Speaking of women's rights....why so little outrage over the white American ISIS killed and raped?

Interesting, how OP goes out of his way to specifically state "white American". The normal people wouldn't have thought the woman's race is an issue.
Interesting, how OP goes out of his way to specifically state "white American". The normal people wouldn't have thought the woman's race is an issue.

Actually...I never thought race mattered. But the past 12 months....liberals have shown us it not only matters...it matters a lot. The race of any person in a story must be disclosed. Liberals are brilliant, tolerant people who we can only hope will bless us with their opinions. But....they can't formulate one without running it through the race filter first. For example....black cop shoots black man? Meh. Sad. But white cop shoots black man?OUTRAGE!!! BURN THIS BITCH DOWN!!!!! RIOT!

So....it's only fair I disclosed race so libs can properly respond.
So...the Libs made you do it.
The left is MORE outraged over what Trump said about a woman....than they are about what their beloved peaceful Islamic friends DID to a woman. A beautiful young white female from Arizona simply volunteered to go to Syria and help the poor.

The peaceful followers of Islam....kidnapped her and raped her for months as a sex slave....then killed her. Probably brutally.

Yet....we hear more outrage about Trump calling Rosie O'Donnell a cow.

I just can't figure liberals out.

Islam is beheading gays and throwing them off high rises. But a Christian bakery doesn't wanna cater a wedding. And they find the latter more outrage worthy.

Rosie ODonnell IS a cow... . And the only people who are not outraged about that; like Rosie ODonnell, are not Americans, thus are not relevant to matters: American.

Those people are however, THE PROBLEM IN the United States and they're presently watching their would-be "Ideas" be rejected, in whole cloth, as their cult-leaders are on the precipice of indictment, even by their own feckless 'justice department' and their political party is being hijacked by overt communists.

The Worm is a turning and their time is all but run out.
Actually, this story has been at the forefront of media releases of late, including the Liberal outlets.
BTW, I grew up across the street from this gal's mother and her family. It was an absolute punch in the gut when the story first broke. :(

Kids really should think things through before they pull the trigger on doing something stupid.
The left is MORE outraged over what Trump said about a woman....than they are about what their beloved peaceful Islamic friends DID to a woman. A beautiful young white female from Arizona simply volunteered to go to Syria and help the poor.

The peaceful followers of Islam....kidnapped her and raped her for months as a sex slave....then killed her. Probably brutally.

Yet....we hear more outrage about Trump calling Rosie O'Donnell a cow.

I just can't figure liberals out.

Islam is beheading gays and throwing them off high rises. But a Christian bakery doesn't wanna cater a wedding. And they find the latter more outrage worthy.

I don't give a shit what the Iranians do.
The left is MORE outraged over what Trump said about a woman....than they are about what their beloved peaceful Islamic friends DID to a woman. A beautiful young white female from Arizona simply volunteered to go to Syria and help the poor.

The peaceful followers of Islam....kidnapped her and raped her for months as a sex slave....then killed her. Probably brutally.

Yet....we hear more outrage about Trump calling Rosie O'Donnell a cow.

I just can't figure liberals out.

Islam is beheading gays and throwing them off high rises. But a Christian bakery doesn't wanna cater a wedding. And they find the latter more outrage worthy.

First of all- I am outraged about the murder and rape of any woman.

Yes- ISIS are brutal scum.

Finally- what does it matter that she was 'white'?

Rape- murder- horrible.
ISIS- zealot murderous scum

Completely unrelated to whether a bakery doesn't want to follow the law in the United States- why do you feel compelled to put the two things together?
So....it's only fair I disclosed race so libs can properly respond.

No, that's not it. It's that you're a dishonest racist, who is now crying after being caught. If it was a black woman had been raped, you wouldn't have cared, and you wouldn't have made the thread.

And yes, it really is that obvious.

Sure I would've. No American women of any color should be raped and killed by Muslims.

Then why did you mention her race?

Clearly her being 'white' was important to you- you could have started a thread decrying the rape and murder of an American woman by ISIS- all perfectly understandable- and no one would have disagreed with you.

But you decided to bring race into the thread.

Almost like you don't even want to discuss the rape and murder of a woman- but want this thread to be about race- and religion- and homosexuality.
Bottom line is that claiming there is no outrage over Kayla Mueller is a lie. Claiming there is no outrage over ISIS atrocities is a lie. Everybody in America hates al Baghdadi. He is scum along with the rest of ISIS leadership.

Comparing the reaction of the public and media to what ISIS does to the reaction to what an American politician said is useless. Apples to oranges.
The girl that is the topic of this conversation wasn't an aid worker at the time & place she was kidnapped

She was in a war zone rather than a kitchen, which is where she belonged. Zero sympathy here.

Not really, she was some kind of an aid worker so her place was out in the world providing relief to those who need it. But in this case she was on her own, and in a part of the world where white faces speaking English with an American accent are not welcome.
You go to a Chinese restaurant, expect to get Chinese food. No sympathy for her from me.
Not really, she was some kind of an aid worker so her place was out in the world providing relief to those who need it. But in this case she was on her own, and in a part of the world where white faces speaking English with an American accent are not welcome.

I have no use for aid workers or employed women. She gets no sympathy from me.
Not really, she was some kind of an aid worker so her place was out in the world providing relief to those who need it. But in this case she was on her own, and in a part of the world where white faces speaking English with an American accent are not welcome.

I have no use for aid workers or employed women. She gets no sympathy from me.

Of course not- you are fine with any woman who is not in the kitchen getting murdered.
The left is MORE outraged over what Trump said about a woman....than they are about what their beloved peaceful Islamic friends DID to a woman. A beautiful young white female from Arizona simply volunteered to go to Syria and help the poor.

The peaceful followers of Islam....kidnapped her and raped her for months as a sex slave....then killed her. Probably brutally.

Yet....we hear more outrage about Trump calling Rosie O'Donnell a cow.

I just can't figure liberals out.

Islam is beheading gays and throwing them off high rises. But a Christian bakery doesn't wanna cater a wedding. And they find the latter more outrage worthy.

Just for the record, the news has been talking about this all day....and the outrage is there, not just for her, for all people who are dying needlessly at the hands of these evil people. May she rest in peace and GW Bush rot in hell, he's the reason behind all this

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