Special Counsel Smith does not actually have the "smoking gun" doc Trump is heard on audio talking about, meaning he cannot prove it is Classified

I have a feeling that Jack Smith, Merrick Garland, and Chris Wray are going to have egg all over their faces when this is over.

You know what is hilarious about Trump people?

The lengths they are prepared to go to defend things that are indefensible.

In case you honestly believe this.

He is on tape talking about it, saying it is classified and can be heard as he is showing it. That is evidence since you know... he's being recorded.

As for it being a problem that Smith doesn't have the document. That is a problem.
-First; and foremost. Because it's a war plan, that now is in the ether that the government has no idea of where it is.
-Second; for Trump. Because it makes it clear that Trump still hasn't completely complied with the subpoena.

Who do you think is getting the benefit of the doubt here? The guy who they have dead to rights, by virtue of testimony by his own lawyers, or the government?
You know what is hilarious about Trump people?

The lengths they are prepared to go to defend things that are indefensible.

In case you honestly believe this.

He is on tape talking about it, saying it is classified and can be heard as he is showing it. That is evidence since you know... he's being recorded.

As for it being a problem that Smith doesn't have the document. That is a problem.
-First; and foremost. Because it's a war plan, that now is in the ether that the government has no idea of where it is.
-Second; for Trump. Because it makes it clear that Trump still hasn't completely complied with the subpoena.

Who do you think is getting the benefit of the doubt here? The guy who they have dead to rights, by virtue of testimony by his own lawyers, or the government?

Okay, Saul.

Id imagine these bogus indictments will probably get thrown out. Lol.


It's entertaining to witness the fear. If there was a remote chance of another steal, all this would be unnecessary. They could all just take their psychotropic drugs and sink back into their torpor.


It's entertaining to witness the fear. If there was a remote chance of another steal, all this would be unnecessary. They could all just take their psychotropic drugs and sink back into their torpor.


Its palpable now. They know these charges are based on second hand testimony. This is the game for prosecutors. Throw a bunch of turds at the window and hope one sticks.
You have no idea what you're talking about. Stop drinking Bud Light or you'll turn into a transgender if you already haven't.
Have you seen the evidence? Have you read the indictment? Trump's goose is cooked! Unless that whore bitch judge Eileen Cannon does her usual Trump kiss-ass show.
I have a feeling that Jack Smith, Merrick Garland, and Chris Wray are going to have egg all over their faces when this is over.

yeh, I figured this out watching Fox commentary on the case

I could use more info, though... Does the tape actually still exist?

not that it matters. As you say, they can't prove it was a Classified document. If that's all they have, and one FOX guest made it seem like that was the worst of it...


If they had anything on Trump, they would have gotten this indictment long b4 they did...


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