Speaker Wacky Nancy Pelosi to the Washington Post: Impeaching President Trump is "just not worth it"

Well he is not really worth the time as the Republicans in the Senate bow to him, no matter what. also she didn't lock the door. The SDNY will indict him when he gets voted out.
Sure they will. Now what are the charges? Russian Collusion? Nope. Lying to Congress? Nope. Jaywalking? Maybe.
------------------------------------------- good cartoon image of the 'ocasio' [chuckle] !!
He (tramp) did it right in front of our eyes on national TV, Russia is your listening.

He now claims he was joking but he was dead serious when he asked.

This among other things lead to
Well he is not really worth the time as the Republicans in the Senate bow to him, no matter what. also she didn't lock the door. The SDNY will indict him when he gets voted out.
Sure they will. Now what are the charges? Russian Collusion? Nope. Lying to Congress? Nope. Jaywalking? Maybe.

Conspiracy to defraud the US election. The SDNY can get the money charges, money laundering, and bank and insurance fraud.

Conspiracy against the United States, or conspiracy to defraud the United States, is a federal offense in the United States of America under 18 U.S.C. § 371. The crime is that of two or more persons who conspire to commit an offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States.
Conspiracy against the United States - Wikipedia

Conspiracy against the United States - Wikipedia
Hogwash. I could make a case right now that the Democrats are involved in a criminal conspiracy to defraud Americans with respect to Global Warming, Russian Collusion, the Great Recession, you name it.

How hard up you are, Trump conspire with Russia. Global warming is real. I do believe if Trump shot an innocent on 5th ave you'd deny it and overlook it and even the GOP didn't condemn him. He poops ice cream and all you trumpers want a second scoop.

The stupid is strong in this one. Anyone with a partisanly blinded brain knows it was a joke. Pelosi backed down because there is NOTHING to "get" him on.
And a thorough investigation leads back to treason by Hillary and Barry the Halfrikan.
She'll wait for Mueller's recommendation
Too early
All they have is Trump paying off porn stars

Equivalent of impeaching over a blowjob

Nope he was impeached for lying. Not a blow job.

Lying about a blow job is still about a blow job

But, have it your way
Let Democrats apply the same standard that Republicans applied against Clinton

Nope. He lied under oath. Doesn't matter what he lied about, just that he lied under oath.

You really aren't to bright.

I'm cool with that

If Republicans want to hold that standard

Lets look a Trump paying off porn stars he has been banging to influence a Presidential Election
She'll wait for Mueller's recommendation
Too early
All they have is Trump paying off porn stars

Equivalent of impeaching over a blowjob

Nope he was impeached for lying. Not a blow job.

Lying about a blow job is still about a blow job

But, have it your way
Let Democrats apply the same standard that Republicans applied against Clinton

Like they always say....the cover up is worse than the crime.
I guess Bill never heard that one.

Guess Trump never heard what obstruction of justice is in firing the people who are investigating you and offering pardons to key witnesses
Pelosi was never going to support impeachment unless there's a clear document trail from Putin to Trump and his Golden Toilet.
She'll wait for Mueller's recommendation
Too early
All they have is Trump paying off porn stars

Equivalent of impeaching over a blowjob

Nope he was impeached for lying. Not a blow job.

Lying about a blow job is still about a blow job

But, have it your way
Let Democrats apply the same standard that Republicans applied against Clinton

Like they always say....the cover up is worse than the crime.
I guess Bill never heard that one.

Guess Trump never heard what obstruction of justice is in firing the people who are investigating you and offering pardons to key witnesses

He broke no laws.
She'll wait for Mueller's recommendation
Too early
All they have is Trump paying off porn stars

Equivalent of impeaching over a blowjob

Nope he was impeached for lying. Not a blow job.

Lying about a blow job is still about a blow job

But, have it your way
Let Democrats apply the same standard that Republicans applied against Clinton

Nope. He lied under oath. Doesn't matter what he lied about, just that he lied under oath.

You really aren't to bright.

