Spending cuts not enough


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
To balance the budget and pay down the deficit.

Spending cuts to entitlement services like Society Security, Medicare, Medicaid will not balance the budget and pay down the deficit. And we cannot afford to cut defense but increase it for security reasons. These kind of cut will take money away from poor people who need it the most and they will cut down on all spending that will not support the economy. Cutting benefits to seniors, children, disable and poor will only send the you the government for more government services and more government spending. Like food stamps, low income housing assistance and county medical care and food banks.

Those services that are cut will cause more spending. They are not all of a sudden “more” spending but spending that has been in place for decades. The reason government spending has become bigger is because the population has increase and we have more in poverty getting government assistance. You cannot ask theses people to live within their means. They are already living below their means. There is not unnecessary spending in the government. Cut federal spending for the poor, etc and the state will have to increase spending for them to make up the differences.
Bush’s tax cut for the Fat Cats has to expire in order to create more needed revenue just to pay for the usual services and programs. Tax cut for the Fat Cats have proven not to create jobs or revenue. Corporation that take jobs overseas take jobs from Americans and taxes revenue from the government.
Small business cannot create enough jobs to create enough revenue. Jobs will be created when they return from overseas. Then revenue will increase.

In order to balance the budget and pay down the deficit cannot be done by cutting benefis and services to the poor, disabled, seniors and children. Bring jobs back from overseas and put Americans back to work, spending and paying taxes. Let Bush’s tax cuts expire and raise taxes on those making over $250,000 because they are not creating jobs. Tax offshore accounts. Deport illegal aliens and release 8 million jobs for unemployed Americans.

Spending create job and not cutting taxes. As we buy more, business will hire more in order to sell more. Case on point. I make shoes and as I sell more shoes I will buy more supply and make more shoes and hire people to sell more shoes so I can buy more supplies and make more shoes to sell.
There is not “big” spending and no more spending than usually necessary just less revenue than usual.

What grows the economy in time of war is more government jobs.
Wow....You got all the liberoidal yammering points, bromides, platitudes and class warfare swill in there...With a smattering of GEORGE BOOOOOOOOOOSH! to boot.

Hope composing that mini-screed didn't keep you up all night. :rolleyes:

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