Speaker Wacky Nancy Pelosi to the Washington Post: Impeaching President Trump is "just not worth it"

She's playing chess.

She knows Republicans in the Senate will NEVER impeach Trump.

A calculated risk.

Two dozen Republicans will be up for re election in 2020.

How do you run on "I protected a criminal that was dangerous to the United States"?

Yea, run on that GOP.
Huge win! I'm so proud of our president.

Pretty sad when we have to be proud of our president for managing to avoid impeachment in his first 2 years in office.

Our standards have declined over the years.
Perhaps it's because the president is a criminal and the American people should have known better. But didn't care.

You have one person to thank for Trump being in office.

Run away from asking questions that make your point erroneous much?

I will ask again:

'The fiscal deficits are higher how then when Obama left office.
How is that 'an improvement' exactly?

The goods trade deficits are higher since Trump took over...how is that 'an improvement' exactly?'
Undeniable facts:

Employment % is higher.
Food Stamps dependence is lower.
Economic growth is better.
Wages are higher.
International Terrorism threat is lower.
NORK Nuke/ ICBM testing is diminished.
Manufacturing jobs are coming back.
American energy production is better.
NATO has pledged to defend themselves more.

MAGA Sux for you/Democrats.

Unemployment was 4.7 when Trump took office.
Food stamps are down because Republicans make it harder to get not because there is less hunger.
Economic growth is generally equal to Obama.
Wages are still struggling to get higher.
International terrorism is no more or less.
NORK is getting what they want from Trump. Recognition.
Manufacturing jobs have been coming back to the US since 2015.
American energy production was up under Obama.
NATO's agreement to increase defense spending was reached by Obama not Trump.

All of this happened and neither Trump or Obama had anything to do with most of it. The US economy is far more resilient than any US President.
Well he is not really worth the time as the Republicans in the Senate bow to him, no matter what. also she didn't lock the door. The SDNY will indict him when he gets voted out.
Pelosi: 'Not worth it' to impeach Trump

The hell you say!

What gives Dims? This is what you ran on. This is what you promised your base. All I've heard is how Trump has endangered national security due to the fact he has colluded with Putin. All I've heard is how dangerous Trump is because he is unstable, he is stupid, he is Hitler, blah, blah, blah, blah, freak'in blah!!!!!!!!!!!

Now all of a sudden Pelosi does not want to be divisive?

Do these people smoke crack 24/7 or just 24/7?
Nancy wants Trump impeached more then she wants her teeth back. However if Trump is impeached he opens his mouth about Hillary her server and everyone who used it and Trump knows full well that none of Hillary's emails were deleted by formatting a hard drive. Email just does not work that way.

No I am not an expert, but I stayed at a Holiday Inn last night...……………..

You think Trump is holding some secret information about Hillary, but he won't release it unless he is impeached? You know that's nuts, don't you?
Actually Trump can begin legal proceedings against Hillary at any moment, and now Pelosi says NO WE ARE NOT GOING TO IMPEACH TRUMP.

The only question here is are you sober enough to comprehend the truth
Oh, Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch... is this Russian troll back again?

Contact your suburban Moscow night-school, Ivan, and get a tuition refund for your English-as-a-Second-Language class.


Although I can't stomach Pelosi, even a broken clock is right twice a day...

Until (if-and-when) Democrats "get the goods" on the Creature in the White House, there's no point in pursuing impeachment...

If that changes, with the release of the findings of the Mueller Investigation or the work of the Southern New York folks...

Well, then it will make sense to take that next step...

Until then... Pelugly is (for once) right... Trump is not worth dividing the nature further... Russian trolls notwithstanding.
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She'll wait for Mueller's recommendation
Muller will make no recommendation, all he does is gather farts

Tell that the Roger Stone.
Muller is scared to death of Stone as all he needs to do is speak the truth and they all go down which is why they gagged him. Stone will earn a billion dollar civil victory here. Again Muller does not recommend sentences, learn the system
I think Pelosi's change in stance is about the fight for control in the Democratic Party. You have Rachel Tlaib appointing herself the new General in charge of Impeaching Trump and AOC acting like FDR 2.0 with her preposterous "Green New Deal".
Pelosi: 'Not worth it' to impeach Trump

The hell you say!

What gives Dims? This is what you ran on. This is what you promised your base. All I've heard is how Trump has endangered national security due to the fact he has colluded with Putin. All I've heard is how dangerous Trump is because he is unstable, he is stupid, he is Hitler, blah, blah, blah, blah, freak'in blah!!!!!!!!!!!

Now all of a sudden Pelosi does not want to be divisive?

Do these people smoke crack 24/7 or just 24/7?
Nancy wants Trump impeached more then she wants her teeth back. However if Trump is impeached he opens his mouth about Hillary her server and everyone who used it and Trump knows full well that none of Hillary's emails were deleted by formatting a hard drive. Email just does not work that way.

No I am not an expert, but I stayed at a Holiday Inn last night...……………..

You think Trump is holding some secret information about Hillary, but he won't release it unless he is impeached? You know that's nuts, don't you?

Right. Putin is holding some secret information about Trump, but he won't release it unless he is impeached.

That's what YOU call sanity.



Are you stupid or something
Pelosi: 'Not worth it' to impeach Trump

The hell you say!

What gives Dims? This is what you ran on. This is what you promised your base. All I've heard is how Trump has endangered national security due to the fact he has colluded with Putin. All I've heard is how dangerous Trump is because he is unstable, he is stupid, he is Hitler, blah, blah, blah, blah, freak'in blah!!!!!!!!!!!

Now all of a sudden Pelosi does not want to be divisive?

Do these people smoke crack 24/7 or just 24/7?
Nancy wants Trump impeached more then she wants her teeth back. However if Trump is impeached he opens his mouth about Hillary her server and everyone who used it and Trump knows full well that none of Hillary's emails were deleted by formatting a hard drive. Email just does not work that way.

No I am not an expert, but I stayed at a Holiday Inn last night...……………..

You think Trump is holding some secret information about Hillary, but he won't release it unless he is impeached? You know that's nuts, don't you?

Right. Putin is holding some secret information about Trump, but he won't release it unless he is impeached.

That's what YOU call sanity.


No idea what you are whining about, but I was responding to the claim that if impeached, Trump would release some heretofore secret information on Hillary.

The Hillary investigation is active you know...………….right? or are you living in your delusion again

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