Special Prosecutor ? Prosecute What ?

For a prosecutor to do his job, doesnā€™t there have to be a crime committed ? So what crime is special prosecutor Robert Mueller supposed to be prosecuting ?

Lots of strange things in play here >>

1) Muellerā€™s legal team are all Democrat supporters of Hillary Clinton ā€“ the red flag of bias.

2) After years of Muslim ass-kissing, as head of the FBI, Mueller has no standing to be doing anything in government.

3) If anybody needs a prosecutor, it is Obama, who committed the crime of treason, repeatedly (Fort Hood, Iraq troop pullout, Baghdadi/ISIS collusion, Muslim Brotherhood favoritism, instigation of race riots)
Here is the smoking gun:

ā€˜I Love Itā€™: Donald Trump Jr. Knew He Was Meeting With Kremlin-Linked Lawyer
He was told it was part of Russiaā€™s attempt to help his father win the election.

Donald Trump Jr. released images of an email exchange Tuesday that show he was contacted in June 2016 about a meeting with a Kremlin-linked lawyer. At that meeting, he was told, he could obtain ā€œsome official documents and information that would incriminateā€ former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

The documents posted by Trump Jr. show that he forwarded the email exchange to Trumpā€™s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, who is now a presidential adviser, and to Paul Manafort, Trumpā€™s then-campaign manager, on June 8 ā€• one day before the meeting took place at Trump Tower in New York.

Tuesdayā€™s revelation comes after an earlier New York Times story on Trump Jr.ā€™s meeting with the Kremlin-linked lawyer. In response to that story, published Saturday, Trump Jr. claimed he ā€œprimarily discussedā€ an adoption program with the lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, whose clients have included Russian state-owned businesses and the son of a senior Russian government official. Trump Jr. changed his statement a day later, admitting he attended the meeting to obtain ā€œpotentially helpful informationā€ about Clinton.

The President and Pence are claiming ignorance. Do you believe that?

So Hillary must have known more about Trump than Trump does because remember during the debates Trump denied his ties with Russia?
For a prosecutor to do his job, doesnā€™t there have to be a crime committed ? So what crime is special prosecutor Robert Mueller supposed to be prosecuting ?

Lots of strange things in play here >>

1) Muellerā€™s legal team are all Democrat supporters of Hillary Clinton ā€“ the red flag of bias.

2) After years of Muslim ass-kissing, as head of the FBI, Mueller has no standing to be doing anything in government.

3) If anybody needs a prosecutor, it is Obama, who committed the crime of treason, repeatedly (Fort Hood, Iraq troop pullout, Baghdadi/ISIS collusion, Muslim Brotherhood favoritism, instigation of race riots)

Trump Jr.ā€™s defense was that the meeting didnā€™t actually end up bearing fruit: His statement says that ā€œit quickly became clear that she had no meaningful information.ā€ In other words, thereā€™s no way this constituted collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, because Veselnitskaya didnā€™t provide him with anything useful.

But experts on national security and election law say thereā€™s a good case that this ā€œdefenseā€ is, legally speaking, no defense at all.

Are Republicans going to say Don Jr. is new at this and didn't know he was breaking the law?

Paul Ryan says Trump is 'new at this' to explain President pressuring Comey to drop investigation

What law was broken in your opinioin?

We knew the minute you guys got caught doing what you said you weren't doing that you would then shift your argument to this.

This investigation should move beyond issues concerning obstruction of justice and into potentially treasonous acts after news emerged that Donald Trump Jr. met with a Kremlin-tied lawyer last year.

Kaine told reporters that while there is no proof of any legal wrongdoing, the investigation into potential ties between the Trump campaign and the Russians has become a "treason investigation."

"Nothing is proven yet. But we're beyond obstruction of justice in terms of what's being investigated," Kaine said. "This is moving into perjury, false statements, and even into potentially treason."

Kaine told reporters that while there is no proof of any legal wrongdoing, the investigation into potential ties between the Trump campaign and the Russians has become a "treason investigation."

Proof that the joker doesn't understand treason.
For a prosecutor to do his job, doesnā€™t there have to be a crime committed ? So what crime is special prosecutor Robert Mueller supposed to be prosecuting ?

