Speaker Wacky Nancy Pelosi to the Washington Post: Impeaching President Trump is "just not worth it"

I think Pelosi's change in stance is about the fight for control in the Democratic Party. You have Rachel Tlaib appointing herself the new General in charge of Impeaching Trump and AOC acting like FDR 2.0 with her preposterous "Green New Deal".

I agree. Pelousy needs to get her own House in order. She doesn't seem to be able to control AOC or that death cult bitch.

They sure make the Dem House look ridiculous.
Well he is not really worth the time as the Republicans in the Senate bow to him, no matter what. also she didn't lock the door. The SDNY will indict him when he gets voted out.
Sure they will. Now what are the charges? Russian Collusion? Nope. Lying to Congress? Nope. Jaywalking? Maybe.

Conspiracy to defraud the US election. The SDNY can get the money charges, money laundering, and bank and insurance fraud.

Conspiracy against the United States, or conspiracy to defraud the United States, is a federal offense in the United States of America under 18 U.S.C. § 371. The crime is that of two or more persons who conspire to commit an offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States.
Conspiracy against the United States - Wikipedia

The fiscal deficits are higher how then when Obama left office.
How is that 'an improvement' exactly?

The goods trade deficits are higher since Trump took over...how is that 'an improvement' exactly?
Yes. The deficits are higher. Inexcusable. The military did need rebuilding, but he should not have let RINOs and Democrats spend that much. And I won't invoke the Obamabot "Trend Line" whine. I see you didn't either on this occasion.

The trade deficit has a real chance of turning around for the 1st time in 1/2 century.

The budget deficit is important, but that's all you've got.
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She is probably trying to distance herself from the radical left.
They are really embarrassing the rest of the party.

Yup. AOC and that death cult bitch are really bringing them all down.

She knows she has nothing to impeach Trump for and Mueller ain't going to provide it.

Woman is smarter than she appears to be.
She is probably trying to distance herself from the radical left.
They are really embarrassing the rest of the party.

Yup. AOC and that death cult bitch are really bringing them all down.

She knows she has nothing to impeach Trump for and Mueller ain't going to provide it.

Woman is smarter than she appears to be.
that's my take.

scenario 1 -
she stays quiet and says nothing. mueller report says nothing happened, saying not going to impeach then is an afterthought and a moral loss. you lost your leg to stand on and the concession is meaningless.

scenario 2-
she pulls a maxine routine and keeps shouting for it. mueller report says nothing happened, she just looks the fool and any concession doubles down on her "moral loss".

scenario 3 -
this. she says it ahead of time and if the mueller report says nothing there, she's already said we need to stop the divide in this country. i think she's gaming it and making it a political point when most just want the political points to end, but that's politics.

but this all rests on what the report says. if they find something after all she can always reverse direction and not miss a beat.
She is probably trying to distance herself from the radical left.
They are really embarrassing the rest of the party.

Yup. AOC and that death cult bitch are really bringing them all down.

She knows she has nothing to impeach Trump for and Mueller ain't going to provide it.

Woman is smarter than she appears to be.
At least thats what we think she is doing. Could be alzheimers, and next week brings it up for a vote lol
Well he is not really worth the time as the Republicans in the Senate bow to him, no matter what. also she didn't lock the door. The SDNY will indict him when he gets voted out.
Sure they will. Now what are the charges? Russian Collusion? Nope. Lying to Congress? Nope. Jaywalking? Maybe.

Conspiracy to defraud the US election. The SDNY can get the money charges, money laundering, and bank and insurance fraud.

Conspiracy against the United States, or conspiracy to defraud the United States, is a federal offense in the United States of America under 18 U.S.C. § 371. The crime is that of two or more persons who conspire to commit an offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States.
Conspiracy against the United States - Wikipedia

Conspiracy against the United States - Wikipedia
Hogwash. I could make a case right now that the Democrats are involved in a criminal conspiracy to defraud Americans with respect to Global Warming, Russian Collusion, the Great Recession, you name it.
She'll wait for Mueller's recommendation

All I've heard is how the evidence is sooooo overwhelming. So if the evidence is so bad against Trump and the Republic is under such emanate threat, why in the hell is Mueller dragging his feet like this?

Use the pot or get the hell off!

I'm sick to death of the incessant whining and hate speech against a seemingly innocent man.

The burden of proof is on the accusers, and they keep dragging their feet. Now they say they are not even going to impeach him?

Pelosi has essentially validated the theory about the Deep State.
In mafia take-downs, you don't want to tip off your marks.

TRUMP has done a good job of not tipping of the deep state and letting them self implode. :5_1_12024:
The fiscal deficits are higher how then when Obama left office.
How is that 'an improvement' exactly?

