Special Prosecutor ? Prosecute What ?

Who cares what they discussed ? Everyone who runs for office, is looking for dirt on their opponent. What else is new ?

here......learn something and go change your diapers......This IS the LAW.....and Donnie-baby fucked up......

11 CFR 110.20 - Prohibition on contributions, donations, expenditures, independent expenditures, and disbursements by foreign nationals (52 U.S.C. 30121, 36 U.S.C. 510).

(b)Contributions and donations by foreign nationals in connection with elections. A foreign national shall not, directly or indirectly, make a contribution or a donation of money or other thing of value, or expressly or impliedly promise to make a contribution or a donation, in connection with any Federal, State, or local election.
For a prosecutor to do his job, doesn’t there have to be a crime committed ? So what crime is special prosecutor Robert Mueller supposed to be prosecuting ?

Lots of strange things in play here >>

1) Mueller’s legal team are all Democrat supporters of Hillary Clinton – the red flag of bias.

2) After years of Muslim ass-kissing, as head of the FBI, Mueller has no standing to be doing anything in government.

3) If anybody needs a prosecutor, it is Obama, who committed the crime of treason, repeatedly (Fort Hood, Iraq troop pullout, Baghdadi/ISIS collusion, Muslim Brotherhood favoritism, instigation of race riots)

He is special counsel and he is not there to prosecute. He is there to cover up Impeachable Offenses of Obama Bin Lying, and is there with his cleanup crew to cover up Treason, Espionage and Collusion by THE DNC, Obama, Clinton & Company.

The only reason anyone will get burnt is if Mueller needs a scapegoat to sell the cover up.

It will all be explained away to a dumbed down populace same as James Comey did when he told America that Hillary Clinton was too phucking stupid to prosecute.
Now see? You've done it again. You are really really on the Clinton assassination list now.
Who cares what they discussed ? Everyone who runs for office, is looking for dirt on their opponent. What else is new ?

here......learn something and go change your diapers......This IS the LAW.....and Donnie-baby fucked up......

11 CFR 110.20 - Prohibition on contributions, donations, expenditures, independent expenditures, and disbursements by foreign nationals (52 U.S.C. 30121, 36 U.S.C. 510).

(b)Contributions and donations by foreign nationals in connection with elections. A foreign national shall not, directly or indirectly, make a contribution or a donation of money or other thing of value, or expressly or impliedly promise to make a contribution or a donation, in connection with any Federal, State, or local election.

Contributions and donations by foreign nationals in connection with elections.

That covers all the foreign contributions to the Clinton "Foundation".
Don Jr., not so much.
here......learn something and go change your diapers......This IS the LAW.....and Donnie-baby fucked up......

11 CFR 110.20 - Prohibition on contributions, donations, expenditures, independent expenditures, and disbursements by foreign nationals (52 U.S.C. 30121, 36 U.S.C. 510).

(b)Contributions and donations by foreign nationals in connection with elections. A foreign national shall not, directly or indirectly, make a contribution or a donation of money or other thing of value, or expressly or impliedly promise to make a contribution or a donation, in connection with any Federal, State, or local election.
And the $50 Million Hillary got from Saudi Arabia ? Is that what you were referring to ? :laugh:
For a prosecutor to do his job, doesn’t there have to be a crime committed ? So what crime is special prosecutor Robert Mueller supposed to be prosecuting ?

Lots of strange things in play here >>

1) Mueller’s legal team are all Democrat supporters of Hillary Clinton – the red flag of bias.

2) After years of Muslim ass-kissing, as head of the FBI, Mueller has no standing to be doing anything in government.

3) If anybody needs a prosecutor, it is Obama, who committed the crime of treason, repeatedly (Fort Hood, Iraq troop pullout, Baghdadi/ISIS collusion, Muslim Brotherhood favoritism, instigation of race riots)

Trump Jr.’s defense was that the meeting didn’t actually end up bearing fruit: His statement says that “it quickly became clear that she had no meaningful information.” In other words, there’s no way this constituted collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, because Veselnitskaya didn’t provide him with anything useful.

But experts on national security and election law say there’s a good case that this “defense” is, legally speaking, no defense at all.

Are Republicans going to say Don Jr. is new at this and didn't know he was breaking the law?

Paul Ryan says Trump is 'new at this' to explain President pressuring Comey to drop investigation

What law was broken in your opinioin?

We knew the minute you guys got caught doing what you said you weren't doing that you would then shift your argument to this.

This investigation should move beyond issues concerning obstruction of justice and into potentially treasonous acts after news emerged that Donald Trump Jr. met with a Kremlin-tied lawyer last year.