Lots of strange things in play here >>

1) Muellerā€™s legal team are all Democrat supporters of Hillary Clinton ā€“ the red flag of bias.

2) After years of Muslim ass-kissing, as head of the FBI, Mueller has no standing to be doing anything in government.

3) If anybody needs a prosecutor, it is Obama, who committed the crime of treason, repeatedly (Fort Hood, Iraq troop pullout, Baghdadi/ISIS collusion, Muslim Brotherhood favoritism, instigation of race riots)

Trump Jr.ā€™s defense was that the meeting didnā€™t actually end up bearing fruit: His statement says that ā€œit quickly became clear that she had no meaningful information.ā€ In other words, thereā€™s no way this constituted collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, because Veselnitskaya didnā€™t provide him with anything useful.

But experts on national security and election law say thereā€™s a good case that this ā€œdefenseā€ is, legally speaking, no defense at all.

Are Republicans going to say Don Jr. is new at this and didn't know he was breaking the law?

Paul Ryan says Trump is 'new at this' to explain President pressuring Comey to drop investigation

What law was broken in your opinioin?


With 97 Senators voting to punish Russia for this non-story, President Trump is being stampeded on by a herd of RINOs. We need to organize a march on Washington to scare the Deep State GOPers into standing behind the man chosen by their voters.
This is proof Republicans put party over country. Thanks for sharing.
The 2016 campaign, and the pathetic attempts to derail the Trump administration, are positive proof that Democrats put party over country.

It also proves that the RINOs consider that their bipartisan country club membership is more important than those who are not members. Maybe they let Trump win the nomination because they knew they could prevent him from affecting their collusion with their Democratic fraternity brothers.
For a prosecutor to do his job, doesnā€™t there have to be a crime committed ? So what crime is special prosecutor Robert Mueller supposed to be prosecuting ?

Lots of strange things in play here >>

1) Muellerā€™s legal team are all Democrat supporters of Hillary Clinton ā€“ the red flag of bias.

2) After years of Muslim ass-kissing, as head of the FBI, Mueller has no standing to be doing anything in government.

3) If anybody needs a prosecutor, it is Obama, who committed the crime of treason, repeatedly (Fort Hood, Iraq troop pullout, Baghdadi/ISIS collusion, Muslim Brotherhood favoritism, instigation of race riots)

Trump Jr.ā€™s defense was that the meeting didnā€™t actually end up bearing fruit: His statement says that ā€œit quickly became clear that she had no meaningful information.ā€ In other words, thereā€™s no way this constituted collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, because Veselnitskaya didnā€™t provide him with anything useful.

But experts on national security and election law say thereā€™s a good case that this ā€œdefenseā€ is, legally speaking, no defense at all.

Are Republicans going to say Don Jr. is new at this and didn't know he was breaking the law?

Paul Ryan says Trump is 'new at this' to explain President pressuring Comey to drop investigation

What law was broken in your opinioin?


With 97 Senators voting to punish Russia for this non-story, President Trump is being stampeded on by a herd of RINOs. We need to organize a march on Washington to scare the Deep State GOPers into standing behind the man chosen by their voters.
You should riot
President Donald Trump's approval rating plummeted over the weekend to an over two-month low while Russian investigations intensifies and the United States withdrawals from the Paris Agreement.

According to the latest Gallup daily tracking poll, the president's approval among American voters dropped 6 percentage points in just one week, falling from a two-week high of 42 percent to 36 percent over the weekend.

The last time the president's approval rating was this low was back in March when it sank to 35 percent

Here is Trumps favorite poll Donald Trump's approval rating in his favorite poll is nearing an all-time low

I know you think things are going great but they are not

President Donald Trump's approval rating has fallen to a near record low with significant losses among white voters with no college degree, white men and independent voters, a new poll has found.

The survey, conducted by Quinnipiac University among nationwide participants, found that Trump has a 36% approval rating compared to 58% who disapprove of him. The number is down from Quinnipiac's April 19 poll, which found a 40% approval rating, and just 1% higher than his lowest-ever rating since he became president.

Key among those declines were groups that strongly advocated for his election. Approval among white voters with no college degree fell 10 points from 57% to 47% since April 19. White men went from a 53% approval to a 48% approval in that same time.

