Spike Lee: Obama will demolish Romney in the debates


The guy shot up a bunch of Democrats.

Nothing political about that..

Oh wait..he was a "left winger"..

That's the ticket.


Jared Loughner was a crazy stalker. Period. End of discussion.

And let me repeat now what I said to TruthDoesn'tExist, and make it clear that it applies to both of you: it's obvious to me that your only regret about the Giffords shooting is that she didn't die, so you'd REALLY have some political capital out of it.

What ya do that night after Giffords was shot? Did you have some champagne after a hit on the crack pipe?

Must of been a real nice celebration.

Who else you want dead? I mean besides me and Giffords?

Big list I bet..


The sad thing is, evil is no substitute for intelligence. You have the first in abundance, and the second not at all.

Do leftists ever take the time to come up with something more in-depth that "I'm rubber and you're glue"?

Keep lying, filth. Everyone can see who REALLY wishes Giffords had died.
Jared Loughner was a crazy stalker. Period. End of discussion.

And let me repeat now what I said to TruthDoesn'tExist, and make it clear that it applies to both of you: it's obvious to me that your only regret about the Giffords shooting is that she didn't die, so you'd REALLY have some political capital out of it.

What ya do that night after Giffords was shot? Did you have some champagne after a hit on the crack pipe?

Must of been a real nice celebration.

Who else you want dead? I mean besides me and Giffords?

Big list I bet..


The sad thing is, evil is no substitute for intelligence. You have the first in abundance, and the second not at all.

Do leftists ever take the time to come up with something more in-depth that "I'm rubber and you're glue"?

Keep lying, filth. Everyone can see who REALLY wishes Giffords had died.

Lying about what?

A few posts back you posted that I should die.

That a lie? Or not.
Yeah..all 10 of them.

And if Romney's private security force don't make dog meat of them..the Secret Service will.

Unlike Gabby Giffords..who got Spotlighted by Palin.

She couldn't afford a private security force, unfortunately.

Oh, yeah. Jared Loughner NEVER would have known that Gabrielle Giffords was a US Congresswoman or found her at that public appearance at a fucking Safeway Supermarket if only Sarah Palin hadn't outted all that highly private information by pointing out that Giffords was up for re-election, and the Republican Party MIGHT want to try to replace her.

Fuck off and die, you lying piece of shit leftist VULTURE. That's over-the-top vulgar and disgusting even for you, Obama's personal cockholster. My Congresswoman nearly died, my city was torn up with the horror, and you jackals just keep hovering around, shoving your hands into the wound so you can wave the blood around like a banner. Pretty sad when a conservative Republican values Giffords more as a human being than the evil troglodytic filth of her own party.

Talk about over the top RW hate...:eusa_whistle::cuckoo:

Nothing over-the-top about hating evil carrion-eaters . . . unless you are one. Of course, you actually ARE, so I can see where you'd be offended by being called on it.
So no one should call for a politician to be booted out at the next election? Really?

And the Safeway Supermarket gathering was a sooper sekrit meeting? A SAFEWAY? Really?

Or are you saying it was a Top Secret that a Congresswoman was up for re-election like every Congress critter is every two years? This was classified information? Really?

Some amazing illogic in that post.

Remember when Reagan got shot? Remember all the Democrats asking him to step down? No?

Because that didn't happen.

Quite the contrary. They encouraged him to get well and get back to work.

I don't blame anyone for Giffords' shooting except the shooter. He was a whackjob.

I don't agree.

And it's not unique. Operation Rescue was giving addresses of doctors that performed abortions..and crossing them out..when they got shot.

O'Reilly kept on and on about Tiller the baby killer..until some whackjob shot him in church.

They know what they are doing.
Oh, yeah. Jared Loughner NEVER would have known that Gabrielle Giffords was a US Congresswoman or found her at that public appearance at a fucking Safeway Supermarket if only Sarah Palin hadn't outted all that highly private information by pointing out that Giffords was up for re-election, and the Republican Party MIGHT want to try to replace her.

