Special Prosecutor ? Prosecute What ?

Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., said Tuesday the ongoing Russia investigation should move beyond issues concerning obstruction of justice and into potentially treasonous acts after news emerged that Donald Trump Jr. met with a Kremlin-tied lawyer last year.

Kaine told reporters that while there is no proof of any legal wrongdoing, the investigation into potential ties between the Trump campaign and the Russians has become a "treason investigation."

"Nothing is proven yet. But we're beyond obstruction of justice in terms of what's being investigated," Kaine said. "This is moving into perjury, false statements, and even into potentially treason."

And of course you know that the Trump team all decided if they were/are ever caught talking to Russians that they should say that it was to discuss adoptions. Does anyone believe that? Sure you Republicans believe that but that's because you love and trust government soooo much. It's obvious you do. Sometimes you say all government is bad but god damn you sure do defend Republican governments.

Remember you defended Bush after he lied about WMD'S? He didn't lie?

Trump Compares Claims That Russia Interfered In Election To Claims That Iraq Had WMDs

What is Trump saying? Is he saying they did collude or there were no wmd's?
No such thing as "caught" talking to Russians. We are all free to talk to anyone.

And please present us with a definition of the word >> "collude" :laugh:

Current and former US officials said Flynn had "unambiguous and highly inappropriate" conversations with the Russian ambassador about potentially easing the US's sanctions on Russia once Trump took office.

But considering his career as an Army intelligence officer who should have been well aware of how the US carries out foreign intelligence, Flynn had to know that agents monitor calls with the Russian ambassador.

In a December phone call with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, Flynn reportedly urgedhim to not overreact to the latest round of sanctions imposed by President Barack Obama, indicating that the next administration might be more inclined to roll them back.

Officials told The Times that they were surprised the former Defense Intelligence Agency chief had made those comments — and even more surprised when Trump administration officials denied the claims that Flynn had talked about sanctions.

Doesn't the lying bother you? It does us Americans.
Trump senior counselor Kellyanne Conway said on the "Today" show on Tuesday that it was Flynn's inability to properly communicate with Pence that ended his relationship with the White House, not his collusion with Russia.

The collusion they were ok with?
"In the end, it was misleading the vice president that made the situation unsustainable," Conway said.

Did he mislead the American people? I bet if Conway didn't admit it neither would you.
Remember "stop bringing up BOOOOSH. BOOOOSH did it. Remember? Fucking snowflake.
If you had an ounce of crediblity, you'd attempt to answer the charges. But you know they are true, so instead you just yammer out some obnoxious rhetoric. We accept your surrender.

Answering your stupid little questions isn't going to distract us from the facts and what the Trumps did. I don't give a fuck about your stupid little questions. You are liars. Liars and fools who believe liars.

No matter what you are a loyal sheep bitch!

He knows what a sorry sack of shit you are and so do I.
Now see? You've done it again. You are really really on the Clinton assassination list now.
You mean THIS list ? (that you haven't studied) >>

Uh Oh.....you're on it now too.

There is so much evidence it's obvious they colluded with Russia. Now they are instead asking

a. What's the big deal
b. What's the definition of collusion?
c. Now they're saying, "it's not illegal to talk to someone"

Ok, so we find out that the Trump team was meeting with the Russians right after Don got the nomination to be the GOP candidate running for President. Are we to believe they didn't collude? Do the Trump supporters really think we are going to believe they were discussing adoptions? HA!!! LOL
Answering your stupid little questions isn't going to distract us from the facts and what the Trumps did. I don't give a fuck about your stupid little questions. You are liars. Liars and fools who believe liars.

No matter what you are a loyal sheep bitch!
He knows what a sorry sack of shit you are and so do I.
Talking to the mirror again ? Nobody lies like your disgusting Hillary - if you don't know that, you're pretty stupid.
There is so much evidence it's obvious they colluded with Russia. Now they are instead asking

a. What's the big deal
b. What's the definition of collusion?
c. Now they're saying, "it's not illegal to talk to someone"

Ok, so we find out that the Trump team was meeting with the Russians right after Don got the nomination to be the GOP candidate running for President. Are we to believe they didn't collude? Do the Trump supporters really think we are going to believe they were discussing adoptions? HA!!! LOL
Collude ? What does that mean ? Talk ? Sing ? Play golf ? Play 500 rummy ?

"so much evidence" ? Then how come, in a year, nobody has presented any ?

This is proof Republicans put party over country. Thanks for sharing.
The 2016 campaign, and the pathetic attempts to derail the Trump administration, are positive proof that Democrats put party over country.
Answering your stupid little questions isn't going to distract us from the facts and what the Trumps did. I don't give a fuck about your stupid little questions. You are liars. Liars and fools who believe liars.

No matter what you are a loyal sheep bitch!
He knows what a sorry sack of shit you are and so do I.
Talking to the mirror again ? Nobody lies like your disgusting Hillary - if you don't know that, you're pretty stupid.

