Sprite’s new LGBTQ ad is a rainbow-coated, pandering mess – with no soda

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The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
bizpac review ^ | November 16, 2019 | Sierra Marlee

You can now safely add Sprite to the list of corporations pandering to the LGBTQ community.

In a new, bizarre advertisement for their lemon-lime soda, the company clipped together scenes of various members of the LGBTQ community getting ready to attend a “Pride” event. In one scene, a girl helps her friend put on a binder, or an article of clothing commonly used by LGBTQ members to flatten their chests to present as male. In another, an older woman is seen helping a drag queen lace-up his corset. Yet another depicts two young children painting a heart onto a rainbow flag, the symbol of LGBTQ pride.

Describing the ad, however, simply doesn’t do it justice. These scenes play back-to-back with seemingly no context. In fact, the Sprite logo doesn’t even appear until the very last scene, leaving viewers wondering exactly what they’re seeing and why. More importantly, how does this tie in with carbonated beverages?

While the ad itself feels like a trip through a progressive television show meant for young adults questioning their sexuality, ultimately it is a money grab. It screams, “Hello, gays! Pay us because we give you airtime!”

But Sprite isn’t the first company to needlessly pander to the gay community. In 2014, Lucky Charms posted their “#LuckyToBe” campaign, encouraging people to “share what makes you colorful.” Starbucks posted the stories of “three transgender partners” and how they found “unconditional acceptance” at the coffee company. Apple, which boasts an openly-gay CEO who is a loud supporter of the community, supported the Equality Act of 2015.

The reaction to the soda’s company’s advertisement was swift and confused. Many users questioned the marketing strategy of not featuring your product at all during the commercial.

One user even noted the use of children to spread the pro-LGBTQ message, saying that the ad went beyond “consenting adults” and calling it “predation.”

Whatever you want to call it, this ad definitely doesn’t make one want to buy a Sprite. VIDEO at link.


You really do have to hsnd it to the QUEERS, they have brought themselves mainstream, and the Catholic church has surrendered its ethics morals and principles to them...Sodom and Gormorah here we come.....yet our enemies China and Russia still prosecute them for trying to ruin their culture and traditions...for that matter, so do muslims, but even moreso.

17 Nov: Gateway Pundit: CAUGHT: TOP TWITTER EXECUTIVES Endorsed and Supported SLEEPING GIANTS in Blocking Ads to Breitbart, Tucker Carlson, Hannity, Laura Ingraham
by Jim Hoft
Sleeping Giants, founded by Matt Rivitz, was recently caught working with Twitter brass to block advertising to Breitbart, Tucker Carlson, Hannity, Laura Ingraham and other conservative outlets...
CAUGHT: TOP TWITTER EXECUTIVES Endorsed and Supported SLEEPING GIANTS in Blocking Ads to Breitbart, Tucker Carlson, Hannity, Laura Ingraham

Where Successful Advertising Meets LGBT Equality - AdRespect Advertising Education Program

Commercial Closet Association - Wikipedia

The Commercial Closet Association (CCA) was a New York City based non-profit organization, founded in 2001[1] to provide “training and best practices on the representation of” the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community.[2] It hoped to affect the $1.1 trillion annual worldwide advertising market ($128 billion in the US alone).[3] Its board announced its closure in 2009 after merging with the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD).[2]

The Association’s programs targeted at the business and advertising industries included advertising training, an online Ad Library, Best Practices guidelines, a monthly LGBT advertising issues column, and the annual Images in Advertising Awards event to honor excellence of LGBT portrayals in advertising.[4][5]

The organization targeted marketing and ad agency corporate officers and executives, university students/professors, the media, and consumers, aiming to make future advertising more inclusive and positive by contacting advertising and image creators in order to educate them directly.

The destruction of our present culture is under serious attack from several fronts...I wouldn't be surprised to find George Soros's hand in this also!
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