Fuck off and die, you lying piece of shit leftist VULTURE. That's over-the-top vulgar and disgusting even for you, Obama's personal cockholster. My Congresswoman nearly died, my city was torn up with the horror, and you jackals just keep hovering around, shoving your hands into the wound so you can wave the blood around like a banner. Pretty sad when a conservative Republican values Giffords more as a human being than the evil troglodytic filth of her own party.

Talk about over the top RW hate...:eusa_whistle::cuckoo:

Nothing over-the-top about hating evil carrion-eaters . . . unless you are one. Of course, you actually ARE, so I can see where you'd be offended by being called on it.

This confirms it.

Generally wishing death upon someone..is considered over the top.

But it's BAU for people like you.
Moving goalposts?

There's no moving goalposts. I had no idea that a special election was finally being held. I know that Dems intentionally stifled it when it was clear that she would no longer be able to do her job. That reality has still not changed. It's you who are moving the goal posts.

I didn't move anything.

You posted something that was patently untrue.

I posted to the best of my knowledge. Don't be a wanker and make it anything more than that. I know from articles I had read prior that she was incapable of doing her job and that Dems were not allowing for a special election. For pretty much all of her term, Dems allowed for an entire district to have no representation.

Previous articles I had read, stated that there may never be a special election and certainly Dems had made no case for it b/c they were running out the clock. Apparently (due to politics) the wheels finally spun in motion. That doesn't prove that Dems have values. It shows that they wanted to avoid the talking point that they never allowed for a special election. But they can't avoid the reality that they allowed thousands of people to no longer be represented b/c they were playing politics.
There's no moving goalposts. I had no idea that a special election was finally being held. I know that Dems intentionally stifled it when it was clear that she would no longer be able to do her job. That reality has still not changed. It's you who are moving the goal posts.

I didn't move anything.

You posted something that was patently untrue.

I posted to the best of my knowledge. Don't be a wanker and make it anything more than that. I know from articles I had read prior that she was incapable of doing her job and that Dems were not allowing for a special election. For pretty much all of her term, Dems allowed for an entire district to have no representation.

Previous articles I had read, stated that there may never be a special election and certainly Dems had made no case for it b/c they were running out the clock. Apparently (due to politics) the wheels finally spun in motion. That doesn't prove that Dems have values. It shows that they wanted to avoid the talking point that they never allowed for a special election. But they can't avoid the reality that they allowed thousands of people to no longer be represented b/c they were playing politics.

Not being a "wanker". I think the "wanker" thing here is jumping on a "special election".

Like I posted previously..when Reagan was shot..no Democrat was talking about replacing him.

Giffords? Seems alot of you folks were like..well she can't do her job..time to get a Republican in there.


Obama didn't even beat McCain in the debates. Although, the media cited rigged polls to the contrary. This time it'll be worse because Romney will tear Obama up. He's an amateur that f'd up the country whereas Romney is a well polished business man and politician and debater. He'll tear him limb from limb. It won't even be close. I'll just be laughing my ass off at that shmuck imposter for three straight debates. :D

And, should Romney win, Spike Lee will tweet the Romneys address and the address of Romney family members to The New Black Panthers.

Yeah..all 10 of them.

And if Romney's private security force don't make dog meat of them..the Secret Service will.

Unlike Gabby Giffords..who got Spotlighted by Palin.

She couldn't afford a private security force, unfortunately.

A Left wing loon popped Gabby....did you help him?
And, should Romney win, Spike Lee will tweet the Romneys address and the address of Romney family members to The New Black Panthers.

Yeah..all 10 of them.

And if Romney's private security force don't make dog meat of them..the Secret Service will.

Unlike Gabby Giffords..who got Spotlighted by Palin.

She couldn't afford a private security force, unfortunately.

A Left wing loon popped Gabby....did you help him?

Um..he was so left wing..that he shot Democrats.

That works.

