Speaker Wacky Nancy Pelosi to the Washington Post: Impeaching President Trump is "just not worth it"

"He's Just Not Worth It" Speaker Pelosi Comes Out Against Impeaching President Trump ...(For Now)

Now the speed of the rats running and hiding will increase

The MEN have awakened !!

Tucker Carlson and others will keep spreading this awakening !!

The cat is out of the bag

The rats went too far and too long and too deep !!

After years of screech and outrage he's just not worth it?

Are her voters really this stupid?
We know who the stupid ones are. ;)

When an inexperienced person 18 yr olds vote most for liberals and the 50-64 age group votes most for conservatives because of experience

That would prove that conservatives are the wise

Also teachers as corrupt to the core to cover up science and history !!
"He's Just Not Worth It" Speaker Pelosi Comes Out Against Impeaching President Trump ...(For Now)

Now the speed of the rats running and hiding will increase

The MEN have awakened !!

Tucker Carlson and others will keep spreading this awakening !!

The cat is out of the bag

The rats went too far and too long and too deep !!

What "awakening" is this? No man of good character would defend what carlson said. He should apologize to his fellow Americans.If he is married, he should apologize to his wife first. If he needs to come out of the closet, he should at least be honest with her.

The founders loved and saved their women and children

The women and children should appreciate being saved from a helluva life !!
"He's Just Not Worth It" Speaker Pelosi Comes Out Against Impeaching President Trump ...(For Now)

Now the speed of the rats running and hiding will increase

The MEN have awakened !!

Tucker Carlson and others will keep spreading this awakening !!

The cat is out of the bag

The rats went too far and too long and too deep !!

Women buried the GOP in 2018. The fact is that Democrats never committed to impeachment and did not run on it as a party.

The men had awakened like all thru history

The result can be seen all thru history

The unwise gains freedoms and then the harm comes and gets slapped down

Do you know Goldilocks and the 3 Bears? Men are the unwise ones.
He (tramp) did it right in front of our eyes on national TV, Russia is your listening.

He now claims he was joking but he was dead serious when he asked.

This among other things lead to
Well he is not really worth the time as the Republicans in the Senate bow to him, no matter what. also she didn't lock the door. The SDNY will indict him when he gets voted out.
Sure they will. Now what are the charges? Russian Collusion? Nope. Lying to Congress? Nope. Jaywalking? Maybe.

Conspiracy to defraud the US election. The SDNY can get the money charges, money laundering, and bank and insurance fraud.

Conspiracy against the United States, or conspiracy to defraud the United States, is a federal offense in the United States of America under 18 U.S.C. § 371. The crime is that of two or more persons who conspire to commit an offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States.
Conspiracy against the United States - Wikipedia

Conspiracy against the United States - Wikipedia
Hogwash. I could make a case right now that the Democrats are involved in a criminal conspiracy to defraud Americans with respect to Global Warming, Russian Collusion, the Great Recession, you name it.

How hard up you are, Trump conspire with Russia. Global warming is real. I do believe if Trump shot an innocent on 5th ave you'd deny it and overlook it and even the GOP didn't condemn him. He poops ice cream and all you trumpers want a second scoop.
Global Warming is as real as Global Cooling. A flea has more of an effect on dog than we do the planet. The #1 Greenhouse gas on the planet is WATER VAPOR. Carbon Dioxide is not a poison....especially due the fact that plants need it to survive.

And when it comes to Trump telling a joke.....you really have to be a complete idiot to think that constitutes collusion. After nearly 3 years of investigations on the subject, the only folks that have been caught colluding with Russians is Democrats, particularly Hillary & Bill, Obama, Adam Schiff, John Podesta, Glenn Simpson, Christopher Steele, just to name a few. The case for Russia collusion … against the Democrats

That is so much a pack of lies.
Trump's campaign attempted to get dirt on Clinton from a Russian national.
Manafort was receiving money from Russian interests and giving them polling information
Russian social media bots ran pro-Trump campaign ads
Roger Stone knew that Podesta's e-mails had been hacked and knew they would be released on WikiLeaks before they were released
Roger Stone claimed he had a backdoor to WikiLeaks and Assange was being supported by Russia
Russia wanted Trump to win not Clinton
"He's Just Not Worth It" Speaker Pelosi Comes Out Against Impeaching President Trump ...(For Now)

Now the speed of the rats running and hiding will increase

The MEN have awakened !!