Kaine told reporters that while there is no proof of any legal wrongdoing, the investigation into potential ties between the Trump campaign and the Russians has become a "treason investigation."

"Nothing is proven yet. But we're beyond obstruction of justice in terms of what's being investigated," Kaine said. "This is moving into perjury, false statements, and even into potentially treason."
We knew the minute you guys got caught doing what you said you weren't doing that you would then shift your argument to this.

This investigation should move beyond issues concerning obstruction of justice and into potentially treasonous acts after news emerged that Donald Trump Jr. met with a Kremlin-tied lawyer last year.

Kaine told reporters that while there is no proof of any legal wrongdoing, the investigation into potential ties between the Trump campaign and the Russians has become a "treason investigation."

"Nothing is proven yet. But we're beyond obstruction of justice in terms of what's being investigated," Kaine said. "This is moving into perjury, false statements, and even into potentially treason."
Laughingstock. There is none of these preposterous claims. Nothing is "moving" anywhere to anything.

But there SURE IS treason, on the part of Obama.

Again, as I stated in the OP >>> 3) If anybody needs a prosecutor, it is Obama, who committed the crime of treason, repeatedly (Fort Hood, Iraq troop pullout, Baghdadi/ISIS collusion, Muslim Brotherhood favoritism, instigation of race riots)
shifting Jr's lies about the Russian connection to Clinton wont make anyone look the other way.
Trump Jr.’s defense was that the meeting didn’t actually end up bearing fruit: His statement says that “it quickly became clear that she had no meaningful information.” In other words, there’s no way this constituted collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, because Veselnitskaya didn’t provide him with anything useful.

But experts on national security and election law say there’s a good case that this “defense” is, legally speaking, no defense at all.

Are Republicans going to say Don Jr. is new at this and didn't know he was breaking the law?
What law ?

Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., said Tuesday the ongoing Russia investigation should move beyond issues concerning obstruction of justice and into potentially treasonous acts after news emerged that Donald Trump Jr. met with a Kremlin-tied lawyer last year.

Kaine told reporters that while there is no proof of any legal wrongdoing, the investigation into potential ties between the Trump campaign and the Russians has become a "treason investigation."

"Nothing is proven yet. But we're beyond obstruction of justice in terms of what's being investigated," Kaine said. "This is moving into perjury, false statements, and even into potentially treason."

And of course you know that the Trump team all decided if they were/are ever caught talking to Russians that they should say that it was to discuss adoptions. Does anyone believe that? Sure you Republicans believe that but that's because you love and trust government soooo much. It's obvious you do. Sometimes you say all government is bad but god damn you sure do defend Republican governments.

Remember you defended Bush after he lied about WMD'S? He didn't lie?

Trump Compares Claims That Russia Interfered In Election To Claims That Iraq Had WMDs

What is Trump saying? Is he saying they did collude or there were no wmd's?
We knew the minute you guys got caught doing what you said you weren't doing that you would then shift your argument to this.

This investigation should move beyond issues concerning obstruction of justice and into potentially treasonous acts after news emerged that Donald Trump Jr. met with a Kremlin-tied lawyer last year.

Kaine told reporters that while there is no proof of any legal wrongdoing, the investigation into potential ties between the Trump campaign and the Russians has become a "treason investigation."

"Nothing is proven yet. But we're beyond obstruction of justice in terms of what's being investigated," Kaine said. "This is moving into perjury, false statements, and even into potentially treason."
Laughingstock. There is none of these preposterous claims. Nothing is "moving" anywhere to anything.

But there SURE IS treason, on the part of Obama.

Again, as I stated in the OP >>> 3) If anybody needs a prosecutor, it is Obama, who committed the crime of treason, repeatedly (Fort Hood, Iraq troop pullout, Baghdadi/ISIS collusion, Muslim Brotherhood favoritism, instigation of race riots)

Remember "stop bringing up BOOOOSH. BOOOOSH did it. Remember? Fucking snowflake.
Remember "stop bringing up BOOOOSH. BOOOOSH did it. Remember? Fucking snowflake.
If you had an ounce of crediblity, you'd attempt to answer the charges. But you know they are true, so instead you just yammer out some obnoxious rhetoric. We accept your surrender.
shifting Jr's lies about the Russian connection to Clinton wont make anyone look the other way.
Junior has nothing to hide. No wrongdoing. You guys are pathetic. See a shrink.

Yes, stop bringing up Obama, Clinton, Benghazi and emails you fucking losers. It's not about them anymore. You wanted to be in charge well enjoy. This is what you get when you are in charge.