What's next?
Remember when Reagan got shot? Remember all the Democrats asking him to step down? No?

Because that didn't happen.

Quite the contrary. They encouraged him to get well and get back to work.

I don't blame anyone for Giffords' shooting except the shooter. He was a whackjob.

I don't agree.

And it's not unique. Operation Rescue was giving addresses of doctors that performed abortions..and crossing them out..when they got shot.

O'Reilly kept on and on about Tiller the baby killer..until some whackjob shot him in church.

They know what they are doing.

Prove it sugar....
Yeah..all 10 of them.

And if Romney's private security force don't make dog meat of them..the Secret Service will.

Unlike Gabby Giffords..who got Spotlighted by Palin.

She couldn't afford a private security force, unfortunately.

A Left wing loon popped Gabby....did you help him?

Um..he was so left wing..that he shot Democrats.

That works.

What's next?

You really need to edumacate yourself...

A 22-year-old woman in Arizona, Caitie Parker, claimed on her Twitter feed that she went to high school and college with the gunman, and was in a band with him. She described his politics in the past as "left wing, quite liberal, & oddly obsessed with the 2012 prophecy." She also described him as having a lot of friends "until he got alcohol poisoning in '06" and dropped out of school. "Mainly loner very philosophical."

Parker described the gunman meeting Rep. Gabrielle Giffords previously: "He was a political radical & met Giffords once before in '07, asked her a question & he told me she was 'stupid & unintelligent.'"

"I can't trust the current government," and "I'm a sleepwalker," Jared Lee Loughner proclaimed in an Internet video before the shooting of a federal judge, congresswoman and others on Saturday in Tucson.

His rambling videos had already caused him trouble at school, scaring his community college into suspending him in September.

Loughner: I can't trust this government - US news - Crime & courts - msnbc.com

I thought I'd quote a Left Wing source for you.
I don't blame anyone for Giffords' shooting except the shooter. He was a whackjob.

I don't agree.

And it's not unique. Operation Rescue was giving addresses of doctors that performed abortions..and crossing them out..when they got shot.

O'Reilly kept on and on about Tiller the baby killer..until some whackjob shot him in church.

They know what they are doing.

Prove it sugar....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9nE2spOw_o]The Archies - Sugar, Sugar (Original 1969 Music Video) - YouTube[/ame]
A Left wing loon popped Gabby....did you help him?

Um..he was so left wing..that he shot Democrats.

That works.

What's next?

You really need to edumacate yourself...

A 22-year-old woman in Arizona, Caitie Parker, claimed on her Twitter feed that she went to high school and college with the gunman, and was in a band with him. She described his politics in the past as "left wing, quite liberal, & oddly obsessed with the 2012 prophecy." She also described him as having a lot of friends "until he got alcohol poisoning in '06" and dropped out of school. "Mainly loner very philosophical."

Parker described the gunman meeting Rep. Gabrielle Giffords previously: "He was a political radical & met Giffords once before in '07, asked her a question & he told me she was 'stupid & unintelligent.'"

"I can't trust the current government," and "I'm a sleepwalker," Jared Lee Loughner proclaimed in an Internet video before the shooting of a federal judge, congresswoman and others on Saturday in Tucson.

His rambling videos had already caused him trouble at school, scaring his community college into suspending him in September.

Loughner: I can't trust this government - US news - Crime & courts - msnbc.com

I thought I'd quote a Left Wing source for you.

First Bill Maher, then Chris Rock, now Spike Lee..

Obama has all the brains speaking out for him..

“Once we get to the debates my man is going to tear him up!”


Obama didn't even beat McCain in the debates. Although, the media cited rigged polls to the contrary. This time it'll be worse because Romney will tear Obama up. He's an amateur that f'd up the country whereas Romney is a well polished business man and politician and debater. He'll tear him limb from limb. It won't even be close. I'll just be laughing my ass off at that shmuck imposter for three straight debates. :D

if the Knicks or Yankees are playing the fucker wont even care about the debates,.....so who gives a shit what he thinks....
I didn't move anything.

