Sports Illustrated Puts Another Mentally Ill Dude In a Bikini On the Cover

Perhaps they are trying to expand their audience beyond just men.
How? By turning their core audience away from the magazine because they don’t want to get their rocks off looking at trannies pretending to be women?
Lets be honest here, had someone not told you she had once been a dude you would have never known
So like trannies wanting to trick straight men into dating/having sex with them. Corporations want to do the same? Sounds kinda rape ish.
They are outraged because they have been told to be so. None of them would have known that one of the 4 cover models was a trans had they not been told so by their talking points email
The publication states the models are trans for controversial sales. Like most Woke corporations they ask for the attention by drawing it to themselves.
How? By turning their core audience away from the magazine because they don’t want to get their rocks off looking at trannies pretending to be women?

There are some 20 plus different models in the magazine each Swimsuit issue. There are 4 different cover modes. If there hate is so profound that 1 out of 20 causes them to turn away, I do not really think that can be blamed on SI.

Should marketing decisions be based upon the hate of a fringe group of people?
Often enough I would guess. She-Males stand a much higher chance of getting murdered as opposed to other groups out there.
The new wave of trannies go so far as to try and bully gays,lesbians and straights to have sex with them or they are branded “ trans phobic”. The trans community is full of predators.
There are some 20 plus different models in the magazine each Swimsuit issue. There are 4 different cover modes. If there hate is so profound that 1 out of 20 causes them to turn away, I do not really think that can be blamed on SI.

Should marketing decisions be based upon the hate of a fringe group of people?
I don't think it has anything to do with hate and more to do with men wanting to view real women.
That gives a whole new meaning to "we got the meat".
Trannies that have had bottom surgery consider themselves to be more high end than regular females. They think their vajayjays are “ designer”.
Trannies that have had bottom surgery consider themselves to be more high end than regular females. They think their vajayjays are “ designer”.

You certainly know a lot about this topic.

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