while Swalwell has been in the House Intel Committee, Pelosi refuses to remove Swalwell from the committee...


2021 and Easy is still lying about the Chinese.

Swalwell was hanging out with a Chinese spy. The FBI told him she was a Chinese spy, and Swalwell cut off all contact with her.

The FBI warned the Trump campaign about Russian spies, and Trump Campaign members continued to hang out with Russian spies. Rudy Guiliani has been warned about Russian spies in the Ukraine and he's still hanging out with them. Should they have all been removed from their jobs for hanging out with Russian spies?

Why is it OK from Trump and his people to hang around with foreign spies, and not lose their jobs, but Swalwell quits hanging out with spies, and needs to be fired?

So, you're in favor of a full blown SP to investigate Chineese influence over the 2020 elections?

I'm in favour of confining anyone who calls Democrats pawn/sympathizers/dupes of the Chinese, in a room where they can talk amongst themselves. The Chinese aren't wasting their time on you fools. They don't need to bother. Trump has destroyed your economy, your nation is in the throws of an out of control pandemic, which is killing 3000 people a day and climbing, and you're falsely claiming China is your biggest problem.

Trump is the guy who gave China the whip hand. Ask him how he intends to use foreign governments to help him retain power.
Despite admitting she knows D-Eric Swalwell is a compromised agent of the CCP and has known for 4 years while Swalwell has been in the House Intel Committee, Pelosi refuses to remove Swalwell from the committee...


2021 and Easy is still lying about the Chinese.

Swalwell was hanging out with a Chinese spy. The FBI told him she was a Chinese spy, and Swalwell cut off all contact with her.

The FBI warned the Trump campaign about Russian spies, and Trump Campaign members continued to hang out with Russian spies. Rudy Guiliani has been warned about Russian spies in the Ukraine and he's still hanging out with them. Should they have all been removed from their jobs for hanging out with Russian spies?

Why is it OK from Trump and his people to hang around with foreign spies, and not lose their jobs, but Swalwell quits hanging out with spies, and needs to be fired?

So, you're in favor of a full blown SP to investigate Chineese influence over the 2020 elections?
I'm in favour of confining anyone who calls Democrats pawn/sympathizers/dupes of the Chinese...

There you have it folks...People like Dragonbreath here wants to jail people that don't bow to liberal ideology....What a fascist you really are....Thank God Canada has you....

The Chinese aren't wasting their time on you fools. They don't need to bother.

Maybe, thanks to dolts like you who have worked with them to elevate them to where they are now....

Trump has destroyed your economy, your nation is in the throws of an out of control pandemic, which is killing 3000 people a day and climbing, and you're falsely claiming China is your biggest problem.

What a nasty little bitch you really are....When China let loose the virus that NO ONE had ever seen before, (That's what "novel" means) Trump went into action trying to protect the American people, while snots like you touted that there was nothing to fear...Hell, Nancy was telling people to party in Chinatown for Christ sake...

As for the economy, Trump was at the time of the nation wide shutdown, was listening to the slimy little worm liberal Faucci, and meanwhile Governors like Cuomo were locking down their states and shuttling Covid patients into nursing homes against their calls not to do that...So, yes the economy took a hit, we were shut the hell down for God's sake....But, one thing people like you will never mention is that when Trump opened it back up, due to his policies, it spiked at a 33% increase....That was probably the point in which Democrats knew that they had to cheat....

Now, the pupet Biden is going to co opt Trump's plans and call them his own, but we know better...

Trump is the guy who gave China the whip hand.

I have no clue what you are trying to say here...My guess is that it is misguided though...

Ask him how he intends to use foreign governments to help him retain power.

I have no clue what you are rambling about here, care to clue us in to your conspiracy theory?
Another day....another day Pelosi allows Comrade Swalwell to remain on the USA Intel Committee....
Despite admitting she knows D-Eric Swalwell is a compromised agent of the CCP and has known for 4 years while Swalwell has been in the House Intel Committee, Pelosi refuses to remove Swalwell from the committee...

China already owns most of our media paid for by American Dollars which Bill Clinton and Obama helped send to China. And if Biden is allowed to steal an election, they will own a president.
China already owns most of our media paid for by American Dollars which Bill Clinton and Obama helped send to China. And if Biden is allowed to steal an election, they will own a president.

As McCarthy pointed out, from City Council positions to Mayors to Governors to Federal Politicians like Biden, Feinstein, Swalwell, Pelosi, Schumer, the Democrats are infested with traitors who have sold out to the CCP and continue to facilitate CCP espionage and exploitation.
I have no clue what you are rambling about here, care to clue us in to your conspiracy theory?

That's absolutely correct. You have no clue. You should stop commenting until you do.

Your President has spent the last four years lifting sanctions against China, and doing everything possible to increase China's wealth, power and standing in the world, in exchange for "gifts in the form of trade marks for Ivanka and a half billion loan for Junior. Imports from China have increased, and exports decreased.

The American farmer has been lost income, many have lost their farms, China has increased its wealth and standing in the world, and become more and more powerful because of Trump's policies, and Trump has done NOTHING to stop China from doing these things.

Now you come up with this fiction that Biden is working on behalf of China. That everyone who is working to get rid of Trump is working on behalf of the Chinese. What could Biden possibly do for China that Trump hasn't already done?

Trump has done more to damage US trade relations than you can possibly imagine. NOBODY in the first world is buying US goods because Trump slapped tariffs on our goods. The American trade deficits with Canada and Europe are through the roof because Canadians and Europeans are not buying American any more.

And you fools are bleating about the Chinese. Trump has done more damage to the country than Xi and Putin could have ever have dreamed even in their wildest flights of fancy. And you continue to try to burn the country down, rather than let the "other side" win.

Nothing is as disloyal or destructive to the nation as Donald Trump and his Republican party. You have all but destroyed the nation. It will take generations to undo the damage of the Republican Party and its racist, authoritarian policies.

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