You posted something that was patently untrue.

I posted to the best of my knowledge. Don't be a wanker and make it anything more than that. I know from articles I had read prior that she was incapable of doing her job and that Dems were not allowing for a special election. For pretty much all of her term, Dems allowed for an entire district to have no representation.

Previous articles I had read, stated that there may never be a special election and certainly Dems had made no case for it b/c they were running out the clock. Apparently (due to politics) the wheels finally spun in motion. That doesn't prove that Dems have values. It shows that they wanted to avoid the talking point that they never allowed for a special election. But they can't avoid the reality that they allowed thousands of people to no longer be represented b/c they were playing politics.

Not being a "wanker". I think the "wanker" thing here is jumping on a "special election".

Like I posted previously..when Reagan was shot..no Democrat was talking about replacing him.

Giffords? Seems alot of you folks were like..well she can't do her job..time to get a Republican in there.


Reagan was never incapable of doing his job. Had he been then his VP would have taken over, either temporarily or permanently.

And it's not about getting a Democrat or Republican to replace Giffords. If she can't do her f'ing job then the Constitution is supposed to guarantee representation still. I know that it's just piece of paper to you, but I believe in it. It's called values dude.
Um..he was so left wing..that he shot Democrats.

That works.

What's next?

You really need to edumacate yourself...

A 22-year-old woman in Arizona, Caitie Parker, claimed on her Twitter feed that she went to high school and college with the gunman, and was in a band with him. She described his politics in the past as "left wing, quite liberal, & oddly obsessed with the 2012 prophecy." She also described him as having a lot of friends "until he got alcohol poisoning in '06" and dropped out of school. "Mainly loner very philosophical."

Parker described the gunman meeting Rep. Gabrielle Giffords previously: "He was a political radical & met Giffords once before in '07, asked her a question & he told me she was 'stupid & unintelligent.'"

"I can't trust the current government," and "I'm a sleepwalker," Jared Lee Loughner proclaimed in an Internet video before the shooting of a federal judge, congresswoman and others on Saturday in Tucson.

His rambling videos had already caused him trouble at school, scaring his community college into suspending him in September.

Loughner: I can't trust this government - US news - Crime & courts - msnbc.com

I thought I'd quote a Left Wing source for you.


My point stands, Loughner was/is a Lefty.
Yeah..all 10 of them.

And if Romney's private security force don't make dog meat of them..the Secret Service will.

Unlike Gabby Giffords..who got Spotlighted by Palin.

She couldn't afford a private security force, unfortunately.

And she didn't get shot by anyone connected to Palin... or the TEA Party... or even a Republican... she got shot by someone whose friends described him as 'left wing, a liberal'. Go figure.

Before he went insane and completely changed so that his freinds would refuse to see him.

Then in his insanity he was right wing

he used to be like you....thats why he went insane.....
You really need to edumacate yourself...

A 22-year-old woman in Arizona, Caitie Parker, claimed on her Twitter feed that she went to high school and college with the gunman, and was in a band with him. She described his politics in the past as "left wing, quite liberal, & oddly obsessed with the 2012 prophecy." She also described him as having a lot of friends "until he got alcohol poisoning in '06" and dropped out of school. "Mainly loner very philosophical."

Parker described the gunman meeting Rep. Gabrielle Giffords previously: "He was a political radical & met Giffords once before in '07, asked her a question & he told me she was 'stupid & unintelligent.'"

"I can't trust the current government," and "I'm a sleepwalker," Jared Lee Loughner proclaimed in an Internet video before the shooting of a federal judge, congresswoman and others on Saturday in Tucson.

His rambling videos had already caused him trouble at school, scaring his community college into suspending him in September.

Loughner: I can't trust this government - US news - Crime & courts - msnbc.com

I thought I'd quote a Left Wing source for you.


My point stands, Loughner was/is a Lefty.

and your a liar

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