Spineless Trump seeks good relationship with Putin's Russia after Russia votes at UN against Israel

Correll, post: 1633345
It's funny how harsh your judgement on Bush is, but you never see anything with Saddam's behavior as an issue.

In March 2003 after 1441 was passed 200 days earlier with Bush's prodding and consent, it was Bush that was lying and Saddam was telling the truth.

There was no justification for an invasion in March 2003 after Saddam allowed the inspectors in and cooperated with them.

Bush was worse than Saddam Hussein in March 2003 after Bush had already agreed through 1441 to give Saddam Hussein a final opportunity to comply,

You may not like it but your Trump is correct on this one. Bush lied. Saddam was not lying to you in March 2003. Bush lied to you. Why is that ok?

If Bush had on March 7 2003 solid verifiable evidence that Iraq was hiding WMD from Blix, why did Bush offer to leave Saddam in power after ten days if Blix could finish his work by then?

Think about it.

Why did Bush agree that Saddam could stay in power?

He had no idea evidence.

So Bush invaded Iraq based on evidence acquired after March 10 or none at all.

If he acquired fresh evidence he did not give the inspectors a chance to confirm or deny its validity.

Why do you think invading Iraq was such a good decision by Bush. Even if he was right he did not properly prepare the military to be ready to deal with a toppled regime in an Islamic nation divided by so many religious sects.

You focus on the fact that under threat of invasion, Saddam finally complied with allowing inspectors access, while ignoring his years and years of NOT complying.

And based on that, you declare Bush the bad guy.

All your arguments are half baked, poorly thought out rationalizations like that.
Correll, post: 16334122
1. The decision was not his alone.

What in the hell do you mean? The 'decider' was not the 'decider' ? What? The AUMF made it clear exactly that only the President was empowered to make that decision. You are duped. He made it alone.

He had Congress advising and consenting. The issue was debated nationwide for many months.

The decision was NOT his alone.
Americans are sympathetic to Israel and have nothing but contempt for their vile terrorists enemies.

American taxpayers are sending their money to protect Israel, because the controlled MSM makes them to believe that Israel is the best friend of the USA.

Most Americans have never heard about the Lavon affair, about the attack on the USS liberty and about the Pollard Case.

What to terrorism in the Middle East - this vicious circle of terrorism began with the terrorism of Zionists.



yes, indeed.

Zionists Terorists: Menachem Begin and the Irgun Gang.

Correll, post: 16334122
2. The inspectors had plenty of time and failed.

They did not fail. They could not fail. They were commissioned to discovery facts and determine if Iraq was cooperating in ways the would allow them to discover the facts.

Only Hussein could fail to cooperate. Hussein cooperated. There was no deadline for the inspectors work. Bush terminated the great work they were doing. It was a Bush fail to lie about knowing without a doubt that Iraq was hiding WMD from the inspectors.

If his Intel was without a doubt he should have presented it to the inspectors and if proven true then Saddam would have failed. Bush could then decide what to do about.

Bush failed. No one else.
He had Congress advising and consenting. The issue was debated nationwide for many months.

The decision was NOT his alone.

The decision to force inspectors out was not debated anywhere. Where did you hear that Bush consulted anybody about allowing the inspectors to continue? There was no debate.

Senator Clinton and the majority of Americans wanted to give the inspectors more time.

Bush did not consult Clinton on his decision. He made that decision after March 7 entirely on his own.

Show me where he discussed it with anyone outside his administration.

Bush said he made the decision months before.

Dear Dad, . . .

At around 9:30 a.m., I gave the order to SecDef to execute the war plan for Operation Iraqi Freedom. In spite of the fact that I had decided a few months ago to use force, if need be, to liberate Iraq and rid the country of WMD, the decision was an emotional one. . . .

He didn't consult anyone on whether to do it. He consulted people on how to do.

The above is an admission that he did not care what the inspectors found or whether Saddam was cooperating.

He decided entirely on his own. Whether it was months earlier or after March 7.
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Correll, post: 16334859
You focus on the fact that under threat of invasion, Saddam finally complied with allowing inspectors access, while ignoring his years and years of NOT complying.

I don't ignore that at all. That was the reason I agreed with Bush in 2002 that the way to keep the peace and avoid war was for Congress to authorize the use of force if Saddam continued to keep the inspectors out of Iraq as he had done since 1998.

