Speaker Wacky Nancy Pelosi to the Washington Post: Impeaching President Trump is "just not worth it"

He (tramp) did it right in front of our eyes on national TV, Russia is your listening.

He now claims he was joking but he was dead serious when he asked.

This among other things lead to
Well he is not really worth the time as the Republicans in the Senate bow to him, no matter what. also she didn't lock the door. The SDNY will indict him when he gets voted out.
Sure they will. Now what are the charges? Russian Collusion? Nope. Lying to Congress? Nope. Jaywalking? Maybe.

Conspiracy to defraud the US election. The SDNY can get the money charges, money laundering, and bank and insurance fraud.

Conspiracy against the United States, or conspiracy to defraud the United States, is a federal offense in the United States of America under 18 U.S.C. § 371. The crime is that of two or more persons who conspire to commit an offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States.
Conspiracy against the United States - Wikipedia

Conspiracy against the United States - Wikipedia
Hogwash. I could make a case right now that the Democrats are involved in a criminal conspiracy to defraud Americans with respect to Global Warming, Russian Collusion, the Great Recession, you name it.

How hard up you are, Trump conspire with Russia. Global warming is real. I do believe if Trump shot an innocent on 5th ave you'd deny it and overlook it and even the GOP didn't condemn him. He poops ice cream and all you trumpers want a second scoop.
This is the thing, Trump didn't conspire with Russia, Global warming maybe real but MAN has little or no effect on that. Warming has been occurring
since the end of the last ice age.
And, what you believe about Trump and first degree murder is as absurd as you are, Penelope. Now get back to your kitchen.
"He's Just Not Worth It" Speaker Pelosi Comes Out Against Impeaching President Trump ...(For Now)

Now the speed of the rats running and hiding will increase

The MEN have awakened !!

Tucker Carlson and others will keep spreading this awakening !!

The cat is out of the bag

The rats went too far and too long and too deep !!

The men support Pelosi. Tucker Carlson is a frustrated homosexual with pedophile tendacies

Projection plain and simple.
He (tramp) did it right in front of our eyes on national TV, Russia is your listening.

He now claims he was joking but he was dead serious when he asked.

This among other things lead to
Well he is not really worth the time as the Republicans in the Senate bow to him, no matter what. also she didn't lock the door. The SDNY will indict him when he gets voted out.
Sure they will. Now what are the charges? Russian Collusion? Nope. Lying to Congress? Nope. Jaywalking? Maybe.

Conspiracy to defraud the US election. The SDNY can get the money charges, money laundering, and bank and insurance fraud.

Conspiracy against the United States, or conspiracy to defraud the United States, is a federal offense in the United States of America under 18 U.S.C. § 371. The crime is that of two or more persons who conspire to commit an offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States.
Conspiracy against the United States - Wikipedia

Conspiracy against the United States - Wikipedia
Hogwash. I could make a case right now that the Democrats are involved in a criminal conspiracy to defraud Americans with respect to Global Warming, Russian Collusion, the Great Recession, you name it.

How hard up you are, Trump conspire with Russia. Global warming is real. I do believe if Trump shot an innocent on 5th ave you'd deny it and overlook it and even the GOP didn't condemn him. He poops ice cream and all you trumpers want a second scoop.

The stupid is strong in this one. Anyone with a partisanly blinded brain knows it was a joke. Pelosi backed down because there is NOTHING to "get" him on.
The fiscal deficits are higher how then when Obama left office.
How is that 'an improvement' exactly?

The goods trade deficits are higher since Trump took over...how is that 'an improvement' exactly?
Yes. The deficits are higher. Inexcusable. The military did need rebuilding, but he should not have let RINOs and Democrats spend that much. And I won't invoke the Obamabot "Trend Line" whine. I see you didn't either on this occasion.

The trade deficit has a real chance of turning around for the 1st time in 1/2 century.

The deficit is important, but that's all you've got.

You typed: 'And Yet everything Trump has done has been an improvement over Obama.'

Yet you admit that the deficit is worse now.

So your statement was incorrect (which was my point).

And where is your proof that Trump is going to improve the trade deficit? All he has done so far is make it FAR worse.
BTW - you have none. Only Trump's word. And only sap's take politician's word's for anything (in either party) - no offense.

Oh...and here is the Atlanta Fed's projection (so far) of the Q1 GDP growth:


GDPNow - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Pretty pathetic.

And New York's Fed is not much better.

You can have your wet dreams about an America in decline. I get it. Leftists need suffering in order to gain power. That's a constant.

America is far better off now, because of Trump's leadership. I know that makes you angry, but that's just life.

You can whine all you want. You can't change facts.

Maybe Democrats should lower the voting age to 12, not 16. Then perhaps you'd have a better chance at convince the electorate that Fascist Socialists are on their side.

I have never voted Democrat in my life (or Republican)...and I never will. I am a proud indy. You Trumpbots see everything black and white.

