Spending problem between 2001-09


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

We have spending and revenue problem between 2001-09 and no one cared. With the two wars unpaid for. A Medicare drug program unpaid for. Tax cuts for the rich unpaid for. Jobs leaving the country creating million of jobs lost and rise in recipients of food stamps, unemployment insurance and other entitlements. Creating a $5 trillion deficit. All supported by the GOP in the senate and the house. Not that the payment of the bill is due, the GOP want the elderly, children, disabled, veterans, unemployed, the poor to pay for it. They did not cause this debt and they should not be made to pay it off.

We have spending and revenue problem between 2001-09 and no one cared. With the two wars unpaid for. A Medicare drug program unpaid for. Tax cuts for the rich unpaid for. Jobs leaving the country creating million of jobs lost and rise in recipients of food stamps, unemployment insurance and other entitlements. Creating a $5 trillion deficit. All supported by the GOP in the senate and the house. Not that the payment of the bill is due, the GOP want the elderly, children, disabled, veterans, unemployed, the poor to pay for it. They did not cause this debt and they should not be made to pay it off.

So "paying the bill" means more spending? Do you pay off your credit card by going on a spending spree at Macy's?

Liberal Dictionary
Paying the bill - spending even more

It's impossible to believe how utterly stupid libturds really are.

We have spending and revenue problem between 2001-09 and no one cared. With the two wars unpaid for. A Medicare drug program unpaid for. Tax cuts for the rich unpaid for. Jobs leaving the country creating million of jobs lost and rise in recipients of food stamps, unemployment insurance and other entitlements. Creating a $5 trillion deficit. All supported by the GOP in the senate and the house. Not that the payment of the bill is due, the GOP want the elderly, children, disabled, veterans, unemployed, the poor to pay for it. They did not cause this debt and they should not be made to pay it off.


We have spending and revenue problem between 2001-09 and no one cared. With the two wars unpaid for. A Medicare drug program unpaid for. Tax cuts for the rich unpaid for. Jobs leaving the country creating million of jobs lost and rise in recipients of food stamps, unemployment insurance and other entitlements. Creating a $5 trillion deficit. All supported by the GOP in the senate and the house. Not that the payment of the bill is due, the GOP want the elderly, children, disabled, veterans, unemployed, the poor to pay for it. They did not cause this debt and they should not be made to pay it off.

Is that a fact, interesting that anyone that could read a financial statement had been screaming and yelling since the winter of 91. The only problem was that for most the existence of the tech bubble economy trumped common sense. But then again when Chairman Greenspan voiced concern it was never given the time of day. FYI very few of the lower earning middle class, elderly, and poor paid taxes. Just another thread based on poor research, knowledge and fact.

We have spending and revenue problem between 2001-09 and no one cared. With the two wars unpaid for. A Medicare drug program unpaid for. Tax cuts for the rich unpaid for. Jobs leaving the country creating million of jobs lost and rise in recipients of food stamps, unemployment insurance and other entitlements. Creating a $5 trillion deficit. All supported by the GOP in the senate and the house. Not that the payment of the bill is due, the GOP want the elderly, children, disabled, veterans, unemployed, the poor to pay for it. They did not cause this debt and they should not be made to pay it off.

And the fact Obama has continued the spending at wrap speed well I guess that's all good as long as the person doing it has the correct letter next to their name.

We have spending and revenue problem between 2001-09 and no one cared. With the two wars unpaid for. A Medicare drug program unpaid for. Tax cuts for the rich unpaid for. Jobs leaving the country creating million of jobs lost and rise in recipients of food stamps, unemployment insurance and other entitlements. Creating a $5 trillion deficit. All supported by the GOP in the senate and the house. Not that the payment of the bill is due, the GOP want the elderly, children, disabled, veterans, unemployed, the poor to pay for it. They did not cause this debt and they should not be made to pay it off.

Why does everyone think they know everything?

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