Spineless Trump seeks good relationship with Putin's Russia after Russia votes at UN against Israel

Correll, post: 16343271
1. Removing Saddam's WMDs, was never the sole reason for the war.

Did you not declare that the intelligence was wrong. What was all that intelligence wrong about?

1. Yes.

2. The intelligence was wrong about WMDs.

Neither of those questions/answers challenges my point that WMDs, were never the sole reason for the war, you realize that, don't you?
Correll, post: 16343271
1. Removing Saddam's WMDs, was never the sole reason for the war.

Did Bush or did Bush not offer a draft resolution early in March 2003 where Bush agreed to leave Saddam Hussein in power under certain conditions.
Correll, post: 16338491
The inspectors had plenty of time to achieve their goals. They did not do so.

After 1441, that 'plenty of time' ran from December 2002 until March 17, 2003. What was the threat during that period to our national security aside from Saddam Hussein possessing WMD and using them or passing them off to terrorists?
Correll, post: 16343662
Don't remember, don't care.

You called me a liar, you'd better care.

I can help you remember so you won't have that convenient loss of memory as an excuse. If I show you the draft resolution will you care?
Correll, post: 16338491
The inspectors had plenty of time to achieve their goals. They did not do so.

After 1441, that 'plenty of time' ran from December 2002 until March 17, 2003. What was the threat during that period to our national security aside from Saddam Hussein possessing WMD and using them or passing them off to terrorists?

Many fold and varied. Why do you ask?
Correll, post: 16343670
Based on the information available at the time? IMO, not really.

Saddam Hussein using WMD or handing them off to terrorists was not really a threat to our national security? Is that what you are saying?
Correll, post: 16343662
Don't remember, don't care.

You called me a liar, you'd better care.

I can help you remember so you won't have that convenient loss of memory as an excuse. If I show you the draft resolution will you care?

Your odd obsession with the minutia of the day to day timeline of the lead up to the war is of no interest to me. Or anyone really.

I'm sure it helps in your rationalizations to put all this on your partisan ideological enemy, Bush.

BUt beyond that, it is of no value.

Saddam was an asshole who kept fucking with us, when he should have been trying to defuse the situation from Day ONe.
Correll, post: 16343670
Based on the information available at the time? IMO, not really.

Saddam Hussein using WMD or handing them off to terrorists was not really a threat to our national security? Is that what you are saying?

IMO, not so much.

A terrorist group, supposedly could use a device and melt away.

A nation, even a rogue one, will be targeted for retribution, BIG TIME.

imo, Saddam would have been very unlike to provide WMDs, to terror groups because we would have destroyed him in turn.
Correll, post: 16343662
Don't remember, don't care.

You called me a liar, you'd better care.

I can help you remember so you won't have that convenient loss of memory as an excuse. If I show you the draft resolution will you care?

Your odd obsession with the minutia of the day to day timeline of the lead up to the war is of no interest to me. Or anyone really.

I'm sure it helps in your rationalizations to put all this on your partisan ideological enemy, Bush.

BUt beyond that, it is of no value.

Saddam was an asshole who kept fucking with us, when he should have been trying to defuse the situation from Day ONe.

You called me a liar. You can't back your charge up citing that you are not concerned with the historical facts.
Correll, post: 16343662
Don't remember, don't care.

You called me a liar, you'd better care.

I can help you remember so you won't have that convenient loss of memory as an excuse. If I show you the draft resolution will you care?

Your odd obsession with the minutia of the day to day timeline of the lead up to the war is of no interest to me. Or anyone really.

I'm sure it helps in your rationalizations to put all this on your partisan ideological enemy, Bush.

BUt beyond that, it is of no value.

Saddam was an asshole who kept fucking with us, when he should have been trying to defuse the situation from Day ONe.

You called me a liar. You can't back your charge up citing that you are not concerned with the historical facts.

I don't need to back it up.

ANone as obsessed with this as you are, knows damn well there was a whole list of reasons for the war, to say otherwise is a lie.

And you know that.
Correll, post: 16343789
our odd obsession with the minutia of the day to day timeline of the lead up to the war is of no interest to me. Or anyone really.

It is not minutia to know that Bush was willing to leave Saddam Hussein in power on March 7, 2003 if he was found in compliance with his WMD disarmament obligations within ten days.

Bush would leave the asshole that kept fucking with us in power if he was determined to be disarmed by a he UN inspectors.

That being the case there was no other reason than WMD that could justify war.

You are wrong. I tell the facts and truth.
Correll, post: 16343913
I don't need to back it up.

You cannot back it up.

Bush would have left the asshole in power if it were not for his alleged possession of WMD.

Knowing that How do you explain that Bush would have gone to war over something else?
Correll, post: 16343789
our odd obsession with the minutia of the day to day timeline of the lead up to the war is of no interest to me. Or anyone really.

It is not minutia to know that Bush was willing to leave Saddam Hussein in power on March 7, 2003 if he was found in compliance with his WMD disarmament obligations within ten days.

Bush would leave the asshole that kept fucking with us in power if he was determined to be disarmed by a he UN inspectors.

That being the case there was no other reason than WMD that could justify war.

You are wrong. I tell the facts and truth.

You claim that since Bush was pressured into making an offer, that that proves that the condition of the offer was thus the ONLY reason, is not true.

WHat it demonstrates is that Bush was pressured politically into making an offer.

That is all that that shows.

Your attempt to use it as proof of anything more, is just you being dishonest.
Correll, post: 16343913
I don't need to back it up.

You cannot back it up.

Bush would have left the asshole in power if it were not for his alleged possession of WMD.

Knowing that How do you explain that Bush would have gone to war over something else?

I don't need to back it up. YOU know damn well about the list of other reasons.

Just because you have dismissed them, do not mean they did not exist.
Correll, post: 16343913
there was a whole list of reasons for the war, to say otherwise is a lie.

There can be a long list of reasons for launching an offensive war. Reasons in themselves do not make a war just.

One reason could be to raise the price of oil or lower the price of oil, does that justify starting a war.

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