Special Prosecutor ? Prosecute What ?

When is Mueller going to START investigating? I hear he is still holding auditions to find the biggest Hillary Supporters / Trump Haters to add to his team...

When is Mueller going to START investigating? I hear he is still holding auditions to find the biggest Hillary Supporters / Trump Haters to add to his team...


Maybe he's too embarrassed by it all.

Or he's afraid the publicity might expose his Muslim Brotherhood affiliations/connections.
When is Mueller going to START investigating? I hear he is still holding auditions to find the biggest Hillary Supporters / Trump Haters to add to his team.

Imagine THAT.....and Muller being a republican, no less........LOL
hey, fuckhead....its NOT my job to prosecute your orange lard......I'm just enjoying you ass-kissers' melt down in trying to 'defend" the indefensible....LOL
HA HA. You think, for one second, WE'RE "melting down" over your laughable witch hunt charade ?

EARTH TO GUTTERMOUTH: YOU'RE the ones who are melting down, and this dopey scam is the display of it.

HA HA. You think, for one second, WE'RE "melting down" over your laughable witch hunt charade ?

EARTH TO GUTTERMOUTH: YOU'RE the ones who are melting down, and this dopey scam is the display of it.

Since there is "nothing" for you right wingers to be concerned about.....WHY this thread???

instead, why not go and help trump build that beautiful wall...LOL
Since there is "nothing" for you right wingers to be concerned about.....WHY this thread???

instead, why not go and help trump build that beautiful wall...LOL
There doesn't have to be "concern" to write a thread. No charge for this tutoring either.

I can't assure this for future posts though.
yeah, he seems to think that a woman from the Ukraine who is not a member of any government is somehow acting as an agent of Russia and talking to a private citizen.

Cute......Let's just say it was a woman from Portugal or from Iceland.....Would these 3 morons working for the orange clown have shown up to discuss issues???.....................LOL
yeah, he seems to think that a woman from the Ukraine who is not a member of any government is somehow acting as an agent of Russia and talking to a private citizen.
Even if it was Putin, so what ? The Logan Act is a joke.
Cute......Let's just say it was a woman from Portugal or from Iceland.....Would these 3 morons working for the orange clown have shown up to discuss issues???.....................LOL
Who cares what they discussed ? Everyone who runs for office, is looking for dirt on their opponent. What else is new ?
For a prosecutor to do his job, doesn’t there have to be a crime committed ? So what crime is special prosecutor Robert Mueller supposed to be prosecuting ?

Lots of strange things in play here >>

1) Mueller’s legal team are all Democrat supporters of Hillary Clinton – the red flag of bias.

2) After years of Muslim ass-kissing, as head of the FBI, Mueller has no standing to be doing anything in government.

3) If anybody needs a prosecutor, it is Obama, who committed the crime of treason, repeatedly (Fort Hood, Iraq troop pullout, Baghdadi/ISIS collusion, Muslim Brotherhood favoritism, instigation of race riots)

Trump Jr.’s defense was that the meeting didn’t actually end up bearing fruit: His statement says that “it quickly became clear that she had no meaningful information.” In other words, there’s no way this constituted collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, because Veselnitskaya didn’t provide him with anything useful.

But experts on national security and election law say there’s a good case that this “defense” is, legally speaking, no defense at all.

Are Republicans going to say Don Jr. is new at this and didn't know he was breaking the law?

Paul Ryan says Trump is 'new at this' to explain President pressuring Comey to drop investigation

So........Jr is guilty of doing what the Obama admin was doing in fishing for dirt to damage an opponent? I mean, why were people inside the Obama admin sending requests to FISA courts, revealing names of private US citizens and leaking those documents to the press? Where they fishing for dirt on an opponent? Why yes, yes they were. The Democrats really need to be careful how much mud they sling if they don't want to get dirty themselves. Mueller doesn't have to stop his investigation just looking at Trump's associates.

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