Special Prosecutor ? Prosecute What ?

1. And they haven't found anything yet, and you know they are looking HARD!.

2. The media has done a wonderful job of obfuscation here. This is so you keep watching. Muller is the best thing to happen to Trump in all of this. First and foremost Muller is a cop, not a democrat. Let him work.

3. George and weezie are gone. They have run off to iOS billionaire ass's. Bammer is powerless now and as he speaks more folks will get sick of hearinfrom him. No legacy to speak of that wasn't shit on other then being the first half black guy to be president. At best a T-shirt.

Relax man. It's all working fine.
I'm pretty relaxed. Why wouldn't I be. ? The Democrats have blown themselves up, nominating the world's # 1 LIAR to be POTUS. They'll never recover form that. They thought the American people were stupid. They miscalculated. And now they are history.

I'm thinking the lefts behavior here will do more to keep the democrat party on the road to not mattering ever again more.
For a prosecutor to do his job, doesn’t there have to be a crime committed ? So what crime is special prosecutor Robert Mueller supposed to be prosecuting ?

Lots of strange things in play here >>

1) Mueller’s legal team are all Democrat supporters of Hillary Clinton – the red flag of bias.

2) After years of Muslim ass-kissing, as head of the FBI, Mueller has no standing to be doing anything in government.

3) If anybody needs a prosecutor, it is Obama, who committed the crime of treason, repeatedly (Fort Hood, Iraq troop pullout, Baghdadi/ISIS collusion, Muslim Brotherhood favoritism, instigation of race riots)
Your first point is factually incorrect. Five of 13 current hires gave money to Hillary's campaign. Not yuge money just money. Look it up I'm on my mobile.
For a prosecutor to do his job, doesn’t there have to be a crime committed ? So what crime is special prosecutor Robert Mueller supposed to be prosecuting ?

Lots of strange things in play here >>

1) Mueller’s legal team are all Democrat supporters of Hillary Clinton – the red flag of bias.

2) After years of Muslim ass-kissing, as head of the FBI, Mueller has no standing to be doing anything in government.

3) If anybody needs a prosecutor, it is Obama, who committed the crime of treason, repeatedly (Fort Hood, Iraq troop pullout, Baghdadi/ISIS collusion, Muslim Brotherhood favoritism, instigation of race riots)
Your first point is factually incorrect. Five of 13 current hires gave money to Hillary's campaign. Not yuge money just money. Look it up I'm on my mobile.

I don't think that's a big deal. These guys don't get where they are by being hacks like these polititions do. Th y have to grind.
For a prosecutor to do his job, doesn’t there have to be a crime committed ? So what crime is special prosecutor Robert Mueller supposed to be prosecuting ?

Lots of strange things in play here >>

1) Mueller’s legal team are all Democrat supporters of Hillary Clinton – the red flag of bias.

2) After years of Muslim ass-kissing, as head of the FBI, Mueller has no standing to be doing anything in government.

3) If anybody needs a prosecutor, it is Obama, who committed the crime of treason, repeatedly (Fort Hood, Iraq troop pullout, Baghdadi/ISIS collusion, Muslim Brotherhood favoritism, instigation of race riots)

Trump Jr.’s defense was that the meeting didn’t actually end up bearing fruit: His statement says that “it quickly became clear that she had no meaningful information.” In other words, there’s no way this constituted collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, because Veselnitskaya didn’t provide him with anything useful.

But experts on national security and election law say there’s a good case that this “defense” is, legally speaking, no defense at all.

Are Republicans going to say Don Jr. is new at this and didn't know he was breaking the law?

Paul Ryan says Trump is 'new at this' to explain President pressuring Comey to drop investigation

What law was broken in your opinioin?

We knew the minute you guys got caught doing what you said you weren't doing that you would then shift your argument to this.

This investigation should move beyond issues concerning obstruction of justice and into potentially treasonous acts after news emerged that Donald Trump Jr. met with a Kremlin-tied lawyer last year.

Kaine told reporters that while there is no proof of any legal wrongdoing, the investigation into potential ties between the Trump campaign and the Russians has become a "treason investigation."