Tucker Carlson and others will keep spreading this awakening !!

The cat is out of the bag

The rats went too far and too long and too deep !!

After years of screech and outrage he's just not worth it?

Are her voters really this stupid?
We know who the stupid ones are. ;)

When an inexperienced person 18 yr olds vote most for liberals and the 50-64 age group votes most for conservatives because of experience

That would prove that conservatives are the wise

Also teachers as corrupt to the core to cover up science and history !!

Trump conservatives are the stupidest creatures on this earth. Real conservatives who oppose Trump are the wise ones.
"He's Just Not Worth It" Speaker Pelosi Comes Out Against Impeaching President Trump ...(For Now)

Now the speed of the rats running and hiding will increase

The MEN have awakened !!

Tucker Carlson and others will keep spreading this awakening !!

The cat is out of the bag

The rats went too far and too long and too deep !!

After years of screech and outrage he's just not worth it?

Are her voters really this stupid?
We know who the stupid ones are. ;)

When an inexperienced person 18 yr olds vote most for liberals and the 50-64 age group votes most for conservatives because of experience

That would prove that conservatives are the wise

Also teachers as corrupt to the core to cover up science and history !!

Trump conservatives are the stupidest creatures on this earth. Real conservatives who oppose Trump are the wise ones.

Trump supporters have the highest net worth along with the best balance which proves trump supporters as the most wise

His biggest support is in
The 50-64 age group who has had time to learn which is best

All proving liberals are the low wisdom people
"He's Just Not Worth It" Speaker Pelosi Comes Out Against Impeaching President Trump ...(For Now)

Now the speed of the rats running and hiding will increase

The MEN have awakened !!

Tucker Carlson and others will keep spreading this awakening !!

The cat is out of the bag

The rats went too far and too long and too deep !!

What "awakening" is this? No man of good character would defend what carlson said. He should apologize to his fellow Americans.If he is married, he should apologize to his wife first. If he needs to come out of the closet, he should at least be honest with her.

The founders loved and saved their women and children

The women and children should appreciate being saved from a helluva life !!

Please distinguish between women and children. Women are grown-up adults. We can perfectly determine what we need to be "saved" from, and it's definitely not from voting and overseeing our own property.

"Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of husbands. Remember all men would be tyrants if they could." - Abigail Adams to John Adams.

Unfortunately, John did not take her advice, failed to represent her interests, and instead helped to create a mess that has taken centuries to clean up.
"I greatly appreciate Nancy Pelosi’s statement against impeachment, but everyone must remember the minor fact that I never did anything wrong, the Economy and Unemployment are the best ever, Military and Vets are great - and many other successes!" - Trump

How do you impeach a man who is considered by many to be the President with the most successful first two years in history, especially when he has done nothing wrong and impeachment is for “high crimes and misdemeanors”?
"He's Just Not Worth It" Speaker Pelosi Comes Out Against Impeaching President Trump ...(For Now)

Now the speed of the rats running and hiding will increase

The MEN have awakened !!

Tucker Carlson and others will keep spreading this awakening !!

The cat is out of the bag

The rats went too far and too long and too deep !!

What "awakening" is this? No man of good character would defend what carlson said. He should apologize to his fellow Americans.If he is married, he should apologize to his wife first. If he needs to come out of the closet, he should at least be honest with her.

The founders loved and saved their women and children

The women and children should appreciate being saved from a helluva life !!

Please distinguish between women and children. Women are grown-up adults. We can perfectly determine what we need to be "saved" from, and it's definitely not from voting and overseeing our own property.

"Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of husbands. Remember all men would be tyrants if they could." - Abigail Adams to John Adams.

Unfortunately, John did not take her advice, failed to represent her interests, and instead helped to create a mess that has taken centuries to clean up.

