Special Master Not Working Out Well For Team Trumpy

A National Archivist does not to choose what a president can possess.

Actually the presidential records act 1978 makes that determination.

All presidential records, except those that were separated as "personal" before the president leaves office belong to the National Archives.
Says you, but the more I read, the more it looks like the FBI and Justice Dept. really screwed this up and should have looked at case

law precedents regarding these things first.

If the warrant didn't mention classified documents; What was the urgency of the warrant?
It mentioned the friggin espionage act retard
Possession is 9/10 of the law. ;)

I was literally told that by a lawyer..a good one. :D

A National Archivist does not to choose what a president can possess.

18 U.S. Code § 1924 - Unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material How many times do we need to post the law for these Trump toadies?
The judge pointed out, it was Trump who filed the lawsuit. The burden of proof is on Trump. DOJ presented prima facia evidence that documents were classified, as they had all the requisite classifications markings, just Judge Dearie saw on the paperwork when he was a member of the FISA court.

The judge gave them the "put up or shut up" requiring they refute the DOJ classification claim in their legal filings.
Exactly! Game over from where I see it. The DOJ could indict tomorrow and they would have a solid case. The lawyers brought no defense for Trump today.
An important thing about the Trump documents at Mar-a-lago. They were NOT in the National Archives.

The Presidential Records act, actually gives both the current and former president executive privilege over the documents in the National Archive. But as these documents were NOT in the National Archives, they fall under the exclusive control of the current executive as far as invoking privilege.

This is a good reason why ex-presidents should put their records into the National Archives, in order to have executive privilege over them. The archives gives the ex-president the ability to control his records from FOIA requests for up to 12 years.
Exactly! And that's where Eric Hershmann comes in. He told Trump to not take them home, and Trump did it anyway. Hershmann will get him indicted, because Hershmann never followed along with their stupidity, arrogance, and lawlessness.
It's funny. Republicans suddenly believe in presidential powers through secret incantations.

That's why I started a thread where Joe Biden said on camera, that he just declassified every document in the world (or at least in the US) and asked if Biden actually declassified everything by just saying he did?

I could never get a straight answer. Because they would have to admit there's more required, than just saying he declassified
Trump nation:"You have to prove he DIDNT declassify them!"

Special Master: "No, sorry, Trump has to prove he did. "

Dearie, 78, engaged succinctly with the parties during the session. He noted that the current litigation filed by Trump is civil in nature, since no criminal charges have been filed, so the burden of proof is on Trump to back up any assertion of privilege or other protected interest in the documents.
It's funny. Republicans suddenly believe in presidential powers through secret incantations.

That's why I started a thread where Joe Biden said on camera, that he just declassified every document in the world (or at least in the US) and asked if Biden actually declassified everything by just saying he did?

I could never get a straight answer. Because they would have to admit there's more required, than just saying he declassified
Yea, but these trumpdroids will continue the same wash rinse, wash rinse tactic. Just keep repeating something manufactured out of thin air until it sticks. Except it never does. LOL!
So you admit that Trump is just engaging in delaying tactics?

Guess what? The Special Master knows this too and it’s not going to fly
Its expected in cases such as this... The judge knows what's going on here just like we all do... this is major over reach by an out of control DOJ...
This judge knows this won't stop no matter what he does.....
Trump nation:"You have to prove he DIDNT declassify them!"

Special Master: "No, sorry, Trump has to prove he did. "
Reality: at a trial, Trump can offer evidence if he chooses to do so that he had declassified the documents. Then, it will indeed be up to the government to disprove it beyond a reasonable doubt.

But we are not yet at a trial. Maybe it’s time for team Trump to push up the schedule a bit in light of the Special Master’s position.
BS. You can't handle the truth. Trump is toast.
Lol where have I heard that before? I'm betting Trump is playing you fools for, well, fools . While again proving right before the election that the FAKE NEWS media is indeed the right hand of the Democrat Party and an enemy of the people . They will repeat this over and over again, then Trump will show the pudding . Being right again even after all the slander and accusations with no proof. Sealing the democrats fate . It's gonna be special .
Even the Hill is running with this unknown source... You can't make this up... DESPERATION of the left to make something of this.. Given the last weekend of the left being exposed as hypocrites on the border issues they are desperate to change the narrative.
Why wouldn't they ? There were zero consequences when they spied on trump or slandered him or made stuff up . So why wouldn't the keep doing it?
I think some people (mainly the mass of ignorant libtards) also overlook a crucial fact. A “special master” can review evidence and make a report to the judge who appointed him. The “special master” can even make proposed legal rulings. But the appointing judge isn’t bound by those findings, may chose to accept some or all of them or reject them all. And the judge can also decide contrary to whatever the special master recommends.

I don’t know how this will all pan out. But I do believe that what retired Judge Dearie says may not be decisive. Team Trump may have a point. It might not be proper to decide the question of declassification at this juncture.

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