Sports/Media (Consumerism): DNA


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a commerce-meditation involving Shiva (Hindu god of destruction) and Satan (Christian adversary of man) and Erron Black (mercenary-warrior from Mortal Kombat video-games) and Baraka (blade-armed ghoul from Mortal Kombat video games) regarding the ethics contours of capitalism-consciousness.

The Bible says that at the End of Days, the AntiChrist (adversary of Jesus Christ) will descend on Earth and lure civilization away from temperance), so how can we understand capitalism-consciousness in the 'modern world' in terms of morality-violations? The AntiChrist is prophesied to decapitate anyone who refuses his 'omen' of lust/sadism(!).

Do new age sports-media culture consciousness 'problems' as they relate to the marketing of Super Bowl 52 (NFL), when the aspiring underdog Philadelphia Eagles overcame the seemingly-indomitable New England Patriots by a score of 41-33, reveal a natural 'social bias' regarding preference-based consumer vanities?

Many ad-execs relied on the Patriots to reliably win, so when the underdog team surprisingly won, consumers were thrown into a 'tail-spin,' which is why Super Bowl 52 is a terrific dialogic totem/symbol of modern consumerism/media complacencies.

What do the gods think? What does Trump think?



SHIVA: Modern man cares about Wall Street.
SATAN: Those who lag are beheaded!
SHIVA: You don't have to be a shark to be a capitalist...
SATAN: The AntiChrist will reign on Earth!
SHIVA: We have to honor our traditions...
SATAN: There is no 'etiquette' in a competitive world!
SHIVA: I disagree. What about eBay merchant-ratings?
SATAN: Consumer Reports magazine is merely a 'totem.'
SHIVA: No, I think Consumer Reports promotes objectivity!
SATAN: Consumerism is a 'cholesterol-model.'
SHIVA: That's why we have supervisory institutions (e.g., FDA).
SATAN: The bull-statue ('Charging Bull') of Wall Street symbolizes ambition.
SHIVA: However, the Statue of Liberty symbolizes friendship.
SATAN: Do you realize how many women watch Super Bowl ads?
SHIVA: Consumerism can be...a community experience!
SATAN: I worry that 'TrumpUSA' will only spawn terrorism.


ERRON BLACK: Kids love video-games.
BARAKA: Modern video-games are very graphic.
ERRON BLACK: Yes, they depict beheadings!
BARAKA: Decapitation is a symbol of wrath.
ERRON BLACK: There's much 'civilization IQ' wrath.
BARAKA: Yes, he who doesn't respect Wall Street is a 'fool.'
ERRON BLACK: That's why we need security protocols.
BARAKA: There's so much corruption (e.g., Enron).
ERRON BLACK: Without honor/empathy, there's little commerce.
BARAKA: Isn't that why we have the World Bank and NATO?
ERRON BLACK: To make peace, we have to evaluate war/conflict.
BARAKA: You're only interested in 'sharp-shooting.'
ERRON BLACK: Perhaps, but you're obsessed with nihilism.
BARAKA: There's nothing 'spiritual' about capitalism...
ERRON BLACK: Really? What about the lottery?
BARAKA: The lottery is 'fun,' but Americans idolize the Super Bowl.
ERRON BLACK: There's nothing wrong with 'media-ornaments.'
BARAKA: The Spanish Inquisition will return in another form someday.


"Nevertheless, the triumphant Philadelphia Eagles (NFL) are a proud team showcasing the splendor and magic of modern media-marketed sports. We'll all enjoy the sports-media culture film Jerry Maguire (Tom Cruise) On-Demand and reflect on why/how American consumerism caters to wholesome capitalism patriotism. That's why the Trump Administration is committed to marketing consumerism-culture 'conveniences.' May commerce prevail over terrorism!"




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