"Nothing is proven yet. But we're beyond obstruction of justice in terms of what's being investigated," Kaine said. "This is moving into perjury, false statements, and even into potentially treason."
So your 'collusion' bullshit blew up in your dumb face. Then your 'obstruction' bullshit blew up in your stupid face. Now you're attempting the 'treason' bullshit which no one in their right mind believes happened.
What next asshole?
For a prosecutor to do his job, doesn’t there have to be a crime committed ? So what crime is special prosecutor Robert Mueller supposed to be prosecuting ?

Lots of strange things in play here >>

1) Mueller’s legal team are all Democrat supporters of Hillary Clinton – the red flag of bias.

2) After years of Muslim ass-kissing, as head of the FBI, Mueller has no standing to be doing anything in government.

3) If anybody needs a prosecutor, it is Obama, who committed the crime of treason, repeatedly (Fort Hood, Iraq troop pullout, Baghdadi/ISIS collusion, Muslim Brotherhood favoritism, instigation of race riots)

Trump Jr.’s defense was that the meeting didn’t actually end up bearing fruit: His statement says that “it quickly became clear that she had no meaningful information.” In other words, there’s no way this constituted collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, because Veselnitskaya didn’t provide him with anything useful.

But experts on national security and election law say there’s a good case that this “defense” is, legally speaking, no defense at all.

Are Republicans going to say Don Jr. is new at this and didn't know he was breaking the law?

Paul Ryan says Trump is 'new at this' to explain President pressuring Comey to drop investigation

What law was broken in your opinioin?

We knew the minute you guys got caught doing what you said you weren't doing that you would then shift your argument to this.

This investigation should move beyond issues concerning obstruction of justice and into potentially treasonous acts after news emerged that Donald Trump Jr. met with a Kremlin-tied lawyer last year.

Kaine told reporters that while there is no proof of any legal wrongdoing, the investigation into potential ties between the Trump campaign and the Russians has become a "treason investigation."

"Nothing is proven yet. But we're beyond obstruction of justice in terms of what's being investigated," Kaine said. "This is moving into perjury, false statements, and even into potentially treason."
So your 'collusion' bullshit blew up in your dumb face. Then your 'obstruction' bullshit blew up in your stupid face. Now you're attempting the 'treason' bullshit which no one in their right mind believes happened.
What next asshole?

Sitting in the corner in the fetal position rocking and crying mostly. I'm good with that as long as the bitches are quiet.
For a prosecutor to do his job, doesn’t there have to be a crime committed ? So what crime is special prosecutor Robert Mueller supposed to be prosecuting ?

Lots of strange things in play here >>

1) Mueller’s legal team are all Democrat supporters of Hillary Clinton – the red flag of bias.

2) After years of Muslim ass-kissing, as head of the FBI, Mueller has no standing to be doing anything in government.

3) If anybody needs a prosecutor, it is Obama, who committed the crime of treason, repeatedly (Fort Hood, Iraq troop pullout, Baghdadi/ISIS collusion, Muslim Brotherhood favoritism, instigation of race riots)

He is special counsel and he is not there to prosecute. He is there to cover up Impeachable Offenses of Obama Bin Lying, and is there with his cleanup crew to cover up Treason, Espionage and Collusion by THE DNC, Obama, Clinton & Company.

The only reason anyone will get burnt is if Mueller needs a scapegoat to sell the cover up.

It will all be explained away to a dumbed down populace same as James Comey did when he told America that Hillary Clinton was too phucking stupid to prosecute.

Mueller investigation has nothing to do with Hillary, Obama and all the lies you posted above.

Why do you post these lies?

If Mueller had any INTEGRITY, he'd SUBPOENA Loretta Lynch.

If Mueller had any INTEGRITY, he'd SUBPOENA Susan Rice.

If Mueller had any INTEGRITY, he'd SUBPOENA Valerie Jarret.

If Mueller had any INTEGRITY, he'd SUBPOENA Evelyn Farkas.

If Mueller had any INTEGRITY, he'd SUBPOENA James Comey.

If Mueller had any INTEGRITY, he'd SUBPOENA Susan Powers.

If Mueller had any INTEGRITY, he'd SUBPOENA James Brennan.

If Mueller had any INTEGRITY, he'd SUBPOENA James Clapper.

If Mueller had any INTEGRITY, he'd SUBPOENA Hillary Clinton.

If Mueller had any INTEGRITY, he'd SUBPOENA Barak Obama.

