Special Master Not Working Out Well For Team Trumpy

... against the Trump claim he had declassified those documents ABSENT some claim by team Trump IN THEIR OWN LEGAL PAPERS that the documents had been declassified.

Trump has said it. Kash Patel has said it. But apparently that claim has not been set forth within the Trump legal submissions. I’m not sure this is the proper venue to be compelled to make that claim.
Since when is a federal court, in a federal lawsuit, not the proper venue?

What is said on the court room steps, like in the many election cases, means absolutely nothing. The judge can only consider evidence and testimony given under oath, under penalty of perjury.

That's the law.
Yes, Styxhexenhammer is just all sorts of logical!
Actually he is.
They both seem to be Muslim spies.
You know, that seemed outrageous at 1st; then I remembered about Carter hanging with all those Saudis. :aargh:

Ofc Obama had The Muslim Brotherhood for sleepovers in The White House. Were they gay? :eek:
It is not about doing it in the media, it is about doing it with the Special Master that Trump hand picked.
That special master is a federal court judge, holding the hearing in a federal court, concerning the federal lawsuit that Trump brought.

Anyone suggesting this isn't the proper venue to discuss such matters is an absolute idiot. This is civics 101.
Here is what Trump is fighting.
The hallmarks of a totalitarian state are:

  • The formal criminalization of dissent /political prosecutions.
  • State control media /propaganda narratives.
  • Censorship of free speech.
  • Rigged Elections
  • Erasing or rewriting history.
  • Rise of the Police State.
  • Academia/cultural Ideological Indoctrination to divide and foment revolution.
  • Destroy economy to create crisis to implement socialism.
  • Politicizing the civil service, military, National Guard, and domestic security agencies.
  • Rise of the surveillance state and utilizing it to punish your political enemies.
  • Stacking the Supreme Court or law of the land.
No idea where Trump found him, but he was Trump's pick
The Trump team had two picks, as did the government.

The former president's legal team suggested Rayond Dearie, former Chief Judge of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York, and Paul Huck, Jr., former Deputy Attorney General for the State of Florida.
The innocent have no fear and don’t delay at every turn.
Actually the innocent want to bring their case to trial as fast as possible, in order to clear their name ASAP.

The guilty want to delay justice for as long as possible.
Actually the innocent want to bring their case to trial as fast as possible, in order to clear their name ASAP.

The guilty want to delay justice for as long as possible.
So you think this case is similar to a mugging or stealing a car?
Fell stupid yet?
So you think this case is similar to a mugging or stealing a car?
Fell stupid yet?
The only thing the guilty can do is delay the inevitable for as long as possible. The longer they delay, the more likely evidence or witnesses will no longer be available at trial.
The only thing the guilty can do is delay the inevitable for as long as possible. The longer they delay, the more likely evidence or witnesses will no longer be available at trial.
Watch the 13 minute video as you are making a mockery out of yourself.

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