Spielberg intentionally released new West Side Story with no subtitles for Spanish Dialogue.

The progs have gone so “woke” that they think it’s acceptable for a leftist American director to make an American movie, for Americans, when the majority of American speak English only, and have 30% of the dialogue in Spanish - and omit subtitles so as not to offend bi-lingual Spanish immigrants.
They were only charging $5 for the movie. I thought that odd, but now I know why: probably so many people were asking for their money back that Spielberg lowered the price in hopes that people would figure, as I did, that they got $5 worth of enjoyment from the singing and the dancing even though they couldn’t understand 30% of the dialogue.

Enough of all this crazy wokeness. I’d say that any Spanish immigrant living in this country who goes to an American movie already speaks English, and that having the characters speak Spanish is just virtue-signaling, and at the expense of the 90% of Americans who speak English only.
Yes! Good point, of course anyone speaking Mexican who actually shows up at such a movie already speaks English. So he's virtue-signaling in a particularly obnoxious way. I wonder if he regrets making his stupid remake inaccessible to most Americans.

I love Mexican food. So I go to this Mexican restaurant; it is obvious all the workers swam across the river, but I have to say exactly the same thing of the Chinese restaurants I go to, all of them. Ah, well, better mind my own business. One time this place had a pretty Mexican or whatever girl, very full of herself, and she was speaking Spanish to the customers in a coercive sort of way, joking and flirting and carrying on. Some of the (100% male) customers -- but this is Maryland, who speaks Spanish?? tried to flirt back with some high-school Spanish, but I was not amused. I was taken aback and she backed off, but I had to think about it all. Spitting in the food if she is annoyed was the obvious danger. I decided if this happens again, I'd simply leave at once (telling the manager why -- he's blond and American, go figure). She left or they got rid of her by the next time I went there, but I left it a long time: a good six months, at least. She was NOT good for business, at least not mine.

The girl seemed to be saying, we're here, and we're taking over! And indeed, since then there are now fully FOUR Mexi restaurants on that one road that I know of, and I don't go down very far. It was certainly political behavior.
The progs have gone so “woke” that they think it’s acceptable for a leftist American director to make an American movie, for Americans, when the majority of American speak English only, and have 30% of the dialogue in Spanish - and omit subtitles so as not to offend bi-lingual Spanish immigrants.
That last is the bit I don't think is true --- *I* am not offended by English subtitles!! We have deliberately accessed subtitles for some of these lower-class British series --- normal Americans cannot understand a word they say. Better just spell it out.
I just saw the movie - better late than never - and about 30% of the dialogue was in Spanish.

Why would subtitles be disrespectful to Spanish-speaking people? It doesn’t hurt them, but without, Americans who speak English miss a good person of the movie.

This was a political decision, by a leftist director. He is so afraid that by including subtitles for the vast majority of Americans who speak English he would be “prioritizing” English as the language spoken in the U.S., and that’s bad.
Because virtue signaling is more important to him than the quality of the movie.
Pretty simple.
That last is the bit I don't think is true --- *I* am not offended by English subtitles!! We have deliberately accessed subtitles for some of these lower-class British series --- normal Americans cannot understand a word they say. Better just spell it out.
No, you didn’t get what I was saying. Of course WE, as English-speaking Americans are not offended by English subtitles when we go to an American movie; we rightfully EXPECT them.

Spielberg was saying that people who have come here from Spanish-speaking countries, and now know enough English to go to an American movie, would be offended if the Spanish parts had English subtitles! Does he honestly think that people who have immigrated to a majority English-speaking country would be offended if subtitles were provided in English?

Let’s say I am bi-lingual in Italian and English, and I now live in Italy. I now go to an Italian movie, surrounded by majority of people who speak only Italian, and there are entire sections of the movie in English. The Italian director figured to put Italian subtitles in there since this is Italy after all, and most people speak Italian. How in the world would I be offended by that?
Because virtue signaling is more important to him than the quality of the movie.
Pretty simple.
….or allowing his English-speaking AMERICAN customers to follow the dialogue. The arrogance of these progs never ceases to amaze me.
….or allowing his English-speaking AMERICAN customers to follow the dialogue. The arrogance of these progs never ceases to amaze me.
It isn't arrogance per say, it is the left's irresistible urge to virtue signal. It is the new religion.
Well, caring about people is a bit better than worshipping a mentally ill old fat criminal.
Biden is thin! How in the world could you think he’s fat?

Other than that, I don’t see how putting out a movie with foreign dialogue the majority of Americans can’t understand - and refusing to include subtitles - is a sign of caring. To the contrary, it’s the middle-finger to English-speaking Americans.

When I went yesterday afternoon, the only other people were retirees, like me, and I doubt even a single one spoke Spanish. Very few American-born citizens now in their 60s and up comprehend Spanish.
I know that some public schools require teachers to know Spanish in order to qualify for certain positions.

Maybe the producer of that movie is telling us that Spanish speakers will eventually be the majority of people in this country, so you (actually your great-grandchildren) should learn the language.

Furthermore, without subtitles, maybe it makes the movie seem more authentic.

And who knows, after watching the movie, you may find yourself starting to pick up a few words of Spanish.

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