That's actually not true. As far as politicians go she's one of the most honest

Hillary Clinton Is One of America’s Most Honest Politicians – Mother Jones

Lets see how much Don lies

The PolitiFact scorecard
And Don's only been in office how long?

The PolitiFact scorecard for Hillary
Name a Republican I'll show you a bigger liar. Notice Hillary has a higher % of true statements than don? But then when it comes to false her numbers are lower than his?

So a stupid fool like you would of course be brainwashed to think Clinton is the biggest liar while simultaniously voting for the bigger liar.
For a prosecutor to do his job, doesn’t there have to be a crime committed ? So what crime is special prosecutor Robert Mueller supposed to be prosecuting ?

Lots of strange things in play here >>

1) Mueller’s legal team are all Democrat supporters of Hillary Clinton – the red flag of bias.

2) After years of Muslim ass-kissing, as head of the FBI, Mueller has no standing to be doing anything in government.

3) If anybody needs a prosecutor, it is Obama, who committed the crime of treason, repeatedly (Fort Hood, Iraq troop pullout, Baghdadi/ISIS collusion, Muslim Brotherhood favoritism, instigation of race riots)

A Special Prosecutor is to investigate wrong doing and determine if there is a reason to prosecute.

If he finds something to prosecute, he will. If he doesn't, he won't.
This is proof Republicans put party over country. Thanks for sharing.
The 2016 campaign, and the pathetic attempts to derail the Trump administration, are positive proof that Democrats put party over country.

What? We don't want the Republicans implementing right wing policies. That's not putting party over country. We don't think your policies are good for the country.

And you don't even need us to get things passed. This is just excuses by a disfunctional party. And then the other day Republicans were trying to suggest it's better that we have a do nothing congress. That's what they always say when they don't get anything done.

We don't want you to get anything done and you are doing us a favor because we can't stop you yet here you are, getting nothing done.
There is so much evidence it's obvious they colluded with Russia. Now they are instead asking

a. What's the big deal
b. What's the definition of collusion?
c. Now they're saying, "it's not illegal to talk to someone"

Ok, so we find out that the Trump team was meeting with the Russians right after Don got the nomination to be the GOP candidate running for President. Are we to believe they didn't collude? Do the Trump supporters really think we are going to believe they were discussing adoptions? HA!!! LOL
Collude ? What does that mean ? Talk ? Sing ? Play golf ? Play 500 rummy ?

"so much evidence" ? Then how come, in a year, nobody has presented any ?

View attachment 138201 View attachment 138202

No smoking gun that they talked about rigging our elections yet. Be patient. See, this is why you guys want to drop the investigation even though every day we find more and more suspecious "evidence".

We had a lot of evidence on OJ Simpson but not enough to convict. Same thing with Trump. Sure does look like collusion.

Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia

In august last year

Russian intelligence agencies have allegedly recently digitally broken into four different American organizations that are affiliated either with Hillary Clinton or the Democratic Party since late May. All of the hacks appear designed to benefit Donald Trump’s presidential aspirations in one fashion or another.

That's actually not true. As far as politicians go she's one of the most honest

Hillary Clinton Is One of America’s Most Honest Politicians – Mother Jones

Lets see how much Don lies

The PolitiFact scorecard
And Don's only been in office how long?

The PolitiFact scorecard for Hillary
Name a Republican I'll show you a bigger liar. Notice Hillary has a higher % of true statements than don? But then when it comes to false her numbers are lower than his?

So a stupid fool like you would of course be brainwashed to think Clinton is the biggest liar while simultaniously voting for the bigger liar.
HA HA HA. You'll never find out truth by listening to liberal mouthpieces like Politifarce, CNN, PBS, etc

YOu probably completely oblivious to all the lies Hillary told in her 2016 TV ads. Don't post yet, I'm going to scour them up for you to finish this post.

Damn I'm out of time (library computer) I'll get them for you next time I'm here
Answering your stupid little questions isn't going to distract us from the facts and what the Trumps did. I don't give a fuck about your stupid little questions. You are liars. Liars and fools who believe liars.

No matter what you are a loyal sheep bitch!
He knows what a sorry sack of shit you are and so do I.
Talking to the mirror again ? Nobody lies like your disgusting Hillary - if you don't know that, you're pretty stupid.

President Donald Trump's approval rating plummeted over the weekend to an over two-month low while Russian investigations intensifies and the United States withdrawals from the Paris Agreement.

According to the latest Gallup daily tracking poll, the president's approval among American voters dropped 6 percentage points in just one week, falling from a two-week high of 42 percent to 36 percent over the weekend.

The last time the president's approval rating was this low was back in March when it sank to 35 percent

Here is Trumps favorite poll Donald Trump's approval rating in his favorite poll is nearing an all-time low

I know you think things are going great but they are not

President Donald Trump's approval rating has fallen to a near record low with significant losses among white voters with no college degree, white men and independent voters, a new poll has found.