Wrong again. ALL wrong. Maybe you are forgetting something. Mueller was assigned by a Republican to investigate a Republican solely dedicated to Trump world.

All the lies you posted above has nothing to do with Trump loving Putin.
For a prosecutor to do his job, doesn’t there have to be a crime committed ? So what crime is special prosecutor Robert Mueller supposed to be prosecuting ?

Lots of strange things in play here >>

1) Mueller’s legal team are all Democrat supporters of Hillary Clinton – the red flag of bias.

2) After years of Muslim ass-kissing, as head of the FBI, Mueller has no standing to be doing anything in government.

3) If anybody needs a prosecutor, it is Obama, who committed the crime of treason, repeatedly (Fort Hood, Iraq troop pullout, Baghdadi/ISIS collusion, Muslim Brotherhood favoritism, instigation of race riots)

He is special counsel and he is not there to prosecute. He is there to cover up Impeachable Offenses of Obama Bin Lying, and is there with his cleanup crew to cover up Treason, Espionage and Collusion by THE DNC, Obama, Clinton & Company.

The only reason anyone will get burnt is if Mueller needs a scapegoat to sell the cover up.

It will all be explained away to a dumbed down populace same as James Comey did when he told America that Hillary Clinton was too phucking stupid to prosecute.

Mueller investigation has nothing to do with Hillary, Obama and all the lies you posted above.

Why do you post these lies?
Even the new FBI director wants to investigate Ukrainian & Russian Collusion with The DNC, Democrat Party, Obama and Clinton to smear The Trump Campaign. So I have no idea why you can even support the things you just said.
Wrong again. ALL wrong. Maybe you are forgetting something. Mueller was assigned by a Republican to investigate a Republican solely dedicated to Trump world.

All the lies you posted above has nothing to do with Trump loving Putin.
Putin has nothing to do with >>

If Mueller had any INTEGRITY, he'd SUBPOENA Loretta Lynch.

If Mueller had any INTEGRITY, he'd SUBPOENA Susan Rice.

If Mueller had any INTEGRITY, he'd SUBPOENA Valerie Jarret.

If Mueller had any INTEGRITY, he'd SUBPOENA Evelyn Farkas.

If Mueller had any INTEGRITY, he'd SUBPOENA James Comey.

If Mueller had any INTEGRITY, he'd SUBPOENA Susan Powers.

If Mueller had any INTEGRITY, he'd SUBPOENA James Brennan.

If Mueller had any INTEGRITY, he'd SUBPOENA James Clapper.

If Mueller had any INTEGRITY, he'd SUBPOENA Hillary Clinton.

If Mueller had any INTEGRITY, he'd SUBPOENA Barak Obama
Wrong again. ALL wrong. Maybe you are forgetting something. Mueller was assigned by a Republican to investigate a Republican solely dedicated to Trump world.

All the lies you posted above has nothing to do with Trump loving Putin.
Putin has nothing to do with >>

If Mueller had any INTEGRITY, he'd SUBPOENA Loretta Lynch.

If Mueller had any INTEGRITY, he'd SUBPOENA Susan Rice.

If Mueller had any INTEGRITY, he'd SUBPOENA Valerie Jarret.

If Mueller had any INTEGRITY, he'd SUBPOENA Evelyn Farkas.

If Mueller had any INTEGRITY, he'd SUBPOENA James Comey.

If Mueller had any INTEGRITY, he'd SUBPOENA Susan Powers.

If Mueller had any INTEGRITY, he'd SUBPOENA James Brennan.

If Mueller had any INTEGRITY, he'd SUBPOENA James Clapper.

If Mueller had any INTEGRITY, he'd SUBPOENA Hillary Clinton.

If Mueller had any INTEGRITY, he'd SUBPOENA Barak Obama
Why don't you email him? I'm sure he hasn't considered any of this. He needs your help.
Wrong again. ALL wrong. Maybe you are forgetting something. Mueller was assigned by a Republican to investigate a Republican solely dedicated to Trump world.

All the lies you posted above has nothing to do with Trump loving Putin.
Putin has nothing to do with >>

If Mueller had any INTEGRITY, he'd SUBPOENA Loretta Lynch.

If Mueller had any INTEGRITY, he'd SUBPOENA Susan Rice.

