

Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm

my weeping wtf? got it on sale....it was suppose to bloom red...bloomed white for a short period then leafed out....

this tree is in its 2nd year....


assorted apple blooms:




when my son got thor for me....he stated the dog's only purpose was to watch over me 24/7....so he trained thor to do just that....do you have any concept of what its like to be shadowed by a 100 lb doberman all the damned time?

Pretty pics!
The weeping willow tree...maybe it needs a shot of Vitamin B1?

I'll take some pics of my blooming goodies in the front and back yard tomorrow. I love seeing people's yards and greenery.
when my son got thor for me....he stated the dog's only purpose was to watch over me 24/7....so he trained thor to do just that....do you have any concept of what its like to be shadowed by a 100 lb doberman all the damned time?


Awww! I love Thor's face! And yes. I know what it feels like. My girl does that. I call her my shadow. Where I am, she is. Always looking at me. Same expression. Don't you just love it? :clap2:
its not a weeping willow.....alt got it last year....it wasnt marked and was 50% off....the salesman said it was red .....but its a pretty tree

i looked at a contorted hazelnut or henry louder walking stick but i just cant break with the 80 bucks it will take....i just keep saying..80 bucks for the dogs to piss on it...it was rather pretty
Looks like a willow to me. But, I am no expert so no telling.
Ex bought me a few trees last summer. One is a birch. I thought for sure it died during the winter (it was half off too. Poor thing was sick). But, I saw buds on it last month and I was thrilled. It looks really good now. He went to the swap meet and bought me two honeysuckles, a 15 ft tall olive tree and a fir tree all for 50 bucks.
you got to watch that buying trees on sale....i got 5 or 6 at once....i got a great deal....hubby wasnt too damned happy about having to dig and plant and water etc....we now get one tree a year ...
Oh, I could go bonkers in a nursery. I want everything!
I did all the digging, planting, pruning, watering. I still do, too. When I can. Good days? I am out in the yard happily doing all that needs done. Heck, I even put the fence up by myself. Complete with concrete posts. The gate was a pain in the ass, but I got it done. On bad days, I look out the window wistfully.

I just planted corn and scallions in the garden day before yesterday. I wanted more flowers too, but I didn't have enough money and ex was at work otherwise he would have bought them for me. That's my job. Taking care of the yard and the house. I do both. When able.
when my son got thor for me....he stated the dog's only purpose was to watch over me 24/7....so he trained thor to do just that....do you have any concept of what its like to be shadowed by a 100 lb doberman all the damned time?


I do. My 175lb Mastiff did the same thing. :lol: :lol:
when my son got thor for me....he stated the dog's only purpose was to watch over me 24/7....so he trained thor to do just that....do you have any concept of what its like to be shadowed by a 100 lb doberman all the damned time?


He certainly has the watching part down!! LOL!
Looks like a willow to me. But, I am no expert so no telling.
Ex bought me a few trees last summer. One is a birch. I thought for sure it died during the winter (it was half off too. Poor thing was sick). But, I saw buds on it last month and I was thrilled. It looks really good now. He went to the swap meet and bought me two honeysuckles, a 15 ft tall olive tree and a fir tree all for 50 bucks.

No, willows don't have pink flowers to my knowledge.

Weeping WTF is probably pretty accurate. It's probably a sort of cherry.
Weeping cherry - gorgeous when in bloom. They get really big. I'd say the crappy weather and a few late frosts is the culprit this year.

Second picture is a redbud tree - awesome when in bloom and particularly when they seem to be growing out of the rocks on mountain highways.
There are dwarf ones, too. I planted one in my front yard when I was married and it's still there, only now it's beautiful. It took it a few years to really establish itself...it was kinda lopsided for a couple of years with just one or two really robust branches.

But now it's beautiful.

Apple buds ^


^ Tree I got on sale that I thought died. Nope. It didn't.:)


I call this the Crepe Paper Flower because it is looks and feels like crepe.^


My plum tree has lots on it! ^


A very small part of my secret garden where I hang out ^
It's been too cold for my daughters garden to be replanted. As soon as it gets warmer we will be planting pumpkins and squash for sure, maybe some carrots too.
Ah a thread i can get into


hatching preying mantis



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