Speaker Wacky Nancy Pelosi to the Washington Post: Impeaching President Trump is "just not worth it"

Nan is shitting herself because she knows how it works. Democrats are going to swing so far Left Trump will win. Their base is out of control like a bull in a china shop.
Pelosi: 'Not worth it' to impeach Trump

The hell you say!

What gives Dims? This is what you ran on. This is what you promised your base. All I've heard is how Trump has endangered national security due to the fact he has colluded with Putin. All I've heard is how dangerous Trump is because he is unstable, he is stupid, he is Hitler, blah, blah, blah, blah, freak'in blah!!!!!!!!!!!

Now all of a sudden Pelosi does not want to be divisive?

Do these people smoke crack 24/7 or just 24/7?
Nancy wants Trump impeached more then she wants her teeth back. However if Trump is impeached he opens his mouth about Hillary her server and everyone who used it and Trump knows full well that none of Hillary's emails were deleted by formatting a hard drive. Email just does not work that way.

No I am not an expert, but I stayed at a Holiday Inn last night...……………..

You think Trump is holding some secret information about Hillary, but he won't release it unless he is impeached? You know that's nuts, don't you?
Pelosi: 'Not worth it' to impeach Trump

The hell you say!

What gives Dims? This is what you ran on. This is what you promised your base. All I've heard is how Trump has endangered national security due to the fact he has colluded with Putin. All I've heard is how dangerous Trump is because he is unstable, he is stupid, he is Hitler, blah, blah, blah, blah, freak'in blah!!!!!!!!!!!

Now all of a sudden Pelosi does not want to be divisive?

Do these people smoke crack 24/7 or just 24/7?
Nancy wants Trump impeached more then she wants her teeth back. However if Trump is impeached he opens his mouth about Hillary her server and everyone who used it and Trump knows full well that none of Hillary's emails were deleted by formatting a hard drive. Email just does not work that way.

No I am not an expert, but I stayed at a Holiday Inn last night...……………..

You think Trump is holding some secret information about Hillary, but he won't release it unless he is impeached? You know that's nuts, don't you?

Right. Putin is holding some secret information about Trump, but he won't release it unless he is impeached.

That's what YOU call sanity.

Pelosi: 'Not worth it' to impeach Trump

The hell you say!

What gives Dims? This is what you ran on. This is what you promised your base. All I've heard is how Trump has endangered national security due to the fact he has colluded with Putin. All I've heard is how dangerous Trump is because he is unstable, he is stupid, he is Hitler, blah, blah, blah, blah, freak'in blah!!!!!!!!!!!

Now all of a sudden Pelosi does not want to be divisive?

Do these people smoke crack 24/7 or just 24/7?
Nancy wants Trump impeached more then she wants her teeth back. However if Trump is impeached he opens his mouth about Hillary her server and everyone who used it and Trump knows full well that none of Hillary's emails were deleted by formatting a hard drive. Email just does not work that way.

No I am not an expert, but I stayed at a Holiday Inn last night...……………..

You think Trump is holding some secret information about Hillary, but he won't release it unless he is impeached? You know that's nuts, don't you?

Right. Putin is holding some secret information about Trump, but he won't release it unless he is impeached.

That's what YOU call sanity.


No idea what you are whining about, but I was responding to the claim that if impeached, Trump would release some heretofore secret information on Hillary.
Run away from asking questions that make your point erroneous much?

I will ask again:

'The fiscal deficits are higher how then when Obama left office.
How is that 'an improvement' exactly?

The goods trade deficits are higher since Trump took over...how is that 'an improvement' exactly?'
Undeniable facts:

Employment % is higher.
Food Stamps dependence is lower.
Economic growth is better.
Wages are higher.
International Terrorism threat is lower.
NORK Nuke/ ICBM testing is diminished.
Manufacturing jobs are coming back.
American energy production is better.
NATO has pledged to defend themselves more.

MAGA Sux for you/Democrats.
Pelosi says it is not time for impeachment and based on this I don’t think she knows what “impeachment” is.

Impeachment is the House review of the Presidents conduct in office. If the House finds compelling evidence to impeach the President, they then send this to Congress who in turn reviews the evidence and if the evidence proves the president committed impeachable offensives then Congress can vote to remove him/her from office.
Pelosi has cleary had 100 too many Botox injections to the head.

But she knows what Impeachment is. That's why she's against it.

More accurately she's knows what it isn't.

House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, told the Washington Post, “I’m not for impeachment. This is news. I’m going to give you some news right now because I haven’t said this to any press person before. But since you asked, and I’ve been thinking about this: Impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don’t think we should go down that path, because it divides the country.”

"And he's just not worth it," she quickly added.

In this context, emphasis on in this context, and I rarely agree with Pelosi, but I must agree with her here. If for no other reason that it is far too early to even consider it.

Another key issue is the Republican Senate, a body filled with Trump Republicans. With barely a whimper they have gone along with every lunatic policy, every lunatic statement, and every lunatic tweet Trump has made, from scrapping an agreement that permanently barred Iran from making a nuke to Trump's high tariffs (the GOP is the free trade party) to shutting down the government over a wall that Trump promised Mexico would pay for.