The survey, conducted by Quinnipiac University among nationwide participants, found that Trump has a 36% approval rating compared to 58% who disapprove of him. The number is down from Quinnipiac's April 19 poll, which found a 40% approval rating, and just 1% higher than his lowest-ever rating since he became president.

Key among those declines were groups that strongly advocated for his election. Approval among white voters with no college degree fell 10 points from 57% to 47% since April 19. White men went from a 53% approval to a 48% approval in that same time.

"There is no way to spin or sugarcoat these sagging numbers," Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll, said in a statement.

"The erosion of white men, white voters without college degrees and independent voters, the declaration by voters that President Donald Trump's first 100 days were mainly a failure and deepening concerns about Trump's honesty, intelligence and level headedness are red flags that the administration simply can't brush away," Malloy added.
Answering your stupid little questions isn't going to distract us from the facts and what the Trumps did. I don't give a fuck about your stupid little questions. You are liars. Liars and fools who believe liars.

No matter what you are a loyal sheep bitch!
He knows what a sorry sack of shit you are and so do I.
Talking to the mirror again ? Nobody lies like your disgusting Hillary - if you don't know that, you're pretty stupid.

President Donald Trump's approval rating plummeted over the weekend to an over two-month low while Russian investigations intensifies and the United States withdrawals from the Paris Agreement.

According to the latest Gallup daily tracking poll, the president's approval among American voters dropped 6 percentage points in just one week, falling from a two-week high of 42 percent to 36 percent over the weekend.

The last time the president's approval rating was this low was back in March when it sank to 35 percent

Here is Trumps favorite poll Donald Trump's approval rating in his favorite poll is nearing an all-time low

I know you think things are going great but they are not

President Donald Trump's approval rating has fallen to a near record low with significant losses among white voters with no college degree, white men and independent voters, a new poll has found.

The survey, conducted by Quinnipiac University among nationwide participants, found that Trump has a 36% approval rating compared to 58% who disapprove of him. The number is down from Quinnipiac's April 19 poll, which found a 40% approval rating, and just 1% higher than his lowest-ever rating since he became president.

Key among those declines were groups that strongly advocated for his election. Approval among white voters with no college degree fell 10 points from 57% to 47% since April 19. White men went from a 53% approval to a 48% approval in that same time.

"There is no way to spin or sugarcoat these sagging numbers," Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll, said in a statement.

"The erosion of white men, white voters without college degrees and independent voters, the declaration by voters that President Donald Trump's first 100 days were mainly a failure and deepening concerns about Trump's honesty, intelligence and level headedness are red flags that the administration simply can't brush away," Malloy added.

Even Rasmussen Reports has him at 45/55
That's actually not true. As far as politicians go she's one of the most honest

Hillary Clinton Is One of America’s Most Honest Politicians – Mother Jones

Lets see how much Don lies

The PolitiFact scorecard
And Don's only been in office how long?

The PolitiFact scorecard for Hillary
Name a Republican I'll show you a bigger liar. Notice Hillary has a higher % of true statements than don? But then when it comes to false her numbers are lower than his?

So a stupid fool like you would of course be brainwashed to think Clinton is the biggest liar while simultaniously voting for the bigger liar.
HA HA HA. You'll never find out truth by listening to liberal mouthpieces like Politifarce, CNN, PBS, etc

YOu probably completely oblivious to all the lies Hillary told in her 2016 TV ads. Don't post yet, I'm going to scour them up for you to finish this post.

Damn I'm out of time (library computer) I'll get them for you next time I'm here

What sources do you trust?

Oh you mean her being under sniper fire? BFD. Not as bad as WMD's and you seemed to forgive that lie. Why?
That's actually not true. As far as politicians go she's one of the most honest

Hillary Clinton Is One of America’s Most Honest Politicians – Mother Jones

Lets see how much Don lies

The PolitiFact scorecard
And Don's only been in office how long?

The PolitiFact scorecard for Hillary
Name a Republican I'll show you a bigger liar. Notice Hillary has a higher % of true statements than don? But then when it comes to false her numbers are lower than his?

So a stupid fool like you would of course be brainwashed to think Clinton is the biggest liar while simultaniously voting for the bigger liar.
HA HA HA. You'll never find out truth by listening to liberal mouthpieces like Politifarce, CNN, PBS, etc

YOu probably completely oblivious to all the lies Hillary told in her 2016 TV ads. Don't post yet, I'm going to scour them up for you to finish this post.

Damn I'm out of time (library computer) I'll get them for you next time I'm here

Is there a Republican version of politifact? Nope because they aren't that good of liars and they don't want to admit when they aren't telling the truth. At least politifact calls out both parties.

You guys are a joke. Only right wing nut job media sources are credible to you. You can't be taken seriously.

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