Clinton: 7 Benghazi probes so far

Have we had 7 probes into Russia yet? I don't recall you getting sick of the Benghazi probes.

And remember Trump was leading the witch hunts???

The Justice Department won’t prosecute Hillary Clinton over her handling of emails as secretary of state, but Donald Trump and the Republicans will certainly litigate the issue in the court of public opinion during the Republican National Convention.

"Hillary Clinton is the embodiment of corruption. She's a corrupt person. What she's done with her e-mails, what she's done with so many things," Trump said recently.

He added, "I think it might be her greatest accomplishment, escaping the recent scandal, and her lies, and the loss of 33,000 e-mails. But it wasn't a loss, she discarded (them). That in itself is a major crime. Other people have been paying tremendous prices for what they've done, which is peanuts compared to what happened with Hillary Clinton."

The GOP's opening over Hillary Clinton's email
Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., said Tuesday the ongoing Russia investigation should move beyond issues concerning obstruction of justice and into potentially treasonous acts after news emerged that Donald Trump Jr. met with a Kremlin-tied lawyer last year.

Kaine told reporters that while there is no proof of any legal wrongdoing, the investigation into potential ties between the Trump campaign and the Russians has become a "treason investigation."

"Nothing is proven yet. But we're beyond obstruction of justice in terms of what's being investigated," Kaine said. "This is moving into perjury, false statements, and even into potentially treason."

And of course you know that the Trump team all decided if they were/are ever caught talking to Russians that they should say that it was to discuss adoptions. Does anyone believe that? Sure you Republicans believe that but that's because you love and trust government soooo much. It's obvious you do. Sometimes you say all government is bad but god damn you sure do defend Republican governments.

Remember you defended Bush after he lied about WMD'S? He didn't lie?

Trump Compares Claims That Russia Interfered In Election To Claims That Iraq Had WMDs

What is Trump saying? Is he saying they did collude or there were no wmd's?
No such thing as "caught" talking to Russians. We are all free to talk to anyone.

And please present us with a definition of the word >> "collude" :laugh:
Remember "stop bringing up BOOOOSH. BOOOOSH did it. Remember? Fucking snowflake.
If you had an ounce of crediblity, you'd attempt to answer the charges. But you know they are true, so instead you just yammer out some obnoxious rhetoric. We accept your surrender.

Nonsense. I simply don't take you seriously. Did you ask a serious question? Who cares? Even if I gave you an answer that made you look stupid, no one would notice.
Now see? You've done it again. You are really really on the Clinton assassination list now.
You mean THIS list ? (that you haven't studied) >>

Uh Oh.....you're on it now too.

Now they are falling back on how many people the clinton's supposedly murdered? Yes, I heard Rush going on and on about "what about the clintons and obama?"

Maybe we should re open up the Trump rape cases?

As of now, all of the information about this lawsuit comes solely from the complaint filed by “Katie Johnson,” and no one has as yet located, identified, or interviewed her. She was scheduled to appear at a press conference on 2 November 2016 but didn’t show up, claiming that threats to her life kept her away. She reportedly dropped the lawsuit again on 4 November 2016 for the same reason.

Lawsuit Charges Donald Trump with Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl

The Trumps are pretty powerful. They are even in cohoots with the Russians. The russians will kill you with radiation and no one will be able to do anything about it. I'd drop the case too.
Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., said Tuesday the ongoing Russia investigation should move beyond issues concerning obstruction of justice and into potentially treasonous acts after news emerged that Donald Trump Jr. met with a Kremlin-tied lawyer last year.

Kaine told reporters that while there is no proof of any legal wrongdoing, the investigation into potential ties between the Trump campaign and the Russians has become a "treason investigation."

"Nothing is proven yet. But we're beyond obstruction of justice in terms of what's being investigated," Kaine said. "This is moving into perjury, false statements, and even into potentially treason."

And of course you know that the Trump team all decided if they were/are ever caught talking to Russians that they should say that it was to discuss adoptions. Does anyone believe that? Sure you Republicans believe that but that's because you love and trust government soooo much. It's obvious you do. Sometimes you say all government is bad but god damn you sure do defend Republican governments.

Remember you defended Bush after he lied about WMD'S? He didn't lie?

Trump Compares Claims That Russia Interfered In Election To Claims That Iraq Had WMDs

What is Trump saying? Is he saying they did collude or there were no wmd's?
No such thing as "caught" talking to Russians. We are all free to talk to anyone.

And please present us with a definition of the word >> "collude" :laugh:

There isn't? Maybe this will educate your sorry ass

The most surprising thing about the Flynn scandal may be how he got caught

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