The Trump Republican filled Senate is even going to go along with Trump's scheme to usurp a power granted to Congress by our Constitution, the power of the purse. That is positively surreal.

In that context, it is practically inconceivable that the 67 Senators would find Trump guilty of a misspelled word in a tweet let alone "high crimes and misdemeanors."

Within the current context, the Mueller report is not out yet. However, it is expected out any week now. Note Pelosi said, "unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan." In others words, something within the Mueller report or the House investigations that is so compelling that it would cause Trump Republican heads to turn.

Theoretically, that is possible, but not likely.

However, the Mueller report is likely to contain a great deal of information politically damaging to Trump, and the Democrats will have nearly two years to ensure that every American voter hears about it. It is entirely conceivable that the disclosures would be so critical as to make it politically impossible for Trump to run in 2020.

That would make convicting Trump on impeachment charges moot. He will be removed from power.

That is all the majority of Americans want. After all, what harm can this idiot do in two years?
‘I’m not for impeachment,’ Pelosi says, potentially roiling fellow Democrats. ‘I’m not for impeachment,’ Pelosi says, potentially roiling fellow Democrats

I can't wait to see the Wacko-Base of the Socialist Democrat Party have a collective fit.


Huge fiscal deficits, an economy that refuses to go above 3% real GDP growth, the DOW was down for 2018, a record goods trade deficit, no wall, no replacement for Obamacare, no infrastructure bill, more troops bogged down in Afghanistan, no deal with North Korea.



Turn the channel you dumb ass tard......
She’s not for impeachment, because she has nothing, and never has. If you listen to her speak, she says nothing.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

How can she say 'nothing' when you understood her enough to answer what she said?

Jeez...you Trumpbots REALLY need to learn what words mean before you use them.

Have a nice day.

I was wondering the same thing, McLovin. How about, she’s a dumb ass. Now maybe you should get back to that joint you were puffing on.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

LOL...not much of an intellectual are you?

Call her a dumb ass all you want...I am no fan of hers.

And I don't like pot, thanks - it makes me paranoid.

Who said anything about pot?
Have a nice day. [emoji1787]

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Its smarter not to push impeachment w/o a slam dunk reason that even GOP members would vote for removal. Nancy is playing the long game, she is smart. However, she can't seem to control her socialists, who will lose the 2020 election for the dems no matter what they say about Trump.
Trump will be voted out in 2020. So no need to spend time and money on impeachment.
Look what impeachment did to Bill Clinton.
Nancy knows and she's going to teach you Trumpanzees things that Fox is trying desperately to hide.

She’s not for impeachment, because she has nothing, and never has. If you listen to her speak, she says nothing.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

How can she say 'nothing' when you understood her enough to answer what she said?

Jeez...you Trumpbots REALLY need to learn what words mean before you use them.

Have a nice day.

I was wondering the same thing, McLovin. How about, she’s a dumb ass. Now maybe you should get back to that joint you were puffing on.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

LOL...not much of an intellectual are you?

Call her a dumb ass all you want...I am no fan of hers.

And I don't like pot, thanks - it makes me paranoid.

Who said anything about pot?
Have a nice day. [emoji1787]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Suuuuuure...whatever pal.

My quota for wasting time on ignorant people is almost up for the day.


have a nice day.
Run away from asking questions that make your point erroneous much?

I will ask again:

'The fiscal deficits are higher how then when Obama left office.
How is that 'an improvement' exactly?

The goods trade deficits are higher since Trump took over...how is that 'an improvement' exactly?'
Undeniable facts:

Employment % is higher.
Food Stamps dependence is lower.
Economic growth is better.
Wages are higher.
International Terrorism threat is lower.
NORK Nuke/ ICBM testing is diminished.
Manufacturing jobs are coming back.
American energy production is better.
NATO has pledged to defend themselves more.

MAGA Sux for you/Democrats.

And again you avoid the incredibly simple questions.

I will ask again:

'The fiscal deficits are higher how then when Obama left office.
How is that 'an improvement' exactly?

The goods trade deficits are higher since Trump took over...how is that 'an improvement' exactly?'

‘I’m not for impeachment,’ Pelosi says, potentially roiling fellow Democrats. ‘I’m not for impeachment,’ Pelosi says, potentially roiling fellow Democrats

I can't wait to see the Wacko-Base of the Socialist Democrat Party have a collective fit.


Huge fiscal deficits, an economy that refuses to go above 3% real GDP growth, the DOW was down for 2018, a record goods trade deficit, no wall, no replacement for Obamacare, no infrastructure bill, more troops bogged down in Afghanistan, no deal with North Korea.



Turn the channel you dumb ass tard......

And where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that shows which point I made above was wrong?

I guarantee that you cannot - because they are all correct...and you probably know it - which is why you resorted to childish insults that went out in the 1990's.

I wonder if you Trumpbots fully grasp how stupid most of you sound? I really do. My guess is you do and you just don't dare admit it to yourselves or to others.

Anyway, since you obviously cannot produce unbiased proof to disprove what I said...we are done here.

Have a nice day.

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