"There is no way to spin or sugarcoat these sagging numbers," Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll, said in a statement.

"The erosion of white men, white voters without college degrees and independent voters, the declaration by voters that President Donald Trump's first 100 days were mainly a failure and deepening concerns about Trump's honesty, intelligence and level headedness are red flags that the administration simply can't brush away," Malloy added.
Remember what your polls said just before the election ? LOL In case you forgot, they said Hillary was going to win in a landslide. Actually, it was Trump who won in landslide (electoral and popular vote both) And last week, Gallup was saying Trump's approval rate was in the 30's Rasmussen had it at 50%.

Actually, when the smoke clears in 2020, I predict Trump will have a 70% approval rate. No problem. :biggrin:
President Donald Trump's approval rating plummeted over the weekend to an over two-month low while Russian investigations intensifies and the United States withdrawals from the Paris Agreement.

According to the latest Gallup daily tracking poll, the president's approval among American voters dropped 6 percentage points in just one week, falling from a two-week high of 42 percent to 36 percent over the weekend.

The last time the president's approval rating was this low was back in March when it sank to 35 percent

Here is Trumps favorite poll Donald Trump's approval rating in his favorite poll is nearing an all-time low

I know you think things are going great but they are not

President Donald Trump's approval rating has fallen to a near record low with significant losses among white voters with no college degree, white men and independent voters, a new poll has found.

The survey, conducted by Quinnipiac University among nationwide participants, found that Trump has a 36% approval rating compared to 58% who disapprove of him. The number is down from Quinnipiac's April 19 poll, which found a 40% approval rating, and just 1% higher than his lowest-ever rating since he became president.

Key among those declines were groups that strongly advocated for his election. Approval among white voters with no college degree fell 10 points from 57% to 47% since April 19. White men went from a 53% approval to a 48% approval in that same time.

"There is no way to spin or sugarcoat these sagging numbers," Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll, said in a statement.

"The erosion of white men, white voters without college degrees and independent voters, the declaration by voters that President Donald Trump's first 100 days were mainly a failure and deepening concerns about Trump's honesty, intelligence and level headedness are red flags that the administration simply can't brush away," Malloy added.
Remember what your polls said just before the election ? LOL In case you forgot, they said Hillary was going to win in a landslide. Actually, it was Trump who won in landslide (electoral and popular vote both) And last week, Gallup was saying Trump's approval rate was in the 30's Rasmussen had it at 50%.

Actually, when the smoke clears in 2020, I predict Trump will have a 70% approval rate. No problem. :biggrin:

what I remember is youre too stupid to know about the investigation but insist bitching about it anyway.
Is there a Republican version of politifact? Nope because they aren't that good of liars and they don't want to admit when they aren't telling the truth. At least politifact calls out both parties.

You guys are a joke. Only right wing nut job media sources are credible to you. You can't be taken seriously.
That is exactly the description of liberals. Nothing but Fake News and lies. And you nominated Hillary Clinton to be POTUS ? Pheeeew! (high-pitched whistle) :rolleyes: The planet earth's # 1 PATHOLOGICAL LIAR.

As for PoliFARCE.....who can ever forget their rep on the recent PBS show when she was asked about vetting of Syrian refugees, and she answered that they can be accurately vetted, because there are 2 government agencies that will be vetting them. Pheeeeeeeeeww! If we get some 3rd grade 8 year olds to manage our nuclear power plants, will Politifarce say the nuclear power plants are going to be managed ? Dumb asses. If anybody's pants are on fire, it's Politifact.
Here is the smoking gun:

ā€˜I Love Itā€™: Donald Trump Jr. Knew He Was Meeting With Kremlin-Linked Lawyer
He was told it was part of Russiaā€™s attempt to help his father win the election.

Donald Trump Jr. released images of an email exchange Tuesday that show he was contacted in June 2016 about a meeting with a Kremlin-linked lawyer. At that meeting, he was told, he could obtain ā€œsome official documents and information that would incriminateā€ former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

The documents posted by Trump Jr. show that he forwarded the email exchange to Trumpā€™s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, who is now a presidential adviser, and to Paul Manafort, Trumpā€™s then-campaign manager, on June 8 ā€• one day before the meeting took place at Trump Tower in New York.