The goods trade deficits are higher since Trump took over...how is that 'an improvement' exactly?
Yes. The deficits are higher. Inexcusable. The military did need rebuilding, but he should not have let RINOs and Democrats spend that much. And I won't invoke the Obamabot "Trend Line" whine. I see you didn't either on this occasion.

The trade deficit has a real chance of turning around for the 1st time in 1/2 century.

The deficit is important, but that's all you've got.

You typed: 'And Yet everything Trump has done has been an improvement over Obama.'

Yet you admit that the deficit is worse now.

So your statement was incorrect (which was my point).

And where is your proof that Trump is going to improve the trade deficit? All he has done so far is make it FAR worse.
BTW - you have none. Only Trump's word. And only sap's take politician's word's for anything (in either party) - no offense.

Oh...and here is the Atlanta Fed's projection (so far) of the Q1 GDP growth:


GDPNow - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Pretty pathetic.

And New York's Fed is not much better.

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He (tramp) did it right in front of our eyes on national TV, Russia is your listening.

He now claims he was joking but he was dead serious when he asked.

This among other things lead to
Well he is not really worth the time as the Republicans in the Senate bow to him, no matter what. also she didn't lock the door. The SDNY will indict him when he gets voted out.
Sure they will. Now what are the charges? Russian Collusion? Nope. Lying to Congress? Nope. Jaywalking? Maybe.

Conspiracy to defraud the US election. The SDNY can get the money charges, money laundering, and bank and insurance fraud.

Conspiracy against the United States, or conspiracy to defraud the United States, is a federal offense in the United States of America under 18 U.S.C. § 371. The crime is that of two or more persons who conspire to commit an offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States.
Conspiracy against the United States - Wikipedia

Conspiracy against the United States - Wikipedia
Hogwash. I could make a case right now that the Democrats are involved in a criminal conspiracy to defraud Americans with respect to Global Warming, Russian Collusion, the Great Recession, you name it.

How hard up you are, Trump conspire with Russia. Global warming is real. I do believe if Trump shot an innocent on 5th ave you'd deny it and overlook it and even the GOP didn't condemn him. He poops ice cream and all you trumpers want a second scoop.
‘I’m not for impeachment,’ Pelosi says, potentially roiling fellow Democrats. ‘I’m not for impeachment,’ Pelosi says, potentially roiling fellow Democrats

I can't wait to see the Wacko-Base of the Socialist Democrat Party have a collective fit.

Of course she's not for impeachment. Unlike her freshman colleges she realizes you just can't impeach a President because you don't like him. I wish they would have went forward with it. Real Americans can detect bullshit a mile away. Trump's ratings would have skyrocketed.
She has nothing and Mueller's report won't give her anything either.

All I see are a bunch of investigations that make them all look like fools.

Doubt they hang onto the House.
The fiscal deficits are higher how then when Obama left office.
How is that 'an improvement' exactly?

The goods trade deficits are higher since Trump took over...how is that 'an improvement' exactly?
Yes. The deficits are higher. Inexcusable. The military did need rebuilding, but he should not have let RINOs and Democrats spend that much. And I won't invoke the Obamabot "Trend Line" whine. I see you didn't either on this occasion.

The trade deficit has a real chance of turning around for the 1st time in 1/2 century.

The deficit is important, but that's all you've got.

You typed: 'And Yet everything Trump has done has been an improvement over Obama.'

Yet you admit that the deficit is worse now.

So your statement was incorrect (which was my point).

And where is your proof that Trump is going to improve the trade deficit? All he has done so far is make it FAR worse.
BTW - you have none. Only Trump's word. And only sap's take politician's word's for anything (in either party) - no offense.

Oh...and here is the Atlanta Fed's projection (so far) of the Q1 GDP growth:


GDPNow - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Pretty pathetic.

And New York's Fed is not much better.

You can have your wet dreams about an America in decline. I get it. Leftists need suffering in order to gain power. That's a constant.

America is far better off now, because of Trump's leadership. I know that makes you angry, but that's just life.

You can whine all you want. You can't change facts.

Maybe Democrats should lower the voting age to 12, not 16. Then perhaps you'd have a better chance at convince the electorate that Fascist Socialists are on their side.
Nancy Pelosi is in the middle of damage control, leave her alone.
She has to get ahead of Mueller's nothing burger before it comes out
"Pelosi now backtracking because the nations men have awakened !"

Hey, look at that? The realdonaldtrump is here posting with us.
"He's Just Not Worth It" Speaker Pelosi Comes Out Against Impeaching President Trump ...(For Now)

Now the speed of the rats running and hiding will increase

The MEN have awakened !!

Tucker Carlson and others will keep spreading this awakening !!

The cat is out of the bag

The rats went too far and too long and too deep !!

The men support Pelosi. Tucker Carlson is a frustrated homosexual with pedophile tendacies
Out of bounds bullshit.


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