Speaker of the House

Doesn't matter if they are the minority party, they still could help. And this isn't "republicans"....Republicans are pretty much in agreement, its these 20 or so people who apparently are trying to secure special favors for themselves, or simply don't want McCarthy that are holding things up. Those people need to be made known, and eventually need to realize that this is not helping anything.
They are already known, and they are part of the Republican Party. They are a Republican Party problem.

You all wouldn't stop laughing for a week if I suggested that Republicans have a responsibility to get The Squad to go along with the corporate Democrats on something.
The Republican party created those monsters. That's on them.
So, youre saying that its not in the democrts interest, and they have no responsibility to do what is in the countys best interest, and help move things forward? Is that what you are suggesting? That it's OK for the dems to sit on the side while the country has no congress?

I've already stated that the repubs are screwing up here....but you are saying that it's OK for the dems to sit on the side and let this happen when they have the ability to get things moving forward?
They are already known, and they are part of the Republican Party. They are a Republican Party problem.

You all wouldn't stop laughing for a week if I suggested that Republicans have a responsibility to get The Squad to go along with the corporate Democrats on something.

No, I'd say if the dems were in this situation, and the repubs would have no chance of winning, that they also be culpable for letting this continue when they have a chance to fix it, and chose to do nothing.


Oh please ... The fact that the people in her District were having trouble telling the difference between Representative Cheney and Speaker Pelosi ...
Is probably the reason she isn't Representative Cheney anymore.

If you want to make the case that laughing about it all is actually worth something ...
That's ignoring the facts behind what got Representative Cheney's ass sent back home ...
Get a clue Assclowns, keep playing games and see what happens ... :auiqs.jpg:

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Sadly, my guess is that McCarthy will win before the day is over. I hope I'm wrong...

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