Speaker Wacky Nancy Pelosi to the Washington Post: Impeaching President Trump is "just not worth it"

No the republicans in the house will not vote impeachment even if its proved without a doubt that Trump conspired with the Russians and WikiLeaks.
"He's Just Not Worth It" Speaker Pelosi Comes Out Against Impeaching President Trump ...(For Now)

Now the speed of the rats running and hiding will increase

The MEN have awakened !!

Tucker Carlson and others will keep spreading this awakening !!

The cat is out of the bag

The rats went too far and too long and too deep !!

The men support Pelosi. Tucker Carlson is a frustrated homosexual with pedophile tendacies
The men support Pelosi? What men are those? The Democratic Elites trying to hold onto their power? Pelosi is slightly more popular than measles.
Huge win! I'm so proud of our president.

Pretty sad when we have to be proud of our president for managing to avoid impeachment in his first 2 years in office.

Our standards have declined over the years.
Perhaps it's because the president is a criminal and the American people should have known better. But didn't care.

You have one person to thank for Trump being in office.


Nope. Sorry. That's just the way Republicans demonstrate a total lack of personal responsibility.
LMFAO! You are one funny troll, I'll give you that. Not a fan of NP one bit but she is right. Unless Mueller or some other investigation turns up an impeachable offense, there is no need to waste time on the Orange Rumpus. It would be like all the time and money investigating the Clintons. Waste.
I think Pelosi's change in stance is about the fight for control in the Democratic Party. You have Rachel Tlaib appointing herself the new General in charge of Impeaching Trump and AOC acting like FDR 2.0 with her preposterous "Green New Deal".

^^^^^This. The Democrat Party is being re-hijacked, now by the Communists. They were already hijacked by the Far Left, now the establishment Far Left like Pelosi are being upstaged by the Communists who are calling themselves Socialists to make it sound less scary.
Huge win! I'm so proud of our president.

Pretty sad when we have to be proud of our president for managing to avoid impeachment in his first 2 years in office.

Our standards have declined over the years.
Perhaps it's because the president is a criminal and the American people should have known better. But didn't care.
How can we trust journalistic shills who lied about their own political leanings. So they indict the president when they are liars of their own spiel. That is why people don't care. You had warnings in national and local elections from 2010, 2012, 2014 and stayed smug, arrogant, threatening, destructive, assaulting, murdering and more. Obama's 2010 lame duck passed laws sneakily. Trump's lame duck did nothing and if he wins it in 2020 with control of the house and senate McCarthy may be like Ryan and Boehner.
Oh, Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch... is this Russian troll back again?
I'm not a big conspiracy theorist, but that would actually explain quite a bit.
Hi Mac; I don't see much of anyone outside the Badlands so am wondering; where do you stand wrt the Dem leftists these days? I really can't imagine you agreeing with them. Just curious; had to shower after being too long in the cesspit.

Hi Mac; I don't see much of anyone outside the Badlands so am wondering; where do you stand wrt the Dem leftists these days? I really can't imagine you agreeing with them.
The party is essentially under the control of the Regressive Left and has pretty much lost its shit.

Then I look at the alternative, and wonder how we've fallen so far.

On the bright side, my kids are happy, they have very good futures and the nihilist in me is enjoying the circus.
Hi Mac; I don't see much of anyone outside the Badlands so am wondering; where do you stand wrt the Dem leftists these days? I really can't imagine you agreeing with them.
The party is essentially under the control of the Regressive Left and has pretty much lost its shit.

Then I look at the alternative, and wonder how we've fallen so far.

On the bright side, my kids are happy, they have very good futures and the nihilist in me is enjoying the circus.

Taco Bell Burrito Supreme is my favorite.
Pelosi: 'Not worth it' to impeach Trump

The hell you say!

What gives Dims? This is what you ran on. This is what you promised your base. All I've heard is how Trump has endangered national security due to the fact he has colluded with Putin. All I've heard is how dangerous Trump is because he is unstable, he is stupid, he is Hitler, blah, blah, blah, blah, freak'in blah!!!!!!!!!!!

Now all of a sudden Pelosi does not want to be divisive?

Do these people smoke crack 24/7 or just 24/7?
I figure Impeachment to Pelosi is like DACA - she would rather have the issue to use to stir people up and to get them to vote rather than actually take action to try to get it done.

Pelosi also knows there has never been a crime or evidence to support it and without that people will see any effort to Impeach for what it is - PARTISAN HATE....

She is also smart enough to know such a move would only help Trump in 2020...
Well he is not really worth the time as the Republicans in the Senate bow to him, no matter what. also she didn't lock the door. The SDNY will indict him when he gets voted out.
I firmly believe in the long term if Trump keeps his promises that you will benefit from it.
She'll wait for Mueller's recommendation
maybe she already knows it nothing, so she's coming out ahead of time to pull out before the news hits.

the bottom line is if she felt the investigation would give her enough TO impeach him, she'd do it. she doesn't give a crap about the divide in the country, she's too busy making $$ off it.
She'll wait for Mueller's recommendation

All I've heard is how the evidence is sooooo overwhelming. So if the evidence is so bad against Trump and the Republic is under such emanate threat, why in the hell is Mueller dragging his feet like this?

Use the pot or get the hell off!

I'm sick to death of the incessant whining and hate speech against a seemingly innocent man.

The burden of proof is on the accusers, and they keep dragging their feet. Now they say they are not even going to impeach him?

Pelosi has essentially validated the theory about the Deep State.
In mafia take-downs, you don't want to tip off your marks.
dude - you are a special kind of stupid.
"He's Just Not Worth It" Speaker Pelosi Comes Out Against Impeaching President Trump ...(For Now)

Now the speed of the rats running and hiding will increase

The MEN have awakened !!

Tucker Carlson and others will keep spreading this awakening !!

The cat is out of the bag

The rats went too far and too long and too deep !!

After years of screech and outrage he's just not worth it?

Are her voters really this stupid?

What we saw, and are still somewhat seeing is a Soft COUP by the Democrats and MEDIA to unseat a legitimate, and legally elected President using lies, and intimidation. It FAILED.
Well he is not really worth the time as the Republicans in the Senate bow to him, no matter what. also she didn't lock the door. The SDNY will indict him when he gets voted out.
Sure they will. Now what are the charges? Russian Collusion? Nope. Lying to Congress? Nope. Jaywalking? Maybe.

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