Spicer stabs Conway in the back

Evaluating means nothing, or does it. Ha. No one knows with this inept clown posse.
You know, this isn't the first time that conflicting information has come from the WH. It appears that there are factions in the administration that are trying to grab power from each other.

Remember................A house divided against itself cannot stand. Abe Lincoln said that.
You know, this isn't the first time that conflicting information has come from the WH. It appears that there are factions in the administration that are trying to grab power from each other.

Remember................A house divided against itself cannot stand. Abe Lincoln said that.

Or they just don't talk to each other and nobody knows what the fuck is going on. Neither option instills confidence .
Dunno what is going on with Conway, but this afternoon she was being interviewed on MSNBC about the administration, so I guess she still has a job.
I dreamt I was in a magical land where our country wasn't being run by amateurs.
That ended on January 20, 2017 when the chimp and his water buffalo vacated the White House, and a proven leader and accomplished businessman occupied the Oval Office. ... :thup: ... :cool:
Remember................A house divided against itself cannot stand. Abe Lincoln said that.
Isn't he the one who deliberately created his cabinet from rivals in order to both divide and rule and reap the 'benefits' of creative conflict?
Spicer: Trump is 'evaluating the situation' with Flynn
Spicer: Trump is 'evaluating the situation' with Flynn - CNNPolitics.com

Kelleyanne comes out and says yhe president has full faith in Flynn and Spicer comes out in minutes and say trump is evaluating the situation.

OOOUUUCCHHHH! Kellyanne got slapped down, huh?

She's a self-hater. She probably gets off on a slap down.

I read that she walks around the WH all day, popping in and out of meetings, She is described as a " Queen with No Army."
Spicer: Trump is 'evaluating the situation' with Flynn
Spicer: Trump is 'evaluating the situation' with Flynn - CNNPolitics.com

Kelleyanne comes out and says the president has full faith in Flynn and Spicer comes out in minutes and say trump is evaluating the situation.

OOOUUUCCHHHH! Kellyanne got slapped down, huh?
Yep....not everyone is on the same page parroting each other so there must be total chaos and there must be a conspiracy.

says the one who swoons over the King of Conspiracy theories.
My way of thinking has me concluding that this isn't any big deal, nor any deal at all. By now I've gotten used to this administration's modus operandi that it's about substance, not style. Which suits me fine. That's not to saying I'm excited about their policies but I'm more inclined to think this way will be more transparent than a well oiled communication team. My one concern is that other nations don't receive mixed signals on where U.S. policy stands.

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