Then 1441 was voted for unanimously in November. In December Hussein allowed inspectors in and Sec Powell said around the New year that Saddam was cooperating and war was not inevitable.

Bush ignored the inspection process and what he agreed to under 1441.

Read it.

The UNSC was never advised by the inspectors that the process could not be continued toward a declaration of compliance and the lifting of sanctions. The UNSC did not reconvene to determine Saddam's noncompliance with UNSC 1441. There was according to 1441 no consequences for Hussein to suffer.

Read 1441.

You will know what Bush lied about to make war.
Correll, post: 16333453
They could have done that in the 90s. THey could have done it in 2000. They could have done it in 2001. They could have done that in 2002.

Coulda, but 1441 gave Saddam a final opportunity to comply. Bush accepted 1441.

Read it.

When Bush pledges the US will do something I hold him accountable when he breaks that pledge.
And based on that, you declare Bush the bad guy.

I expressly wrote that in March 2003 Bush was the bad guy. Bush lied. Saddam told the truth.

Just the facts. If you cannot accept facts don't blame me for pointing them out to you.
Correll, post: 16334876
He had Congress advising and consenting

No he didn't. When did Bush consult any Congress member after Saddam allowed inspectors in around mid December 2002?

Correll, post: 16328858

No. Are you a Russian warmonger, voting for the lunatic that wanted to give orders to US pilots to shot down russian planes?

Where did Hillary want to give orders to US pilots to shoot down Russian plans. She did not want that.
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Trump has no personal knowledge of the issue. His motivation was transparently political. Why would you give him any special credibility on this issue?

You have no personal knowledge of the issue.

You think killing Iraqis for hiding WMD that did not actually exist, was a 'just' war.

At least stupid Trump knows that starting a war to find WMD that do not exist is a huge mistake not a just war.
Correll, post: 16334122
2. The inspectors had plenty of time and failed.

They did not fail. They could not fail. They were commissioned to discovery facts and determine if Iraq was cooperating in ways the would allow them to discover the facts.

Only Hussein could fail to cooperate. Hussein cooperated. There was no deadline for the inspectors work. Bush terminated the great work they were doing. It was a Bush fail to lie about knowing without a doubt that Iraq was hiding WMD from the inspectors.

If his Intel was without a doubt he should have presented it to the inspectors and if proven true then Saddam would have failed. Bush could then decide what to do about.

Bush failed. No one else.

The inspectors had plenty of time to achieve their goals. They did not do so.
He had Congress advising and consenting. The issue was debated nationwide for many months.

The decision was NOT his alone.

The decision to force inspectors out was not debated anywhere. Where did you hear that Bush consulted anybody about allowing the inspectors to continue? There was no debate.

Senator Clinton and the majority of Americans wanted to give the inspectors more time.

Bush did not consult Clinton on his decision. He made that decision after March 7 entirely on his own.

Show me where he discussed it with anyone outside his administration.

Bush said he made the decision months before.

Dear Dad, . . .

At around 9:30 a.m., I gave the order to SecDef to execute the war plan for Operation Iraqi Freedom. In spite of the fact that I had decided a few months ago to use force, if need be, to liberate Iraq and rid the country of WMD, the decision was an emotional one. . . .

He didn't consult anyone on whether to do it. He consulted people on how to do.

The above is an admission that he did not care what the inspectors found or whether Saddam was cooperating.

He decided entirely on his own. Whether it was months earlier or after March 7.

1. Congress did advise and consent.

2. The nation as a whole was involved in the debate.

3. From your excerpt. "to use force, if need be" Final decisions don't include the word IF. Stop being dishonest.
Correll, post: 16334859
You focus on the fact that under threat of invasion, Saddam finally complied with allowing inspectors access, while ignoring his years and years of NOT complying.

I don't ignore that at all. That was the reason I agreed with Bush in 2002 that the way to keep the peace and avoid war was for Congress to authorize the use of force if Saddam continued to keep the inspectors out of Iraq as he had done since 1998.

Then 1441 was voted for unanimously in November. In December Hussein allowed inspectors in and Sec Powell said around the New year that Saddam was cooperating and war was not inevitable.

Bush ignored the inspection process and what he agreed to under 1441.