If Mueller had any INTEGRITY, he'd SUBPOENA Valerie Jarret.

If Mueller had any INTEGRITY, he'd SUBPOENA Evelyn Farkas.

If Mueller had any INTEGRITY, he'd SUBPOENA James Comey.

If Mueller had any INTEGRITY, he'd SUBPOENA Susan Powers.

If Mueller had any INTEGRITY, he'd SUBPOENA James Brennan.

If Mueller had any INTEGRITY, he'd SUBPOENA James Clapper.

If Mueller had any INTEGRITY, he'd SUBPOENA Hillary Clinton.

If Mueller had any INTEGRITY, he'd SUBPOENA Barak Obama

we get it bitch, you're a Russian loyalist ... now go sit down and stfu, Nikita.
So your 'collusion' bullshit blew up in your dumb face. Then your 'obstruction' bullshit blew up in your stupid face. Now you're attempting the 'treason' bullshit which no one in their right mind believes happened.
What next asshole?
I don't know what's next, but I sure know what SHOULD be next (and is long overdue) >> The investigation into the Obama/Baghdadi collusion.

Obama Should Be Accused; Not Trump
Cute......Let's just say it was a woman from Portugal or from Iceland.....Would these 3 morons working for the orange clown have shown up to discuss issues???.....................LOL
Who cares what they discussed ? Everyone who runs for office, is looking for dirt on their opponent. What else is new ?

This is new because this is coming from foreign entities a well known adversary and threat to USA. Russia aim is to destroy America they are not our friends.
Trump supports to Putin against his own intelligence and Americans is just outrageous and un acceptable.
You should ask yourself--------- WHY in the world that Trump is doing all these nonsense? What benefits does he gain by throwing his support to Putin? This is un American.
Since when this is acceptable?

You should ask yourself----------- Why there are so much secret contacts with the Russians? Then lied that they didn't have contacts. Several GOPs are even speaking up against Trump.

GOP Rep. Gowdy slams Trump team for 'amnesia' on Russia meetings

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) says it is time for members of President Trump's campaign to come clean about any meetings they had with Russian figures during the campaign.

Gowdy, who led the House's special investigation into the Benghazi terrorist attack, said he was troubled by Donald Trump Jr.'s meeting with a Russian lawyer who promised damaging information on then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

He expressed frustration over the failure to disclose the meeting up until now, citing "the amnesia of people that are in the Trump orbit."

"Someone close to the president needs to get everyone connected with that campaign in a room and say: From the time you saw 'Doctor Zhivago' until the moment you drank vodka with a guy named Boris, you list every single one of those, and we are going to turn them over to the special counsel," Gowdy said during an interview Tuesday on "The Story with Martha MacCallum" on Fox News.
For a prosecutor to do his job, doesn’t there have to be a crime committed ? So what crime is special prosecutor Robert Mueller supposed to be prosecuting ?

Lots of strange things in play here >>

1) Mueller’s legal team are all Democrat supporters of Hillary Clinton – the red flag of bias.

2) After years of Muslim ass-kissing, as head of the FBI, Mueller has no standing to be doing anything in government.

3) If anybody needs a prosecutor, it is Obama, who committed the crime of treason, repeatedly (Fort Hood, Iraq troop pullout, Baghdadi/ISIS collusion, Muslim Brotherhood favoritism, instigation of race riots)

Trump Jr.’s defense was that the meeting didn’t actually end up bearing fruit: His statement says that “it quickly became clear that she had no meaningful information.” In other words, there’s no way this constituted collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, because Veselnitskaya didn’t provide him with anything useful.

But experts on national security and election law say there’s a good case that this “defense” is, legally speaking, no defense at all.

Are Republicans going to say Don Jr. is new at this and didn't know he was breaking the law?

Paul Ryan says Trump is 'new at this' to explain President pressuring Comey to drop investigation

So........Jr is guilty of doing what the Obama admin was doing in fishing for dirt to damage an opponent? I mean, why were people inside the Obama admin sending requests to FISA courts, revealing names of private US citizens and leaking those documents to the press? Where they fishing for dirt on an opponent? Why yes, yes they were. The Democrats really need to be careful how much mud they sling if they don't want to get dirty themselves. Mueller doesn't have to stop his investigation just looking at Trump's associates.


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