Tuesdayā€™s revelation comes after an earlier New York Times story on Trump Jr.ā€™s meeting with the Kremlin-linked lawyer. In response to that story, published Saturday, Trump Jr. claimed he ā€œprimarily discussedā€ an adoption program with the lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, whose clients have included Russian state-owned businesses and the son of a senior Russian government official. Trump Jr. changed his statement a day later, admitting he attended the meeting to obtain ā€œpotentially helpful informationā€ about Clinton.

The President and Pence are claiming ignorance. Do you believe that?

So Hillary must have known more about Trump than Trump does because remember during the debates Trump denied his ties with Russia?
Why bother to quote a post, when you proceed to completely ignore it in your post ?

PS - your "smoking gun" has no information having been passed, as contrasted with information passed in the Ukraine to Hillary folks REAL scandal.

And as for Trump denying ties with Russia, that correct he did not have any. If you're trying to tie Donald Jr. With Donald Sr., sorry, they happen to be 2 different people. :biggrin:

Kaine told reporters that while there is no proof of any legal wrongdoing, the investigation into potential ties between the Trump campaign and the Russians has become a "treason investigation."

Proof that the joker doesn't understand treason.
Liberals like to throw words around. It gets all of us distracted from doing the REAL business of government, which is very harmful to the US. Hey, THAT sounds like it could be treason, doesn't it ? :biggrin:
A Special Prosecutor is needed to start going after Obama, the Obama administration, and the DNC for all these subversive, seditious, treasonous plots, schemes, and attempts to falsely undermine . overthrow the newly elected President of the United States / Government.

This latest Russian Lawyer scandal just blew up right in the Democrats' faces, exposing how Obama and Lynch bypassed Obama's own US Immigration Dept that had denied the lawyer of a visa, refusing to let her into the US, gave her an Obama administration special access / entry into the US in order to help a prominent Russian Money Launderer. Also revealed was how Hillary's lawyer was her chaperone while here.

Behind almost every debunked / exposed failed scheme seems to be Obama and / or ex-Obama administration Cabinet members (Hillary, Comey, Rice, Lynch, etc..) Enough is enough.
what I remember is youre too stupid to know about the investigation but insist bitching about it anyway.
"THE" investigation ? :laugh: There ISN'T any investigation, except in the deranged minds of liberals gone nuts, after getting their asses handed to them in 2016.
A Special Prosecutor is needed to start going after Obama, the Obama administration, and the DNC for all these subversive, seditious, treasonous plots, schemes, and attempts to falsely undermine . overthrow the newly elected President of the United States / Government.

This latest Russian Lawyer scandal just blew up right in the Democrats' faces, exposing how Obama and Lynch bypassed Obama's own US Immigration Dept that had denied the lawyer of a visa, refusing to let her into the US, gave her an Obama administration special access / entry into the US in order to help a prominent Russian Money Launderer. Also revealed was how Hillary's lawyer was her chaperone while here.

Behind almost every debunked / exposed failed scheme seems to be Obama and / or ex-Obama administration Cabinet members (Hillary, Comey, Rice, Lynch, etc..) Enough is enough.
And that's just scratching the surface. The Obama/Baghdadi COLLUSION is the REAL story, being overlooked.
Answering your stupid little questions isn't going to distract us from the facts and what the Trumps did. I don't give a fuck about your stupid little questions. You are liars. Liars and fools who believe liars.

No matter what you are a loyal sheep bitch!
He knows what a sorry sack of shit you are and so do I.
Talking to the mirror again ? Nobody lies like your disgusting Hillary - if you don't know that, you're pretty stupid.

That's actually not true. As far as politicians go she's one of the most honest

Hillary Clinton Is One of Americaā€™s Most Honest Politicians ā€“ Mother Jones

Lets see how much Don lies

The PolitiFact scorecard
And Don's only been in office how long?

The PolitiFact scorecard for Hillary
Name a Republican I'll show you a bigger liar. Notice Hillary has a higher % of true statements than don? But then when it comes to false her numbers are lower than his?