Science says there are more men with a moron IQ than women and it says on average men are 5 Points ahead

But the big news is as the IQ level increases and more and more males than females

The founders some how knew this before science

The founders wanted to have just the high IQs to vote which science says will be nearly all white males

But the founders knew there was this very low IQs I men

So they made a wisdom test to find the high IQs to vote. They called it a property test

And this made the greatest nation of all
Trump can stop America's dropping by making a wisdom test for voters
I agree. And the test can be as simple as asking voters who they voted for in 2016. Anyone who answers, “Trump,” fails the test.
Trump can stop America's dropping by making a wisdom test for voters
I agree. And the test can be as simple as asking voters who they voted for in 2016. Anyone who answers, “Trump,” fails the test.


Check the age group of 18 yr olds

And the age group of 50-64

The group that does better in the group 50-64. Since experience helps one learn. The group that votes more in the

50-64 age group is the most wise of all people

So conservatives are the most wise
Trump can stop America's dropping by making a wisdom test for voters
I agree. And the test can be as simple as asking voters who they voted for in 2016. Anyone who answers, “Trump,” fails the test.


Check the age group of 18 yr olds

And the age group of 50-64

The group that does better in the group 50-64. Since experience helps one learn. The group that votes more in the

50-64 age group is the most wise of all people

So conservatives are the most wise
Nah, even 10 year old kids possess more wisdom than the average conservative. Conservatives are dumbasses. Haven’t you noticed? Have ya looked in a mirror lately?
In other words they've got nothing....I posted this 2 months ago.
Desperately Searching for Anything to Impeach Trump On

You are missing the point.

There are several reasons why the Democratic leadership is toning down the clamor for impeachment by freshman Congressmen and women and a couple others like Rep. Al Green, TX, who has been calling for Trump's impeachment for a year now.

They recall 1998.

Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich led the charge for the impeachment of Bill Clinton in 1998. In November of that year, the Democrats picked up five seats in the House although the Republicans still maintained majority control. The results were a particular embarrassment for Gingrich, who, before the election, had been reassured by private polling that Clinton's scandal would result in Republican gains of up to thirty House seats. The poor showing by Republicans caused a reprimand from the House for Gingrich's ethics violation and pressure from Republican colleagues resulted in Gingrich's resignation from the speakership on November 6, 1998. Gingrich resigned altogether from the House two months later on January 3, 1999.

Polls conducted during 1998 and early 1999 showed that only about one-third of Americans supported Clinton's impeachment or conviction. However, one year later, in a CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll 57% approved of the Senate's decision to keep him in office and two thirds of those polled said the impeachment was harmful to the country.

Impeachment of Bill Clinton - Wikipedia

Newt Gingrich - Wikipedia

Despite the efforts of young Congresswomen and Green, the Democratic leadership wants no part of that kind of a fiasco.

Trump wants to be impeached. Everything he does, every stupid thing he says, is geared toward that goal. He will be the star of a monumental T.V. drama played out daily, and he will benefit from the martyrdom.

The Democratic leadership is banking on the Mueller report. Not to provide evidence of impeachment, but to characterize Trump as damaged goods. The Democrats will have months to advertise all the faults of the Republican President as reported by Mueller and the House investigations. This practically insures a Democratic victory in 2020.

2020 is the prize. In the Democratic view, everything they do is directed toward that goal.

Compare this to a failed attempt to remove him from office -- a verdict nearly guaranteed by the Trump Republican Senate -- which could make Trump a martyr and cause sympathy for him.

Much like what happened in 1998.

“There was no collusion. It’s a collusion hoax. It’s a collusion witch hunt. I don’t collude with Russia.” Trump has said over 200 times.

In a series of tweets today, Trump said the special counsel “should never have been appointed and there should be no Mueller Report.” He also claimed Mueller’s investigation was “an illegal & conflicted investigation in search of a crime.”

Anyone see a conflict here?

For two years there has been a widespread allegation consuming four Congressional investigations, and one investigation by a special prosecutor, that Trump collaborated with the Russians. In the first quote, said many times by Trump, he insists that he is innocent of the charge. If that is true, he should welcome the Mueller report. Instead, he says, "there should be no Mueller Report."

It doesn't take a genius or a Clarence Darrow to figure out Trump is hiding something.

Trump is begging to be impeached. Unfortunately, according to our Constitution, self-incrimination, stupidity, and incompetence are not listed as grounds for impeachment.

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