Special Prosecutor for Hillary Clinton

Package deal. Go after crooked "foundation". Trump should not waste time on these small-time has-beens. Let the law do it all, if there is crime.......do the time.
Maybe they won't need a special prosecutor when Trump fires that incompetent fool Comey and hires someone who wants to do the right thing.
Nothing is going to happen to Hillary Clinton, folks. Move on. The Clintons have been relegated to the trash can of American political history. Forget about them. Continuing to pursue a wild goose chase with her will only end up hurting the Trump Administration. (God, I can't believe I'm actually saying Trump Administration)
Maybe they won't need a special prosecutor when Trump fires that incompetent fool Comey and hires someone who wants to do the right thing.
Comey did do something when he started the new investigation, I am curious to see just how he arrived at his "new" conclusion in only a few days.
Nothing is going to happen to Hillary Clinton, folks. Move on. The Clintons have been relegated to the trash can of American political history. Forget about them. Continuing to pursue a wild goose chase with her will only end up hurting the Trump Administration. (God, I can't believe I'm actually saying Trump Administration)
The Clintons are counting on people with your perspective. The problem is they have effected many others with their games, that must be addressed.
"His campaign manager did not rule out the possibility of a special prosecutor for Hillary Clinton, saying she had not discussed it recently with the Republican President-elect but that the conversation would come "all in due time."

Hillary Clinton could still end up in jail - Donald Trump camp won't rule out email probe

Good....Let's see where this goes. Hillary has a lot to answer for.
The email scandal is minor as compared to the Clinton Foundation pay to play scandal. People are serving serious time in Fed prisons for that.
Obama should name a special prosecutor and make sure Hillary is cleared....AS WELL AS HIMSELF to prempt a TRUMP SP.
I'm betting on him letting it go. Jailing an old corrupt witch isn't a priority for him. I think he'll move on.
I'm betting on him letting it go. Jailing an old corrupt witch isn't a priority for him. I think he'll move on.
I do not have a real problem with that other than addressing how it effected others. They cannot be forgotten.
Nothing is going to happen to Hillary Clinton, folks. Move on. The Clintons have been relegated to the trash can of American political history. Forget about them. Continuing to pursue a wild goose chase with her will only end up hurting the Trump Administration. (God, I can't believe I'm actually saying Trump Administration)
It's not just about the Clintons, which have thankfully been relegated to the trash can of history, but about the extent of the conspiracy between the Obama Justice Department, State Department and WH which worked with the Clinton campaign to cover up the email/State Department scandals and possible crimes in order to try to influence the election. This will provide political ammunition for the Republicans for years to come.

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