So a stupid fool like you would of course be brainwashed to think Clinton is the biggest liar while simultaniously voting for the bigger liar.
So Hillaryā€™s lies. What could be easier ? Somebody asked me to name one. Nah. Iā€™d rather name 16. Here we go with a short list of the worldā€™s # 1 PATHOLOGICAL LIARā€™S lies >>

1. Quinnipiac poll (August 2015) asked 1000 respondents to describe Hillary in a single word. Hereā€™s most of the result (582) >>

Liar - 178

Dishonest - 123

Untrustworthy - 93

Crook - 21

Untruthful - 19

Criminal - 18

Deceitful - 18

E-Mail - 14

Benghazi - 12

Corrupt - 12

Crooked - 11

Murderer - 9

Bitch - 9

Phony - 8

Cheat 7

Deceptive - 7

Sneaky - 7

Thief - 6

Devious - 5

Unqualified - 5

2. She lied about being instrumental in the Travel office firings.

3. She lied about being the attorney for a fraudulent real estate transaction in Arkansas connected with Whitewater.

4. She lied about how she transformed a $1,000 investment in to a $100,000 windfall through insider trading on the commodities market.

5. She lied about a video being the cause of the Benghazi attacks (to the families of the killed men.

6. She lied about why she created a secret email server.

7. She lied about not having sent or received classified material on her private email server, at the State Dept.

8. She lied when asked about Huma Abedin being connected to the Muslim Brotherhood.

9. When Dick Morris told her he had told another political consultant about him being assaulted by Bill Clinton, and an LA Times reporter was enquiring about it, she said >> ā€œJust tell them it never happened. Weā€™ll deny it on our end.ā€ She said further >> ā€œDeny it. Itā€™ll be your word against hisā€ Apparently at the time, Hillary thought Dick Morris would continue being loyal to her, instead Morris became loyal to the TRUTH.

10. In a 1997 forum on race relations, she lied about experiencing prejudice. She made up a story about being insulted by an ā€ethnicā€ goalie in a junior high school soccer game she participated in. She attended junior high school in 1959-1961. There were no girlā€™s junior high school soccer teams in existence in America, at that time. The athletic director of the school, in 2003, confirmed there were no girlā€™s soccer teams at that time. (Maine South High School, Park Ridge Illinois).

11. She lied about ALL of her grandparents having been immigrants. Sleuths at Breitbart, checked official US Census records. It turns out 3 of the 4 were born in the USA.

12. In 1994, in a speech to military women, she laughably claimed she had tried to join the US Marines. She repeated the tale in 2016. She needed a hook to appeal to the military women, so she made up a story. She never filled out an application, and never took a physical. She tried to say she was discriminated against because of being a woman. She should have done more research. According to the Women Marines Association, women first served in the Marines in 1918. 2,700 women served in the Vietnam War, and another 1,000 in Operation Desert Storm.

The Judge Advocate Generalā€™s Corps (JAG) was actively recruiting women at the time Hillary dreamt she went to the Marines. They were looking for women. It was Hillary who wasnā€™t looking for them. :laugh:

13. She lied about being named, in 1947, after Sir Edmund Hillary (first person to climb Mt. Everest). But Sir Edmund did this in 1953. In 1947, he was an unknown beekeeper.

14. She lied about being instrumental in the Irish peace process. Immediate criticism came from the diplomats who actually were involved. Lord Trimble, who received a Nobel Peace Prize for his work to end the Irish troubles, called Hillaryā€™s claims ā€œa wee bit silly.ā€

15. In 2008, he lied about being under sniper fire in Bosnia, in Tuzla, Bosnia in 1996. Her exact words were >> ā€œI remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base.ā€

16. She lied to Chris Wallace of Fox News, saying that FBI Director Jim Comey did not testify that she had lied. Comey DID testify that. Wallace even played the tape, and she still tried refute it.

Last edited:
what I remember is youre too stupid to know about the investigation but insist bitching about it anyway.
"THE" investigation ? :laugh: There ISN'T any investigation, except in the deranged minds of liberals gone nuts, after getting their asses handed to them in 2016.

exactly what what I mean ...

theres 8 investigations and ONE Special Counsel ... NO SPECIAL PROSECUTORS ... NONE- ZREO.

youre an idiot.
For a prosecutor to do his job, doesnā€™t there have to be a crime committed ? So what crime is special prosecutor Robert Mueller supposed to be prosecuting ?