I'm cool with that

If Republicans want to hold that standard

Lets look a Trump paying off porn stars he has been banging to influence a Presidential Election

Oh and you have proof that he actually "banged" them?? Oh and let us know when Trump lies under oath like Clinton did.

We'll be waiting for that proof.
She'll wait for Mueller's recommendation
Too early
All they have is Trump paying off porn stars

Equivalent of impeaching over a blowjob

Nope he was impeached for lying. Not a blow job.

Lying about a blow job is still about a blow job

But, have it your way
Let Democrats apply the same standard that Republicans applied against Clinton

Like they always say....the cover up is worse than the crime.
I guess Bill never heard that one.

Guess Trump never heard what obstruction of justice is in firing the people who are investigating you and offering pardons to key witnesses

Oh and just who did he fire and just who did he give a pardon to??

Mueller is still on the case and I've not heard of him pardoning anyone.

You'll just have to dream up something else.
Bottom line: Nancy knows Mueller has nothing (they all know it) and trying to impeach Trump will guarantee his reelection and their loss of the House as well as a super majority in the Senate. RBG won't last another 4 years either. Nancy's problem is that the newly elected muslims in the House are saying "F U Nancy, we're gonna impeach the MF whether you like it or not". She sees her party on the verge of collapse and there's not a damn thing she can do about it. I really hope the nut jobs like Maxine and AOC being impeachment proceedings forward ASAP. Let's get this shit over with and get back to the business of MAGA.
She is probably trying to distance herself from the radical left.
They are really embarrassing the rest of the party.

Hey atleast Democrats can finally show shame and embarrassment, for awhile I didn't think they ever could.
Bottom line: Nancy knows Mueller has nothing (they all know it) and trying to impeach Trump will guarantee his reelection and their loss of the House as well as a super majority in the Senate. RBG won't last another 4 years either. Nancy's problem is that the newly elected muslims in the House are saying "F U Nancy, we're gonna impeach the MF whether you like it or not". She sees her party on the verge of collapse and there's not a damn thing she can do about it. I really hope the nut jobs like Maxine and AOC being impeachment proceedings forward ASAP. Let's get this shit over with and get back to the business of MAGA.
Freshman reps can't impeach shit, and they can't even get hearings unless leadership approves. They can make noxious noises. The gop has had it's share. But I think the question is whether the 3 women can focus on the overall goal, which is improving the lot of working Americans, and that requires Trump be defeated to prevent McConnell from getting his legislation.
Bloomberg: Adam Schiff says Nancy Pelosi is "absolutely right" to avoid impeaching Trump
"He's Just Not Worth It" Speaker Pelosi Comes Out Against Impeaching President Trump ...(For Now)

Now the speed of the rats running and hiding will increase

The MEN have awakened !!

Tucker Carlson and others will keep spreading this awakening !!

The cat is out of the bag

The rats went too far and too long and too deep !!

The men support Pelosi. Tucker Carlson is a frustrated homosexual with pedophile tendacies
Out of bounds bullshit.



Yep the snowflakes cannot debate they then revert to threats and trying to stop debate
"Americans didn’t give the Democrats control of the House so they could create chaos. Americans want a functional government, not a government that is obsessed with impeaching the president." - Pelosi
"He's Just Not Worth It" Speaker Pelosi Comes Out Against Impeaching President Trump ...(For Now)

Now the speed of the rats running and hiding will increase

The MEN have awakened !!

Tucker Carlson and others will keep spreading this awakening !!

The cat is out of the bag

The rats went too far and too long and too deep !!

Women buried the GOP in 2018. The fact is that Democrats never committed to impeachment and did not run on it as a party.

The men had awakened like all thru history

The result can be seen all thru history

The unwise gains freedoms and then the harm comes and gets slapped down
"Americans didn’t give the Democrats control of the House so they could create chaos. Americans want a functional government, not a government that is obsessed with impeaching the president." - Pelosi

As I said Pelosi is smarter than the clowns like Cortez.

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