The fact remains that the economy is getting worse, the DOW was down for 2018 for the first years since the GR, the Obamacare alternative Trump promised never materialized, he has yet to get the wall he promised, he has yet to even start the huge infrastructure plan he promised and on and on.

And don't bother mentioning the unemployment rate - Trump (rightly) called that a 'hoax' on the campaign trail.

Donald Trump Calls Unemployment Rate One of the "Biggest Hoaxes in Politics"

Trump is a first class loser. He sexually assaults women (he admitted it), he inherited everything he has, he has failed LOTS of businesses, he fools around on his wives (so he has no honor), he openly craves his eldest daughter (disgusting) and on and on.

He is nothing but a first class loser as a POTUS and as a man. NO ONE respects him but you gullible Trumpbots.

I thought Obama and GWB were failures as POTUS's as well. But at least they seemed like decent men.
Pelosi: 'Not worth it' to impeach Trump

The hell you say!

What gives Dims? This is what you ran on. This is what you promised your base. All I've heard is how Trump has endangered national security due to the fact he has colluded with Putin. All I've heard is how dangerous Trump is because he is unstable, he is stupid, he is Hitler, blah, blah, blah, blah, freak'in blah!!!!!!!!!!!

Now all of a sudden Pelosi does not want to be divisive?

Do these people smoke crack 24/7 or just 24/7?
Nancy wants Trump impeached more then she wants her teeth back. However if Trump is impeached he opens his mouth about Hillary her server and everyone who used it and Trump knows full well that none of Hillary's emails were deleted by formatting a hard drive. Email just does not work that way.

No I am not an expert, but I stayed at a Holiday Inn last night...……………..

You think Trump is holding some secret information about Hillary, but he won't release it unless he is impeached? You know that's nuts, don't you?

Right. Putin is holding some secret information about Trump, but he won't release it unless he is impeached.

That's what YOU call sanity.


No idea what you are whining about, but I was responding to the claim that if impeached, Trump would release some heretofore secret information on Hillary.

The Hillary investigation is active you know...………….right? or are you living in your delusion again

Hillary has been under investigation for almost 3 decades, but you keep trying, OK?
‘I’m not for impeachment,’ Pelosi says, potentially roiling fellow Democrats. ‘I’m not for impeachment,’ Pelosi says, potentially roiling fellow Democrats

I can't wait to see the Wacko-Base of the Socialist Democrat Party have a collective fit.

It served its purpose. Electioneering. Impeachment is a political process and not a legal one. They have failed to drive Trumps base from him so they have to give up the impeachment pretense and take their asswhipping in 2020.
They always knew there was no Russian connection outside Hillary dealing with them on that dossier. But the sheep were whipped up by the threat. They have a great admiration for raw power.
Well he is not really worth the time as the Republicans in the Senate bow to him, no matter what. also she didn't lock the door. The SDNY will indict him when he gets voted out.

The leaders of New York are in grave danger because science says murder of the fetus past the heart beat then that is murder of us citizens

New York State leaders better start running and hiding like pelosi
"He's Just Not Worth It" Speaker Pelosi Comes Out Against Impeaching President Trump ...(For Now)

Now the speed of the rats running and hiding will increase

The MEN have awakened !!

Tucker Carlson and others will keep spreading this awakening !!

The cat is out of the bag

The rats went too far and too long and too deep !!

The men support Pelosi. Tucker Carlson is a frustrated homosexual with pedophile tendacies
The men support Pelosi? What men are those? The Democratic Elites trying to hold onto their power? Pelosi is slightly more popular than measles.
The men support trump

Pelosi is now trying to run and hide

But it's too late

The men knows who are the high treason crooks who tried to do a coup against the voters

Pelosi could not accept reality and tried to do s high treason crime of a coup against the voters

She now is seeing that it did not work and she is running and hiding like rats
Oh, Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch... is this Russian troll back again?

Contact your suburban Moscow night-school, Ivan, and get a tuition refund for your English-as-a-Second-Language class.


Although I can't stomach Pelosi, even a broken clock is right twice a day...

Until (if-and-when) Democrats "get the goods" on the Creature in the White House, there's no point in pursuing impeachment...

If that changes, with the release of the findings of the Mueller Investigation or the work of the Southern New York folks...

Well, then it will make sense to take that next step...

Until then... Pelugly is (for once) right... Trump is not worth dividing the nature further... Russian trolls notwithstanding.

When democrats cannot debate they return to their playbook scared to see what to do

They scream Russian bot

Their stupid game is now up the men are rising up to stop this crooked system

Like always
Nancy wants Trump impeached more then she wants her teeth back. However if Trump is impeached he opens his mouth about Hillary her server and everyone who used it and Trump knows full well that none of Hillary's emails were deleted by formatting a hard drive. Email just does not work that way.

No I am not an expert, but I stayed at a Holiday Inn last night...……………..

You think Trump is holding some secret information about Hillary, but he won't release it unless he is impeached? You know that's nuts, don't you?

Right. Putin is holding some secret information about Trump, but he won't release it unless he is impeached.

That's what YOU call sanity.