Lots of strange things in play here >>

1) Muellerā€™s legal team are all Democrat supporters of Hillary Clinton ā€“ the red flag of bias.

2) After years of Muslim ass-kissing, as head of the FBI, Mueller has no standing to be doing anything in government.

3) If anybody needs a prosecutor, it is Obama, who committed the crime of treason, repeatedly (Fort Hood, Iraq troop pullout, Baghdadi/ISIS collusion, Muslim Brotherhood favoritism, instigation of race riots)

1. And they haven't found anything yet, and you know they are looking HARD!.

2. The media has done a wonderful job of obfuscation here. This is so you keep watching. Muller is the best thing to happen to Trump in all of this. First and foremost Muller is a cop, not a democrat. Let him work.

3. George and weezie are gone. They have run off to iOS billionaire ass's. Bammer is powerless now and as he speaks more folks will get sick of hearinfrom him. No legacy to speak of that wasn't shit on other then being the first half black guy to be president. At best a T-shirt.

Relax man. It's all working fine.
exactly what what I mean ...

theres 8 investigations and ONE Special Counsel ... NO SPECIAL PROSECUTORS ... NONE- ZREO.

youre an idiot.
They can do what THEY CALL an investigation, and they can do it standing on their heads if they like, but it's nothing but a silly witch hunt, designed to distract and derail the Trump administration.

In a year, they've got no source, no fact, no broken law, not a shred of evidence of anything connected to President Trump. YOU are the idiot, but then so are all the other poor souls, still calling themselves Democrat (for a party that no longer exists) :biggrin:
For a prosecutor to do his job, doesnā€™t there have to be a crime committed ? So what crime is special prosecutor Robert Mueller supposed to be prosecuting ?

Lots of strange things in play here >>

1) Muellerā€™s legal team are all Democrat supporters of Hillary Clinton ā€“ the red flag of bias.

2) After years of Muslim ass-kissing, as head of the FBI, Mueller has no standing to be doing anything in government.

3) If anybody needs a prosecutor, it is Obama, who committed the crime of treason, repeatedly (Fort Hood, Iraq troop pullout, Baghdadi/ISIS collusion, Muslim Brotherhood favoritism, instigation of race riots)
For the LAST TIME everyone!!!!!!
Mueller IS NOT A SPECIAL PROSECUTOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1. And they haven't found anything yet, and you know they are looking HARD!.

2. The media has done a wonderful job of obfuscation here. This is so you keep watching. Muller is the best thing to happen to Trump in all of this. First and foremost Muller is a cop, not a democrat. Let him work.

3. George and weezie are gone. They have run off to iOS billionaire ass's. Bammer is powerless now and as he speaks more folks will get sick of hearinfrom him. No legacy to speak of that wasn't shit on other then being the first half black guy to be president. At best a T-shirt.

Relax man. It's all working fine.
I'm pretty relaxed. Why wouldn't I be. ? The Democrats have blown themselves up, nominating the world's # 1 LIAR to be POTUS. They'll never recover form that. They thought the American people were stupid. They miscalculated. And now they are history.
For a prosecutor to do his job, doesnā€™t there have to be a crime committed ? So what crime is special prosecutor Robert Mueller supposed to be prosecuting ?

Lots of strange things in play here >>

1) Muellerā€™s legal team are all Democrat supporters of Hillary Clinton ā€“ the red flag of bias.

2) After years of Muslim ass-kissing, as head of the FBI, Mueller has no standing to be doing anything in government.

3) If anybody needs a prosecutor, it is Obama, who committed the crime of treason, repeatedly (Fort Hood, Iraq troop pullout, Baghdadi/ISIS collusion, Muslim Brotherhood favoritism, instigation of race riots)
Possible crimes:
1.) Logan Act,
2.) Cyber Intrusion,
3.) Espionage Act,
4.) Obstruction of Justice,
5.) Foreign Agent Registration Act,
6.) Campaign Finance Law
When you can post "proven crimes" instead of "possible crimes" please come back. Mean time go fuck yourself!

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