Read it.

The UNSC was never advised by the inspectors that the process could not be continued toward a declaration of compliance and the lifting of sanctions. The UNSC did not reconvene to determine Saddam's noncompliance with UNSC 1441. There was according to 1441 no consequences for Hussein to suffer.

Read 1441.

You will know what Bush lied about to make war.

The inspectors had been there for years. They were unable to verify compliance.

It was on Saddam to show compliance.

Not doing so violated the terms of the peace.

Saddam had plenty of chances and choose to blow them all.
Correll, post: 16333453
They could have done that in the 90s. THey could have done it in 2000. They could have done it in 2001. They could have done that in 2002.

Coulda, but 1441 gave Saddam a final opportunity to comply. Bush accepted 1441.

Read it.

When Bush pledges the US will do something I hold him accountable when he breaks that pledge.

You hold BUsh accountable for not giving, IN YOUR OPINION, enough time for inspectors to do their job.

You do not hold Saddam accountable for ANYTHING.

In my opinion, Bush gave the inspectors and Saddam plenty of time and chances.
Correll, post: 16334876
He had Congress advising and consenting

No he didn't. When did Bush consult any Congress member after Saddam allowed inspectors in around mid December 2002?

Correll, post: 16328858

No. Are you a Russian warmonger, voting for the lunatic that wanted to give orders to US pilots to shot down russian planes?

Where did Hillary want to give orders to US pilots to shoot down Russian plans. She did not want that.

1. Congress gets to advise and consent. THey did. Your odd game of focusing on small portions of time out of context, is interesting only as a reflection on your mental state and/or processes. NOt regarding the issue.

2. LOL! Your pretense of not understanding what a No Fly Zone entails is noted and dismissed.
Trump has no personal knowledge of the issue. His motivation was transparently political. Why would you give him any special credibility on this issue?

You have no personal knowledge of the issue.

You think killing Iraqis for hiding WMD that did not actually exist, was a 'just' war.

At least stupid Trump knows that starting a war to find WMD that do not exist is a huge mistake not a just war.

1. I am not claiming personal knowledge of the issue.

2. You have presented Trump's opinion as though he is an Authority on the issue that should be deferred to. That is nonsense.

3. I did not say that that was the reason that the war was Just. Please do not hold me accountable for the voices in your head.

4.Trump is not stupid. He is an Ivy League Graduate that has been a success in 3 highly competitive fields. Anyone calling him stupid, is a fool.

5. My view on Trump's statement stands. He was being unfair, and his motivation was transparently political. Just like you.
Correll, post: 16338590
3. I did not say that that was the reason that the war was Just. Please do not hold me accountable for the voices in your head.

Removing Saddam's WMD was the reason for the war. There can be no other reason to believe the war was just or justified. There were no WMD there. The war cannot be seen as just by anyone. One does not have to be an authority on reasons for war to know that.

One need not be an authority to figure out Bush lied. And still lies about his intent being to peacefully disarm Iraq through the UN.

Trump is right on this issue and you voted for him. Trump validates the opponents to the war. You know the ones that are not the usual suspects of being warmongers.

You are a warmonger plain and simple.
Correll, post: 16338590
3. I did not say that that was the reason that the war was Just. Please do not hold me accountable for the voices in your head.

Removing Saddam's WMD was the reason for the war. There can be no other reason to believe the war was just or justified. There were no WMD there. The war cannot be seen as just by anyone. One does not have to be an authority on reasons for war to know that.

One need not be an authority to figure out Bush lied. And still lies about his intent being to peacefully disarm Iraq through the UN.

Trump is right on this issue and you voted for him. Trump validates the opponents to the war. You know the ones that are not the usual suspects of being warmongers.

You are a warmonger plain and simple.

1. Removing Saddam's WMDs, was never the sole reason for the war. YOu are a liar.

2. There are several other reasons to believe the war was justified. YOur claim otherwise is a lie.

3. The war was just. ONly a madman or a fool would think that removing Saddam was unjust.

4. The Intelligence was wrong.

5. Trump was motivated by politics and was unfairly harsh to GWBush.

6. The opponents? WTF are you talking about?

7. I am not a warmonger.

8. You are a warmonger, with your support of Hillary WWIII Clinton.

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