No idea what you are whining about, but I was responding to the claim that if impeached, Trump would release some heretofore secret information on Hillary.

The Hillary investigation is active you know...………….right? or are you living in your delusion again

Hillary has been under investigation for almost 3 decades, but you keep trying, OK?

And since Trump will destroy Hillary if he is impeached, Nancy will not even bring an impeachment vote to the floor. See kid nothing you just said is wrong, it merely reinforces what I said.

Silly, vote for who you choose in 2020, Trump will win.


PS. You kill any babies today?

PSS. You go girl
Last edited:
"He's Just Not Worth It" Speaker Pelosi Comes Out Against Impeaching President Trump ...(For Now)

Now the speed of the rats running and hiding will increase

The MEN have awakened !!

Tucker Carlson and others will keep spreading this awakening !!

The cat is out of the bag

The rats went too far and too long and too deep !!

After years of screech and outrage he's just not worth it?

Are her voters really this stupid?

Yes indeed that is what this proved

Really brainwashed by the crooked leaders
"He's Just Not Worth It" Speaker Pelosi Comes Out Against Impeaching President Trump ...(For Now)

Now the speed of the rats running and hiding will increase

The MEN have awakened !!

Tucker Carlson and others will keep spreading this awakening !!

The cat is out of the bag

The rats went too far and too long and too deep !!

After years of screech and outrage he's just not worth it?

Are her voters really this stupid?

What we saw, and are still somewhat seeing is a Soft COUP by the Democrats and MEDIA to unseat a legitimate, and legally elected President using lies, and intimidation. It FAILED.


And this coup is also to stop the voters

So this is high treason crimes

And these rats will
Now run and hide
"He's Just Not Worth It" Speaker Pelosi Comes Out Against Impeaching President Trump ...(For Now)

Now the speed of the rats running and hiding will increase

The MEN have awakened !!

Tucker Carlson and others will keep spreading this awakening !!

The cat is out of the bag

The rats went too far and too long and too deep !!
well i do agree carlson and others sure do spread it.

This spreading will then make men think about history and see this system
always commits suicide

This will
Make the men set up logic tests for voters to stop crooks from getting elected
"He's Just Not Worth It" Speaker Pelosi Comes Out Against Impeaching President Trump ...(For Now)

Now the speed of the rats running and hiding will increase

The MEN have awakened !!

Tucker Carlson and others will keep spreading this awakening !!

The cat is out of the bag

The rats went too far and too long and too deep !!

The men support Pelosi. Tucker Carlson is a frustrated homosexual with pedophile tendacies
How wrong someone can be in 12 little words! Amazing!
"He's Just Not Worth It" Speaker Pelosi Comes Out Against Impeaching President Trump ...(For Now)

Now the speed of the rats running and hiding will increase

The MEN have awakened !!

Tucker Carlson and others will keep spreading this awakening !!

The cat is out of the bag

The rats went too far and too long and too deep !!

The men support Pelosi. Tucker Carlson is a frustrated homosexual with pedophile tendacies
Out of bounds bullshit.


Not out of bounds ... This is debate and saying out of bounds is simply trying to stop debate and stopping learning

Harassing is the playbook
By these corrupt to stop learning

Not work

The cat is out of the bag and this understanding is spreading
"He's Just Not Worth It" Speaker Pelosi Comes Out Against Impeaching President Trump ...(For Now)

Now the speed of the rats running and hiding will increase

The MEN have awakened !!

Tucker Carlson and others will keep spreading this awakening !!

The cat is out of the bag

The rats went too far and too long and too deep !!

The men support Pelosi. Tucker Carlson is a frustrated homosexual with pedophile tendacies

Projection plain and simple.

Projection done with logic put on data

Science and history tells us what now will happen

The rats will run and hide in
A stampede
I think Pelosi's change in stance is about the fight for control in the Democratic Party. You have Rachel Tlaib appointing herself the new General in charge of Impeaching Trump and AOC acting like FDR 2.0 with her preposterous "Green New Deal".

^^^^^This. The Democrat Party is being re-hijacked, now by the Communists. They were already hijacked by the Far Left, now the establishment Far Left like Pelosi are being upstaged by the Communists who are calling themselves Socialists to make it sound less scary.
actually the Young Turks have high jacked the party.
And it's a lot more scary than the socialists.
Nancy Pelosi is in the middle of damage control, leave her alone.
She has to get ahead of Mueller's nothing burger before it comes out
Mueller is the least of the problems this criminal family needs to worry about. How about trying to pay attention to something other than what Hannity and Trump are telling you? When Trump fired Comey even the dumbest of the dumb knew he was in trouble.
Backtracking? This is the same woman who refused to investigate the Bush Administrations year long, continuous lies about the threat Iraq's defeated military posed not only to the US but also to the other Nations of the ME.

Furthermore, it is the right decision barring some dramatic evidence coming out that turns the Trumpublicans back into Republicans.

I understand Russians are told what to believe, but seriously, Americans have such an eclectic selection of news sources that such blatantly false proclamations are in short , hilarious.

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